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Ade Iriani

    Ade Iriani

    Since most students begin their studies online, the LMS platform is frequently used. Universities and colleges play a crucial role in adopting many of its LMS platforms. A web-based application software package called Bibliometrics is... more
    Since most students begin their studies online, the LMS platform is frequently used. Universities and colleges play a crucial role in adopting many of its LMS platforms. A web-based application software package called Bibliometrics is used to design, test, and evaluate specific learning processes. LMS will be the dominant artificial intelligence-based solution for managing eLearning starting in early 2021. The principal objective of this project is to develop an artificial intelligence-powered LMS portal that enables students to continue studying and receive the most recent lessons from their teachers. Using the Communicate cloud software and Dialog Flow, a chatbot plugin system connected to the Google platform, and based on current needs, research bibliometrics was developed as an LMS project system. Students can interact with the chatbot anytime to satisfy their learning needs as long as they have an internet connection and a student ID card to access the dashboard. The LMS Platfo...
    Higher Education is an education that includes Diploma, Bachelor, Master, and other programs organized by Universities based on Indonesian culture. Administrative staff play an important role in supporting academic activities in Higher... more
    Higher Education is an education that includes Diploma, Bachelor, Master, and other programs organized by Universities based on Indonesian culture. Administrative staff play an important role in supporting academic activities in Higher Education of course in the academic administration should have a good information system, but demkian permasalhan in academic service is still common, especially when the delivery of information that sometimes different between staff one with another. This paper intends to improve the academic service by applying Knowledge Management to the administrative staff at the university so that all parties can perform their obligations in accordance with their respective obligations and get their rights as appropriate.
    This study aims to evaluate: context, input, process, product, and outcome in the implementation of strengthening human resources in the Program Sekolah Penggerak at SMPN 1 Bringin. This type of research is descriptive evaluative to find... more
    This study aims to evaluate: context, input, process, product, and outcome in the implementation of strengthening human resources in the Program Sekolah Penggerak at SMPN 1 Bringin. This type of research is descriptive evaluative to find out the description of a phenomenon and or its relationship with other phenomena. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data validation using triangulation. Data analysis includes data reduction, presentation, and verification. The results of this study indicate: (1) Context. Teachers’ competencies is low, students character is not appropriate, and the school's cultural climate is less solid, and program improvements are needed; (2) Inputs. PSP with the Merdeka curriculum is the answer regarding a curriculum model that is in line with the development of the world of education where the readiness of stakeholders is well coordinated, (3) Process. Starting with program preparation, facilitation and impl...
    Kios Tani Murni merupakan sebuah home industry yang bergerak dalam penjualan bidang pertanian. Tingkat penjualan bulanan pada toko tersebut rendah, karena banyak yang belum mengetahui keberadaan dan fungsi toko ini. Kios Tani Murni belum... more
    Kios Tani Murni merupakan sebuah home industry yang bergerak dalam penjualan bidang pertanian. Tingkat penjualan bulanan pada toko tersebut rendah, karena banyak yang belum mengetahui keberadaan dan fungsi toko ini. Kios Tani Murni belum memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dalam proses penjualan. Gubungan antara pelanggan dan penjual tidak berjalan dengan baik karena tidak ada wadah untuk berdiskusi. Untuk itu dalam penelitian ini dibuat sebuah perancangan sistem informasi yang berbasis customer relationship management (CRM) pada proses penjualan, dengan metode Framework for the Application of System Technique (FAST) dan framework PIECES untuk analisis sistem. Observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil  dari penelitian ini adalah adanya rancangan sistem informasi penjualan. Sistem ini membantu dalam transaksi penjualan, stok barang, update harga, kinerja karyawan, pencetakan laporan, dan diskusi antara pemilik dan pelanggan.
    SNA (Social Network Analysis) is a modeling method for users which is symbolized by points (nodes) and interactions between users are represented by lines (edges). This method is needed to see patterns of social interaction in the network... more
    SNA (Social Network Analysis) is a modeling method for users which is symbolized by points (nodes) and interactions between users are represented by lines (edges). This method is needed to see patterns of social interaction in the network starting with finding out who the key actors are. The novelty of this study lies in the expansion of the analysis of other suspects, not only key actors identified during this time. This method performs a narrowed network mapping by examining only nodes connected to key actors. Secondary key actors no longer use centrality but use weight indicators at the edges. A case study using the hashtag "Manchester United" on the social media platform Twitter was conducted in the study. The results of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) revealed that @david_ornstein accounts are key actors with centrality of 2298 degrees. Another approach found @hadrien_grenier, @footballforall, @theutdjournal accounts had a particularly high intensity of interaction ...
    Teknologi informasi dibutuhkan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk peningkatan kualitas dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pelaksnaan pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 1 Bancak. Penelitian... more
    Teknologi informasi dibutuhkan dalam dunia pendidikan untuk peningkatan kualitas dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pelaksnaan pembelajaran di SMP Negeri 1 Bancak. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan observasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis data dari Miles dan Huberman dengan langkah data reduction, data display, dan conclusion drawing/ verfication. Uji keabsahan data dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber. SMP Negeri 1 Bancak menggunakan teknologi dalam pembelajaran daring dengan platform Quipper School, Google Classroom, Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, dan whatsapp. Sebelum penggunaan aplikasi tersebut dilakukan workshop dalam penggunaan platform tersebut. kendala yang muncul dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring adalah Quipper School masih memiliki kekurangan sehingga guru melengkapi ...
    The purpose of this research is to extend a guideline for creating High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) questions or test  for Computer and Network Engineering majors at the Vocational High School in Salatiga City. Research and development (R... more
    The purpose of this research is to extend a guideline for creating High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) questions or test  for Computer and Network Engineering majors at the Vocational High School in Salatiga City. Research and development (R & D) approach is used in this research. This research uses the five steps of the Borg and Gall (1983) model: research and information gathering, data collection, product design, design validation, and design revision. All vocational school teachers majoring in Computer Engineering and Networks in Salatiga City were participated in this research. Data collection techniques were carried out by document studies, interviews, and questionnaires. Data analysis was carried out by qualitative analysis. The results of the research were in the form of extending  a guideline for creating HOTS  questions and test for Computer and Network Engineering teachers at Vocational High Schools in Salatiga City. Based on limited trials, this guideline received a score o...
    Data menjadi aset paling berharga untuk organisasi mana pun karena dapat memandu pengambilan keputusan. Oleh karena itu kemampuan data science merupakan salah satu skill penting. Data science tergambarkan sebagai proses yang dimulai dari... more
    Data menjadi aset paling berharga untuk organisasi mana pun karena dapat memandu pengambilan keputusan. Oleh karena itu kemampuan data science merupakan salah satu skill penting. Data science tergambarkan sebagai proses yang dimulai dari pengumpulan dan pengolahan, kemudian disajikan sebagai informasi yang berguna untuk pengambilan keputusan atau bermanfaat bagi pihak yang berkepentingan dengan data. Data science memiliki banyak fungsi dan manfaat dimana beberapa diantaranya adalah membantu menciptakan budaya keputusan berbasis data, mengurangi ketidakpastian dan meningkatkan konsistensi dan keandalan data. Melihat pentingnya kemampuan data science, maka Fakultas Teknologi Informasi bekerja sama dengan ASEAN Foundation serta Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) melakukan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dalam bentuk pelatihan kepada 2024 guru dan siswa SMA/SMK Provinsi NTT sebagai bagian untuk mencetak talenta digital Indonesia. Pelatihan didukung ole...
    Stunting is caused by a lack of proper nutrition before and after birth. This research paper identifies and measures the risk of stunting during pregnancy and make recommendations for ranking pregnant women at risk. These aims to provide... more
    Stunting is caused by a lack of proper nutrition before and after birth. This research paper identifies and measures the risk of stunting during pregnancy and make recommendations for ranking pregnant women at risk. These aims to provide appropriate treatment and action to reduce mothers giving birth to children at risk of stunting. To make the optimal choice, the selection procedure for pregnant women at risk of giving birth to stunted children considers a variety of factors, including maternal age, maternal nutrition, arms circumference, hemoglobin, parity, birth interval, height, baby weight, and body mass index (BMI). Decision-maker’s expectation to reduce uncertainty and imprecision are represented linguistically by triangular fuzzy numbers. The triangular fuzzy numbers arithmetic approach is used to determine the selection process output. The ranking is determined from the alternative with the most parameter values to the alternative with the fewest parameters. Based on the re...
     This research aims to implement deep learning in determining Covid-19 or normal cases using X-Ray imagery. The method used is CNN (ResNet50) and RNN (LSTM). The research phase begins with data collection, data preprocessing, method... more
     This research aims to implement deep learning in determining Covid-19 or normal cases using X-Ray imagery. The method used is CNN (ResNet50) and RNN (LSTM). The research phase begins with data collection, data preprocessing, method modeling, method testing and method evaluation. The data was taken from the kagle.com site with the amount of data used 1.000 images where 500 covid data and 500 normal data, the data is divided into 80% training data, 10% validation data and 10% test data. The results of the evaluation by calculating the ResNet50-LSTM confusion matrix have a value of 95% accuracy, 96% precision, 94% recall and 95% F1-score. At the method testing stage, the researcher got the results of the proposed method experiencing overfitting seen by the comparison of the loss values ​​in the validation data which were not as good as the loss values ​​of the training data. From the results of evaluation and method testing, research can be used as a recommendation in cases of Covid-1...
    Program pelatihan untuk guru-guru Bahasa Inggris yang dilaksanakan selama ini belum menyentuh esensinya dan belum memberikan bukti nyata. Hal itu dikarenakan belum adanya modul atau acuan yang digunakan oleh guru-guru dalam mengikuti... more
    Program pelatihan untuk guru-guru Bahasa Inggris yang dilaksanakan selama ini belum menyentuh esensinya dan belum memberikan bukti nyata. Hal itu dikarenakan belum adanya modul atau acuan yang digunakan oleh guru-guru dalam mengikuti pelatihan selama ini, Ditambah lagi tidak ada tindak lanjut dan evaluasi setelah pelaksanaan diklat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul pelatihan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek berorientasi soft skill untuk guru Bahasa Inggris di SMK. Subjek penelitian adalah guru-guru Bahasa Inggris dari empat SMK. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif-kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, test, observasi, dokumentasi, dan survey di lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis proyek sesuai dan bagus dilakukan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMK; materi diklat  Bahasa Inggris di SMK selama ini dilaksanakan secara bersamaan ...
    TIK telah berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan kualitas serta inovasi di lembaga pendidikan. Guru dan peserta didik diharapkan mampu beradaptasi serta berdaya kreatif dalam pemanfaatan sarana TIK. Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk... more
    TIK telah berkontribusi dalam mengembangkan kualitas serta inovasi di lembaga pendidikan. Guru dan peserta didik diharapkan mampu beradaptasi serta berdaya kreatif dalam pemanfaatan sarana TIK. Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana sebuah lembaga pendidikan dalam mengintegrasikan sarana TIK dalam proses kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan studi dokumentasi di SD Swasa Asisi Fodo. Teknik menganalis data sesuai dengan metode Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana TIK dalam lembaga pendidikan memungkinkan ada kreatifitas serta inovasi; 2) Guru dan peserta didik mampu beradaptasi dalam menggunakan TIK; 3) Lembaga pendidikan menawarkan program pendidikan yang berkualitas kepada masyarakat.
    Proceeding Information Systems International Conference (ISICO) 2011, Surabaya, Indonesia on December 3rd-5th 2011, p. 15-20One of the concrete policies made by the government to empower the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) in... more
    Proceeding Information Systems International Conference (ISICO) 2011, Surabaya, Indonesia on December 3rd-5th 2011, p. 15-20One of the concrete policies made by the government to empower the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) in Central Java is Local Economic Development program. Network mapping of the actors involved in this program is carried out to understand the relations made by those actors. Besides, central and influential actors are identified along with the media used for the information flows. With the understanding achieved from the analysis. then the study could recommend the strategies for the Local Economic Development program. This study employs Social Network Analysis (SNA) to do the network mapping through the information exploration which is needed by all the stakeholders of program as well as the ones needed by its informants alter. To identify the central actors and information media used, this study analyzes the density, eigenvector of ties, and Freeman&#3...
    The low quality of education has an impact on the future of every student. Therefore, the quality of education is very important for everyone who wants to achieve a hope and future and has the ability to compete with others. To achieve... more
    The low quality of education has an impact on the future of every student. Therefore, the quality of education is very important for everyone who wants to achieve a hope and future and has the ability to compete with others. To achieve this, professional leaders are needed in the field of school leadership. Leadership is the strength and readiness of a person to be able to influence, motivate, embrace, move, and if necessary force other people so that people accept the influence that is carried out so as to shape the process of achieving the goals that have been set. the emergence of transformational leaders can change the paradigm of thinking so that every activity can be carried out together to improve the quality of education in accordance with the goals, vision, and mission of the school. Researchers try to position the advantages of the school principal's transformational leadership model in improving the quality of education. Transformational leadership is one of the right...
    Paper-based documents or printed documents such as recommendation letters, academic transcripts, and diplomas are prone to forgery. Several methods have been used to protect them, such as watermarking, security holograms, or using paper... more
    Paper-based documents or printed documents such as recommendation letters, academic transcripts, and diplomas are prone to forgery. Several methods have been used to protect them, such as watermarking, security holograms, or using paper with specific security features. This paper presents a document authentication system that utilizes QR code and ECDSA as the digital signature algorithm to protect this kind of document from counterfeiting. A digital signature is a well-known technique in modern cryptography used for providing data integrity and authentication. The idea proposed herein is to put a QR code in the printed documents where the QR code includes a digital signature. The signature can later be authenticated using the proposed system by uploading the document for authentication or scanning the document's QR code. The proposed system is particularly developed for digital signature generation and verification of students' final project approval documents as the case st...
    Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba dalam menunjang aktivitasnya sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan diwajibkan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Akademik. Memiliki sebuah Sistem Informasi Akademik seperti Ecampuz yang berbasis web tentu membutuhkan... more
    Universitas Kristen Wira Wacana Sumba dalam menunjang aktivitasnya sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan diwajibkan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Akademik. Memiliki sebuah Sistem Informasi Akademik seperti Ecampuz yang berbasis web tentu membutuhkan Audit, Pengawasan dan Evaluasi terhadap kinerjanya agar layanan yang dihasilkan terus menunjukan kualitas yang baik. Evaluasi dan Audit Sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja Cobit 5, sedangkan pada Pengujian dan Pengukuran Kualitas website menggunakan perangkat Apache Jmeter. Proses Cobit 5 yang digunakan yaitu: Optimasi Risiko (EDM03), Pengelolaan Keamanan (APO13), Pengelolaan Risiko (APO12), Pengelolaan Perubahan (BAI06), Mengelola Operasi (DSS01), Permintaan Layanan (DSS02), Penanganan Masalah (DSS03), Layanan Keamanan (DSS05) , Pemantauan dan Evaluasi Kerja (MEA01),  Kendali Internal Terhadap Pemantauan dan Evaluasi (MEA02). Analisis kesenjangan dan Maturity Level ditujukan untuk memperoleh hasil Audit dengan kematangan yang baik. H...

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