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Go-Go Biome: Evaluation of a Casual Game for Gut Health Engagement and Reflection

Published: 11 May 2024 Publication History


Experts emphasise that maintaining a healthy gut microbial balance requires the public to understand factors beyond diet, such as physical activity, lifestyle, and other real-world influences. Games as experiential systems are known to foster playful engagement and reflection. We propose a novel approach to promoting activity engagement for gut health and its reflection through the design of the Go-Go Biome game. The game simulates the interplay between friendly and unfriendly gut microbes, encouraging real-world activity engagement for gut-microbial balance through interactive visuals, unstructured play mechanics, and reflective design principles. A field study with 14 participants revealed that important facets of our game design led to awareness, playful visualisation, and reflection on factors influencing gut health. Our findings suggest four design lenses– bio-temporality, visceral conversations, wellness comparison, and inner discovery, to aid future playful design explorations to foster gut health engagement and reflection.

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  1. activity engagement
  2. casual game
  3. gut health
  4. gut microbiome
  5. health reflection
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