Recent papers in Cobit
Information Technology (IT) Governance and IT Service and Processes Management (ITSM) are one of the priorities in organizations. Although many organizations are aware of the importance of using well-defined quality IT processes, they... more
Some companies have achieved better performance as a result of their IT investments, while others have not, as organizations are interested in calculating the value added by their IT. There is a wide range of literature that agrees that... more
The application of information systems has become an important element because of the effectiveness and efficiency that can accelerate performance so as to encourage excellence both financially and networked. This result in the importance... more
Saat ini penggunaan dan fungsi teknologi informasi sudah menjadi bagian penting dan diperlukan dihampir semua sektor bisnis. Hal ini berlaku juga untuk institusi perguruan tinggi. Untuk menjaga agar teknologi informasi menjadi penambah... more
The changing challenges of the Business Relationship Manager journey from conception to mature function
The process of designing information technology strategy plan (ITSP) in this research is using the research methodology Mixed Methods Approaches by the scope of the research framework on the COBIT framework V.4.1 in Domain Plan and... more
A Governança Corporativa das Tecnologias de Informação é uma temática primordial reconhecida pela comunidade académica e profissional. A necessidade de obter valor, seja financeiro ou estratégico para a organização, resultante dos... more
NOTE: Book is published by The Open Group Press, freely available on line at PDF can be downloaded from The book is also the basis for a... more
Abstrak. Teknologi Informasi yang sejak lama dianggap sebagai pendorong dan pendukung strategi instansi saat ini dianggap sebagai bagian terintegrasi dari strategi bisnis. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Evaluasi Layanan E-Learning... more
Information Technology Management is a process of planning to use information technology in managing and controlling an organization. In order to manage a structure to link the resources to the information technology, it requires a... more
1. Pengertian COBIT COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and related Technology) adalah suatu panduan standar praktek manajemen teknologi informasi dan sekumpulan dokumentasi best practices untuk tata kelola TI yang dapat membantu... more
– This paper discusses how various frameworks or guidelines can be used to improve the current situation in managing IT departments in the banks in Tanzania, by also initially identifying the current challenges faced by the banks. IT... more
NIM : 55518110008 DOSEN PENGAMPU: Prof. Dr. Ir. Hapzi Ali, MM, CMA PROGRAM MEGISTER AKUNTANSI UNIVERSITAS MERCUBUANA JAKARTA 2018 COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology) adalah sekumpulan dokumentasi dan panduan... more
Pendefinisian aktivitas utama pada Rumah Sakit Muhammadiyah Lamongan dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis rantai nilai (value chain). Dari hasil analisis value chain, diperoleh aktivitas utama yang dijalankan oleh Rumah Sakit.... more
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act makes it possible to guarantee the integrity of the financial information of listed companies, and its main objective is to protect the investor. Currently, in an effort to protect data, companies store and manage... more
PT. Metal Castindo Industritama adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang investment casting, sand casting dan permanent mould dengan produk cor dari paduan baja, FCD, stainless steel dan alumunium. Sementara itu, PT. Metal Castindo... more
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the impact of the application of information technology governance (COBIT) on the quality of financial reporting. To achieve the objectives of this study, we used the analytical descriptive approach... more
Abstrak-Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dan menilai kinerja dari aplikasi Link Aja. Proses audit yang digunakana adalah menggunakan COBIT 5 dan Domain yang digunakan adalah MEA. Domain MEA dipilih karena Link Aja sudah lama... more
Higher education institutions in South Africa have invested heavily in information technology and information systems, with variable outcomes. Organisations in other sectors, such as engineering, the defence industry,... more