下記はカリフォルニア大学のビアンカ・アセベド博士の研究紹介動画と書籍と記事(Pod cast)、
HSP brain studies
> Did you know that the brain of a highly sensitive person (HSP) works differently?
> The results of fMRI brain studies conducted by Dr. Elaine Aron, Dr. Art Aron, Dr. Bianca Acevedo and their colleagues are quite fascinating.
[Amazon] The Highly Sensitive Brain: Research, Assessment, and Treatment of Sensory Processing Sensitivity 1st Edition
> The Highly Sensitive Brain is the first handbook to cover the science, measurement, and clinical discussion of sensory processing sensitivity (SPS),
> a trait associated with enhanced responsivity, awareness, depth-of-processing and attunement to the environment and other individuals.
> Grounded in theoretical models of high sensitivity, this volume discusses the assessment of SPS in children and adults,
> as well as its health and social outcomes.
> This edition also synthesizes up-to-date research on the biological mechanisms associated with high sensitivity,
> such as its neural and genetic basis. It also discusses clinical issues related to SPS and seemingly-related disorders such as misophonia,
> a hyper-sensitivity to specific sounds. In addition, to practical assessment of SPS embedded throughout this volume is discussion of the biological basis of SPS,
> exploring why this trait exists and persists in humans and other species.
>The Highly Sensitive Brain is a useful handbook and may be of special interest to clinicians, physicians, health-care workers, educators, and researchers.
[foreverbreak] Highly Sensitive People How to Tell If You’re an HSP + Shedding Light on This Misunderstood Trait
非常に敏感な人々 あなたがHSPであるかどうかを見分ける方法+この誤解されている特性に光を当てる
HSPといえば武田友紀さんだし、HSPの新刊を出すからてっきりNHKのあさイチに出るのかと思ったら、全然しらん人がHSPセミナー講師として紹介されていた。 私の勝手な見立てだが、武田さ...
フツーに本出てるけど根拠ないん? 下記はカリフォルニア大学のビアンカ・アセベド博士の研究紹介動画と書籍と記事(Pod cast)、 HSP brain studies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qep36Vy_0pE > Did you...
HSPってHot Soup Processorのことやろ?