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Manual Ingenieros (001-110) .En - Es PDF

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Libro para los ingenieros de servicio

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9450 Libro de los ingenieros de servicio A49725


9450 Libro de los ingenieros de servicio A49725


CONTENIDO ................................................. .................................................. ........................................ 3

LA SEGURIDAD ................................................. .................................................. ......................................... 11

■ R EMINDER .................................................. .................................................. .................................... 13

■ C UMPLIMIENTO A LAS NORMAS .................................................. .................................................. ........ 13
■ S EGURIDAD .................................................. .................................................. ........................................ 13
■ R NORMAS DE CONDUCTA PARA TÉCNICOS cuando visite CLIENTES .................................................. .. 14

DESCRIPCIÓN DE IMPRESORA ................................................ .................................................. ................ 15

■ O ERSPECTIVA .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 17

■ P RINCIPIO DE FUNCIONAMIENTO .................................................. .................................................. ............. 18
■ Un CONFIGURACIÓN DISPONIBLES .................................................. .................................................. ......... 19
■ P CABEZA RINT re DESCRIPCIÓN .................................................. .................................................. ............ 19
■ M CARACTERÍSTICAS AIN .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 20
■ Un VANZADO C ONSUMABLES METRO GESTIÓN .................................................. ...................................... 21
O ERSPECTIVA .................................................. .................................................. ...................................... 21
■ U CONFIGURACIONES (MBILICAL G / M JEFES) .................................................. ..................................... 22
■ G / MH DIMENSIONES EAD .................................................. .................................................. ................ 22
■ MP RINT CABEZA VS GP CABEZA RINT .................................................. .................................................. ... 22
■ C ABINET DIMENSIONES .................................................. .................................................. ................... 24
■ O perator INTERFACE .................................................. .................................................. ................. 25
PAGS SELECCIÓN ERFIL .................................................. .................................................. ........................ 25 O perator IDIOMAS ..................................................
.................................................. ................... 25 P IMPRESORA DE INTERFAZ .................................................. ..................................................
........................ 26
■ E COMPARTIMENTO LECTRÓNICOS .................................................. .................................................. ......... 27
■ H IDRÁULICA COMPARTIMENTO .................................................. .................................................. .......... 28
■ I CARACTERÍSTICAS NK .................................................. .................................................. .............................. 29
C IDENTIFICACIÓN ARTRIDGE .................................................. .................................................. ............. 30
■ G ENERAL ESPECIFICACIÓN de la impresora .................................................. ....................................... 31

CARACTERÍSTICAS del producto principal ............................................... .................................................. .......... 33

C ALTURA r incón dele .................................................. .................................................. ........................ 35 F Y ONT UNA Algoritmos ..................................................
.................................................. ................. 35 M ENSAJE / J CONTENIDO OB .................................................. .................................................. ................ 37
P ERFIL METRO GESTIÓN .................................................. .................................................. .................... 38 M ARCA Y LEER LA SOLUCIÓN .............................................
.................................................. .............. 40 P CODIFICACIÓN ROMOCIÓN .................................................. .................................................. ........................ 41
QR CÓDIGO .................................................. .................................................. ........................................ 42 D MATRIX ATA ................................................
.................................................. ..................................... 44

9450 Libro de los ingenieros de servicio A49725


si ARCODES .................................................. .................................................. ...................................... 44 C OUNTERS ..................................................

.................................................. ...................................... 45 M ENSAJE / almacenamiento de trabajos ..................................................
.................................................. .................. 45 S IMPLIFIED PAGS ROTOCOLO .................................................. ..................................................
.................... 46 T OOLS .................................................. .................................................. ............................................ 47 C ustom FUENTE ..................................................
.................................................. ................................. 47 M ILES F ORMAT .................................................. ..................................................
................................. 48 C OMPATIBILIDAD .................................................. .................................................. ................................ 49 P INSTALACIÓN DE LA
IMPRESORA .................................................. .................................................. .................... 50 P INSTALACIÓN RINT CABEZA ..................................................
.................................................. ............... 51 S TANDARDIZED SENSOR DE PRODUCTOS .................................................. ..................................................
... 52 P KIT DE BOMBA DE AIRE ositive .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 53 E COMUNICACIÓN EXTERNA .............................
.................................................. ............. 54

■ H GRABACIÓN ISTORIA .................................................. .................................................. .................... 55

■ P LANET PORTAL .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 56

PRE-INSTALACIÓN DE FORMACIÓN ............................................. .............................. 57

■ P RE- yo NSTALACIÓN PAGS POLÍTICA .................................................. .................................................. ........... 59

PAGS RE-INSTALACIÓN FORM .................................................. .................................................. ................. 59 O FORMACIÓN perator ..................................................
.................................................. ....................... 60 S PROCESO DE INSTALACIÓN IMPLIFIED ..................................................
.................................................. .. 60
■ I NSTALACIÓN sol GUÍA DEL USUARIO .................................................. .................................................. .................... 61
PAGS PROCESO DESCRIPCIÓN .................................................. .................................................. ................... 61 S TEP 1: C LIENTE validación del
proyecto .................................................. .......................................... 62 S TEP 2: NSTALACIÓN PREPARACIÓN ..................................................
................................................. 64 S TEP 3: NSTALACIÓN .................................................. .................................................. .................... 65 S TEP 4: S HORT
si INSTRUCCIONES ASIC .................................................. .................................................. 66 S TEP 5: I VALIDACIÓN NSTALACIÓN ..................................................
.................................................. .. 66 S TEP 6: R INFORME DE LA yo A NSTALACIÓN MI .................................................
.......................................... 66

9450 I NITIAL PUESTA EN MARCHA DE INSTRUCCIONES (aproximadamente 30 MINUTOS) .................................................. .... 75 I NSTALACIÓN V alidación
C ISTA .................................................. ................................................ 76 9232 I NSTALACIÓN C ERTIFICADO ..................................................
.................................................. ..... 77 O Utah O F si BUEY C Hecking L IST .................................................. .................................................. ........... 78

■ C LIENTE T RAINING .................................................. .................................................. ................... 79

■ P IMPRESORA EN re MODO DE EMO .................................................. .................................................. ............... 81
PAGS IMPRESORA DE PUESTA EN MARCHA .................................................. .................................................. .......................... 81 S AFELY transporte de
la impresora .................................................. ................................................. 82

DESPUÉS DE LAS VENTAS ............................................... .................................................. ................................. 83

■ Un ESPUÉS S ALES PAGS POLÍTICA .................................................. .................................................. ................... 85

sol POLÍTICA GENERAL .................................................. .................................................. ............................. 85 S PARE POLÍTICAS PARTES ................................................
.................................................. .................... 86 ENR P POLÍTICA .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 87
M POLÍTICA ANTENIMIENTO .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 88 S IMULATOR ..................................................
.................................................. ..................................... 89

9450 Libro de los ingenieros de servicio A49725


PAGS INFORMACIÓN RINTER .................................................. .................................................. .................... 89 P PROBLEMA DESCRIPCIÓN EN N SAP OTIFICACIÓN
.................................................. .................................... 90
■ O norte S INTERVENCIÓN ITE .................................................. .................................................. ................. 92
■ H Y Istories estado de ejecución .................................................. .................................................. .. 92
PAGS MPRESIÓN HISTORIA ................................................ .................................................. ............................. 92 M ANTENIMIENTO HISTORIA .......................................
.................................................. ................... 93 (P IMPRESORA) UNA DISPONIBILIDAD ( H ISTORIA) ..................................................
.................................................. .. 94 (A DDITIVE) C ONSUMO ( H ISTORIA) .................................................. ................................................. 96 W DVERTENCIAS
/ F AULTS ( H ISTORIA) .................................................. .................................................. ....... 97 C HISTORIA ONSUMABLE ..................................................
.................................................. .................... 98 R ESTADO Unning ( H ISTORIA) ARCHIVO .................................................. ..................................................
..... 99 S TARTA/ S PARTE SUPERIOR L OG F ILE .................................................. .................................................. ................... 101 R CLIENTE EN epair ' SITIO
S .................................................. .................................................. ......... 102 T TÉCNICA BOLETÍN ..................................................
.................................................. ..................... 102 S NOTA DE SOFTWARE .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 102

■ E PROCESO scalation .................................................. .................................................. ............... 103

R EPORTING un problema técnico .................................................. .................................................. ..... 103 E PROCESO scalation ..................................................
.................................................. ................... 103

MANTENIMIENTO ................................................. .................................................. ........................... 105

■ G ENERALES .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 107

R El mantenimiento regular .................................................. .................................................. ................ 107 P RESIÓN bomba de reemplazo PERIODICIDAD .........................
................................... 108 I NK FILTRO DE SUSTITUCIÓN PERIODICIDAD .................................................. ............................................. 108

■ M ANTENIMIENTO ALARMAS .................................................. .................................................. .............. 109

F ILTER K ESO .................................................. .................................................. .................................... 109 F LUSHING y METRO KIT DE ANTENIMIENTO ......................
.................................................. ....... 109
■ M ANTENIMIENTO RECORD y resolución de fallos .................................................. ................................... 110
PAGS MANTENIMIENTO REVENTIVE .................................................. .................................................. ............ 110 C OPERACIONES URATIVE ........................................
.................................................. .................. 111
■ N EXT de RESET MANTENIMIENTO DE ALARMA .............................................. .................................................. .. 112
■ M ANTENIMIENTO HISTORIA .................................................. .................................................. .............. 112
■ P REVENTIVE METRO ANTENIMIENTO C LISTA PUÑETAS ( PM) ................................................ ................................. 113
F LUSHING y PAGS ARTE DE REPUESTO .................................................. .................................................. . 114
■ D Lloviendo y ENJUAGA RECOMENDACIÓN .................................................. .................................... 115
S HUT-ABAJO> 3 SEMANAS .................................................. .................................................. ................. 115 S LMACENAMIENTO TIEMPO> 2 MESES ..............................
.................................................. ........... 115

SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS................................................. .................................................. .................. 123

■ I INTRODUCCIÓN .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 125

■ P ROFILES .................................................. .................................................. ................................... 125
■ S TATUS .................................................. .................................................. ..................................... 126
sol ESTADO GENERAL .................................................. .................................................. .......................... 126
■ M MENÚ ANTENIMIENTO .................................................. .................................................. .................. 128
yo NK C IRCUIT METRO MENÚ ANTENIMIENTO .................................................. .................................................. ... 128

9450 Libro de los ingenieros de servicio A49725


yo NK C IRCUIT O ERSPECTIVA .................................................. .................................................. .................. 129 P CABEZA RINT METRO MENÚ
ANTENIMIENTO .................................................. .................................................. ... 130 ACM INFORMACIÓN ( TAG) ................................................
.................................................. ............... 133
S RECORDATORIO EGURIDAD ................................................ .................................................. ........................... 135
■ E CODE y RROR T TABLA OLUCIÓN .................................................. ................................... 139
T OLUCIÓN T ABLES .................................................. .................................................. ........... 140
■ L IST DE ESPECIAL S CORTAR PAGS ARTE PARA MI T ECHNICIANS ..................................................................... 174
■ L IST OF S PARE P ARTS FROM CATALOGUE ( A48599) ........................................................................ 178
M ODULATION ASSEMBLY RECOGNITION ............................................................................................... 181 EHT PLATE RECOGNITION ...................................................
181 C ONNECTING THE MI TECHNICIAN TOOL .............................................................................................. 182 D RAINING AND F LUSHING
PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 183 S TORAGE TIME > 2 MONTHS ...............................................................................................

■ A CCESSIBILITY TO THE IC PARTS ..................................................................................................... 184

O BJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 184 P ROCEDURE.....................................................................................
■ S PARE PARTS SHEETS .................................................................................................................... 186
■ S PARE PARTS SHEETS .................................................................................................................... 188
■ A DJUSTMENT SHEETS ..................................................................................................................... 211
C HARGE ELECTRODE ......................................................................................................................... 211 M OTOR
SPEED................................................................................................................................... 212 B REAK-OFF POINT A DJUSTMENT ...............................................................

ELECTRONICS ............................................................................................................................... 217

■ D IAGRAM BLOC .............................................................................................................................. 219

■ P OWER SUPPLY .............................................................................................................................. 220
■ NEP BOARD ................................................................................................................................... 220
B LOCK DIAGRAM NEP BOARD ............................................................................................................. 221
■ T ECHNOLOGY INTERFACE BOARD .................................................................................................... 222
C OMPONENT LAY-OUT T ECHNOLOGY INTERFACE BOARD ...................................................................... 223 B LOCK DIAGRAM T ECHNOLOGY
INTERFACE BOARD .............................................................................. 224
■ I NK CIRCUIT BOARD ( A48181) ......................................................................................................... 225
■ P RINT HEAD BOARD ........................................................................................................................ 226
C OMPONENT LAY-OUT P RINT HEAD BOARD .......................................................................................... 226 B LOCK DIAGRAM P RINT HEAD BOARD ...........................
■ I NDUSTRIAL I NTERFACE BOARD ....................................................................................................... 228
C OMPONENT LAY-OUT I NDUSTRIAL INTERFACE BOARD ......................................................................... 228
■ I NPUT / O UTPUT SPECIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 229
T RIGGER & ENCODER ........................................................................................................................ 230 A LARM & F AULT ( R EADY) ........................................................
232 S ERIAL LINK ...................................................................................................................................... 235 M ISCELLANEOUS INPUTS ......................................................
236 M ESSAGE NUMBER ............................................................................................................................ 237 M ISCELLANEOUS OUTPUTS ...............................................
238 N ETWORK ......................................................................................................................................... 239

• DHCP MODE ( D YNAMIC H OST C ONFIGURATION P ROTOCOL) ........................................................................ 239

• F IXED IP ADDRESS MODE .................................................................................................................... 239

9450 Libro de los ingenieros de servicio A49725


■ I NPUT / OUTPUT SIGNALS DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................ 240

P RINTING S ETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 240 J OB SETTING ................................................................................
242 ONE CELL SPEED MEASUREMENT .............................................................................................. 243

TWO CELL SPEED MEASUREMENT ............................................................................................. 245

E NCODER.......................................................................................................................................... 246 A LARM & FAULT ................................................................................
247 PRINTER READY ............................................................................................................................ 247

INVERSE MESS .............................................................................................................................. 247

INHIBIT TRIG ................................................................................................................................... 248
J OB ( M ESSAGE) SELECTION I NPUTS .................................................................................................... 249 ON / OFF
......................................................................................................................................... 250
COUNTR INCRM X & Y .................................................................................................................... 250 COUNTR RESET X & Y .............................................................
251 COUNTR END ................................................................................................................................. 251

HYDRAULICS ................................................................................................................................. 255

■ D IAGRAMS OF THE HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT ............................................................................................ 257

■ P ART IDENTIFICATION ..................................................................................................................... 258 F ILTER ..........................................................................................

I NK C IRCUIT START – UP ..................................................................................................................... 261 P RINT HEAD START-UP .............................................................

263 V ISCOSITY MEASUREMENT ................................................................................................................. 264 I NK LEVEL MEASUREMENT ...............................................
265 I NK TRANSFER PHASE ........................................................................................................................ 267

■ J ET START-UP AND SHUT-DOWN ...................................................................................................... 269

■ J ET PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................................................. 270
B REAK OFF POINT ( BOP) ................................................................................................................... 270
P HASE DETERMINATION ( C HARGE SYNCHRONIZATION) ......................................................................... 272 J ET SPEED CALCULATION ............................................
272 P IEZO FREQUENCY ............................................................................................................................ 272 J ET POSITION ........................................................................

■ J ET IN THE GUTTER PRINCIPLE ......................................................................................................... 273

SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................................... 275

■ G ENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 276

O PERATING SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................... 276 9450 APPLICATION
SOFTWARE............................................................................................................ 276
■ S OFTWARE INSTALLATION / UPDATE PROCEDURE ............................................................................. 277
G ENERAL .......................................................................................................................................... 277 S OFTWARE PACKAGE .....................................................................
277 P REPARATION ................................................................................................................................... 278 F IRMWARE I NSTALLATION ( S TANDARD) .........................
279 I NSTALLATION R EPORT ...................................................................................................................... 281

■ F ACTORY CONFIGURATION SETUP.................................................................................................... 282

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


P RINTER CONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................. 282 P REVENTIVE MAINTENANCE DATA ..........................................

284 H ISTORIES ERASURES ........................................................................................................................ 285

■ I NTERFACE FOR MI S ERVICE ENGINEER ........................................................................................... 285

MI ENGINEER PROFILE ....................................................................................................................... 288
■ C OPY SCREEN ................................................................................................................................ 294
P REPARATION ................................................................................................................................... 294 U SE ...................................................................................................
■ S IMULATOR .................................................................................................................................... 295
I NSTALLATION & L AUNCHING .............................................................................................................. 295 U SE .............................................................................................
■ A LGORITHMS .................................................................................................................................. 296
C ODIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 296

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725



9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ Reminder
Please read all the safety instructions that appear in the manuals provided to customers.

■ Compliance to standards
All our products are imposed to meet certain standards depending on local legislations.

Any (local) modification and or alteration to our equipment other than communicated by
MARKEM-IMAJE DS department, either by a MI employee or a customer is therefore strictly

The uses of non MARKEM-IMAJE parts or drilling a hole in the cabinet are examples which affect
the compliance to standards.

Keep this in mind at any time and make sure the customer does the same.

■ Safety
Although we are able to meet a large variety of applications with our product range, there is one application which we cannot
meet: Hazardous environments

A hazardous environment is defined as a place where concentrations of flammable gases, vapours, or dusts occur.

It is strictly forbidden to use any product of MARKEM-IMAJE in an environment which is determined

as hazardous environment

The safety precautions mentioned in the operators, service and installation instructions should be
understood, communicated to the customer and followed up at any time without any exceptions.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ Rules of conduct for technicians when visiting customers

Technicians must comply with the safety rules in effect at the customer's site: Prevention plan: Technicians must request
and examine the customer's prevention plan (where applicable) in advance or upon arriving at the customer's site.

- Traffic areas,

- Authorization to use spark-producing tools,

- Authorizations to perform work,

- Necessary accreditation (chemical, electrical, etc….)

If the business being visited does not provide specific equipment, technicians must wear MarkemImaje personal protective
clothing at least.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Overview

Intuitive touch screen

Full Tightness Stainless Steel Print Head:
user Interface

G Print head: Font height up to 32 dots Based on icon design

(Resolution = 2.8 dots/ mm)

M Print head: Font height up to 24 dots (Resolution

IP56/IP66 Stainless Steel cabinet
= 4.5 dots/ mm)

Mark and Read solution

Advanced Consumable Management

Consumable Identification & Management

Ink circuit based on 9232 printer with additional

features: Auto diagnostic sequences embedded
Improvement of start/stop sequences Securing
Ink tank level
Compatible with M-I accessories

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Principle of operation

The principle of operation is divided in two (2) priorities:

Priority1: Constant Jet speed. Feedback loop reaction time less than 2 seconds

Jet Speed Reference


Jet speed

Priority2: Constant Concentration. Feedback loop reactivity less than 30 mn



Viscosity vs temperature


T (°C)

Additive Constant Ink

addition Level

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Available configuration

Head Jet Font height Resolution

Type IP P/N Umbilical length
type (dots) (dots/mm)

IP56 1.1G 32 2.8 A48310

IP66 1.1G 32 2.8 A48316 3 or 6 meters (118
IP56 1.1M 24 4.5 A48311 or 236 inch)
IP66 1.1M 24 4.5 A48317

■ Print head Description

The design of the print head matches upside-down print head applications. The design of the print head is based on 9200

New stainless steel sleeve for easy The mechanical interface

& secure print head cleaning ensures tightness and a flexible link between
Front cover allows easy access to Umbilical <>print head
the print head parts

New Head filter

Mono layer filter

New 4 ELV Block

Mechanically designed to
prevent blockage issue

Print head parts reuse

from 9200 series
IP 66 Seal (electronic & Hydraulic)

Tightness is ensured by compressing a seal

between the hydraulic plate and the
print head sleeve
Cover Magnet

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Main features

Print features
M head G head

Head /Jet 1 head / 1 jet 1 head / 1 jet

Number of lines Up to 5 lines Up to 5 lines

Number of dots From 5 to 24 dots From 5 to 32 dots

Character height 1,8 to 8,7mm 1,1 à 11,4 mm

Characters choice Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Japanese, Chinese, Hebrew, Korean…

Print speed Up to 4.4 m/s Up to 6.6 m/s

Message library Up to 1000 message Up to 1000 message

Counters Up to 2 per message Up to 2 per message

Promotional coding (unique code)

Yes Yes

EAN8/EAN13/EAN128/UPCA/UPCE barcodes, code 39, code 128, interleaved 2 of 5, Data matrix, QR


Shift code Yes Yes

External variables Yes Yes

Postdates Yes Yes


Cabinet Full stainless steel

User interface WYSIWYG 7-inch wide touch screen

IP rating IP56/IP66(optional)

Umbilical length (conduit) 3m/6m(optional)

Connectivity USB – SD port /Ethernet - Alarm - Encoder - RS-232 - Detection

Print head pressurization kit

Autonomous pressurization kit (no Yes (Optional)

plant air required)

Print head Modulation assembly GS/GL type

Ink cartridge 0.8l cartridges. Mistake proof - Equipped with radio identification (Tag)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Advanced Consumables Management


The Advanced Consumables Management is composed of an identification system,

implemented in the printer, which is able to identify Markem-Imaje consumables. The customer’s
benefits are:
• No mistake with consumables references recognition,

• Optimum marking/printer performances,

• Identification of out-of-date cartridges,

• MI consumables authenticity proven.

The ACM design meats the ISO15693 standards. Each consumable is equipped with a TAG. The printer is equipped with
antenna board and IC board which transmits interrogator signals and also receives authentication replies from tags
situated on the consumable cartridge. The TAG contains ink or additive reference, batch number, expiry date and volume.
The IC board transmits to the NEP all data from the TAG. These data are used to manage different functionalities of the
printer (fluid levels, ink characteristics and validity...).

Consumable cartridges

NEP board


TAG (Consumables):
References Batch
number Expiration
date Volume

Signal frequency= 13,56 MHz

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Umbilical configurations (G/M heads)

The umbilical configuration is performed by our manufacturing center: straight or angled head, according to the umbilical
option selected in the SAP configurator. Four (4) configurations are available (0°, 90°, 180° and 270°) as follow:

■ G/M Head dimensions

Minimum radius of curvature (r):

- Static: 100 mm (3.93”)

- Dynamic: 150 mm (5.90”)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ M Print head vs G Print head

G head M head 6
hydraulic hydraulic
plate plate 5





7 7

ID Designation Comments
(G/M heads)

G head: ENM38980 (GS) G

1 Modulation Assembly No head: ENM40038 (GL) M head:

2 Charge electrode No Including with Active plate (7)

M head: ENM46263 G
3 Deflection Plate No
head : ENM40783

4 Gutter Block Yes M/G head: ENM38941

4bis Gutter Sensor Yes M/G head: ENM38973

5 4ELV Blocks Yes M/G head: ENM46408

6 Print head Board Yes M/G head: ENM39168

Not sealable for FSE. Dedicated for

7 Active Plate No
repair center

8 Head Cover including EHT No M head/G head: ENM47458

9 Ink Filter Yes M head/G head: ENM46708

Not Shown Head sleeve No New reference (M head):ENM45303

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Cabinet dimensions

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Operator interface

Profile selection

When connecting the printer to the AC power, the printer displays the user profile selection.

Operator profiles: These profiles allow performing the basic operations (Jet maintenance, Job selection). By default, no
password is required. This profile is configurable by an advanced profile.

Advanced profile: This profile allows performing advanced operations (Printer/Printing configurations, Job creation,
operator profiles configuration, ink circuit or print head
maintenances…). By default, the password for this profile is “0000”.

MI Engineer profile: This profile provides total access to all printer parameters. It is exclusively dedicated to MI Field
service Engineer. (See Software section – MI Engineer profile) .

Operator languages

Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Taiwanese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian,
Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish,
Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

Printer interface

Current Job in Alarm and fault

production notifications
Zoom (Job)

Job management (creation,


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Electronic compartment

Power Supply board

NEP board + Techno board

Industrial interface board

Cooling Fan

Rear view of the Top of the printer

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Hydraulic compartment
First level: Customer interface (basic operations)

Easy access to the ink and

connector/SD additive cartridges (No
card to/from printer tools required)

data from/to USB

pump Possibility to transfer

Adjustment of the pressure

Second level: Accessibility to the ink circuit components (using a 3mm Allen key)

Pressurization kit


Antenna board

Cartridges equipped
with tag

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

Ink Pressure sensor + anti-pulse

Peltier cell

Ink Level sensor

Ink filter
min level)

Level cells (Overflow,

IC/RFID board

New hydraulic block:

Transfer pump Electrovalves - Additive pressure sensor CP3
- Rinsing electrovalves EV6,EV7

Hydraulic parts (Ink/additive transfer

pumps and electrovalves)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ Ink features
Cartridge identification

The reference system has been set up to facilitate customer and Markem-Imaje team understanding on the
consumables content (colour, solvent base…). The logic of this reference system is explained below:

Note : J can be found instead of A for

some countries due to regulations

Certain inks require being equipped with specific accessories (pressurization kit) or require specific settings
(partial transfer). These inks are the following:

Ink reference MC117 MB139 MB243 MB247

Additive reference A188/J188 A188/J188 A188/J188 A188/J188
Head type G-M G G G-M

Partial transfer - - Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Pressurization kit - -
ENM40205 ENM40205

Ink reference DB513 MB554 DS560 ES590 FB651 MB248

Additive reference A181 A188/J188 A508 A591 A652 A188/J188

Head type G G-M G G-M G G-M

Partial transfer - - Mandatory Mandatory - Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Pressurization kit - - -
ENM40205 ENM40205

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description

■ General specification of the printer

Physical characteristics

Printer body(LxPxh) .................... 360mm x 304mm x 555mm

Print head (LxPxh):

G head: 229mm x 45mm x 45mm
Dimensions (mm) M head: 231mm x 45mm x 45mm

Umbilical length:
3000 mm or 118 inches 6000
mm or 236 inches
Complete machine ........................... 25 kg without options and ink Cartridge
Weight (kg)
........................................... 0.8Kg

Stainless steel 304L

Operating limits Operating

temperature [5°C to + 40°C] Use of certain inks can limit the temperature range

Humidity 10 to 90 % without condensation

Altitude 3000m maximum

IP56 (standard configuration) IP66

Protection (Optional configuration) EN60529

Installation details
Working position of the Vertical for the printer cabinet Any
printer position for print head
[- 2 m & + 2 m] for umbilical 3m
Maximum height offset between [-1m & +2m] for umbilical 6m (print head vertical down or horizontal) [0m & +2m] for
head and Printer cabinet umbilical 6m (print head vertical up) No setting required

Head / Object distance G head : 10 and 30 mm / M head : 7 and 14 mm

Possible with limited ink range, refer to IRS (Maximum acceleration:

Head movement
10m/s². Max linear speed: 1m/s)

Compliance with standard

CE marking (self-certification)
Conformity with the machine directive, the EMC directive and the low voltage directive:
CEI 60950 (EN60950) + Safety standard ISO 13849 Certification cULus-GS

Emissions: EN 61000-6-4
Electromagnetic compatibility
Immunity: EN 61000-6-2

Vibrations : NF EN 22247 / NF EN 60068-2-29 Impacts: NF EN22248

(falls/impacts)/NFH00 -60 NFH00-41, 47, 58, 59

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Printer description
100 - 120V 0.5A alternative (Automatic switching) 200 - 240V
0.3A alternative (Automatic switching). Frequency 50 or 60 Hz
Power supply
Power 60 VA.

Max: 0.12 grams of water/m³ (0.15 oz. of water/cubic foot) – 1 PPM of

Air quality
oil and size of particle < 5μ

Air pressurized (head Filtration 90% (particle > 0.1μm)

pressurization option) Flow rate 800 Nl/hour (0.47 scfm) for a IP56 version equipped with air
pressurisation at 7 bar (101 PSI)

Nominal pressure 5 < P <8 bar (72.5 < P < 116 PSI)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

■ Printer features

• Large choice of fonts and algorithms,

• Industrial barcodes,

• History recording for maintenance interventions,

• Printer availability and additive consumption,

• Faults with corresponding running data.

• Character height up to 24 drops (M) or 32 drops (G),

• Print speed up to 6.6 m/s (9232, 9232S)

• G : resolution 2.8 dots/mm (71dpi),

• M: Resolution = 4.5 dots/ mm (printing resolution: 115 dpi)

• Head/object distance: from 5 to 30 mm,

Character height

The print head has one jet with the possibility to print characters and customized logos up to 32 dots in height. Refer to
the printing capabilities sheet available on MI web site for details.

Fonts and Algorithms

Standard fonts ( a) are: Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Chinese, Cyrillic, Chimney, and Japanese

The range of font size (b) is expressed in dots from 5 up to 32 dots. b

The file extension of the fonts used on the 9232 is (*. mif): xxx.mif

There are several algorithms (c) available to fulfil customer’s expectation: Quality, Speed, and

All algorithms are available in the printer. The Algorithms are divided in 2 packages and selected
automatically depending on the print head configuration:

Quality (jet speed 20 m/s) or Speed (jet speed 23 m/s)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Caution: The print head configuration in particular for speed is depending on

the Ink Running Specification



In order to optimize the printing quality, the 9232 printer can change the algorithm according to the printing speed. In this
mode (automatic mode), the printer selects automatically the most suitable algorithm according to the conveyor speed.

There are two algorithm selection modes:

If the algorithm number is «0000» in the message
parameter, the printer selects the best algorithm by

If the algorithm is different from "0000" in the
message parameters, the printer will only use this
algorithm for printing.

Printing capabilities are detailed in the 9400 User manual

This table gives the most suitable algorithm according to

the printing speed, number of lines in the message,

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Head object distance

The head/object distance (d) depends on the head type as follow:

G head M head

Standard resolution 2.8 dots/mm 4.5 dots/mm

Head – object distance 10 and 30 mm 7 and 14 mm

Message / Job content

Up to 5 lines can be defined for each job; it could be up to 4 Kbytes. Each job/message is named (up to 20 ASCII char) &
numbered (1 to 998). A job is composed with several blocks. Extension file for job is: * . mim (M-I Message)



This includes printing parameters (18 bytes) and variable attributes (when it applies):

Counter (49 bytes per counter),

Barcode 1D (24 bytes + data per BC) Barcode

2D (14 bytes + data per BC)

QR code ()

Shift Code (9 bytes for mode 1, 12 bytes for mode 2, 46 bytes for mode 3)

Postdate (8 bytes per postdate)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

A job is composed with several blocks. Blocks can be protected for modification or given free for the
standard operators. Blocks can be:


Symbol ( Glyphs, Characters, logo…)

Graphics ( pictures, logo…)

External Variable ( up to 20 per job)


Shift code

Custom date

Counter ( up to 15 per job)

Bar Code ( up to 4 different barcodes per job)

Unique code

Profile Management

The” Profile Management” feature consists of configuring and managing different operator profiles.

Operator profiles: This profile allows performing the basic operations (Jet maintenance, Job selection). By default, no
password is required. This profile is configurable by an advanced profile.

Advanced profile: This profile allows performing advanced operations (Printer/Printing configurations, Job creation,
operator profiles configuration, ink circuit or print head
maintenances…). The password for this profile is “0000”.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

The configuration feature is activated only for advanced / MI Engineer profiles.

Assigning a password

Configuring the operator profiles

Note: Consult User Manual A48586 for more details.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Mark and read solution

Mark & Read solution ensures what is printed by the printer is present on the product, readable and correct. This solution
could be implemented using a vision system (Cognex Insight camera) plus a printer 9450 or by using CoLOs software.
This solution ensures: Presence ( complete data is printed) - Readability ( Data readable by human eye) - Integrity ( Data
content is coherent).

System set-up

The Cognex Insight camera setup consists in:

- Creating the “.job” setting files for each printer job
- Teaching the camera for the fonts used in the printer Job

Mark and Read with CoLOS

- CoLOS ITF is linked to one camera’s job.
- Fields in CoLOS ITF are linked to Symbolic Tags in the Camera.
- The data exchange between CoLOS and the camera is done according the mapping table defined in the ITF.

- Sending or getting data from CoLOS are made by using Telnet protocol.


2 3a


Cognex (.job)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Promotional coding

Promotional coding or unique code consists of sending a unique value to the printer. In that sense, each product coded
has a unique printed message. One message = one product. The solution consists of embedding an amount of data on a
media (USB stick) that are automatically pulled after each Dtop signal.

Set the printer in the Production Settings Factory. The selection case allows the operator to
use the promotion coding in standalone mode. If not activated, the promotion coding can be
used in V24 mode.

Restrictions and limitation

1. In case the printer is switched off from the mains, data are lost from the queue. Only data remaining into the
USB key are saved.

2. In case the operator changes the message in production or modifies the existing message, data are lost from the
queue. Only data remaining in the USB key are saved.

3. The unique code must be in ASCII character from 20h to 7Fh.

Note: Consult User Manual A48586 for more details.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

QR code

Three (3) algorithms are especially dedicated to 21, 25 and 29 dots height printing.

font size Algorithm Hmessage Head – Object

Head type (mm) Resolution
(dots) number distance (mm)

21 dots (21x21) 321 7,8

25 dots (25x25) 325 Horizontal : 2.7

G head 9,3 10 mm
Vertical : 2.7

29 dots (29x29) 329


21 dots (21x21) 321 5,4

Horizontal : 3.9 7 mm 9 mm for

M head 25 dots (25x25) 325 6,4
Vertical : 3.9 29 dots

29 dots (29x29) 329 7,5

Algorithms are activated when changing the vertical resolution as follow:

When creating a new job, algorithms are now available in the list:

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features


Stable product movement: no vibration, product with a flat surface and well guided.

Angle of distortion: Adjust the tilt of the head in order to compensate the speed effect (inclination of the raster).The tilt
should be adjusted at the main print speed in case of short acceleration and deceleration ramps and at the average
speed if all the speed range is used.

Tacky encoder is mandatory: The tacky encoder is mandatory to ensure a constant length of the QR code in spite of
the speed variations. In case 1, it is mandatory to change the tacky division for reading the code.

THT value: Check that the THT value indicated in the MI Engineer menu is the one indicated on the Print module.

Quiet zone: The quiet zone value should be equal at least at 4. Never set the value of the quiet zone at 0.

Head sense installation: We recommend sens1

Sens 1 Sens 2 Sens 3

QR code capacity

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Data matrix

Three (3) algorithms are especially dedicated to 16, 18 and 24 dots height printing.

Head font size Algorithm Head – Object

type (dots) number distance (mm)

16 dots 316

18 dots 318 Horizontal : 2.6

G head 10 mm
Vertical : 2.6
24 dots 324

16 dots 316

18 dots 318 Horizontal : 3.9

M head 7 mm
Vertical : 3.9
24 dots 324


Stable product movement: no vibration, product with a flat surface and well guided.

Angle of distortion: Adjust the tilt of the head in order to compensate the speed effect (inclination of the raster)

Tacky encoder is mandatory: The tacky encoder is mandatory to ensure a constant length of the Data matrix in spite
of the speed variations.
Head sense installation: The L pattern has to be printed with the less deviated dots. We recommend sens1
and 4.

Sens 1 Sens 2 Sens 3 Sens 4

Horizontal resolution: the tacky division has to be set to get a horizontal resolution of 2,6 dots /mm (G head) and 3.9
dots /mm (M head).

THT value: Check that the THT value indicated in the MI Engineer menu is the one indicated on the Print module.


9232 barcodes capabilities: EAN 8, EAN 13, UPCA & UPCE, 2/5 interleaved, Barcode 39

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features


Up to 15 Counters can be added to one single job. They can be incremented and reset by external signals or by internal
settings. An external signal can be given to inform the end value has been reached.

Message/job storage

• The printer can “Store” up to 999 Jobs.

• From the main repository up to 255 jobs could be selected to be part of the “Library” of the printer.

• Any job in library could be selected using parallel interface (8bit input on Industrial Interface) or serial link

• Extra input on industrial interface allows Job sense change.


This feature could be used when sending a job in production (with parameters) to several printers connected together. In
this case, it should be necessary to identify a printer as a “parent” and others as “Children”.

Parent Children

By default, the configuration of a printer is “Children”. The configuration of the parent/child feature is done in the printer
configuration menu:

Enter IP address and S/N of printers

connected as a children

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Simplified Protocol

The Simplified Protocol is now embedded on the printer. It can be used through the serial ports and through the Ethernet.
It includes the following features:

1/ "Job name selection": Job selection from the store (By Name) (9232E mode 1 only).

2/ "Job library selection": Job selection from Library (By position) (9232E mode 1 only).

3/ "Simplified - external variable": Update external variable in active Job.


The format of the frame is “ STX ( ASCII DATA) ETX”. There is no response from the printer. When an error is detected,
the User Interface displays the "External com error" Warning (without port origin).

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features


Conversion of files from 9020/9030/9040 to 9232 format is performed by CoLOS GRAPHICS.

(*. GCG)

S7S Files (*. S7S) GCG Files

MIF files (*.MIF)
Binary format

MIF Files (*. mif)

Custom font

There is no font editor with 9450. It is necessary to use CoLOS GRAPHICS to create custom font.
Create a bitmap (font type) and save it (as a MIF file) and upload it on a USB key or on a SD disk.

Connect the USB key to the printer and upload the font in the printer.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Create a new message, select font “MILogo” and add the symbol in the message.

Save the message and select it in production.

Files Format

Fonts Idem 9232: MIF files (*. mif)

Algo Idem 9232: MIA Files (*. mia)

Message Idem 9232: MIM files (*. mim)

The V24 protocol is identical to the 9232 printer with additional commands.
Consult the Network Interface Manual A48602.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

■ Accessories


The printer is equipped with the connections for the MARKEM-IMAJE standard accessories. (Consult the spare part
catalogue A48599 for more information about accessories).

Accessories Compatible with

1 2

1-Standard Printer bracket 2-Standard

Stainless steel table

3 5

3-Standard print head support

4-Standard head/Printer stand 5-Print

head quick fixation

6-New Beverage print head stand

This new stand (A48235) offers an accurate and fast
positioning of the print head.

7-Standardized Product Sensor

8-Standard Encoder 9- Configurable


Previous CIJ alarm tower(A34791) 10-New Alarm

A43931 + cable A43941 (kit A34792)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Printer installation

See Instruction manual for details about printer installation.

9450 could be mounted on existing 9232 stand

thanks to the dedicated bracket stand support kit
stability weights.

Bracket (Stand

Maintenance tray

9450 could be mounted on existing 923

wall support thanks to the dedicated bracket
support kit

Bracket (Wall

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Print head installation

Distance between the 2 fixing screws is the same as 9030, 9040, 9232 and 9450 ( E=65mm), so the use of existing head
support is possible.

Head support


Plug & play with 9030 and 9232 heads ( x, y and z axis):

• Same head/object distance (G head),

• Same position for the printing ( F=58.8mm)

Compatible with 9040 head thanks to existing interface bracket:

• On y and z axis but gap of 12 mm on “x” axis • G = F + 12mm

• Mechanical adaptation on site could ensure the compatibility: Use the bracket interface Head Support.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Standardized product sensor

The following table gives the part number of the product sensor and the required cable to connect on the printer.
( Note: For each sensor, the cable is ordered separately)

Product Sensor Required Notes/Applications

Sensor type Cables
Name ref Picture

Universal (standard
A45638 A45652 applications): Cardboard, paper,

Transparent product requiring

precision like bottling line,
POLARIZED RETRO glass… Universal (Standard
A45639 A45652
REFLEX application): Cardboard, paper,

CONTRAST A45645 No picture A45652 Film with dark mark

COLOR A45646 A45652 Film with mark

FORK A45647 A45654 Bottling line

Application with precision in term of

A45643 No picture A45652 product guiding Transparent

A45642 A45652 Metallic can
Sensor M18

Electronic component (small parts)

GLASS Application with difficult integration
A45640 A45652
FIBER (small place)

Electronic component (small parts)
Application with difficult integration
THROUGH A45641 A45652
(small place)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

Positive air pump kit

The positive air pump kit (A44425) is a compressor which permits pressurization of the
AIR PUMP KIT print head in order to avoid any dust from the environment being introduced to the

The compressor requires no compressed air coming from the customer’s industrial

It can be used in dusty environments only ; the positive air pump kit does not replace
the Air treatment unit, the compressor cannot be used in humid environments.

The compressor can be mounted on the printer using the location normally used for the
classic air treatment unit.

Note: Print head cleaning frequencies when using the compressor are:

- Once a week for print speed < 200m/min

- Once every three days for print speed > 200m/min

The Autonomous Compressor is recommended for use for print speed > 200m/min to improve the printing autonomy.

Positive Air Pump kit vs. Air Treatment Unit

Printer configuration Environment

IP56 IP66 Humid dust

x x x
Air treatment unit without switch

A40205 Air treatment unit x x x

A44425 Positive air pump kit x x

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

External communication

The printer is standard equipped with an Ethernet (RJ45) communication port for complete printer control.

For updates and or data transfer the printer offers 2 ports: USB port or SD port.

Limitation: SD up to 2 Gb supported, SD HC and SD XC are not supported.

Industrial Interface (option)

The industrial interface offers a wide variety of inputs and outputs to meet special and more complex customer’s
applications (see section Electronic- Industrial interface)

• Connection of customers “trigger” signal (cell, switch, PLC),

• Control of trigger signal by Inhibit signal input,

• Connection of customers “encoder” signal,

• Output for Warning and Alarm (opto-coupled and or Relays contact. The relays l contact could be served for example
to stop the production line.

• Connection of a second cell for object speed measurement,

• Printer ready output signal,

• Counters management (increment and reset) plus end value output signal,

• Switching ON/OFF the printer by external signal,

• Message selection from a predefined series of messages (library) by one input signal plus control of selection sense,
ascending or descending. For head movement applications for example,

• Message selection by message number (Hexadecimal or Binary coded),

• Message print sense control (reverse printing)

• Serial communication either RS232 or RS422 mode for complete printer control

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

■ History recording
Several data are stored to facilitate the daily use of the printer by the customer and the intervention of the MI
service technician.

These data can be saved on a USB stick or SD card for analysis purposes.

Printing: print counts per message with start and end date and time over the last two months for the
messages manually selected. Message selection by external signals is not taken into account.

Maintenance: All interventions (maintenance and or part replacement) can be recorded in the
printer. This is a manual procedure (except the maintenance).

Availability / consumption: The availability of the printer (100% = printer always available without
faults when needed) and average Additive
consumption plus the average temperature (based on the ink temperature are measured for each

Warnings / Faults: Recent faults and warnings are recorded with a direct link to the running status
history which can be of use for the service technician for diagnosis purpose.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Main product features

■ Planet portal
The aim of the DS Technical Support Planet is to give easier access to the information (last Technical Bulletin, BfSE,
check lists…) plus Software/Firmware.

The web link is http://blvsapep32:50000/irj/portal and the entry point is new technical support.

Entry point
(Global support)

Entry point (CIJ


Entry point (9450


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

■ Pre-Installation Policy
Pre-installation form

For each new MI proposal, the solution has to be validated by the customer through the print sample process. For each
installation project, a Pre-installation has to be performed in order to:

• Define the customer need/application,

• Check the feasibility,

• Prepare correctly the installation,

• Ensure efficient and professional installation.

The form is a good tool for sharing information between sales and the technical department. The form is often

needed as an attachment to the Business Opportunity (BO) form. To help the operation to fill the pre-installation, 2

“Pre-installation” forms are defined

» for » for
tion ation
n s talla stall
Pre - i re-in
asic mp lex P
«B « Co

Dedicated for “Basic installation” (standalone

Dedicated to Complex Pre-installation” form
machine with Photo-cell or/and tacky
for non-basic installation**. This preinstallation
encoder). This pre-installation could be filled by the
could be filled by the Level 1 or
sale rep or by the Level 1 field
level 2 field service engineers.
service engineer.

Note: A detailed installation guide is available in this book to remind each step of the installation process and to remind
the installation rules for the CIJ technology.

Non-basic installation: 9450 with Colos, head movement, complex mechanical integration, RS232 connection, Ethernet
connection, Interface parallel, Data matrix, QR code, specific inputs outputs or difficult environment (temperature, humidity…).

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Operator training

For each installation, the Customer operator has to be informed on how to drive a CIJ printer. Most of
the downtime under warranty is due to the lack of knowledge. At the end of installation, the printer
should run properly if the operator customer is “autonomous” or if he is fully aware and convinced to
follow a basic operator training.

Case#01 - Customer operator has never used an M-I CIJ printer before

The operator should follow Basic training course (see section customer training). Information will be
supplied after the installation (safety, start/stop, quick guide presentation, introduction of the MI training
catalogue) and convince the customer the preventive maintenance is a key factor of success.

Case#02 - Customer operator has already used a MI CIJ printer before.

A Short Basic instruction should be supplied after the installation (see section customer training). A
customer having MI CIJ printer already installed have sufficient knowledge (safety, vocabulary, ink jet
technology...) to receive this Short Basic instruction at the end of the installation.

Simplified installation process

Each installation and the printing quality have to be validated in production mode with the customer and the “Installation
certificate” has to be filled.

Markem Imaje OOBCL


Pre-installation Installation certificate


Remark: Supply a “back-up printer configuration” card (messages, fonts, and printer setup) for the future maintenance
operation with MI hot-line.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

■ Installation Guide

Process description

For customer, the most important contact is the MI technical services. Pre-installations and installations have a habit of
setting the tone of how a customer views Markem-Imaje.
You are the ambassador of MARKEM-IMAJE!

It is expected that each service engineer uses all the available tools and training support to provide the best of their
abilities to maintain a high level of customer service and technical expertise.

Some rules and best practices to prepare the installation, behavioural, and installation techniques must be followed and
observed for this first contact with the customer. These rules allow a successful installation to be ensured and minimize
returns during the warranty period after the installation.

In this section, all installation steps are described:

• Step1: Validation of the customer project,

• Step2: Preparation of the installation,

• Step3: Installation of the printer,

• Step4: Instruction/Training for the operator,

• Step5: Validation of the installation

• Step6: Report of the installation

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Customer project Validation Print sample validation


Cognex validation**

Step 2: Installation preparation

Preparation of the Installation

Step 3: Installation Physical Installation

Installation validation

Printer back-up

Step 4: Operator instruction

Short basic instruction on


Production follow-up
Step 5: Installation validation
Validation with customer

Installation certificate

Clean the installation area

Step 6: Report the Installation Step 1:


* * Cognex validation: In case of Mark & Read application please refer to the associated Mark &
Read document and contact your local CoLos champion

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Step 1: Customer project validation

Print samples process & Sampling activity

The sampling activity is a free service offered to external and internal customers for validation of suitability for inks for
clearly identified applications.

For each MI proposal concerning a new application or new substrate, the ink choice has to be validated by the customer
through the print sample process. The sample request form is available on Planet.


Before making an offer it is necessary that a local service/sales engineer makes an evaluation of the application during a
Pre-installation visit. The Pre-installation Form has been designed to be a guide for Salesmen or Service Engineers during
this visit.

It will help to clearly define the application, the type of printer, the type of print head and ink, the needed accessories, the
connections with the printer and the environment.

Don't hesitate to collect all data and fill all fields mentioned in the form. Add drawings or digital pictures if possible in order
to define where the cabinet, the print-head, and accessories (tacky, photocell…) will be installed.

During the pre-installation visit, it is important to behave like if you have to install the machine:

• Localization of the marking head and of the cabinet,

• Detection signal and encoder mechanical coupling,

• Mechanical brackets,

• Availability of mains power, compressed air,

• Electrical connections with customer's equipment

This pre-installation visit is strongly recommended in order to clearly define the customer
need and to prepare and ensure efficient and professional installation.

Cognex validation

In case of Mark & Read application please refer to the associated Mark & Read document and contact your local CoLOS

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Step 2: Installation preparation

In order to perform an efficient and professional installation, the installation has to be strongly prepared to avoid any
surprise during the installation.

Contact your sales & logistic representatives

Liaise with the Sales department to check what was sold, what was ordered and the specific requirements for the
installation (pre-installation form).

Contact the Logistics department to confirm what was ordered and its delivery date. Check that the delivered parts and
what the sales team sold match up, so as to minimize any surprises at customer site!

Contact your customer

It is the first contact with YOUR CUSTOMER: you have to be professional!

• Establish a link between the customer’s representatives who will be responsible for the installation.

• Arrange an appointment (define the date) and re-check the customer need by using the Preinstallation form filled
during the pre-installation visit.

• Check if the company has safety or quality issues that require special authorization or documentation
(safety shoes, safety helmet, electrical qualification…).

• Check that the delivered parts and what the Sales team sold match up, so as to minimize any surprises at
customer site!

• Check if they have completed any pre-installation work required (air pressure present, main power present near the
installation area, specific bracket done by the customer…).

• Check with your contact what printer and accessories have been delivered.*

• Check with your contact the consumables that have been delivered (it could be a different carrier for consumable
and printer).Check with your contact the production line could be stopped for the CIJ integration and then the
production line will be ready to perform some test in production mode.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Step 3: Installation

Installation at a customer’s site

Meet your contact and confirm the plan for the installation

• Confirm the plan for the installation according to your last exchange with your contact and with the information present
on the Pre-installation form.

• Respect the safety or quality rules to follow during your stay on the customer site.

• Localize the materials and consumables delivered by MI.

• Localize the production line where the installation has to be performed.

• Identify the operators already trained or operators who have to follow the basic operator instruction.

• Check the certified power plug.

• Check the compressed air if required.

• Check the grounding available near the printer.

• Check the possibility to fix the stand on the floor.

• Start and check the printer before to starting the installation.

• If you replace an old machine, note the cable connections.

• The printer has to be installed far from permanent crossing of mobiles or people.

• Install the printer and accessories with the definitive bracket.

• Perform the installation with vibration free on the printer cabinet, print-head, umbilical, accessories when the production
line is active.

• Perform installation within MI specification (T°, Printing distance, level print head/cabinet).

• Check the umbilical positioning (no vibration, correct bent, no axis rotation and correct speedacceleration if

• Install the head maintenance tray.

• Check the cable routing and attach each cable in a professional way (check the grounding and shielding).

• Once the installation is definitive, validate the message layout in production condition.

• Once the message layout is validated, start a production follow-up and start your installation validation (see next

• Enter the installation date in the factory settings to reset the counters for the maintenance alarms (see chapter

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Installation validation

When the physical installation is performed, please use the “Installation validation checklist” in order to control the
installation rules for the CIJ technology.

Once the installation is definitive, validate the message layout in production condition. Once the message layout is
validated, start a production follow-up. If the speed of the line is variable, test the printer at the maximum speed.

Step 4: Short Basic instruction

The Field Service Engineer gives Basic Instruction to the customer using a Flip-chart near by the printer (master file of the
flow chart available on Planet).

The instruction takes 2 to 3 hours. Number of attendees should be limited (5 maximum).

Step 5: Installation validation

Before leaving the customer, there are documents to sign.

Installation/intervention report + installation certificate form should be signed by the customer. In the case where the
customer has to finish the installation by himself, ask him to note this down on the installation report

Delivery order has to be signed by the customer Send the OOBCL

form to local after-sales manager
Before leaving, schedule a phone call with your contact to verify that his expectations, under a production situation, have
been met.

Step 6: Report the Installation to MI

Use the OOBCL process to report the installation to MI (See OOBCL paragraph)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Basic pre-installation form


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Date: Your Reference:

Subsidiary / Distributor: Country:

Salesman's name: Tel.:

Service Engineer's name: Tel.:

Customer’s Name: Group:


Sales contact name: Tel.:

Technical contact name: Tel.:

Product line Name/Number:


Ambient temperature max.: °C/F Operating Temperature: from x to x °C (see IRS)

Humidity max.: % dusty wet

Working hours per year hours

Application: New Installation Printer Replacement Model :

9450 MODEL

9450 Type 11G 11M Umbilical length: 3M 6M

Angled umbilical
Option IP56 IP66
left rear right


Product type: Size: x x mm


Surface: Normal Rough Greasy Humid dusty hot

Ink environmental Restrictions:


Speed: Variable Fixed
On Conveyor
Maximum speed: m/min Minimum speed: m/min
Main power supply available UPS required Yes
Power Supply
Yes No No
Product movement Right to left Left to right Up to down

Print head position

Description of Head Location vertical horizontal upside down tilt

Picture will be useful


Pre-treatment (Corona, flame, hot air) Post-treatment (hot air, UV, heat)
Ink & application
constraints Other constraints: (Migration, condensation,
Drying time available: sec
sterilization etc…)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Sampling To do in progress Done
Customers site sampling Date: Accepted: Yes No
Ink validation
Local Markem-Imaje site sampling Ref.: Accepted: Yes No
Repeat for each individual
product substrate and or GDS Markem-Imaje site sampling Ref.: Accepted: Yes No
Ink reference: Additive reference: Cleaning solution:

Additional remarks

Location On side Top side Bottom side Neck

Job recovery from 9040 9020/9030 Other (to be specify)

Job description Logo Barcode Font size 5,7,9,11,16,24,32 dots

Number of lines in a job:

Cabinet support Customer table Markem-Imaje stand and Bracket

Alarm 3 Lights 24V 2 Lights 24V Customer’s alarm

External Signal MI Proximity Mounting bracket photocell MI

Cell Photocell Optic fiber Reflection cell Photocell support

Location ( specify)

Two External Signals MI Encoder spiked wheel Flexible

encoder ( 5000pulses) coupling Encoder Support
Markem-Imaje 7000 series needs
MI encoder - Adjustable
signals A & B for marking
Encoder smooth wheel

Air pressure kit ( IP56 only) Air pressure kit for dusty and humid environment

Positive air pressure kit (IP56

Important : DO NOT USE for humid environment

Extraction system In case of strong safety rule….can be proposed

Job & System Back-up memory card (Highly recommended)


use & operating Advanced maintenance

Customer training Number of operator per work shift: Number of technician per work shift:

Number of work shift: On-site training

Additional Information

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Complex pre-installation form


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Date: Your Reference:

Subsidiary / Distributor: Country:

Salesman's name: Tel.:

Service Engineer's name: Tel.:


Customer’s Name: Group:


Sales contact name: Tel.:

Technical contact name: Tel.:

Product line Name/Number:

Application New Installation Printer Replacement Model:

Ambient °C/F Min °C/F Max °C/F Ink storage °C/F

Difference between cabinet and head: ° C/F Remark:

Humidity % dusty wet

Air moisture No Yes Max = % Wetness: No Yes

Vibrations No Yes Static electricity: No Yes

Cleanness No Yes Remark :

Head / Cabinet distance Horizontal: cm / inch Vertical: cm / inch

Working hours per year hours

Environmental restriction No Yes Precise:

9450 MODEL
9450 Type 11G 11M Umbilical length: 3M 6M
Angled umbilical
Option IP56 IP66
left rear right

Air pressure kit

Air pressure kit for dusty and humid environment
(IP56 only)

Positive air pressure kit (IP56

Important : DO NOT USE for humid environment


Size: x x Type:

Product Type : Substrate: Colour:

Surface : Normal Rough Greasy Humid Dusty Hot

Adhesion constraint : No Yes:

Ink environmental Restriction No Yes:

Drying time available s

Remarks: draw the product including the location of the printing, mention any conditions and limitations which have been accepted by the customer

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Describe in plain text the production process and the customer’s needs in full detail.

Conveyor Carrousel Wrapping/Film Other: ________

Production line & Model
Mark: Model:

Product speed:
( Maximum) Speed: m/min Fixed Variable

Product movement: Continuous Intermittent Rotation

Product rate Product/hour= Hours/day = Days/week = Weeks/year =

Power Supply Available To be installed by the customer UPS system required Yes No

Air supply Available To be installed by the customer

Cabinet fixation MI Customer Comment / Solution:

MI Customer Comment / Solution:

Head fixation
Vertical Horizontal Upside down Inclined

Head movement NA One way printing Reverse printing

Printer ON/OFF Comment / Solution:

Synchronization printer with process
NA Ready to print


Standard Comment / Solution:

Printing stop External via Stop imp

Product detection / Print

NA MI Customer Comment/Solution:

Inhibit print signal NA MI Customer Comment/Solution:

Print Speed signal
NA MI Customer Comment/Solution:
(Encoder / cell(s))
End of counter
NA MI Customer Comment/Solution :
(Batch control)

NA MI Customer Comment/Solution:

External warning Visual Acoustic Production line STOP Serial COM

Behaviour :

NA MI Customer Comment/Solution :
Behaviour :
External message selection : Numerical Colos Mark &
Sequential increment Serial protocol Ethernet
BCD Hex Read
Reverse library Barcode reader

User Profiles No Yes Description

No Yes * Connected to: Colos directly to the 9450 (Not available yet)
Camera connexion
* If yes, please refer to the associated Mark & Read document and contact your local CoLos champion


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

NA Pre-treatment (Corona, flame, hot air) Post-treatment (hot air, UV, heat)
Ink & application
constraints Other constraints: (migration, condensation, sterilization etc…):

Ink validation Customers site sampling Date: Accepted: Yes No

Repeat for each individual BU/Operation sampling lab Ref.: Accepted: Yes No
product substrate and or colour DS Feasibility lab Ref.: Accepted: Yes No
Ink reference : Additive reference : Cleaning solution :
Drying system NA MI Customer Comment/Solution :
Antistatic precautions NA MI Customer Comment/Solution :


Location : On side Top side Bottom side Neck

Job window size: Height: Size :

Job creation: Printer interface External interface

Logo Shift code Barcode:____
Auto dating Table
Text size 5 , 7, 9 , 11 , 16 , 24 , 32 dots Date Data matrix QR code
manual update
Job contents: Promotional coding
external update
Postdate 1 2 3 4 5 6 Counter
Variables fields
1 2 ………15

Job example:


will be present Specifications to
Customer table present & within spec
be send

Cabinet support & Markem-Imaje stand / table and Bracket

maintenance tray Qty Part n° Description

Customer bracket present will be present

Markem-Imaje stand / table and Bracket

Head fixation
Qty Part n° Description

Remarks: draw the production line including the printer and all necessary accessories


Cabinet support Customer table Markem-Imaje stand and Bracket

Markem-Imaje Alarm Customer’s alarm

3 Lights 24V Part n° 2 Acoustic Light Production

Lights 24V Part n° bracket line stop

Part n°


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Manual activation

Markem-Imaje : Trigger INC/TRG MESS INHIBIT TRIG

External customer signal : Trigger INC/TRG MESS INHIBIT TRIG

Job Activation Product Qty Part n° Description

detection Cell Bracket

+ Brackets Accessory

Location (specify in drawing)

Customer encoder 2 cells measurement

MI encoder
Qty Part n° Description

Speed measurement Encoder Mounting

Encoder or Cell Bracket Wheel


Location (specify in drawing)

Job system Back-up memory card (Highly recommended)

Draw the production line including the printer and all necessary accessories

NA Mandatory

Customer implementation Present Will be Present

MI accessory
Qty Part n° Description
Brush Ground strap Mounting

Bracket Location (specify in




use & operating Advanced maintenance

Customer training Number of operator per work shift : Number of technician per work shift :
Number of work shift : On-site training

Additional Information:

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

9450 Initial start-up instruction (approximately 30 minutes)

An instruction sheet is added in the printer box, you should follow the instructions to ensure an efficiency installation.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Installation Validation Checklist

Installation safety compliance (“No smoking” sign, extinguisher, glass…) • Not Ok • Ok

Printer has to be installed far from permanent crossing of mobiles or people • Not Ok • Ok

No explosive environment and Ventilated location (see instruction manual) • Not Ok • Ok

Printer far from source of heat or fire or sparks • Not Ok • Ok

Printer has to be connected to suitable power supply & correct earth • Not Ok • Ok

Head maintenance tray installed • Not Ok • Ok

Presence of pressurization kit if difficult environment (humid and/or dusty) • Not Ok • Ok

Plant air clean & filtered if applicable • Not Ok • Ok

Presence of positive air pressure pump if dusty environment • Not Ok • Ok

No vibration on cabinet, umbilical, print-head and accessories • Not Ok • Ok

Machine installed with definitive bracket • Not Ok • Ok

Umbilical correctly installed (no vibration, correct bent, no axis rotation and correct speedacceleration if • Not Ok • Ok

Cables correctly attached • Not Ok • Ok

Cables not too long (mainly for RS232 connection) • Not Ok • Ok

Cable shielding correctly connected • Not Ok • Ok

Grounding of machine stands • Not Ok • Ok

Stands fixed on the floor • Not Ok • Ok

Printing layout validated by the customer • Not Ok • Ok

«Tacho step» parameter correctly set according to the tacho encoder installation • Not Ok • Ok

If barcode application, the barcode is readable • Not Ok • Ok

Production follow-up made • Not Ok • Ok

Print test at the maximum speed of the production line • Not Ok • Ok

Ensure the encoder is tensioned and making a good & clean contact with the conveyor • Not Ok • Ok

Head object distance is correct • Not Ok • Ok

The level distance between the head and cabinet is ok (see Ink Running Specification) • Not Ok • Ok

No leakage, no fault on the printer • Not Ok • Ok

Factory setting set correctly (including installation date and maintenance data) • Not Ok • Ok

Printer backup done (printer parameters and messages) • Not Ok • Ok

Operator information and documentation
Printer maintenance suitcase complete & available • Not Ok • Ok

Printer manuals given and available for operator • Not Ok • Ok

Initial operator training supplied • Not Ok • Ok

Local MI technical service centre known by customer (phone, fax…) • Not Ok • Ok

Ink & additive safety data sheet known and available by the customer • Not Ok • Ok

Ink Running Specification sheet known and available by the customer • Not Ok • Ok

Consumable storage explained and available • Not Ok • Ok

The MI working area is clean after the installation • Not Ok • Ok

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

9232 Installation Certificate

Installation certificate 9450 printer

I hereby certify that I have read and acknowledge the Safety Data Sheet and general condition of use of the
MARKEM-IMAJE Ink Jet Printer, as they were mentioned on the printer manual.

I have noticed the drums of ink; make-up and cleaning solution must be closed and stored in a ventilated room.

A copy of the material safety data sheets (MSDS) corresponding to the ink that I am currently using is in my
possession and its contents were explained to me by ___________________, the Markem-Imaje Technician who
performed the installation.

Yes No

Operator has received the initial information on the printer • •

Manuals (instruction, user manual, etc…) have been provided • •

The user suitcase has been provided • •

The MI technical service centre is identified • •

Company Name: _______________________ Name: _________________________

Date: ________________ Signature:

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Out Of Box Checking List

OOBCL sheet is a web page available here:


The rule is: one (1) installation = one (1) OOBCL

The main topics of the OOBCL sheet are the following:

OOBCL topics Description

Printer configuration
General Information Installation conditions FSE

Reception :Shipment & Packaging check To report a logistic complaint

If the start-up takes less than 30 minutes, select NO.

STARTING UP as per 9232 initial start-up instruction If the start-up takes more than 30 minutes, select YES and additional fields
will appear :
- Ability to enclose log files and / or pictures
- Description of the issue (Fault code, type of issue, replaced parts)
How did you fix the issue? How the issue has been fixed (w/o part replacing)

Sales review Available for any customer complaint

The time spent to complete the installation CAPTCHA field to secure the data
Submit button to send the OOBCL A additional button to save the information
Remarks in case of multiple installation with the same configuration

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

■ Customer Training

• TCO reduction,

• Printer availability

How customer training can help reaching objectives

Most of the downtime under warranty is due to the lack of knowledge. Developing MI culture/values of training will
increase customer operator capability to fix quickly minor events.

Make operator customer autonomous by the end of the installation. A printer should run at customer site only if the
operators are trained.

Convince customers that preventive maintenance is important.

Train Customer Technician to troubleshoot and replace defective parts by themselves. This will reduce TCO as the
customer will only have to pay for the parts, not for a MI technician visit.


All deliverables are written in English only and available on Planet. It is possible to export, translate, and import a
Word file. Translation can be done locally.

► Short basic Instruction (flipchart format used after installation for retained customer)

► Training package (see the content of each level on the next page):

• Basic Training Course

• Advanced Training Course

• Technical Training Course

What is different with CTP 9450?

9450 brings enhancement that will ease training:

► More consumable details are displayed from main screen (basic T)

• 4 consumable autonomy indicators are displayed according with the ink and additive cartridges
TAG data (basic T)

► 3 operator profiles are available and configurable (advanced T)

• Daily shut down: one stop type is available (basic T)

• New features for the IC management (Technical T)

• New features for the PH management (Technical T)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Customer Training Package

Operator and Technician Customer

Short Basic Basic Advanced Technical
Training objectives Instruction training training training
(*) course course course
Printer safety rules X X X X
Printer presentation X X
Consumables identification (ACM) X

Consumables replacement X X

Start-up and shut-down the printer X X

Be comfortable with Touch Screen X X
Create, select and print a message X
Set message parameters X
Clean and prepare the print head X
Replace the ink and air filters X
Fix common faults X

Operator profiles config. & manag. X

Ink jet technology X
Fonts and resolution X
Accessories connection X
Back-up and restore X
Print head maintenance X

Ink circuit management X

Electronic circuit management X
Troubleshooting X
Parts replacement and adjustment X
Software update X
Service policy (maintenance X X

Quiz X X X
Evaluation form X

2 or 3 hours 6 hours
Duration (after 6 hours 6 hours

• Note: Printer installation + Short Basic Instruction will become “Start-up Service”. SBI material used on site should be a

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

■ Printer in Demo mode

For demonstration purposes the printer can be start up in a DEMO mode. This mode is a special economic mode in
terms of ink use at start-up which gives the possibility to start up the printer without using a full cartridge of ink.

This mode also includes a draining function upon switching the printer off at the end of a demonstration.

NOTES: The printer should be drained before transporting it in any kind of vehicle

Printer start-up

Before starting the printer, the demo mode should be enabled in the Start Stop menu.

Once enabled, switch the printer on with the ink and additive cartridges.

If the printer contains no ink it will transfer approximately 300cc (≈ 40mm ink level) of ink and fill the additive
reservoir (± 150cc).

The start-up takes about 10minutes. The printer is now ready for the demonstration.

If the printer does contain ink the demo mode does not work, the printer will start-up normally The demo mode will

switch automatically to normal mode if the ink level reaches the low level alarm. The printer will transfer the remaining

ink of the cartridge.

If the demonstration is much ink consuming, it is advisable to remove the ink cartridge once the initial transfer is

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725

Pre-installation Installation Training

Safely transporting the printer

When switching the printer off in demo mode, you will be

proposed to drain the additive reservoir into the ink tank. If
the printer is supposed to be transported in a vehicle you
should answer yes and once the printer is off, drain
manually the ink circuit.

If the ink level is more than 80mm the ink circuit must be manually drained before confirming the drain of additive to the ink
tank to avoid overfilling.

In demo mode and if pigment ink is used, it is recommended to clean manually the cartridge needle with additive when the ink
cartridge is disconnected to the printer.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725



9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ After Sales Policy

General policy

The after sales policy is based three pillars:

1. Design improvement

a. Print-head automatic clean up facility to limit print-head issue

# 1-Printer uptime securing b. Ink circuit automatic clean up facility

c. Local Printer diagnostic facility to help the customer to fix issue

d. Remote printer diagnostic facility (Log file treatment by MI web tool)

2. Reuse of mature Ink circuit and Print module

1. Faster printer diagnostic

e. Help to support local repair made by Customer maintenance

f. Remote diagnostic facility (log file/log viewer)

# 2-Minimize printer downtime
g. Advanced Management Consumable (consumable)

2. Embedded maintenance sequence

a. Clean parts of the Ink circuit/Print head in case of issue

1. Printer support cost

a. Extended warranty period

2. Reduction of production stop

# 3- Reduce operation cost
a. Automatic Daily clean up
b. Improved startup/stop down process
1. Easy Message change for Batch change
2. Printing quality

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Spare parts policies

Spare part policy for Ink Circuit

The spare part policy is in line with the reduction of the TCO. There are no more complicated
modules used, the ink circuit can be repaired at component level by customers and
technician (pump, electro valves, filter, sensor….).

Spare part policy for Print Module

Some components defined as spare parts of the print module are not suitable for print head
maintenance operations at the customer’s site. We identified two (2) types of components for
existing Print Module spare parts, relating to each type of intervention:

Category 1: Suitable for service at customer site,

Category 2: Suitable for service at MI workshop

Category 1: Suitable for service at customer site

P/N Description Picture Recommendations

4 Electro Valve Bloc

(M/G head)
MI recommends using
these parts for Print
Module repair at the
Deflection Plates Kit customer site.
(G head)

If changing these
parts does not fix the
failure, Print
Deflection Plates Kit
ENM46263 Module
(M head)
replacement is
Modulation Assembly GS
(G head)

Modulation Assembly GL
(G head)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Category 1: Suitable for service at customer site

Modulation Assembly
(M head)

Print head Board

(M/G head)

Cover (including
EHT block)

Category 2: Suitable for service at MI workshop

P/N Description Picture Recommendations

ENM38973 Gutter sensor

MI recommends using these

parts for Print Module
repair at a MI
workshop only.
ENM38941 Gutter Block

ENR Policy

Print module: consult the ENR list ( M/G Print Module list )

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Maintenance policy

The printer maintenance is based on 2 shifts (4000 h/year) or 3 shifts (6000 h/year) use.

The maintenance is divided in two (2) types of maintenances:

Filter replacements >> Filter kit (A40989)

The filter kit replacement has a fixed interval of 18 month and is in-depended
of the running hours. In general this kit is replaced by the customer as
on-site labour and travel cost are not included in a service agreement. The
parts are included

Flushing, Pressure pump & filter replacement

> > Maintenance kit (A40846)

The maintenance kit has an interval depending of the ink type and is based on
the printer running hours.

Service agreements

Although the preventive maintenance can be done by the customer, Service agreements are highly recommended during
the initial sale and every time when visiting a customer without service agreement.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ Help desk

A simulator of the printer is available to be able to guide the customer via the phone. This simulator should be installed
on a PC. The version of the simulator follows the version of the printer software version. This allows having an exact
copy on the pc as the customer’s printer. (See software chapter paragraph simulator for more information).

Planet directory: New Technical support ► CIJ ► 9450 ► Software and firmware download

Printer information

When a customer requests a support, it is important to know the useful printer informations ( Serial Number,
installation date, software version…). Guide the customer: to display the printer information ( Tools ► Services ► Information
► Printer ).

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Problem description in SAP Notification

It is very important to fill in correctly the tab “Item” when creating a Notification upon a customer call.

This information is used for all kind of statistics on local and global level. For this reason we ask the text fields to be filled
in English whenever possible.

The MI Help Desk (Engineer) fills in the fields “object part”, “problem” and “Text” based on his diagnostic.

If no MI Service engineer (on site) intervention is needed, the MI Help Desk (Engineer) should also fill in the fields
“Cause” and “Cause text”

If an MI Service engineer intervention is needed, he has to fill in the fields “Cause” and “Cause text” when filling in the
Service order.
When creating a Service Notification, It is possible to select the Product Fault Code displayed on the equipment. First,
select the equipment concerned and then select the Fault Code displayed on the equipment as follow.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


In case of failure of the printer without Fault Code displayed on the equipment, use the generic Problem Code divided
into four domains Blocking, Non-Blocking, Other and Safety as follow:

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ On Site intervention
When visiting a customer it is important not only to fix and answer, but also to survey the printers behaviour based on the
“Printer histories” and propose solutions like for instance extra training.

■ Histories and running status

The printer keeps history of several data. The “Printing”, “Availability / Consumption” and “Warning and Faults Histories are
saved automatically. The maintenance data is entered manually and keeps track of all the parts changed. It is important
when changing any part to enter it. This will help you and or your college upon a next visit.

Printing history

The Printing History enables the customer to consult the number of prints realized according to the job.

Notes: Messages selected by external signals are not recorded

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Maintenance history

The printer has a maintenance record and should be used for each part replacement either by the customer or
by a MI engineer.
Refer to the operator’s manual for spare parts replacement recording.

Always record any parts replaced.

The maintenance record helps you and your team for each visit


When transferring the Maintenance history a file is saved on the destination chosen.

- Serial number_MainHistory_0.txt for the current month

- Serial number_MainHistory_1.txt for the previous month

The files are text files in which the data is

semi-colon (;) separated. It
can be visualized with Excel.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


(Printer) Availability (History)

Basically, it expresses the time when the printer is available for production in relation to the time the printer is
required to be available for production.

The availability is expressed in percentage over a period of one month.

The history goes up to 24 months.

The printer availability is based on 3 time counters (C1, C2 and C3)

C Name Description Excluded fault

C1 starts as soon as the printer (read ink circuit) is

Faults which do not stop the counter :
switched on. It measures the time the printer is really
available for production. The start-up time of the Ink 2050 – Head cover absent or not present
Printer Circuit is taken into account but not the shut down 4010 – Time out viscosity measurement
available time of the ink circuit as once you press the off button 4030 – viscosity too high
(ready) for the printer is no more demanded to be available. Any 4040 – No more ink
production fault appearing during this time stops this counter. 4050 – No more additive
Clearing the fault makes this counter to continue 5120 – Missing plant air The jet ON or OFF

has no influence

Printer C2 starts and ends at the same time as C1. It measures

Any fault occurring during this time does not stop
C2 required to be the time the printer is demanded to be available.
this counter

C3 starts when C2 stops and faults are still active. It

measures the time needed to repair the printer. When
the printer is unplugged, the date and time are stored
in memory to be able to calculate the real repair time
Powering the printer does not stop this counter.
C3 Repair time C3 once the printer is powered on again. This counter
stops when the printer is restarted (read ink circuit) or
the fault is cleared.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725



The printer availability is calculated over a period of one month. Availability = C1

/ (C2+C3) A new month starts at 100%

Leaving the printer off or unplugged without clearing the faults have a negative influence on the availability. Always
switch the printer on after a repair to ensure correct functioning and let C1 > 0


t fau
use w

Remark: The above diagram will be the same when a fault occurs during the IC stop cycle and or an
excluded fault appears during production

out a
o lv ed with
an be
fault that c
use with a

Remarks: The availability will decrease until the fault is cleared, even if the problem has been solved. The above
diagram will be the same when a fault occurs during the IC start or during maintenance operations (Head or IC
draining flushing…). The availability is not influenced if a fault occurs during the IC stop phase.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


er OFF
a printer pow
a fault and
se with
Daily u

Remarks: The repair time counter (C3) is not cleared after a power ON. So the availability will decrease until the
next printer ON, even if the problem has been solved.

Special cases

For each month the printer remains off (read ink circuit) with C3 not counting (disabled), the availability will be
set to 100%. C1= 0, C2 = 0, C3 = 0 • Availability = 0 / (0 + 0) >> Availability => 100% For each month the
printer remains off (read ink circuit) with C3 counting (enabled), the availability will be set to 0% C1= 0, C2 = 0,
C3 = X • Availability = 0 / (0 + X) >> Availability => -- % In this case the availability will only increase if C1> 0

(Additive) Consumption (History)

The additive consumption is monitored and displayed as an average per month. The Additive consumption is
expressed in ml/h and it is refreshed every 10 min (jet on). Otherwise the value is updated upon a jet operation. It
restarts at 0mL/h at the beginning of each month.

The value of consumption depends on: temperature, ink type and umbilical length.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Warnings / Faults (History)

This history keeps track of recent faults and warnings (with a maximum of 33 lines) for the last 2 months.

Behind the faults you have a direct link to the “Running

Status” with all the relevant data

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Consumable history

This menu history keeps track of the last 100 cartridges (50 inks/50 additives) consumed by the printer. This
menu could be consulted by customers.

Cartridge used as Joker (in red) No M-I


M-I Cartridge (in black)

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Running status (History) file

When the printer in powered on, it constantly buffers the printer parameters to create a log file. Approximately
every 10 minutes a sample of the printer data is saved. When a fault occurs the preceding 10 minutes are

The printer displays a selection of parameters, the complete printer data can be transferred on a SD
card or an USB memory stick

These files are of extreme use for the development department and should
always be attached to any technical claim addressed the TDS department

ten (10) minutes

Last ten minutes upon fault Approximately every


When transferring the Running status, 2 files are saved on the destination chosen:
- Serial number_PrnContexts_0.txt

- Serial number_PrnContexts_1.txt

Consult section Software - § File transfer for more details for more details about history files.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


The files are text files in which the data is semi-colon (;) separated. It can be visualized with Excel.

Recorded printer parameter s

Header data (printer configuration): Printer S/N, head

type, ink type, installation date…

The following data can be found in the file:

Name Description Name Description

JetSpeed Speed of the jet (m/s) ViscoSetPoint Reference viscosity value

HeadTemp Temperature in the head (°C) AdditiveCounter -

motorSpeed Speed of the motor (rpm/mn) tankInkLvl Ink level in the tank

motorSpeedSetPoint Reference of the speed motor(rpm/mn) CKMin Sensor/Jet distance, nominal

pressure Pressure of the Jet (bars) CKMax

position offset

Reference tension of the piezo

pressureSetPoint Reference pressure of the jet (bar) Piezo

Temperature in the electronic

TempHardware BreakOff Measured break of point
compartment (°C)

TempInk Temperature of the ink (°C) Recup Rate of recuperation

Viscosity Viscosity of the ink FaultList List of printer faults

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Start/Stop Log File

When transferring the running status file, one (1) file will be added to the running status package that was
transferred from the printer. This file is the “PrinterEventFile” which contains the start/stop sequence history of
the printer.

This history file allows you to highlighted and erroneous use of the printer.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Repair on customer’s site

For Field Service Engineer autonomy, MI provides:

► Troubleshooting guide: Description of faults/alarms with operations to solve them.

► Spare part sheet: Descriptions step by step of operation to replace defective parts.

► Adjustment sheet: Description step by step of operations to adjust parameters.

► List of special spare parts for FSE.

► List of accessories and basic spare parts ( Available on Planet).

Technical bulletin

In case of product modification/evolution, software release, quality issue… Technical bulletin are sent to the distribution

Technical bulletins are available on Planet.

Software release

For each new firmware release, a technical bulletin is sent to describe the new features and improvement implemented.
Firmware files are available on Planet.

It is very important the installed base takes advantage / benefits of all improvements included in each new firmware

The instruction is to upgrade systematically “at the next visit” and to record the printer firmware version in SAP (for SAP

Before any upgrade, it is mandatory to pull the running status files of the printer to keep a backup of the events.

Firmware retrofit progress will be monitored and measured by local Technical Managers.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ Escalation process

Reporting a technical issue

A technical claim is sent to the TDS department, when a technical issue cannot be solved locally either because the
expertise is not available or the problem is at development level.

When creating a technical claim it is advised to attach the running status (History)
files of the printer to the claim.

Escalation process

The reporting of a claim is exclusively done by using JIRA.

Main steps of the Process are:

The local level 2 escalates the request to TDS

► JIRA if local specialist needs support

► Print Sample if no local facilities to perform the sample

TDS investigates

► Internal database, tests in lab, request to R&E for help.

TDS proposes a solution within 48-72 hours

► Provides answer to Pre / Post sales information requests

► Executes printing sample & send it back with recommendations.
► Provides a short term action (solution or action plan) for claim.

Level 2 validates the proposal

► The L2 confirms acceptance of the proposed solution

► The L2 can request additional investigationis
► The L2 verifies the sample or requests additional samples.
► The L2 validates the proposed short term action
► The L2 requests another if the proposed action is not relevant.
(Note: Long term action has to be proposed and validated as well).

Consult section Software - § File transfer for more details for more details about history files.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725



9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ General

Regular maintenance

Replacement Part Number Who Period

Replacement By

Air & ink filters Every 18

Filter kit Air filter could be
replacement Air filter Outlet fan filter months
A40989 replaced before ink filter
in case of dusty

Ink filter

Replacement included in a
Every 14 000 h
maintenance service
(standard ink) Every
Pressure pump ENM5629 agreement or Replacement
6 000 h
by customers

Every 18 months Or
Replacement included in a Every 14 000 h
maintenance service (standard ink) Every
Air & Ink filter Plus
Maintenance kit agreement or Replacement 6 000 h
Pressure Pump
(A40886) by customers (micropigmented

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


Pressure pump replacement periodicity

Due to the high flow in the pump (pressure + vacuum through Venturi), the estimated pressure pump life time is
14 000 hours for standard ink.

For Special inks (see SP12) the estimated life time of the pressure pump decreases to 6000 or 8 000 hours
according to the printer model.

Pressure pump flow =

- Visco measurement
- Venturi system
- Ink pressure in the head

Ink filter replacement periodicity

The printer has been designed mainly for 2 shifts (4000 h/year) or 3 shifts (6000 h/year) applications production.
So we recommend replacing the ink filter 18 months after installation. It must also be changed every time the
pump is replaced.

Ink filter flow = Ink flow in the head

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ Maintenance alarms
For both maintenances the customer is informed through alarms on the screen.

Filter Kit

The filter kit replacement has a fixed interval of 18 month and is in-depended of the running hours.4 weeks before
the filter kit replacement due-date, an alarm will raise.

4 weeks later

Note: The filter kit is replaced by the customer even when they have a service agreement
(Except for special agreements)

Flushing & Maintenance kit

Printer flushing and pressure pump replacement periodicity depend on the ink type used. When replacing the
pressure pump, ink and air filters are replaced as well. The printer will set the correct interval depending on the
ink configuration of the printer.

450 hours later

Notes: The Flushing & maintenance kit replacement is included a service agreement.

Printer must be installed eight (8) weeks maximum after its production date.

After eight weeks of storage, a printer must be rinsed to be stored again for eight weeks.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


■ Maintenance record & fault clearing

Preventive maintenance

The maintenance alarms (5210-5230) are only cleared from the list when recording a preventive
maintenance in the maintenance record menu of the printer.

Following the replacement of the kit, click on preventive maintenance menu of the printer ( Services>Maintenance>Maintenance

maintenance menu

1-Select Preventive

2-Select the
corresponding kit

number of the kit

3- Enter the batch

Note: The kit is now recorded and can be found in the maintenance history.

9450 Book for Service Engineers A49725


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