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HapSense: A Soft Haptic I/O Device with Uninterrupted Dual Functionalities of Force Sensing and Vibrotactile Actuation

Published: 17 October 2019 Publication History


We present HapSense, a single-volume soft haptic I/O device with uninterrupted dual functionalities of force sensing and vibrotactile actuation. To achieve both input and output functionalities, we employ a ferroelectric electroactive polymer as core functional material with a multilayer structure design. We introduce a haptic I/O hardware that supports tunable high driving voltage waveform for vibrotactile actuation while insitu sensing a change in capacitance from contact force. With mechanically soft nature of fabricated structure, HapSense can be embedded onto various object surfaces including but not limited to furniture, garments, and the human body. Through a series of experiments and evaluations, we characterized physical properties of HapSense and validated the feasibility of using soft haptic I/O with real users. We demonstrated a variety of interaction scenarios using HapSense.

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