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Ilenia Ruggiu
  • Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
    Via S. Ignazio 17, 09123 Cagliari
  • +39-070-6753815
  • Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Department of Law-University of Cagliari, Sardinia-Italy, since 2016; PhD... moreedit
Se l’impianto della legge 482/1999 che riconosce dodici minoranze linguistiche in Italia è complessivamente ragionevole, esso appare anche inevitabilmente incompleto. Il plurilinguismo originario allo Stato italiano e quello che si va... more
Se l’impianto della legge 482/1999 che riconosce dodici minoranze linguistiche in Italia è complessivamente ragionevole,  esso appare anche inevitabilmente incompleto. Il plurilinguismo originario allo Stato italiano e quello che si va diffondendo come conseguenza dei fenomeni migratori che rendono la nostra società sempre più multiculturale e multilinguistica, chiama i giuristi a riflettere sulla possibile estensibilità delle norme costituzionali su lingua e cultura anche ad altre minoranze attualmente non oggetto di tutela. Il contributo sulla estensibilità agli immigrati.
Sommario: 1. Premessa.-2. I principi di laicità e di separazione tra stato e religione alla prova dell'eguaglianza di genere.-3. L'esclusione delle donne dal sacerdozio come decisione interna di un altro ordinamento giuridico e senza... more
Sommario: 1. Premessa.-2. I principi di laicità e di separazione tra stato e religione alla prova dell'eguaglianza di genere.-3. L'esclusione delle donne dal sacerdozio come decisione interna di un altro ordinamento giuridico e senza intenti discriminatori.-4. L'esclusione delle donne dal sacerdozio come violazione di diritti non tollerabile in una società democratica.-5. L'esclusione dal sacerdozio come ostacolo sociale ex art. 3 comma 2 Cost.-6. Misure adottabili dall'ordinamento statale.-7. Conclusioni.
The article reflects on how, in societies that are becoming increasingly multicultural, the concept of health should be understood in an anthropological key, including the minority in the evaluation of what is psycho-physical well-being.... more
The article reflects on how, in societies that are becoming increasingly multicultural, the concept of health should be understood in an anthropological key, including the minority in the evaluation of what is psycho-physical well-being. The article starts from a juridical reconstruction of the rights that come into play in balancing and
shows how the idea of health – currently understood as the psycho-physical well-being of the individual – is an idea culturally located in the West and can be enriched by other conceptions (medical pluralism). The article therefore focuses on the analysis of a series of cultural and religious practices in which the health of the minor has come to the fore, some now well known in the jurisprudence (blood transfusion prohibition, male and female circumcision), others still ignored in the Italian debate (cupping and gua sha).
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Il caso - 3. L’iter processuale e gli argomenti. Materialità del fatto ed ermeneutica antropologica - 4. Un nuovo tassello nella cultural expertise: lo strumento della “audizione etnica” (escuta étnica) - 5. Il... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa - 2. Il caso - 3. L’iter processuale e gli argomenti. Materialità del fatto ed ermeneutica antropologica - 4. Un nuovo tassello nella cultural expertise: lo strumento della “audizione etnica” (escuta étnica) - 5. Il pluralismo giuridico dialogico e l’affidamento della sanzione alla comunità guaranì - 6. Il ruolo del giudice di fronte a pratiche culturali patriarcali - 7. Dal Brasile all’Europa: spunti di riflessione sui rapporti sessuali di infra-quattordicenni nel matrimonio rom e nella cultura italiana. Culturally motivated crimes in Brazil: the case of rape/non-rape among the Guaranì Indians (with remarks on Roma early marriages) * ABSTRACT: This article describes a culturally motivated crime that came to the attention of a Brazilian court: sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of fourteen in a Guaranì group, indios from the Mata Atlantica. The judge acquitted the accused taking into account the fact that in the Guaranì society a woman becomes an adul...
This paper analyzes the state of cultural expertise in Italy and then focuses on how it can be improved through a kind of cultural expertise that Italian academics, judges, and lawyers are currently debating: the so-called “cultural... more
This paper analyzes the state of cultural expertise in Italy and then focuses on how it can be improved through a kind of cultural expertise that Italian academics, judges, and lawyers are currently debating: the so-called “cultural test”. This is a legal test for dealing with culture, which originally emerged as judicial tool in Northern American courts: It consists of a set of pre-established questions that a judge has to answer in order to decide whether or not to accept a cultural claim made by a migrant or by a person that belongs to minority communities. Whereas some questions of the cultural test refer to typical legal balancing between rights, other questions incorporate anthropological knowledge within the trial, requiring the judge to analyze the cultural practice at issue, its historical origin, the importance it has within the community, and other information about which the judge would not be sufficiently knowledgeable without resorting to anthropology. In this sense, t...
The paper is a comment on the Italian jurisprudence that states that the crucifix is a cultural symbol of Italy, not a religion one.
This book reconstructs the constitutional and anthropological narratives and the legal techniques used by Western judges to face the challenges posed by multiculturalism. After identifying the recurrent themes or topoi used by judges... more
This book reconstructs the constitutional and
anthropological narratives and the legal techniques
used by Western judges to face the challenges posed
by multiculturalism. After identifying the recurrent
themes or topoi used by judges and lawyers, this book
critically analyzes them, evaluates their persuasive
power and suggests a "cultural test" that gathers
together the crucial questions to be answered when
solving a multicultural dispute. The "cultural test" is a
matrix that guides the judge, lawyers and legislatures
across the intricate paths of multiculturalism, to assure
a relational dialogue between the law and
1. Introduction. – Part I. Legal analysis. – 2. Kissing and touching a child’s penis as sexual abuse. – 2.1. The Italian case law concerning an Albanian immigrant father. – 2.2. The German case law concerning a Bulgarian immigrant father.... more
1. Introduction. – Part I. Legal analysis. – 2. Kissing and touching
a child’s penis as sexual abuse. – 2.1. The Italian case law concerning an Albanian immigrant father. – 2.2. The German case law concerning a Bulgarian immigrant father. – 2.3. The United States case law concerning an Afghan immigrant father. – Part II. Anthropological analysis. – 3. Kissing and touching a child’s penis as a cultural practice – 3.1. The “homage to the penis” practice. Definition of the term and scope of application. – 3.2. Physical, emotional, verbal and visual expressions of the “homage to the penis”. – 3.3. Actors, forms and meanings of “homage to the penis” practices. – 4. A brief history of the “homage to the penis” practices in Europe. – 4.1. The ostentatio genitalium in Renaissance art. – 4.2. From “indifferent” to “innocent” childhood. – 5. Current forms of “homage to
the penis” practices in Europe. – 5.1. “Homage to the penis” practices in Italy. – 5.2. “Homage to the penis” practices and the gendering of the child among various Roma communities in Europe. – Part III. Anthropology & Law analysis. – 6. Thinking culture in anthropology and law. – 6.1. Cultural defense as a possible tool for contextualizing cultural practices in court. – 6.2. Cultural defense from a critical anthropology of law perspective. – 7. Conclusions.
Il contributo analizza brevemente la categoria dei "migranti climatici" e il suo status giuridico per poi passare ad illustrare alcuni risultati di un progetto europeo Horizon2020, Clima e sicurezza con gli enti locali (CLISEL) riportando... more
Il contributo analizza brevemente la categoria dei "migranti climatici" e il suo status giuridico per poi passare ad illustrare alcuni risultati di un progetto europeo Horizon2020, Clima e sicurezza con gli enti locali (CLISEL) riportando la posizione dei sindaci della Regione Sardegna rispetto al fenomeno.
Commento all'art. 19 della Costituzione italiana
This paper deals with a new challenge of multiculturalism: the cultural motivated crime consisting in kissing a male child on the genitals to celebrate his virility and manifest the pride of having a son. Using the methodology of the... more
This paper deals with a new challenge of multiculturalism: the cultural motivated crime consisting in kissing a male child on the genitals to celebrate his virility and manifest the pride of having a son. Using the methodology of the applied legal anthropology, the paper describes the morphology and history of the cultural practice called “homage to the penis of the child” and suggests a reasonable accommodation, beyond the present criminalization.
L’impianto costituzionale italiano fonda solidamente, anche se non esplicitamente, i diritti culturali del minore e degli adulti con lui in relazione, tuttavia la mancata conoscenza dei molteplici comportamenti in cui una cultura... more
L’impianto costituzionale italiano fonda solidamente, anche se non esplicitamente, i diritti culturali del minore e degli adulti con lui in relazione, tuttavia la mancata conoscenza dei molteplici
comportamenti in cui una cultura straniera si invera rendono spesso difficile garantirli. L’articolo analizza come l’attenzione al dato culturale sia essenziale per procedere ad una corretta ermeneutica del fatto che garantisca anche gli altri diritti del minore, ad esempio quello a non perdere la propria famiglia perché pratiche culturali come il bacio sui genitali o la coppettazione vengono erroneamente scambiate per abusi sessuali o percosse. Mostrando come il processo italiano abbia bisogno di essere innervato di una maggiore conoscenza antropologica, il lavoro avanza una proposta pratica: un test culturale che procedimentalizzi l’iter argomentativo del giudice in modo che nessuna domanda rilevante sfugga al processo quando viene in gioco una dimensione culturale dei comportamenti. Il test culturale, peraltro, potrebbe costituire un’utile matrice anche per operatori del sistema socio-sanitario e tutti gli altri soggetti che si trovino di fronte a decisioni in cui è coinvolto un minore straniero.
This paper analyzes the state of cultural expertise in Italy and then focuses on how it can be improved through a kind of cultural expertise that Italian academics, judges, and lawyers are currently debating: the so-called "cultural... more
This paper analyzes the state of cultural expertise in Italy and then focuses on how it can be improved through a kind of cultural expertise that Italian academics, judges, and lawyers are currently debating: the so-called "cultural test". This is a legal test for dealing with culture, which originally emerged as judicial tool in Northern American courts: It consists of a set of pre-established questions that a judge has to answer in order to decide whether or not to accept a cultural claim made by a migrant or by a person that belongs to minority communities. Whereas some questions of the cultural test refer to typical legal balancing between rights, other questions incorporate anthropological knowledge within the trial, requiring the judge to analyze the cultural practice at issue, its historical origin, the importance it has within the community, and other information about which the judge would not be sufficiently knowledgeable without resorting to anthropology. In this sense, the "cultural test" is a form of standardized cultural expertise that helps both the judge and the cultural expert in their tasks. The paper reveals both the arguments against and those in favor of the adoption of the "cultural test" and how they are currently unfolding in the Italian debate.
Il lavoro analizza la vendetta come ordinamento giuridico e il suo ritorno all'attenzione del diritto nella forma dei reati culturalmente motivati quali omicidi d'onore, lesioni o insulti per causa d'onore.
Several Italian judges, including the Supreme Court, have defined begging with children as a “Roma cultural practice”. In response, the Italian Parliament enacted law no. 94/2009, which severely represses the practice. The paper contests... more
Several Italian judges, including the Supreme Court, have defined begging with children as a “Roma cultural practice”. In response, the Italian Parliament enacted law no. 94/2009, which severely represses the practice. The paper contests that begging is a Roma cultural practice, and claims, instead, that it is an economic practice, which may sometimes connect to other elements of Roma culture. The article critiques both the cultural argument put forward by Italian judges, and Italian law no. 94/2009, neither of which serves to defend the rights of Roma children. It concludes by suggesting a different kind of legal approach to child begging, more respectful of the constitutional duty of solidarity and protection of the family, and based on social policies rather then criminal repression.