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Derya SARI

    Derya SARI

    COVID-19 salgını insanların alışık olmadıkları ekstrem koşullar ile yüz yüze gelmelerine neden olmuştur. Bu süreçte insanların hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olarak rahatlamalarına katkı sağlayan en önemli unsurların başında rekreasyon... more
    COVID-19 salgını insanların alışık olmadıkları ekstrem koşullar ile yüz yüze gelmelerine neden olmuştur. Bu süreçte insanların hem fiziksel hem de psikolojik olarak rahatlamalarına katkı sağlayan en önemli unsurların başında rekreasyon faaliyetleri gelmektedir. Ancak pandemi sürecinde değişen koşullar nedeniyle insanların rekreasyonel faaliyetleri sınırlı hale gelmiştir. Bu çalışma, üniversite öğrencilerinin COVID-19 salgın sürecinde duygu durumlarının nasıl etkilendiğini ve bu süreçte rekreasyon beklentilerinin ve tercihlerinin nasıl değiştiğini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesinde öğrenim gören 316 öğrenci (lisans, önlisans) ile çevrimiçi bir anket çalışması yapılarak kartopu örnekleme tekniğine göre veriler toplanmıştır. 4 aşamadan ve toplam 31 sorudan oluşan anket çalışması sonuçlarına göre, %69’u 20-24 yaş aralığındaki öğrencilerin pandemi sürecinde en çok sıkılma, özlem, korku-kaygı, umutsuzluk ve yalnızlık duygularını yaşadıkları tespit ...
    Global climate change began to affect urban and rural landscape planning decisions. The accurate and efficient use of plants that support urban green infrastructure would play an important role in these decisions. The present study aimed... more
    Global climate change began to affect urban and rural landscape planning decisions. The accurate and efficient use of plants that support urban green infrastructure would play an important role in these decisions. The present study aimed to determine the tolerance of domestic and exotic woody plant species planted in public spaces in Artvin province, Turkey to the effects of climate change. Thus, the tolerance of 59 most prevalent trees and shrubs identified in public spaces and natural fields in 12 sampling areas in Artvin province center, Hopa and Ardanuc district centers were surveyed. Findings of the regression model demonstrated that drought, cold hardiness and precipitation had an impact on the adaptability scores of the plants. The differences between the climate conditions in sample areas had an impact on the future adaptation and tolerance of the plants to climate change. This demonstrated that plant species in urban green areas will be affected not only by the global clima...
    International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) Volume 9, issue 3, 2019 https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees93... more
    International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES) Volume 9, issue 3, 2019 https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees93 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Vol. 9 (3): 447-460 (2019) ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF CERTAIN EXOTIC ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ON SOIL PROPERTIES: THE KARADENIZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY CAMPUS CASE Derya SARI, Mehmet KÜÇÜK Artvin Coruh University, Dep. of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Art and Design, Arhavi, Artvin, Turkey; Artvin Coruh University, Department of Forest Engineering, Faculty of Forestry, Artvin, Turkey; *Corresponding author: Derya SARI , e-mail: deryasari@artvin.edu.tr; Received March 2019; Accepted April 2019; Published July 2019; DOI: https://doi.org/10.31407/ijees9306
    Aim: In this study, it is aimed to embody the achievements of the students who training basic design education by transforming them into space fictions and to reveal how they shape the topography in line with the problem given in this... more
    Aim: In this study, it is aimed to embody the achievements of the students who training basic design education by transforming them into space fictions and to reveal how they shape the topography in line with the problem given in this process. Method: Students were expected to find sources of inspiration in line with a certain concept, then interpret these sources of inspiration, blend them with topography, and transform them into space setups. At the end of the course conducted through synchronous online studios, a questionnaire was applied to the students. Results: Within the scope of the study, 6 of the students' original products were evaluated. According to the questionnaire conducted with the students; it was determined that the majority of the students were satisfied with their products, the basic design elements and principles were effective while creating the design product. It was determined that the gains in the design development process contributed to inspired examp...
    Today, alpine regions are, having the original habitats and floristic diversity and the protection required, striking and highly sensitive ecosystems. Alpine regions in different of the world in very different height are regions that... more
    Today, alpine regions are, having the original habitats and floristic diversity and the protection required, striking and highly sensitive ecosystems. Alpine regions in different of the world in very different height are regions that generally above the upper limit of the forests and with the extreme climatic conditions. Alpine plants create plant communities being adapted to ecological conditions of these areas generally and growing naturally. The fateful alpine areas in terms of biodiversity and nature conservations are very rich related with endemic plants. The main reason of the richness is that lack or limited level of social and cultural activities on the mountainous areas, besides plants grown in these areas compared to plants grown in other areas have less deformation because of anthropogenic effects. Alpine regions as natural areas that needed ecological balance and human factors staying away from activities are gaining importance attracts attention due to increasing enviro...
    Ozet Trabzon kenti yerleþim alanlarýnda yurutulen bu calýþmada, konut ve site bahcelerinin mevcut odunsu bitki turleri tespit edilerek ceþitli peyzajda kullaným ozeliklerine (estetik ve gorsel, fonksiyonel, sosyokulturel ve ekolojik) gore... more
    Ozet Trabzon kenti yerleþim alanlarýnda yurutulen bu calýþmada, konut ve site bahcelerinin mevcut odunsu bitki turleri tespit edilerek ceþitli peyzajda kullaným ozeliklerine (estetik ve gorsel, fonksiyonel, sosyokulturel ve ekolojik) gore deðerlendirmeleri yapýlmýþtýr. Ornekler, kent dokusu (doku1, doku2, doku3 ) ve konut yaþý ( 50 ve >50 yýl ) parametrelerine gore secilerek toplam 125 bahcede calýþma yurutulmuþtur. Araþtýrmada yerinde inceleme, olcum, fotoðraflama ve ornek toplama yapýlmýþtýr. Veri deðerlendirme aþamasýnda bulunma yuzdesi en fazla olan ilk 10 bitki turu istatistiðe tabi tutularak bu turlerin peyzajda kullaným tercihi analizleri yapýlmýþtýr. Calýþmada elde edilen sonuclara gore, Trabzon kenti konut ve site bahcelerinin bitki tur ceþitliliði acýsýndan toplam 232 takson ile onemli bir deðerde olduðu, egzotik turlerin yoðun kullanýldýðý, incelenen parametreler ile karþýlaþýlan turler arasýnda anlamlý bir iliþki olduðu belirlenmiþtir. Peyzajda kullaným tercihleri acý...
    :Drafts developed in graphical expression techniques and models formed in abstract manners and gradually becoming concrete are used for the exhibition of the targeted images in the design process, which is also a mental improvement... more
    :Drafts developed in graphical expression techniques and models formed in abstract manners and gradually becoming concrete are used for the exhibition of the targeted images in the design process, which is also a mental improvement process. Among the biggest difficulty beginner architecture students face is failing to make comments on the products they design in architecture design process;  their spatial relationships and express them in two or three-dimensional models. Expression and modelling techniques to be used in this process are very important. In this study, a lesson programme enriched with two and three  – dimensional model expression techniques for planting design education, which is of vital significance in landscape architecture departments, was developed and applied. Advantages and disadvantages of the programme were evaluated and some suggestions were offered. Consequently, importance of three dimensional expression techniques and need for them were re-emphasized and the efficiency of the modelling technique used in the study was determined under today’s and Turkey’s conditions.
    A study of visual assessment of different vegetation types on Hatila Valley National Park (Artvin) Abstract: In the study, we conducted a visual assessment dealing with subjective and objective assessments in order to ensure the... more
    A study of visual assessment of different vegetation types on Hatila Valley National Park (Artvin) Abstract: In the study, we conducted a visual assessment dealing with subjective and objective assessments in order to ensure the sustainability of prominent feature of the natural landscape with its unique characteristics of the area such as Hatila Valley National Park and contribute to the protection of visual values of forest ecosystems hosting different vegetation types. 9 images which contains the forest, streams and rock vegetation taken from the vista points of forest road along the route of the ongoing between 400-3000 m altitude in Hatila Valley National Park (Artvin) were used in visual assessment of this study. In the first stage of visual quality and assessment, we applied a survey using semantic differentiation techniques which contains 15 adjective pairs to landscape architects and graduate students of department of landscape architecture, a total of 75 people. In the sec...
    Research Interests:
    The use of increasingly diverse exotic ornamental plants in urban open green spaces has led to more heterogeneous urban landscapes. The studies on ecological effects of these plants on the existing soil properties and on long-term impact... more
    The use of increasingly diverse exotic ornamental plants in urban open green spaces has led to more heterogeneous urban landscapes. The studies on ecological effects of these plants on the existing soil properties and on long-term impact on urban ecosystems are insufficient. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate the impact of certain exotic plants on the properties of the soil properties where they were planted in a case of a public area. In the study, Karadeniz Technical University campus (Trabzon, Turkey), where exotic ornamental plants were used extensively, was selected as the sample. Three-replicate soil samples were obtained from the areas where 20 exotic woody plant species which were planted in the sample area more than 20 years ago and were the most prevalent species in the area and unplanted control areas. Certain physical and chemical properties of the soil samples such as texture (sand, clay, dust), soil reaction (pH), organic matter, total nitrogen, salinity, total lime content and potassium intake were analyzed in the laboratory. The study findings demonstrated that there were significant differences between the properties of the soil where exotic plant species were planted and the soil properties in unplanted control areas (p <0.05 and p> 0.01). In particular, it was observed that exotic plants induced a significant increase in total nitrogen, potassium intake and organic matter content. Therefore, consideration of the effects of exotic species on certain physical and chemical soil properties in landscape planting may be beneficial for more successful plant selection and sustainable designs. The present study findings are expected to contribute to expanding the present knowledge on the interactions between exotic species and soil properties planted in urban areas.