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Annette Freyberg-Inan

    Annette Freyberg-Inan

    • noneedit
    • Professor of International Relations Theory, Dean Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Amsterdamedit
    KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication "Transition Economies" (2005). Pagina-navigatie: Main. Title, "Transition Economies". Published in, Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, p.419-430-. Author,... more
    KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication "Transition Economies" (2005). Pagina-navigatie: Main. Title, "Transition Economies". Published in, Political Economy and the Changing Global Order, p.419-430-. Author, Freyberg Inan, A. Date, 2005. Type, book part. ...
    Open Letter by 73 German Experts on Eastern Europe and International Security, first published in German by “Zeit Online”, on 14 January 2022.
    2 The impact of basic motivation on foreign policy opinions concerning the use of force A three-dimensional framework William O. Chittick and Annette Freyberg-Inan Introduction: the role of motivation in foreign policy opinion formation... more
    2 The impact of basic motivation on foreign policy opinions concerning the use of force A three-dimensional framework William O. Chittick and Annette Freyberg-Inan Introduction: the role of motivation in foreign policy opinion formation In Chapter 1 three sets of questions ...
    This article resuscitates the idea of structural power in world politics by linking it to modern complex network science, presents a theoretical framework for understanding how global structures develop and change, and empirically... more
    This article resuscitates the idea of structural power in world politics by linking it to modern complex network science, presents a theoretical framework for understanding how global structures develop and change, and empirically analyzes the prominence of leading states within global finance, trade, security, and knowledge networks. It argues that the “fitness plus preferential attachment” (FPA) model of complex network evolution provides a logical explanation for the durability of American influence even as some of its advantages in country-level capabilities has eroded, and it introduces a network methodology that is capable of empirically analyzing the organizational complexity that exists within and across domains in world politics. It argues that the rise of China and other emerging powers has been overstated in some ways, but that a redistribution of structural prominence is taking place, in some domains, as emerging markets increase their transnational connections; this has...
    Critical theories advocate fundamental change in world politics. They attack the structural inequalities of power that maintain the status quo and are, in turn, maintained by it. Ideational power is seen to work in tandem with material... more
    Critical theories advocate fundamental change in world politics. They attack the structural inequalities of power that maintain the status quo and are, in turn, maintained by it. Ideational power is seen to work in tandem with material power, which calls for a strategy of radical resistance that incorporates a battle for hearts and minds. One of those battlefields is the discipline of International Relations (IR) itself. This chapter begins by clarifying what critical theories in IR are and then explains why and how they problematize the notion of “peaceful change.” The changes desired by critical theories are fundamental and urgent, which imbues those theories with a level of radicalism that can justify violent means. At the same time, critical theories spotlight dimensions of power beyond the material on which material power vitally depends. This reveals possibilities for transformation by peaceful means.
    ... Disclaimer/Klachtenregeling Meent u dat de digitale beschikbaarstelling van bepaald materiaal inbreuk maakt op enig recht dat u toekomt of uw (privacy)belangen schaadt, dankunt u dit onderbouwd aan de Universiteitsbibliotheek laten... more
    ... Disclaimer/Klachtenregeling Meent u dat de digitale beschikbaarstelling van bepaald materiaal inbreuk maakt op enig recht dat u toekomt of uw (privacy)belangen schaadt, dankunt u dit onderbouwd aan de Universiteitsbibliotheek laten weten. ...
    Die Verfasser zeigen, dass die Orban-Regierung legitime Probleme benennt, wie etwa Ungarns extrem niedrige Beschaftigungsrate, die mit zu den grosen wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten des Landes beitragt. Doch packt sie die identifizierten... more
    Die Verfasser zeigen, dass die Orban-Regierung legitime Probleme benennt, wie etwa Ungarns extrem niedrige Beschaftigungsrate, die mit zu den grosen wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten des Landes beitragt. Doch packt sie die identifizierten Probleme zu oft auf eine Weise an, die ganz nebenbei dem national-konservativen Gedankengut oder dem Machtausbau des Fidesz dient und mit liberaler Demokratie oder offener Gesellschaft im Sinne Poppers schwer vereinbar ist. So lassen Verlautbarungen aus dem Innenministerium erwarten, dass bald bewachte Arbeitskolonnen von Roma uber das Land geschickt werden, um die Beschaftigungsrate zu steigern, aber eben auch, um ein hartes Durchgreifen der Regierung gegenuber dem 'Roma-Problem' taktisch zu inszenieren. Kein Gedanke daran, dass diese Roma zu Ungarn gehoren. Derweil wird zum Beispiel auf die erschreckenden Aktivitaten der rechtsextremen Burgerwehren, welche die Regierung offiziell zwar nicht unterstutzt, kaum reagiert - moglicherweise weil e...
    This collection of essays seeks to theorize the politics of the COVID-19 pandemic in international relations (IR). The contributions are driven by questions such as: How can theorizing help us understand these unsettled times? What kind... more
    This collection of essays seeks to theorize the politics of the COVID-19 pandemic in international relations (IR). The contributions are driven by questions such as: How can theorizing help us understand these unsettled times? What kind of crisis is this? What shapes its politics? What remains the same and what has been unsettled or unsettling? In addressing such questions, each of the participants considers what we may already know about the pandemic as well as what might be ignored or missed. Collectively, the forum pushes at the interdisciplinary boundaries of IR theorizing itself and, in so doing, the participants hope to engender meaningful understandings of a world in crisis and encourage expansive ways of thinking about the times that lie beyond.
    This volume provides an up-to-date overview of relations between the EU and Turkey. Is Turkish EU membership still a realistic option today? How has this relationship evolved so far, and with what benefits for both sides? What are... more
    This volume provides an up-to-date overview of relations between the EU and Turkey. Is Turkish EU membership still a realistic option today? How has this relationship evolved so far, and with what benefits for both sides? What are currently the main challenges to closer relations and cooperation? In a series of recently written contributions experts explain the core themes in EU-Turkish relations today. The resulting overall picture is one of ambivalence: Turkey and the EU have grown together in important ways, and both sides have benefited from this process. However, the process is neither linear nor irreversible, we find increasing tensions in this relationship, and it appears impossible at this time to predict how EU-Turkish relations will evolve even in the near future.
    KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication Demokratie okay, aber für alle? Demokratieunzufriedenheit und... (2009). Pagina-navigatie: Main. ...
    Since the end of the Cold War, realism has received little serious attention within the European International Relations literature and has been dismissed as insufficient to explain the most important developments and events in Europe and... more
    Since the end of the Cold War, realism has received little serious attention within the European International Relations literature and has been dismissed as insufficient to explain the most important developments and events in Europe and the world. We argue that this treatment has been unfair. In fact, we consider realism a powerful theory that explains broad, long-term patterns of state behavior, as well as systemic outcomes. The key contribution of realism is its understanding of the constraining and enabling role of the international distribution of power, which represents a decisive initial sorting stage for the choices that states can make. However, in line with neoclassical realist authors, we argue that to explain and predict state behaviour more precisely, the domestic distribution of power, ideas, interests, and institutions need to be taken into account. In any case, power disciplines states and other actors when their leaders fail to adequately recognise their place in t...
    This case study presents the Amsterdam university protests of 2015-16 as paradigmatic for the embedding of university protest in broader globalization critique. It shows how the protests, turning in particular against financialization and... more
    This case study presents the Amsterdam university protests of 2015-16 as paradigmatic for the embedding of university protest in broader globalization critique. It shows how the protests, turning in particular against financialization and the rise of new public management, connected in their substance as well as organizationally and in forms of resistance with the broader globalization-critical movement, forming part of an anti-neoliberal societal formation.
    The European Union (EU) is a singularly successful example of economic integration. To what extent it has also been a force for democracy- and how it can more clearly become one- are the key questions addressed in this article. Below, I... more
    The European Union (EU) is a singularly successful example of economic integration. To what extent it has also been a force for democracy- and how it can more clearly become one- are the key questions addressed in this article. Below, I first lay out how the values of prosperity, democracy, and equity are theoretically linked. Second, I show that the values of democracy and equity have been subordinate to aggregate prosperity in the process of both European integration and European Union enlargement. Not only do the EU’s institutional structure and policy priorities reveal an imbalance in favor or the common market and in disfavor of a common fiscal and social policy as well as democratic accountability, EU strategy vis-a-vis candidate and accession countries reveals a disregard for the socio-economic implications of transition and for EU-fostered technocratic threats to democratic consolidation. While formal democracy of course remains a criterion for membership, EU conditionality ...
    This Introduction contextualises this special anniversary issue of the journal. The Editors of a previous 2013 special issue of the EJIR (The End of International Relations Theory?) asked if the paradigmatic “theoretical cacophony” in IR... more
    This Introduction contextualises this special anniversary issue of the journal. The Editors of a previous 2013 special issue of the EJIR (The End of International Relations Theory?) asked if the paradigmatic “theoretical cacophony” in IR was deep and irresolvable. We argue that there is still very much a conversation going on across ‘generalist’ and specialised IR journals, and that renewal and broadening is more important than boundaries per se. Meanwhile the field of International Relations has continued to broaden, absorbing much from other social science disciplines in the process. Yet IR has a problematic relationship with interdisciplinarity, often discovering as ‘new’ what other fields have long debated and in turn ‘domesticating’ these insights from other fields by fitting them into existing IR paradigms. This special issue is thus aimed above all at what ‘we’ in IR are not seeing from other disciplines, and we go on to argue how IR scholars might best employ ‘transdisciplin...
    We discuss the political economic development of Romania since 1989, with a focus on the evolution of higher education (HE). First, we place this evolution in the context of demand for HE by prospective students and employers, focusing on... more
    We discuss the political economic development of Romania since 1989, with a focus on the evolution of higher education (HE). First, we place this evolution in the context of demand for HE by prospective students and employers, focusing on the low demand for skills in the MNC-dominated Romanian economy. Second, we provide empirical insight on indicators of quality, enrolment, and funding as key features of the HE system. We argue that Romania has evolved into a dependent market economy entrenched in a low-skills equilibrium, and that the weakness of the HE system is a key element in this process.
    Wie können wir erklären, dass die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise nicht von einer gegenhegemonialen Formation begleitet wird, die die neoliberale Hegemonie ernsthaft herausfordert? Die drei Hauptelemente unserer Erklärung sind 1) die... more
    Wie können wir erklären, dass die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise nicht von einer gegenhegemonialen Formation begleitet wird, die die neoliberale Hegemonie ernsthaft herausfordert? Die drei Hauptelemente unserer Erklärung sind 1) die Isolation hegemonialer Kräfte, 2) ihre Vereinnahmung moderater Kritik und 3) die Versicherheitlichung radikaler Kritik. Als Resultat des Zusammenspiels dieser hegemonialen Verteidigungsstrategien hat der Dissens der globalisierungskritischen Bewegung nicht zu einer gegenhegemonialen Formation geführt.
    The large dissatisfaction of citizens with post-communist democracy in Central and Eastern Europe favors populist and anti-systemic parties and movements. These parties accuse their rivals of various forms of corruption and prescribe... more
    The large dissatisfaction of citizens with post-communist democracy in Central and Eastern Europe favors populist and anti-systemic parties and movements. These parties accuse their rivals of various forms of corruption and prescribe anti-systemic cures, including the discretionary exclusion of their rivals from political life. Analyzing the situations in Poland, Romania, and Hungary more closely, we reveal a risk of the development of “selective democracy,” in which key elites and their supporters redefine the borders of the polity in an exclusionary way, denying various groups of “enemies” legitimate access and representation and thereby undermining basic democratic principles.
    ... Titel, Conclusion: ways forward. Boek/bron titel, Rethinking realism in international relations: between tradition and innovation. Auteurs/Editors, A. Freyberg-Inan, E. Harrison, P. James. Uitgever, Johns Hopkins University Press.... more
    ... Titel, Conclusion: ways forward. Boek/bron titel, Rethinking realism in international relations: between tradition and innovation. Auteurs/Editors, A. Freyberg-Inan, E. Harrison, P. James. Uitgever, Johns Hopkins University Press. Plaats, Baltimore. Jaar, 2009. Pagina's, 253-265. ...
    This article supplements the literature on post-communist trade unions with an account of how state measures can affect union strength in post-communist Europe. The authors focus on the case of Romanian trade unions, which is exceptional... more
    This article supplements the literature on post-communist trade unions with an account of how state measures can affect union strength in post-communist Europe. The authors focus on the case of Romanian trade unions, which is exceptional in post-communist Europe in that it is possible to rule out lack of protest capacity as a cause for weakness of policy influence: Romanian unions have maintained a high protest capacity throughout the transition. However, this protest capacity has translated into influence over national economic policy and labor-relevant legislation only throughout the 1990s, and much less so in the 2000s and beyond. The authors examine the reasons for the trade unions’ diminishing influence over national policies and observe a refinement of government measures to render protest ineffective. Key measures include a reduction of the unionized labor force, especially in protest-prone sectors, the de-coupling of plant-level protests from national mobilizations, the granting of selective concessions dividing organized labor, and, more recently, efforts to employ legal changes and state agencies to apply pressure on union leaders.
    Gregg O. Kvistad, The Rise and Demise of German Statism: Loyalty and Political Membership (Providence and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1999)Hartmut Lehmann and Hermann Wellenreuther (eds.), German and American Nationalism: A Comparative... more
    Gregg O. Kvistad, The Rise and Demise of German Statism: Loyalty and Political Membership (Providence and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1999)Hartmut Lehmann and Hermann Wellenreuther (eds.), German and American Nationalism: A Comparative Perspective (Oxford and New York: Berg, 1999)
    Dr. Annette Freyberg-Inan Assistant Professor University of Amsterdam Political Science Department Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237 1012 DL Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone: 0031-20-5253012 E-mail: afreyberg@fmg.uva.nl ... Dr. William O. Chittick... more
    Dr. Annette Freyberg-Inan Assistant Professor University of Amsterdam Political Science Department Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237 1012 DL Amsterdam, Netherlands Phone: 0031-20-5253012 E-mail: afreyberg@fmg.uva.nl ... Dr. William O. Chittick Associate Professor University of ...
    Abstract This research project attempts to answer the question: How has cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) affected Romanian economic and social policy since 1989? The investigation proceeds by identifying the five... more
    Abstract This research project attempts to answer the question: How has cooperation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) affected Romanian economic and social policy since 1989? The investigation proceeds by identifying the five main policy objectives identified ...

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