HMPSoCs combine different processors on a single chip. They enable powerful embedded devices, which increasingly perform ML inference tasks at the edge. State-of-the-art HMPSoCs can perform on-chip embedded inference using different processors, such as CPUs, GPUs, and NPUs. HMPSoCs can potentially overcome the limitation of low single-processor CNN inference performance and efficiency by cooperative use of multiple processors. However, standard inference frameworks for edge devices typically utilize only a single processor.
We present the ARM-CO-UP framework built on the ARM-CL library. The ARM-CO-UP framework supports two modes of operation – Pipeline and Switch. It optimizes inference throughput using pipelined execution of network partitions for consecutive input frames in the Pipeline mode. It improves inference latency through layer-switched inference for a single input frame in the Switch mode. Furthermore, it supports layer-wise CPU/GPU DVFS in both modes for improving power efficiency and energy consumption. ARM-CO-UP is a comprehensive framework for multi-processor CNN inference that automates CNN partitioning and mapping, pipeline synchronization, processor type switching, layer-wise DVFS, and closed-source NPU integration.
1 Introduction
Heterogeneous Multi-Processor Systems on Chips (HMPSoCs) consolidate multiple processors, including Central Processing Units (CPUs), Graphic Processing Units (GPUs), and Neural Processing Units (NPUs), onto a single chip [14]. Figure 1 shows the RK3399Pro HMPSoC within the Rock Pi N10 embedded platform that exemplifies this consolidation. The RK3399Pro HMPSoC incorporates a hexa-core ARMbig.Little asymmetric multi-core CPU, a quad-core ARMMali GPU, and a dedicated NPU. The ARMbig.Little CPU consists of two core clusters: a high-performance, high-power dual-core big CPU and a low-performance, low-power quad-core Little CPU. The CPUs, GPU, and NPU all support on-chip Machine Learning (ML) inference using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) [25].
Fig. 1.
Figure 2 shows performance under single-processor inference tests conducted on the Rock Pi N10 embedded platform. The figure shows that the big CPU or GPU can outperform the others in single-processor performance, depending on the CNN. The Little CPU exhibits a comparatively lower but still noteworthy throughput. Therefore, an embedded CPU is comparable to an embedded GPU in terms of performance and remains relevant for inference in embedded platforms [27]. However, the single-processor performance falls short of meeting the minimal user experience when running on the CPU or GPU alone [4]. Therefore, embedded applications require collaborative utilization of CPU and GPU to meet the requirements [1]. NPU can also provide a comparable non-quantized inference performance. Combining CPU, GPU, and NPU for inference opens up possibilities for high-performance inference, as shown by theoretical max in Figure 2.
Fig. 2.
We present theARM-CO-UPframework that seamlessly integrates the NPU alongside theARMCPU and GPU in a single CNN inference binary.ARM-CO-UP creates a streamlined backend engine that collaboratively executes inference tasks to minimize overhead. ARM-CO-UP framework builds on top of the ARM Compute Library (ARM-CL). ARM-CL supports highly optimized single-processor CNN inference on ARM CPUs or GPUs. ARM-CO-UP extends this default implementation to establish a multi-processor CPU-GPU-NPU inference environment to ensure a comprehensive utilization of computational resources. ARM-CO-UP is the first open-source framework to cooperatively utilize ARM-based CPUs, GPU, and vendor-specific NPUs without the need for access to the source codes of their respective libraries. This innovative approach allows for a more cohesive and streamlined computing environment.
Throughput and latency are the two preferred metrics for measuring the performance of CNNs [7]. ARM-CO-UP supports cooperative CPU-GPU-NPU inference in Pipeline and Switch modes for improving CNN inference throughput and latency, respectively. Pipeline mode inferences multiple frames simultaneously using a multi-stage CPU-GPU-NPU pipeline to improve throughput. Switch mode inferences one frame at a time on either CPU, GPU, or NPU but switches between them mid-inference depending upon the executing CNN layer to improve latency.
Another significant factor for CNN execution on embedded platforms is the power consumption incurred during inference [17]. The ARM-CO-UP plays a pivotal role in enhancing the power efficiency of CNN inference by supporting layer-level Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS). DVFS enables fine-grained control over power consumption, optimizing resource utilization without sacrificing performance [8]. This capability is crucial for efficient deployment of AI solutions in resource-constrained environments.
Novel Contributions: We make the following novel contributions with the ARM-CO-UP framework in this work.
ARM-CO-UP allows for cooperative CPU-GPU-NPU CNN inference on edge devices in Pipeline and Switch modes to improve latency and throughput, respectively.
ARM-CO-UP automates CNN graph partitioning into sub-graphs and subsequent sub-graphs to processors mapping at the granularity of CNN layers.
ARM-CO-UP provide a model-independent implementation that facilitates adding new desired models. It even works for models with complex graphs containing branching blocks and shortcut branches between layers.
ARM-CO-UP presents the APIs and command line options that enable setting the desired configuration, such as Pipeline or Switch mode, partitioning points, mapping to the processors, number of cores in CPU, frequency settings of big and Little CPUs and GPU, host CPU for GPU and NPU devices, and so on.
ARM-CO-UP provides a fine-granularity profiler for layer-level profiling of CNNs for metrics like performance, power, and so on.
ARM-CO-UP eases the integration of any new NPU without requiring its library source.
ARM-CO-UP provides Python libraries that automate extracting parameters and splitting pre-trained models based on desired partitioning points compatible with popular frameworks, such as TensorFlow, Caffe, Caffe2, and Keras.
Multi-processor CNN inference is an active research area. Most existing works on the subject create a multi-stage software pipeline [10, 18, 24, 29] between processors to improve CNN throughput. A software pipeline provides a mechanism to tradeoff throughput with latency. However, a software pipeline inherently by design cannot improve the inference latency. Some works attempt to improve latency by altering the underlying neural network [21, 30] or searching for an appropriate neural network [16, 19]. However, our work is independent of the software optimization endeavors. The primary focus of the ARM-CO-UP is to facilitate the cooperative and efficient utilization of processors to perform inference. Furthermore, our work complements initiatives focused on latency improvement through mapping optimization algorithms, such as searching for appropriate processor switch points [1, 2].
Table 1 qualitatively compares ARM-CO-UP with similar relevant frameworks for CNN inference on ARM-based HMPSoCs. TVM [5] and ARM-CL [23] are the popular frameworks for high-performance CNN inference on ARM CPUs. However, TVM and ARM-CL can only support one CPU at a time. Therefore, they under-utilize asymmetric multi-core CPUs. ARM-CL also support GPU-only CNN inference. ARM-CL can also perform NPU-only CNN inference using the ARM Vela compiler. However, ARM Vela only supports ARM NPUs such as ARM Ethos.
Table 1. Qualitative Comparison between Different Frameworks that Support CNN Inference on Generic ARM-based HMPSoCs
Authors of [24] introduce the Pipe-it framework based on the ARM-CL. Pipe-it creates a CNN inference pipeline between Little and big CPUs of ARM big.Little asymmetric multi-core CPUs. It also uses CNN micro-benchmarks to create model-based profiles for performance prediction. Similarly, authors of [3] introduce a framework called PipeBert based on TVM. PipeBert also creates a CNN inference pipeline between Little and big CPUs of ARM big.Little asymmetric multi-core CPUs. PipeBert primarily focuses on pipelined inference for BERT transformers but also supports CNN inference. Authors of [11] introduce a framework called OmniBoost [11] based on ARM-CL. OmniBoost supports a CNN inference pipeline between Little CPU, big CPU, and GPU.
The frameworks such as ARM-CO-UP are inherently architecture-specific. ARM-CO-UP focuses on generic ARM-based platforms. Similar comprehensive CNN inference frameworks designed for other platforms, such as those for Nvidia [9] and Qualcomm [20], are complementary and hard to compare against ARM-CO-UP. Furthermore, supporting multi-processor CNN inference [12, 20] for multiple networks is beyond the scope of ARM-CO-UP. ARM-CO-UP also does not support configurable CNN accelerators such as those based on Configurable Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) [15, 26] and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGAs) [22, 28]. Moreover, ARM-CO-UP cannot distribute CNN inference workload across multiple HMPSoCs [6]. In future, we plan to add support for transformer inference to ARM-CO-UP [3].
ARM-CO-UP operates independently of methodologies that generate schedules for executing CNNs on heterogeneous platforms, such as SLO-aware inference scheduler [20]. ARM-CO-UP’s primary function is to facilitate implementation and performance evaluation of schedules. ARM-CO-UP is a valuable tool for any scheduler, enabling performance assessment at intermediate stages that aid in optimal schedule development.
None of the frameworks above support both CPU-GPU-NPU pipelining or switching as ARM-CO-UP. Furthermore, ARM-CO-UPis the only framework with fine-grained per-layer DVFS and profiling support and allows vendor-neutral NPU integration in ARM-based HMPSoCs.
3 Background
In this section, we delve into the foundational aspects of the ARM-CL framework, with a specific focus on its mechanisms for enabling efficient inference processing on edge devices. This exploration serves as a groundwork to understand the subsequent advancements introduced with ARM-CO-UP.
3.1 ARM-CL Library
The ARM-CL library utilizes its API to define a model architecture. Subsequently, based on the model, it employs the backend context to create and run an equivalent graph on the target processor. The graph manager oversees the graph configuration and execution. Furthermore, the graph manager is responsible for loading the input data and scheduling the workload functions on the target processor through its backend context. We delve next into the fundamental components of the ARM-CL framework to provide a detailed exposition of its structure.
Network Architecture.ARM-CL APIs provide the mechanism to define CNN model architecture. Using this API, a user can define specific layers and their interconnections. The definition starts with establishing a stream for the sequential addition of layers. This stream includes a graph sub-structure whose tail the stream tracks continuously. The stream generates a new node when an API adds a layer and attaches the node to the tail node of the graph. Figure 3 shows a simple structure (Figure 3(a)) and its pseudo-code definition (Figure 3(b)) in ARM-CL.
Fig. 3.
Graph.ARM-CL creates a graph corresponding to the desired CNN using its established network architecture, where the primary nodes represent the CNN layers and the tensors represent the connection between the layers. This representation encapsulates the architecture of the defined model and serves as the foundation for subsequent processing and computations within ARM-CL. ARM-CL creates Const nodes and connects them to the primary nodes for the trained parameters of a layer. ARM-CL considers the trained parameters of a layer (weights and biases) to be the layer operands along with the inputs from the other layers. Figure 3(c) shows the equivalent graph of the structure in Figure 3(a). The graph contains the nodes and tensors that execute with ARM-CL. We display only the primary nodes of the graph throughout the remainder of this article for brevity.
Node. An ARM-CL graph comprises various nodes, where each node correlates to a distinct layer, with each node type characterized by a specific number of inputs and outputs. For instance, the Node “Conv 3” depicted in Figure 3(c) represents the third convolution layer “Conv 3” shown in Figure 3(a). Each node links with an associated tensor for every input or output edge. The node executes its operation on the input tensors (operands) and subsequently populates its output tensor.
Functions.ARM-CL implements multiple variants of functions for CPU and GPU processors for each node type. The best function variant for a node depends on the sizing parameters of the node (inputs, weights, and biases). It also depends upon the hardware specification of the target processor, such as the capacities of cache levels. ARM-CL implements essential deep-learning operations specific to its corresponding node through core kernels within each function. These kernels are designed for efficient execution on the CPU and GPU processors, leveraging technologies such as NEON for the CPU and OpenCL for the GPU.
ARM-CL employs OpenCL for GPU functions by providing a comprehensive framework for implementing and executing kernel functions on ARM GPUs. OpenCL excels in parallel computing for the complex calculations typically handled by GPUs. ARM-CL, in complement, employs NEON for CPU functions in ARM architectures. NEON is a Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) extension for high-performance parallel processing on CPUs.
Edge.ARM-CL implements edges housing a tensor to connect the graph nodes. The edges facilitate the flow of data between nodes. Each edge has a source and destination node, with the source node populating the tensor and the destination node accessing and utilizing the tensor as part of the overall computational flow. ARM-CL attributes the tensors of the Input, Output, and Const nodes to an accessor. The accessor is responsible for loading and pre-processing the input data and the weights. Additionally, the Memory Manager of the backend device is responsible for storing and managing the memory required for the tensor. Direct access to a tensor by different processors is not always feasible due to variations in memory configurations among processors.
Workload.ARM-CL creates a workload for the graph that loads the input data (image), executes the primary node functions, and post-processes the output data to generate the prediction results. The function factory of the backend device dynamically generates the most efficient function corresponding to each node based on the sizing parameters of the layer (node) and the hardware specifications of the backend device, such as cache sizes. The workload incorporates the accessors of Input and Output tensors, along with the graph functions.
Graph Manager.ARM-CL has a Graph Manager responsible for setting up the graph and executing the workload. After graph generation, the Graph Manager selects the backend device, configures the nodes, allocates the tensors, and calls the accessor for Const tensors to load the weights and biases into the relevant processor memory. Subsequently, the Graph Manager also manages the workload execution.
Scheduler. Within ARM-CL, there are separate CPU and GPU schedulers, each tasked with managing the scheduling of work processes for their respective processors. These schedulers play a crucial role in orchestrating the distribution of computational tasks, ensuring efficient parallel processing on both the CPU and GPU to maximize the overall performance. The CPU Scheduler is responsible for splitting the function process and scheduling it onto the processor threads. It employs two scheduling strategies – Static and Dynamic. The Static strategy divides data among threads for simultaneous processing. The Dynamic strategy partitions data into chunks, with each thread processing a chunk and requesting the next chunk upon completion. The Dynamic approach, helped by a Feeder class, optimally utilizes the threads, especially on cores with varying performance capabilities. The scheduler can configure the number of threads with or without affiliation to processing cores. The user must provide the underlying threads-to-cores mapping function to utilize the affiliation approach.
ARM-CL schedules its OpenCL kernels using the CLScheduler in the GPU processing workflow when a task invokes the associated function. The CLScheduler offloads an OpenCL kernel to the GPU by placing it into the command queue of the GPU processor. Internally, the GPU scheduler handles the kernel execution from the command queue into the processing resources. This transfer process between the CPU and GPU is asynchronous and non-blocking.
Backend Context. Within ARM-CL, backend contexts are crucial in computational graph execution on CPU and GPU processors. Each distinct context tailors to its specific processor type, and selecting a processor for the graph execution employs the corresponding backend context. Choosing a CPU or GPU initiates the backend context for CPU or GPU, respectively. The backend contexts are responsible for initializing and setting up their respective processors, creating tensors, and generating functions particular to each node. Additionally, they oversee the memory allocation for weights and activation data during run-time, ensuring systematic and efficient computation.
CPU Backend Context.ARM-CL provides a CPU backend context to navigate the operations tailored for the CPU execution. The context initializes the desired number of threads in the scheduler and handles memory allocation for tensors, focusing on weights and activation data. The function factory selects and generates the most efficient variant of implemented functions for each node within this context. These functions incorporate NEON kernels optimized to facilitate basic deep-learning operations on the CPU.
GPU Backend Context. Similarly, a GPU backend context within ARM-CL manages operations specific to GPU devices, initiating the OpenCL scheduler to coordinate the deployment of OpenCL kernels. This context involves identifying the GPU processor, assigning it to the OpenCL device, generating an OpenCL context, and initializing the OpenCL queue for the associated device and context. The function factory within this context opts for the most efficient variant of implemented OpenCL functions per node.
4 ARM-CO-UP Framework
The ARM-CO-UP framework builds on top of the ARM-CL Library. The original ARM-CL supports CNN inference with either CPU or GPU processors. In contrast, ARM-CO-UP focuses on the cooperative use of the available processors simultaneously – CPU, GPU, and NPU – for inference. Figure 4 demonstrates design flow of ARM-COUP framework with an example that utilize CPU,GPU and NPU components for one inference. We explain next the various components in the ARM-CO-UP framework.
Fig. 4.
4.1 Co-operative Utilization
A CNN graph can execute with a CPU or GPU processor by default. The distinct backend context associated with each processor does not allow for a collaborative execution of CNN. The ARM-CO-UP introduces the concept of sub-graphs for simultaneous model inference with different processors. It defines sub-graphs that execute on separate processors and memory spaces with separate backend contexts. Consequently, a sub-graph is free to map to its processor for execution. Pipelining and switch mechanisms can employ sub-graphs to improve the overall performance of the CNN using multiple processors. Therefore, it becomes necessary to manage the transfer of intermediate data between sub-graphs and coordinate the execution of these individual sub-graphs. The ARM-CO-UP provide Receiver and Sender nodes (and associated tensors) to extend the capabilities of the Graph Manager. We elaborate on these components next and explain the workings of the sub-graph.
Sub-Graph. The ARM-CO-UP structures the model as sub-graphs rather than a comprehensive graph determined by the target processor assigned to its nodes. Figure 5 demonstrates an equivalent graph of a model and the mapping of its nodes to the target processor. Based on the layer mapping, the consecutive layers with the same target processor constitute a sub-graph. Each sub-graph has the same target processor, and a unified backend context is established for the sub-graph on the target processor, overseeing their execution on that specific processor. ARM-CO-UP offers users two distinct modes for inference using sub-graphs: Pipeline and Switch mode.
Fig. 5.
Pipeline Mode. In the Pipeline mode, every sub-graph operates as a distinct stage in the overarching pipeline. As a sub-graph concludes its workload execution, it transmits its data and either commences processing the subsequent data in its queue or momentarily halts if the input data isn’t yet available. This mechanism ensures that the sub-graphs, representing different pipeline stages, operate concurrently for consecutive input frames. Such a methodology empowers users to harness processors collaboratively, enhancing the throughput and energy efficiency of the inference.
Switch Mode. In the Switch mode, sub-graphs operate serially for each frame, eliminating any parallel operation. Here, the inference process for an image switches between processors. This mode allows the flexibility to allocate layers to the most suitable processor, optimizing energy efficiency and end-to-end latency for individual frames.
Sender and Receiver Nodes. The ARM-CO-UP creates sub-graphs within different backend contexts. Therefore, data transfer is necessary between the processors in intermediate terminal nodes of the sub-graphs. The Sender and Receiver nodes add to the source and destination of the connection between two sub-graphs. Figure 5 shows the Sender and Receiver nodes in the intermediate terminals of the sub-graphs. The ARM-CO-UP establishes an edge, via an associated Sender tensor, between the last node in the source sub-graph and the attached Sender node. Additionally, within the subsequent sub-graph, it creates an edge between the Receiver node and the first node and creates a Receiver tensor for it.
Sender and Receiver Tensors. The Sender and Receiver tensors, integral components within the ARM-CO-UP framework, facilitate data transfer across processors’ backend contexts. These tensors are embedded with attributes and mechanisms to synchronize and communicate data effectively. Specifically, the Sender tensor holds Receiver tensors as its data transfer targets. Figure 6 shows the structure and partitioning configuration within the ARM-CO-UP, wherein there are two receivers for the sender of the first sub-graph. The Sender tensor in the first sub-graph dispatches data to Receiver tensors located in both the second and third sub-graphs.
Fig. 6.
The Graph Manager delineates receiver nodes for each sender tensor, forming sub-graphs during the setup. Subsequently, upon completing sub-graph node tasks, the Graph Manager triggers its senders as outlined in Algorithm 1 at the run-time. Each sender invokes the transfer function for its linked receiver nodes. Figure 7(a) depicts the transfer function’s methodology. The methodology commences with mutex utilization to prevent race conditions with the receiver thread of the destination sub-graph. It then ascertains receiver readiness and buffer status. If the receiver awaits data and its buffer is vacant, the sender directly transmits its tensor data to the receiver’s memory in a different processor, simultaneously notifying the receiver. Conversely, if the receiver is preoccupied or the buffer is non-empty, the sender’s tensor data is queued in the receiver’s buffer.
Fig. 7.
The receivers in each sub-graph precede node task execution, as depicted in Algorithm 2. Each sub-graph sets its receivers to a ready state and initiates their receive functions. This process, illustrated in Figure 7(b), involves the receiver examining the Data_ready status. If true, it indicates the sender has already populated the receiver’s tensor memory, requiring no further action. If false and the buffer contains data, the receiver transfers the earliest buffered data to its tensor memory. If the buffer is empty, the receiver employs a condition variable mechanism (Condvar in C++) for efficient wait management, pending data transfer from the source sub-graph. Upon data transfer completion by the sender, which also sets Data_ready to true, the receiver resumes processing.
The queue buffer of the receiver plays a pivotal role, accommodating instances where the sender has readied the data but the receiver is not prepared to accept it, often due to the ongoing processing of preceding data. This buffer ensures continuous, seamless data flow between sender and receiver tensors. Consider a scenario where sub-graphs execute concurrently in the parallel mode across consecutive frames using a software pipeline. A branch extends from the first to the fourth stage (sub-graph). Figure 8 depicts sub-graphs formed based on node-to-processor mappings. Pipeline stages process consecutive frames. While the first stage (\(stage_0\)) processes frame \(i\), \(stage_n\) processes frame \((i - n)\). Upon completing the execution of frame number \(i\) by the first stage, it sends data to the second and fourth stages. However, a direct data transfer to the fourth stage is not feasible. The fourth stage has just concluded processing frame \(i-3\) and must next process frame \(i-2\) that the third stage has just finished. Without a buffer for the first stage to place data from frame \(i\), it cannot process frame \(i+1\) for the following two pipeline clocks. This lack of buffer causes two stalls in the first stage of the pipeline during the subsequent clocks. These stalls propagate to the end of the pipeline stages. As soon as the fourth stage receives the frame \(i\) data from the third stage, it can be processed, and the first stage can deliver the frame (\(i+1\)) and start processing the next frame \((i+2)\). Therefore, during each pipeline clock, the two stages experience stalls, resulting in only two active stages, as opposed to all four. Consequently, ARM-CO-UP incorporates buffers into Receiver tensors to minimize the pipeline stalls.
Fig. 8.
Graph Management. The ARM-CO-UP extends the original ARM-CL graph management to manage the coordination and execution of various sub-graphs in Pipeline or Switch mode. The ARM-CO-UP equips the Graph Manager with the list of sub-graphs, their backend contexts, and workloads. The setup of a full graph is a time-consuming process involving the preparation of the workload and loading the layer parameters into the memory of the target processor using the corresponding backend context. ARM-CO-UP partitions the graph into multiple sub-graphs according to the mapping of the layers to processors. Each sub-graph has its context for setup, so the ARM-CO-UP establishes the sub-graph configurations concurrently, effectively reducing the overall setup time. ARM-CO-UP exploits a multi-threaded approach for executing the sub-graph workloads on their target processors using a host CPU for each sub-graph. A thread to manage the task execution spawns for each sub-graph and pins to the host CPU cores. The ARM-CO-UP can select the sub-graph host(s) among the CPU core(s). The receivers and senders are responsible for receiving and sending the data from and to the source and destination sub-graphs, respectively.
Scheduler. A scheduler divides the workload across all available threads within the original ARM-CL library. These threads execute across all cores in the asymmetric CPUs [13]. However, the communication cost between different CPUs can be prohibitively high, even though they may share the same backend context [24]. Consequently, the ARM-CO-UP establishes separate schedulers for the CPUs. Each CPU is an independent processor tasked with processing a specific sub-graph. The host, assigned to a particular sub-graph, invokes the relevant scheduler, which then allocates the sub-graph to the cores within its corresponding CPU. This strategy reduces the need for extensive communication between CPUs. Inter-CPU communication is reserved only for boundary layers, which relay their data to the other CPU to process subsequent sub-graphs.
Figure 9 shows the performance benefits of using a separate scheduler for each CPU versus a unified scheduler for multiple CPUs in an asymmetric multi-core. The figure shows two distinct configurations: one where inference executes jointly on a combination of Little and big CPUs and another utilizing a two-stage pipeline involving Little and big CPUs. The comparative analysis underscores the efficiency gains achieved by the two-scheduler approach, where workload distribution and reduced inter-CPU communication contribute to enhanced system performance.
Fig. 9.
4.2 Profiling
The ARM-CO-UP provides detailed profiling for both execution time and power consumption of individual layers while taking inter-layer communication into account. Each task within the workload tracks its execution duration. Upon request by the Graph Manager, the average execution time across all frames is computed and relayed for reporting purposes. The Graph Manager monitors the timing for communication, input, and output operations.
Furthermore, the ARM-CO-UP supports GPIO signals, enabling external power measurement setups. These signals mark the commencement and conclusion of each layer’s processing, thereby facilitating layer-specific power measurements. Figure 10 illustrates the power measurement configuration utilized by ARM-CO-UP for layer-wise power consumption analysis. When power measurement activates within ARM-CO-UP, it transmits signals to the ARDUINO board. Consequently, the ARDUINO captures power samples and tags them with these signals. This procedure ensures ARM-CO-UP extracts the power samples for each layer’s execution cycle [2].
Fig. 10.
4.3 NPU Integration
The NPU is a dedicated Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) accelerator processor integrated into the latest edge HMPSOCs to optimize power and performance for neural network inference. The NPU operates with lower precision operation units for significantly higher performance and energy efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to integrate this specialized processor with the CPU and GPU processors in embedded devices.
The ARM-CL has no backend context for the NPU. Creating an NPU context presents significant challenges, primarily because the libraries for the NPU are not open source. Additionally, the NPU supports the execution of networks in various formats, adding complexity in integrating a dedicated context within ARM-CL. This lack of a standardized, accessible backend for the NPU complicates its incorporation and utilization. However, the ARM-CO-UP successfully incorporates NPU alongside CPU and GPU cores. The integration of NPU in the ARM-CO-UP involves harmonizing the distinct contexts and ensuring compatibility with several accelerators, each with specific libraries and APIs.
ARM-CO-UP adds an interface layer to the top of the ARM-CL to achieve NPU integration. This Python-based layer manages the sub-graphs of the pre-trained model derived from established Python-based frameworks. The layer also allows for an efficient extraction and conversion of the relevant parts of the model, which are marked to execute on the NPU. Concurrently, ARM-CO-UP integrates NPU generic functions, backend, and node classes into the core of ARM-CL. This design allows defining the NPU configuration based on the specific NPU integrated with their embedded device. These additions strengthen the integration of NPUs into existing CPU and GPU environments. The goal is to ensure smooth integration and extend the capabilities of ARM-CL.
We elaborate next on this newly added interface layer and its position within the ARM-CO-UP. Additionally, we comprehensively analyze the NPU’s generic functions, backend, and node classes, highlighting their pivotal role in supporting accelerators without being restricted to particular contexts and libraries.
Interface Layer. The ARM-CL, developed in C++, is tailored for optimal efficiency on edge devices. It provides specialized APIs that outline the neural network’s architecture and layers. On the contrary, most neural network models originate from Python-based libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe, PyTorch, and so on. As a result, accelerators and NPUs predominantly interact with models from these libraries. Once these Python-centric models translate into the accelerator-specific format, the accelerators offer dedicated APIs, typically in Python and C++, that handle tasks such as model loading, input loading, inference execution, and output extraction. Therefore, an interface layer is required to fulfill several requirements. This layer segments, extracts, and prepares the parts of the model that execute within the NPU context. Based on the layer-to-processor mapping, the interface layer extracts the NPU partitions. It adds the input and output layers and saves the partition for the upcoming processing. Then, it converts the extracted partition to the NPU format using the NPU-specific tools. In this step, it quantized the NPU partitions of the model, if required.
The interface layer, for each sub-graph, provides unique terminology based on the input and output layer indexes. This naming convention allows the NPU node in the ARM-CO-UP to locate and load the corresponding NPU-specific model partition for later execution. The ARM-CO-UP can identify and retrieve the appropriate model sub-graphs based on the specified partition points (input and output layer indexes). The interface layer streamlines and automates the workflow, allowing models developed in popular Python libraries to execute effortlessly by the ARM-CO-UP.
NPU Node.ARM-CO-UP introduces an NPU node, expanding the available variety of node types within the ARM-CL. The method used to create sub-graphs for the NPU is similar to those for CPU and GPU sub-graphs, ensuring a consistent approach across the ARM-CO-UP framework. However, since the design and functionality of NPU differ from the already supported CPU and GPU contexts, adjustments to the NPU sub-graph are necessary. Therefore, as depicted in Figure 11, ARM-CO-UP reconstructs the NPU-target sub-graphs. For this purpose, it replaces all the internal nodes in the sub-graph with the NPU node and then connects all terminal nodes and their associated tensors to this NPU node after creating an NPU sub-graph. This approach treats the entire NPU sub-graph as a single NPU node connected to other sub-graphs using regular edges.
Fig. 11.
The ARM-CO-UP begins by creating an NPU node. It then updates the connections to link the terminal nodes to the sub-graph internal nodes and then connects them to the NPU node instead. Figure 11(a) displays a sub-graph for the NPU, built using the ARM-CL API and context and representing the model layers. Terminal nodes, shown as squares, include Input, Receiver, Sender, and Output nodes, while the internal nodes, which represent model layers, are shown as circles. The ARM-CO-UP disconnects the connections between the terminal and internal nodes and removes internal nodes. Then, it creates an NPU node with the name embedding the starting and ending indices of the original nodes for naming convention. Finally, it redirects the connection from the terminal nodes to the NPU node. Figure 11(b) shows the updated sub-graph after these changes. This approach allows the creation of sub-graphs regardless of the specific type of NPU (or accelerator) that will execute them.
The terminal nodes transfer data between the NPU and other sub-graphs. They load input data sent by other sub-graphs into the NPU’s memory. Subsequently, they get the output from the NPU sub-graphs and pass it on to the next sub-graphs through the tensors of the connecting edges. Since data formats and types might differ between NPUs and CPU or GPU processors, these terminal nodes adjust the data type and format between sub-graphs based on the ARM-CO-UP configuration.
NPU Backend Context. When ARM-CO-UP creates a graph (or sub-graphs) for a neural network model, the Graph Manager produces the workloads of these sub-graphs using the function factory of the associated backend context. The ARM-CO-UP introduces the NPU backend context to manage the creation and execution of the NPU-based model execution function. This context comes equipped with a function factory designed to craft an NPU function specifically for the NPU node. Notably, the NPU backend context is a universal backend suitable for all NPU varieties. It establishes a generic NPU function template, linking it to the NPU type defined.
NPU Function. The NPU function introduced in the ARM-CO-UP acts as a versatile template that builds upon the foundational function type present in the ARM-CL. It retains the primary characteristics of the ARM-CL functions that invoke during workload execution. This function consists of two parts: the configuration of the NPU by loading the model and the execution, which handles the loading of input tensors, executing the model sub-graph, and retrieving the outputs.
The NPU function, as a template class, accommodates a range of NPU-specific APIs. Given that different NPUs possess distinct APIs for model loading and execution, this method ensures that incorporating a new NPU type is streamlined. Users can extend support to any new NPU by merely integrating its unique API into the pre-established template associated with a specific NPU classification. Consequently, when generating the NPU function for an NPU Node, the ARM-CO-UP employs the definitions tied to the NPU for model loading and execution. Beyond APIs, custom binary implementations of the shared libraries accompany each NPU. The ARM-CO-UP seamlessly manages the task of integrating these libraries into the finalized executable binary. This integration allows easy incorporation of a new NPU variant. A user only deposits the shared libraries pertinent to that NPU in the specified NPU libraries directory (Libs/NPU/) in the ARM-CO-UP.
4.4 Power Manager
The ARM-CO-UP is additionally equipped with DVFS to regulate the power consumption of the CPU and GPU during inference. ARM-CO-UP allows adjusting of processor voltage and frequency for each sub-graph or individual layer. In sub-graph-level DVFS, users define the DVFS levels for each sub-graph, and the ARM-CO-UP power manager accordingly adjusts the frequency settings for the processor assigned to each sub-graph. ARM-CO-UP makes this adjustment using platform-specific system commands. These commands are configurable within the power manager to accommodate platform-specific idiosyncracies. The operational modes of the power manager vary. In Switch mode, the power manager adjusts the DVFS levels of the processors for the upcoming sub-graph upon completion of the current one. In Pipeline mode, it operates differently as all sub-graphs execute simultaneously on their designated processors. ARM-CO-UP tasks each processor with a single sub-graph in the pipeline mode. Therefore, the DVFS levels for multiple sub-graphs on the same processor should be identical. Hence, in Pipeline mode, it is only necessary to set the processor frequency levels once during the initial setup.
Contrastingly, layer-level DVFS allows for more granular control, where users can specify DVFS levels for each layer. The ARM-CO-UP system dynamically adjusts the DVFS level of the respective processor according to the setting chosen for each layer during the inference process. Given the short execution time of layers, this mode necessitates a swift DVFS mechanism to ensure minimal delay in applying the desired voltage and frequency settings to the hardware. ARM-CO-UP incorporates a DVFS class that can interface with a kernel-level DVFS governor. After integrating the kernel-level DVFS governor into the kernel space, the API for the user-defined governor is responsible for setting processor frequency within ARM-CO-UP’s DVFS class. This integration empowers ARM-CO-UP to modify processor frequency on a per-layer basis. As a practical example, a kernel-level DVFS governor has been incorporated into ARM-CO-UP for the Rock Pi N10 board to facilitate layer-level DVFS. Figure 12(a) and (b) demonstrate the DVFS mechanisms at sub-graph and layer levels, utilizing system and kernel governors.
Fig. 12.
5 ARM-CO-UP Methodology (Workflow)
This section delves into the methodology and workflow of the ARM-CO-UP framework. The ARM-CO-UP framework first prepares the NPU partitions of the model, adapting them based on user-defined mapping. Second, it configures the DVFS and power management components for the CPU/GPU. Subsequently, the creation of sub-graphs ensues, structured according to node mapping. Finally, ARM-CO-UP performs careful configuration of processors and their associated sub-graphs. It then executes these sub-graphs in their predetermined modes.
Central to ARM-CO-UP is the Run Command, which encapsulates all user-defined configurations for the inference procedure. The users do not need to manually adjust the model, ARM-CO-UP, or processor settings with this feature. Instead, they can directly utilize the Run Command options to perform inference according to their preferences.
Table 2 provides a comprehensive list of configuration options for executing the inference. The options encompass mapping model layers to specific processors, choosing between pipeline or switch modes, designating the number of threads for CPUs, electing appropriate hosts for GPU and NPU devices, modulating processor frequencies, and determining the profiling level. Finally, ARM-CO-UP executes these sub-graphs in their predetermined modes. We delve deeper into each stage: Pre-Setup, Sub-Graph Creation, Setup, and Run Inference.
Table 2.
Maps layers to processors
Determine the processor type for each layer. ‘L’ for Little CPU, ‘B’ for big CPU, ‘G’ for GPU, and ‘N’ for NPU.
Defines execution mode
Either ‘Pipeline’ or ‘Switch’
Number of threads for big CPU
Number of threads within big CPU, that distribute tasks of a layer to them (from 1 to the number of big cores)
Number of cores in big CPU of the platform
For platforms with different number of cores in big CPU
Number of threads for Little CPU
Number of threads within Little CPU, that distribute tasks of a layer to them (from 1 to number of Little cores).
Number of cores in Little CPU of the platform
For platforms with different number of cores in Little CPU
Number of frames
To set the number of frames that run the inference (is useful for measuring the average performance metrics)
Frequency of the layers/sub-graphs
Frequency indexes separated with ‘-’ for layers/sub-graphs
The host processor for GPU device
Either ‘B’ or ‘L’ that means big or Little CPU, respectively
The host processor for NPU device
Either ‘B’ or ‘L’ that means big or Little CPU, respectively
Set the level of profiling
The possible profiling levels are Level 0: reporting the overall latency and throughput, Level 1: execution and transfer time of the sub-graphs, and Level 2: execution and transfer time for each layer
Table 2. Configuration Attributes for Inference Run Commands
5.1 Pre-Setup
The ARM-CO-UP framework begins its operational sequence by preparing the model according to the desired mapping. Initially, it identifies and transforms the segments of the model designated for the NPU via the interface layer. It achieves this by isolating the specified segments from the original Python-based model and then appending them with necessary input(s) and output(s). It then translates these isolated segments into a format compatible with the target NPU. During this transformation phase, it applies an optional quantization step depending on the user preferences. It saves each process segment under a distinctive naming convention to ensure seamless identification in subsequent phases. The naming comes from the starting and ending layers. This systematic naming approach facilitates ARM-CO-UP’s ability to locate swiftly the pertinent segments.
Beyond model preparation, ARM-CO-UP also undertakes system-level initialization. ARM-CO-UP then configures the DVFS governor and activates power measurement components. If the user opts for additional configuration capabilities, ARM-CO-UP spawns a DVFS object instance, empowering users to tweak the DVFS settings of the processors. Concurrently, it also establishes the GPIO pins earmarked for signal transmission.
5.2 Sub-graph Creation
Following the model preparation and power management configuration, ARM-CO-UP initializes sub-graphs by the chosen mapping per model layer. When adding the layers, a corresponding node is instantiated and incorporated into the designated sub-graph. The ARM-CO-UP framework takes charge of this node addition process, ensuring that each node is aptly placed within its relevant sub-graph and automatically creates the required interconnections.
The ARM-CL algorithm uses a single graph for the entire model containing all nodes and edges. In contrast, the ARM-CO-UP allows adding nodes and edges to specific sub-graphs and automatically creates interconnections between different sub-graphs. ARM-CO-UP examines the input nodes associated with the node before adding it to a sub-graph. If an input node is missing in the current sub-graph, an interconnection is established between the source node and the new node, even if they belong to different sub-graphs. ARM-CO-UP appends a Sender node to the source node (in the source sub-graph) and inserts a Receiver node before the new node (in the target sub-graph) to achieve this. The address of the Sender tensor (with the Sender node) is in the Receiver tensor (with the Receiver node). It saves the address of the Sender tensor in the Receiver tensor associated with the Receiver node. This step ensures data communication and synchronization between these nodes during run-time. ARM-CO-UP tracks the mapping of nodes to their Sender and Receiver nodes. Subsequent nodes can directly use this existing Receiver node for interconnection, rather than creating a new one, if the Receiver node for an input node already exists in the current sub-graph. This automated, model-independent graph creation process enables the algorithm with new models without significant additional effort. Furthermore, this mechanism is effective even for complex models with branches and shortcuts, such as in Figure 5.
ARM-CO-UP provides scalable and efficient sub-graph management by creating sub-graphs within the core of the ARM-CL. Consequently, introducing new models becomes straightforward, eliminating any need to alter the existing model code. ARM-CO-UP refines the NPU sub-graph once it has established the sub-graphs. It accomplishes this by substituting its internal nodes with a singular NPU node.
5.3 Sub-graph Management
Graph Manager within ARM-CO-UP sets up and executes the sub-graphs. Original ARM-CL works with a single graph representing the model. However, in ARM-CO-UP, multiple sub-graphs are set up on different processor types, and these sub-graphs can execute in Pipeline or Switch mode.
Setup. In the setup phase, after setting up the backend context, the Graph Manager creates and initializes all tensors associated with each edge of the sub-graph on their respective target processors. It generates a Memory Manager for each processor and tasks the manager to handle the tensors buffer within the corresponding backend context. Meanwhile, for each node, ARM-CO-UP leverages the function factory of the backend context, creating optimized functions tailored for individual nodes. This meticulous process generates a specific workload for each sub-graph. Further, the NPU backend creates the function for the NPU node based on the user-defined NPU type.
ARM-CO-UP adds the execution tasks represented by node function input and output tensors to the workload. The input tensor’s accessor handles the loading and pre-processing of the input data (image), while the output tensor accessor is responsible for post-processing and interpreting the output. ARM-CO-UP extends the workload by adding the Receiver and Sender tensor of the Receiver and Sender nodes, respectively. These extended objects facilitate the synchronization and transfer of data. The subsequent phase involves memory allocation for Constant tensors, which house essential parameters such as weights and biases. Once allocated, ARM-CO-UP begins the loading process for these trained static parameters. These static parameters require a one-time load during the setup phase, preparing the system for inference across varied input images. Since ARM-CO-UP sets up sub-graphs in parallel, it reduces the loading time.
In parallel, ARM-CO-UP addresses the NPU segments of each sub-graph (extracted earlier in the pre-setup phase). Leveraging the distinctive naming convention, the pertinent NPU node – tasked with executing that specific segment – identifies and retrieves its associated segment. With the workloads for each sub-graph now defined and the model’s static parameters duly loaded, ARM-CO-UP stands poised to execute inference on the provided input images.
Run the Inference.ARM-CO-UP framework loads the input data and executes the inference workload functions in the run step. In terms of execution, the graph management run component of the ARM-CO-UP includes the execution of inter-connection tensors involving the receiver and sender. Each sub-graph host, pinned to a specified CPU core, handles the sub-graph workload autonomously. This host thread activates the tensor accessors for input and receivers, ensuring data is seamlessly fetched from the primary input or dispatched from sender sub-graphs, as needed. ARM-CO-UP systematically schedules the workload functions of the sub-graph on the target processor once it has prepared all data elements. Subsequently, it engages the tensor accessor for all outputs and senders, facilitating the post-processing of output results and the data forwarding to the receiving sub-graphs to continue the inference. The run procedure extends to the execution of the receiver-tensor function at the beginning (in addition to the input tensor functions) and the sender-tensor function at the end of each sub-graph (in addition to the output-tensor function). The Receiver and Sender tensors transfer data between sub-graphs and synchronize their execution due to the dependencies. The sender-tensor holds the address of the receiver tensors to which it sends the data. Once the data is ready, the sender-tensor calls the send_data function of all associated receiver tensors and passes the data as an input argument. This function checks if the receiver can receive the data. If it is ready, then the sender-tensor transfers data to the receiver-tensor. If the receiver is unprepared, the sender-tensor places the data in the buffer of the receiver-tensor before returning the function.
On the other hand, the Graph Manager initiates the execution of a sub-graph by calling the functions of the Input and Receiver tensors. The Receiver tensor then calls the receive_data function, which checks if data is in the buffer. If data is available, the Receiver tensor fetches it; otherwise, the Receiver tensor sets the ready flag and waits for the sender to send the data. Though the execution of each sub-graph is managed by a separate host thread, harnessing a multi-threaded approach, these sub-graphs represent sequential segments of the complete model, necessitating consecutive execution. This structure precludes parallel execution of sub-graphs for a single input image. However, the design does permit simultaneous processing of successive input images, leveraging a pipeline structure.
By incorporating these enhancements, ARM-CO-UP enables efficient and collaborative utilization of various processor types, enhancing performance, energy efficiency, and flexibility.
6 Validation
Determining the optimal mapping of every layer to the appropriate processor is crucial in achieving desired performance outcomes within the constraints of a given application. ARM-CO-UP offers a versatile set of features to navigate this massive search space effectively while enabling the fine-tuning of inference performance for specific targets. The key feature of the ARM-CO-UP is the ability to map layers to processors, allowing for desired allocation and optimization based on application objectives. The profiling functionality is the foundation for exploring the mapping search space in the ARM-CO-UP framework. In addition, ARM-CO-UP provides options for selecting the running mode (Pipeline or Switch) to facilitate cooperative processor utilization, adjusting processor frequencies at a granular level for power management, specifying the number of threads for CPUs, and designating the host CPU for GPU and NPU devices.
6.1 Evaluation
We assess the performance and efficiency of the ARM-CO-UP framework on a real platform running popular CNNs. Table 3 details the Rock Pi N10 embedded board used in this work. Our measurements inherently encapsulate all performance and power overheads. However, we make a deliberate effort to delineate these overheads in a dedicated section to provide a clearer understanding.
Table 3.
Experimental Setup
Rock Pi N10
ARM big.Little
Little CPU
Dual-core ARM Cortex-A72+
Little CPU L1 cache
48 KB/32 KB I/D cache
Little CPU L2 cache
1 MB
big CPU
Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53
big CPU L1 cache
32 KB/32 KB I/D cache
big CPU L2 cache
512 KB
Quad-core ARM Mali-T860 MP4 GPU
GPU L2 cache
256 KB
Main NPU
Rockchip NPU
Android 8.1
ARM-CL v18.03
Table 3. Details for the Experimental Setup
ARM-CO-UP framework seamlessly integrates the NPU with the CPUs and GPU, offering versatility across both Pipeline and Switch modes. In Pipeline mode, we demonstrate the integration of the non-quantized NPU with Little CPU, big CPU, and GPU to boost throughput and energy efficiency. In Switch mode, we highlight the integration of the Little CPU, big CPU, and GPU to enhance energy efficiency. ARM-CO-UP also supports quantized NPU in Pipeline and Switch modes, introducing potential accuracy tradeoffs. However, our primary focus is not to explore all possible tradeoffs but to showcase the framework’s capabilities.
We aim at demonstrating the framework’s efficacy in enhancing performance and power efficiency across various CNN models. We begin by leveraging Pipeline mode to boost throughput and energy efficiency, followed by latency and energy efficiency in Switch mode. Our evaluation also includes a comparative analysis with the Pipe-it [24] framework to provide context. Throughout our assessment, we showcase performance and energy efficiency results using the GA algorithm, emphasizing the framework’s effectiveness. It’s important to note that while we provide insights into the framework’s capabilities, we do not explore all tradeoffs comprehensively in this article. Instead, we offer capabilities for researchers to analyze tradeoffs in performance, energy efficiency, and accuracy, facilitating the discovery of optimal solutions.
6.1.1 Pipeline Mode.
In Pipeline mode, the ARM-CO-UP framework empowers users to map desired graph segments onto designated processors and execute them concurrently across successive frames. Users define the mapping, and the framework autonomously manages execution, including partitioning, NPU preparation, data transfer, and inter-processor conversion. Building upon this framework, we employ a multi-objective genetic algorithm NSGA-II) to explore the design space, varying mapping (partitioning and mapping) and power settings to identify near-optimal solutions for throughput and efficiency. The multi-objective genetic algorithm leverages the power and performance profile feature of ARM-CO-UP to evaluate a design space encoded within chromosomes. It commences with a random population of 100 design points, executing configurations on the platform using ARM-CO-UP. It then evaluates each point with measurements obtained through ARM-CO-UP’s power and performance profiling features. Subsequently, it selects efficient population points and generates offspring using mating operations.
Table 4 presents the pipeline results for the AlexNet, presenting layer-to-processor mappings (L, B, G and N for Little CPU, big CPU, GPU, and NPU, respectively), host selection for GPU and NPU devices, DVFS settings for each processor, and the resulting throughput and energy efficiency. We assess the Pipeline mode across five CNNs in Figure 13. Figure 13(a) and (b) illustrate the throughput and energy efficiency of the pipeline in these CNNs, along with the throughput of each processor. The framework explores the design space to discover near-optimal pipeline solutions within this expansive landscape. Despite the overheads, the Pipeline mode significantly enhances both throughput and energy efficiency.
Table 4.
Layers Mapping
Frequency (GHz)
Time (ms)
Energy (mJ)
Little CPU (L)
big CPU (C)
Table 4. Extra-functional Characteristics of AlexNet in Pipeline Mode
Fig. 13.
We primarily present the pipeline results obtained from non-quantized models on the NPU. The framework supports the utilization of quantized models on the NPU in both pipeline and switch modes. Users can select quantization for specific NPU partitions, enabling the NPU tools to perform quantization during the NPU preparation step. While quantization enhances run-time performance, it may incur a tradeoff with a reduction in accuracy. We evaluate the accuracy and inference time for quantized and non-quantized models running on the NPU. Table 5 illustrates the top-1 accuracy and inference time for image classification using quantized and non-quantized models. Model quantization to INT8 occurs with the vendor-specific conversion tools available from Radxa. We assess accuracy using 50,000 images from the ImageNet validation set, while inference time is measured during model execution on the NPU using the ARM-CO-UP framework. Furthermore, Table 6 presents the mean Average Precision (mAP) and inference time for object detection using the YOLO-V3 model. We assess accuracy here using the COCO validation dataset with 5,000 images.
Table 5.
Top-1 Accuracy (%)
Inference Time (ms)
55.912 [-0.160]
67.796 [-0.116]
67.354 [-1.008]
67.768 [-0.498]
56.592 [-0.392]
Table 5. Comparison of Top-1 Accuracy and Inference Time between Non-quantized and INT8-quantized Models for Different Image Classification CNNs Running on NPU
Table 6.
mAP (%)
Inference Time (ms)
64.709 [-4.070]
Table 6. Comparison of Mean mAP and Inference Time between Non-quantized and INT8-quantized YOLO-V3 Model for Object Detection Task Running on NPU
6.1.2 Switch Mode.
We present latency results by comparing the inference performance with the best single processor for the entire CNN in Switch mode. Table 7 delineates the execution time of each layer of GoogleNet on both the big CPU and GPU, highlighting variability in layer performance across the processors. Some layers exhibit faster execution on the big CPU, while others perform better on the GPU. Moreover, Table 7 identifies the quickest processor for each layer. Switch mode necessitates a switch for executing each layer with the optimal processor, transitioning to the GPU from the third layer. The sum row of the last column represents the summation of layer execution times on their respective best processors, totaling 160.7 ms for GoogleNet.
Table 7.
Little CPU Time (ms)
Big CPU Time (ms)
GPU Time (ms)
Minimum Time (ms)
Table 7. Processing Time of GoogleNet Layers on Little CPU, Big CPU, GPU, and Best Processor amongst Them
Subsequently, we perform inference with the desired mapping using the run command option within the framework to assess the overall inference time and energy per frame, incorporating switching overhead. These outcomes encapsulate synchronization and transfer overheads during processor transitions. Table 8 delineates the overall inference time and energy per frame, alongside switching time and energy overhead. As depicted in the table, the execution time for GoogleNet amounts to 161.5 ms, incurring a 0.8 ms switching overhead for data transfer from the second to the third layer on the GPU.
Table 8.
Best Mapping
Inference Time
120.5 ms
161.5 ms
106.8 ms
381.7 ms
100.0 ms
Switching Time Overhead
0.8 ms (0.5%)
1.3 ms (0.3%)
0.6 ms (0.6%)
Inference Energy
740 mJ
1047 mJ
678 mJ
2215 mJ
618 mJ
Switching Energy Overhead
4 mJ (0.4%)
7 mJ (0.3%)
5 mJ (0.8%)
Table 8. Switching Overhead in the Switch Mode
For AlexNet and MobileNet, the optimal mapping entails running all layers on the GPU and big CPU, respectively, obviating switching. Conversely, SqueezeNet exhibits minimal switching overhead compared to other networks. We attribute this observation to switching occurring in the final layers, which entail smaller data sizes for transmission.
Figure 14 compares the switching method and the best single processor inference. Figure 14(a) shows an overall latency improvement despite the synchronization and data transfer overheads. In addition to latency, we delved into the power efficiency of the Switch mode to achieve a target latency. Initially, we harnessed the profiling feature of the ARM-CO-UP framework to analyze the time and power consumption during layer execution and data transfer. We developed models to predict inference time and power consumption using the data. Subsequently, employing a GA, we navigated the design space to identify the near-optimal power-efficient (using DVFS) configuration for a target latency. Using time and power models within the GA framework significantly expedites the exploration of design points, ensuring thorough coverage. Figure 14(b) illustrates the power efficiency of the switch mode compared to the power efficiency attained when utilizing a single processor for inference. This analysis provides valuable insights into the efficacy of the Switch mode in enhancing power efficiency.
Fig. 14.
6.1.3 DVFS Settings.
ARM-CO-UP integrates an internal power manager to oversee the voltage and frequency configurations for processors, supporting DVFS in both per-processor and per-layer modes. Table 9 presents the available frequency and voltage settings for CPU clusters and GPU on the RockPi N10 platform. Through accessible APIs and command options, users can specify DVFS settings, which ARM-CO-UP implements at setup- and run-time for per-processor and per-layer modes, respectively. The per-processor DVFS feature allows users to explore settings across pipeline stages. At setup time, ARM-CO-UP configures frequency and voltage settings for the Little CPU, big CPU, and GPU. Leveraging this capability, we investigated the impact of DVFS on performance and energy consumption. Table 11 presents inference time and energy consumption per frame across various DVFS settings for the processors using a fixed layer mapping. The mapping and host selection remain fixed, allowing for focused analysis of DVFS effects on the GPU, Little CPU (first and third stages), and big CPU (second stage) processors.
Table 9.
Frequency (MHz)
Voltage (mV)
Frequency (MHz)
Voltage (mV)
Frequency (MHz)
Voltage (mV)
Table 9. The Available DVFS Levels for Different Processors
Table 10.
Min Delay (\(\mu\)s)
Max Delay (\(\mu\)s)
Table 10. The Min and Max DVFS Delay for DVFS-capable Processors when Transitioning to Higher (up) and Lower (Down) Frequency Levels
Table 11.
Layers mapping
Frequency (GHz)
Time (ms)
Energy (mJ)
Little CPU
big CPU
Table 11. Extra-functional Analysis of AlexNet Running in Pipeline Mode
The effect of DVFS on each pipeline stage hinges on whether the stage serves as a bottleneck. Decreasing the frequency could reduce energy consumption per frame when a stage is not a bottleneck. Conversely, if a stage acts as a bottleneck, decreasing the frequency may increase energy consumption due to prolonged inference times per frame. This nuanced understanding underscores the importance of considering pipeline dynamics and workload characteristics when optimizing DVFS settings within the ARM-CO-UP framework. Users can effectively improve energy consumption and performance by discerning bottleneck stages and adjusting DVFS settings.
In per-processor mode, DVFS incurs no overhead on inference as settings are configured once at setup time and remain constant throughout run-time. This stability ensures efficient management of DVFS without run-time adjustments, thus streamlining the optimization process within the ARM-CO-UP framework. The per-layer DVFS feature enables dynamic voltage and frequency adjustments during run-time and is especially beneficial for Switch mode operations. At the start of each layer, the framework triggers the requested DVFS settings for the underlying processor in a non-blocking approach. Experimental observations have revealed a slight delay between the triggering of the DVFS settings and the actual change in the hardware, as detailed in Table 10 for transitions to higher or lower frequency settings in the GPU and CPUs.
This delay does not disrupt the inference process or incur additional waiting overhead due to the non-blocking procedure. Inference continues seamlessly, with the computation smoothly transitioning to the requested DVFS settings as they apply gradually to the hardware. This mechanism ensures uninterrupted operation and facilitates the examination of DVFS effects on inference.
6.1.4 Comparative Evaluation.
Figure 15 shows the CNN inference throughput and power efficiency for ARM-CO-UP compared with Pipe-it [24]. ARM-CO-UP and Pipe-it work on top of ARM-CL. However, Pipe-it supports only the Little and big CPU. Therefore, we limit the results in Figure 15 to only ARM big.Little asymmetric multi-core CPU in Rock PI N10. Figure 15 shows ARM-CO-UP provides, on average, 1.67x and 1.49x higher throughput and power efficiency over Pipe-it, respectively. The throughput and power efficiency gains originate from more efficient sub-graph-based implementation in ARM-CO-UP, which induces much less overhead than the thread migration-based implementation in Pipe-it.
Fig. 15.
6.2 Case Study
We leverage the capabilities of the ARM-CO-UP framework to present intuitive analytical results. Our case study analysis focuses on the timing and power consumption of the MobileNet CNN, utilizing the profiling feature of the framework. The analysis applies to other CNNs in a similar manner. Initially, we delve into the power efficiency (Frames Per Second per Watt - FPS/Watt) of individual layers for exploring various DVFS levels through the ARM-CO-UP power manager. Subsequently, we conduct a comparative analysis of the execution time, energy consumption, and power efficiency across different processors for each layer. This comparative study sheds light on the performance and efficiency of processors concerning diverse layers within the MobileNet architecture. Users can utilize these results to facilitate the identification of the optimal inference configuration based on the specific objectives and constraints of their application.
Figure 16 illustrates the power efficiency of MobileNet layers across various frequency levels for the Little CPU, big CPU, GPU, and NPU. Notably, for the NPU, the exploration is conducted concerning the host (big CPU) frequency, given that the NPU lacks DVFS level adjustment capabilities (see Figure 16(d)). This experiment leverages the profiling feature at the layer granularity, coupled with the power manager, to measure the time and power consumption of layers under different DVFS settings. Subsequently, we calculate the power efficiency of each layer.
Fig. 16.
The results reveal a general trend across the Little CPU (Figure 16(a)), big CPU (Figure 16(b)), and GPU (Figure 16(c)), wherein increasing the frequency enhances the power efficiency of layers. We attribute this phenomenon to the reduction in time, which outweighs the increase in power, resulting in higher power efficiency and reduced final energy consumption. However, the dynamics differ for the NPU (Figure 16(d)). Given that the explored frequency is not that of the NPU itself but rather the host CPU (big CPU), the results indicate that, when running layers on the NPU, the optimal choice for maximizing power efficiency is to minimize the frequency of the host CPU.
In the context of the NPU, it is crucial to delineate the distinct role of the host CPU, particularly the Big CPU cluster, which orchestrates the loading of input data into the NPU and initiates its execution. It is important to note that altering the frequency and voltage settings of the host CPU does not directly impact the execution time of a layer on the NPU. Instead, any increase in the CPU frequency and voltage settings amplifies the HMPSoC’s power consumption, as the CPU voltage heightens during NPU execution, consequently increasing power consumption and compromising overall power efficiency.
In the subsequent assessment, we delve into the efficiency of the Little CPU, big CPU, GPU, and NPU across different layers of the MobileNet, with the results of this comparative analysis presented in Figure 17. For this analysis, 60 random images were drawn from the ImageNet dataset for evaluation and profiling by ARM-CO-UP. We then averaged the results to generate the graphs. We use each image for inference individually, i.e., with the batch size setting as one. This analysis encompasses the examination of execution time (Figure 17(a)), energy consumption (Figure 17(b)), and power efficiency (Figure 17(c)). The examination of execution time depicted in Figure 17(a) reveals that, in most cases, the NPU exhibits the highest performance, significantly outperforming other processors. The first layer is an exception, where the NPU’s superiority is mitigated by the substantial contribution of loading and preparing input data. The NPU effectiveness is reduced by the overhead of transferring data, especially for initial layers with large data sizes. Furthermore, the results indicate comparable performance between the CPU and GPU, with the CPU outperforming in some layers and the GPU excelling in others. This nuanced performance distinction underscores the intricacies of layer-specific computational requirements and the adaptability of the processors to varying tasks within the MobileNet architecture.
Fig. 17.
The results for energy consumption (Figure 17(b)) and power efficiency (Figure 17(c)) underscore that the NPU not only surpasses the CPU and GPU in terms of performance (execution time) but also exhibits optimal energy consumption and power efficiency. This observation implies that the NPU is the most effective processor for performance and power efficiency. However, when the target is throughput, using the Pipeline mode, incorporating both the CPU and GPU contributes to increased throughput compared to utilizing only the NPU. A tradeoff exists between accuracy and performance/power efficiency, even in the Pipeline mode. This observation is because NPU computations are executed in a quantized version, leading to a drop in accuracy. Striking a balance between these factors becomes pivotal in optimizing the overall system performance based on specific application requirements and objectives.
Figure 18 investigates the transfer time between different source and destination processors for MobileNet layers. These timings serve as a measure of overhead incurred during the switching process between different processors. Notably, the transfer time is contingent upon the data transfer size. The data transfer involves direct movement, conducted in switch mode (without buffering), from the output of one layer in the source processor to the input of the next layer in the target processor. This process encompasses synchronization overhead, accentuating the communication overhead during the transition between successive layers. Figure 18 illustrates that this transfer time tends to decrease as we progress deeper into the network. This observation stems from the fact initial layers typically involve larger data sizes for transfer, while deeper layers exhibit a decrease in data size. Observations suggest that transitioning to other processors in deeper layers, especially for those with higher switching costs, is more advantageous.
Fig. 18.
Furthermore, the transfer time for MobileNet ranges approximately from one to five milliseconds, as depicted in Figure 18. This range, when compared to the order of execution times for layers on processors (Figure 17(a)), indicates that tolerating overhead for switching between processors every couple of layers could be beneficial. The relatively low overhead associated with switching stems from the integrated nature of these processors on a single chip. This insight into transfer times provides valuable guidance for optimizing the layer distribution across processors, accounting for the tradeoff between computational efficiency and the cost of inter-processor communication.
A comprehensive examination of the execution costs at various layers enables seamless integration with design space exploration algorithms. This examination underscores the adaptability of the framework, empowering users to customize the inference process according to their specific application requirements through optimization and search algorithms.
7 Conclusion and Future Work
We have presented ARM-CO-UP, an advanced framework that addresses the limitations of existing inference frameworks for edge devices. By cooperatively utilizing ARM asymmetric multi-core CPUs, GPU, and NPU, ARM-CO-UP achieves optimal inference performance and energy efficiency. ARM-CO-UP overcomes drawbacks of state-of-the-art, such as no support for accelerators and CNNs with complex models. It introduces a refined implementation within the core of ARM-CL, extending it extensively. It supports fine-grained partitioning at the layer level, allows layer-level DVFS, automatically handles branches within partitions, and includes a generic NPU node for effortless integration of desired accelerators. These features make ARM-CO-UP a promising solution for deep learning workloads on resource-limited embedded devices.
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Aghapour EShen YSapra DPimentel APathania ADev KYoo JMeinerzhagen P(2024)PiQi: Partially Quantized DNN Inference on HMPSoCsProceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design10.1145/3665314.3670841(1-6)Online publication date: 5-Aug-2024
Pimentel A(2024)Education Abstract: Design Space Exploration for Deep Learning at the Edge2024 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES)10.1109/CASES60062.2024.00006(1-2)Online publication date: 29-Sep-2024
INTERACT '12: Proceedings of the 2012 16th Workshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures (INTERACT)
It is critical that more architectural registers are available to the compiler and programmer, as a small number of architectural registers might hinder the compiler and programmer from producing efficient code. Although modern chip manufacturing ...
EUC '10: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing
Conditional execution is an important ISA feature of the ARM series of processors. Every instruction can be made to execute conditionally, that is, it is treated as a NOP if the condition is not met. The advantage of conditional execution is that it can ...
The ARMv8 architecture introduced AArch64, a 64-bit execution mode with a new instruction set, while retaining binary compatibility with previous versions of the ARM architecture through AArch32, a 32-bit execution mode. Most hardware implementations ...
Aghapour EShen YSapra DPimentel APathania ADev KYoo JMeinerzhagen P(2024)PiQi: Partially Quantized DNN Inference on HMPSoCsProceedings of the 29th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design10.1145/3665314.3670841(1-6)Online publication date: 5-Aug-2024
Pimentel A(2024)Education Abstract: Design Space Exploration for Deep Learning at the Edge2024 International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES)10.1109/CASES60062.2024.00006(1-2)Online publication date: 29-Sep-2024