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Arif Hidayat

    Arif Hidayat

    A change in the temperature of a pre-annealed grating leads to a reversible shift in the Bragg wavelength of the FBG device. The approximate 1 nm shift in λB over a temperature range of 100°C can be a serious problem for applications such... more
    A change in the temperature of a pre-annealed grating leads to a reversible shift in the Bragg wavelength of the FBG device. The approximate 1 nm shift in λB over a temperature range of 100°C can be a serious problem for applications such as grating-based multiplexer or ...
    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kategori undervalue saham-saham LQ-45 tahun 2016 yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia, apakah memenuhi criteria saham yang undervalue. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui Bursa Efek... more
    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kategori undervalue saham-saham LQ-45 tahun 2016 yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia, apakah memenuhi criteria saham yang undervalue. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui Bursa Efek Indonesia tentang saham LQ-45. Hal ini menyebabkan terjadinya proses perubahan nilai harga saham harian yang menimbulkan kenaikan atau penurunan harga saham dan minat investor.Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan deskritive analysis yaitu mendeskripsikan informasi apa adanya sesuai dengan variabel yang diteliti dengan menggunakan data kuantitatif yaitu data yang berupa angka. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder.Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan program Microsoft Excel untuk menentukan actual return, expected return dan abnormal return dengan metode CAPM merupakan suatu model keseimbangan yang dapat menentukan hubungan antara risiko dan return yang akan di peroleh investor. untuk menentukan tingkat...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penemuan hukum dalam putusan hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), dengan menggali beberapa kasus yang dimohonkan di MK yang putusannya kemudian menyebabkan perubahan makna teks dari UUD 1945.... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penemuan hukum dalam putusan hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), dengan menggali beberapa kasus yang dimohonkan di MK yang putusannya kemudian menyebabkan perubahan makna teks dari UUD 1945. Pendekatan yuridis normatif digunakan untuk menyoroti kesenjangan hukum (legal gap) yang kerap terjadi dalam penerapan hukum dan konstitusi. Sumber data primer maupun sekunder adalah bahan kepustakaan dengan teknik dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian kualitatif, teknik ini berfungsi sebagai alat pengumpul data utama, karena pembuktian hipotesisnya dilakukan secara logis dan rasional melalui pendapat, teori atau hukum-hukum yang diterima kebenarannya, baik yang menolak maupun yang mendukung hipotesis tersebut. Analisis data bersifat deskriptif-analitis dengan interpretasi rasional yang adequate. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesenjangan hukum inilah yang membuka akses bagi penemuan hukum (pembaharuan konstitusi). Penemuan hukum sendiri tidak dapat dipisah...
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah antara siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan strategi PBL berbasis ICT dan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi PBL. Penelitian ini... more
    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah antara siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan menggunakan strategi PBL berbasis ICT dan siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi PBL. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan pretest postest control group design. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Bangil tahun pelajaran 2012-2013. Sampel 72 siswa yang terbagi dalam dua kelas yang diambil dengan teknik Sampling Random Purposive. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah butir soal pemahaman konsep dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah berbentuk tes uraian. Tes pemahaman konsep adalah untuk mengetahui pemahaman konsep fisika dengan indikator pengetahuan Taksonomi Bloom yang direvisi oleh Anderson dan Krathwohl, meliputi kemampuan mengingat (C1), memahami (C2), menerapkan (C3), menganalisis (C4), serta mengevaluasi (C5). Tes Kemampuan pemecahan masalah adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah fisika dengan langkah-langkah yang s...
    This study aimed to determine the influence of organizational commitment and job satisfactionon Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB) PT. Argamukti Pratama either partially or simultaneously.The samplesin this study wereas many as... more
    This study aimed to determine the influence of organizational commitment and job satisfactionon Organizational Citizenship Behavior ( OCB) PT. Argamukti Pratama either partially or simultaneously.The samplesin this study wereas many as 134 respondents . The data was collected using aquestionnaire . Each respondent was asked his opinion by giving answers of the claims filed . Data was collected usinga closedquestion. After that testedthe validity and reabilityusing SPSS or Statistical Program for Social Science. Data Analysis Techniques processedusing SPSS or Statistical Program for Social Science. Results of this study indicate that organizational commitment have significant positive effecton Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), job satisfaction have significant positive effecton Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and organizational commitment and job satisfaction has significant positive effect simultaneously. Keywords : Organizational Commitment , Job Satisfaction, Or...
    Telemetry Tracking and Command (TTC) of LAPAN’s satellite use UHF frequency. This frequency is susceptible to interference by an amateur radio transmitter. One method to look for an interference transmitter is Doppler Effect. To get the... more
    Telemetry Tracking and Command (TTC) of LAPAN’s satellite use UHF frequency. This frequency is susceptible to interference by an amateur radio transmitter. One method to look for an interference transmitter is Doppler Effect. To get the optimal value of the Doppler shift frequency, it is necessary to have stabilized antenna switch as controller of antenna array. The RF switches controlled by an Arduino board produced 500 Hz Doppler frequency. Other hardwares are Demodulator, clock Arduino Board, and Universal Serial Bus  (USB) soundcard as the input for the searching software. The results can be shown using the open access sound Doppler. The system has been able to detect UHF transmitters and repeaters received by the device. For upgrade, the data processing system can be done using Matlab software to easier process and analysis. AbstrakTelemetry Tracking And Command (TTC) satelit LAPAN menggunakan frekuensi UHF. Frekuensi UHF rentan terhadap interference. Salah satu metode mencari ...
    Notary in making an authentic deed must be able to account for the deed if it turns out that in the future problems arise from the authentic deed both in terms of criminal law, civil law or State administration. The problems arising from... more
    Notary in making an authentic deed must be able to account for the deed if it turns out that in the future problems arise from the authentic deed both in terms of criminal law, civil law or State administration. The problems arising from the deed made by the Notary need to be questioned whether it is the result of an error from the Notary or the error of the viewer who does not provide information in accordance with the actual reality to the Notary. Such negligence or error can occur because the Notary in question is lacking or does not understand the construction or legal actions desired by the viewer so that the deed made is contrary to the provisions of the law. Such negligence or error can also be deliberately carried out by the concerned Notary. This study focuses on Law Number 30 Year 2004 as amended by Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Notary Position wherein this study discusses the Notary who is unable to carry out his position so he has the right to submit written leave requ...
    In physics learning, student must be included in learning activities so that students are boring and can solve the learning problem. Guided inquiry learning aims to provide a way for students to build thinking skills related to the... more
    In physics learning, student must be included in learning activities so that students are boring and can solve the learning problem. Guided inquiry learning aims to provide a way for students to build thinking skills related to the process of reflective thinking. The research aims to (1) identify the differences of physic learning outcomes of students who learn with guided inquiry use the concept maps and guided inquiry ( 2) measure the interaction between guided inquiry learning and reasoning ability on the achievement of physic student , ( 3) know the effectivinessof the achievement of physics learning who have a high reasoning ability who learn with guided inquiry use the concept map and the achievement of physic students who have a high reasoning ability who learn with guided inquiry. 4) know the effectivinessof the achievement of physics learning  who have a low reasoning abilitywholearn with guided inquiry use the concept mapand the achievement of physicsstudents who have a low reasoning ability who learn with guided inquiry. Theresearch used factorial design  2 x 2 with simple random sampling . The population of this research are class XI students of SMKN 3 Madiun at competence of industry chemical in the third semester III at the school year of 2012/2013. In collecting data using instruments such as observation sheets, and test questions about the ability of reasoning and cognitive ahcievement of physics . Before the data is analyzed, the analysis is a prerequisite test performed to test the normality test using  Lilieforsand homogenitas’s test.Data analysis techniques using ANOVA’s test two pathways, and then continued with the Tukey’s test.  The result of showed use that ( 1) the achievement of physicstudents who learn with guided inquiry use the concept map higher than the achievement of physic of students who learn with guided inquiry , ( 2) There is interaction between guided inquiry use the concept map with reasoning ability to achievement of physic student, ( 3) The achievement of physicstud ents who have a high reasoning ability who learn with guided inquiry use the concept map higher than the achievement of physic students using guided inquiry , and 4) The achievement of physicstudents who have low reasoning abilitywho learn with guided inquiry use the concept map higher than the achievement of physic students who learn with guided inquiry. Based on this research,the teacher can used guided inquiry learning with concept maps in physics learning. Dalam pembelajaran fisika diperlukan pembelajarn yang melibatkan siswa secara aktif, dan diperlukan variasi pembelajaran. Hal ini agar siswa tidak merasa bosan dan kesulitan belajar siswa dapat diatasi. Pembelajaran inkuiriterbimbing bertujuan untuk memberikan cara bagi siswa untuk membangun kecakapan berpikir terkait dengan proses-proses berpikir reflektif. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan (1)Mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar fisika siswa yang belajar menggunakan pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing melalui peta konsep (PITPK) dengan hasil belajar fisika siswa yang belajar menggunakan  pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing (PIT), (2)Menguji interaksi antara pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan peta konsep dengan kemampuan bernalar belajar terhadap hasil belajar fisika, (3)Mengetahuiefektivitas hasil belajar fisika siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bernalar tinggi  yang belajar menggunakan PITPKdengan hasil belajar fisika siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bernalar tinggi yang belajar menggunakanPIT,(4)Mengetahui efektivitas hasil belajar fisika siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bernalar rendah  yang belajar menggunakan dengan hasil belajar fisika siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bernalar rendah yang belajar menggunakan PIT. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah faktorial 2 x 2 dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling . Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMKN 3 Madiun kompetensi keahlian kimia industri semester III tahun pelajaran 2012/2013. Instrumen penelitian berupa instrumen perlakuan yaitu: lembar observasi keterlaksanaan RPP, silabus dan instrumen perlakuan yaitu: soal tes kemampuan bernalar dan soal tes hasil belajar kognitif. Sebelum data dinalisis dilakukan terlebih dulu uji prasyarat analisis data yaitu uji normalitas dengan uji liliefors dan uji homogenitas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan  uji ANAVA dua jalur, dan dilajutkan dengan uji Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 1)Hasil belajar fisika siswa yang belajar menggunakan PITPK lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar siswa yang belajar menggunakan PIT, 2) Terdapat interaksi antara PITPK dengan kemampuan bernalar terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa, 3) Hasil belajar fisika siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bernalar tinggi yang menggunakan PITPK lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar fisika siswa yang menggunakan PIT, dan 4) Hasil belajar fisika siswa yang mempunyai kemampuan bernalar rendah yang menggunakan PITPK lebih tinggi daripada hasil belajar fisika siswa…
    The results of thermal tests of high-temperature Bragg gratings written in a nitrogen-doped-silica-core fiber are presented. The gratings were produced by the conventional technique using an ArF excimer laser and a phase mask at various... more
    The results of thermal tests of high-temperature Bragg gratings written in a nitrogen-doped-silica-core fiber are presented. The gratings were produced by the conventional technique using an ArF excimer laser and a phase mask at various exposure regimes. The possible physical mechanisms responsible for thermal decay of the gratings are analyzed. Based on the results obtained, high-temperature sensors of physical quantities
    Bragg gratings have been written in a nonhydrogenated Corning's SMF28 telecommunication fiber using ultraviolet (UV) pulses at a high power density from an ArF laser. Some of these gratings were uniformly exposed with light at 193... more
    Bragg gratings have been written in a nonhydrogenated Corning's SMF28 telecommunication fiber using ultraviolet (UV) pulses at a high power density from an ArF laser. Some of these gratings were uniformly exposed with light at 193 nm. The isothermal ...
    AbstTact: The results of thermal tests of high-temperature Bragg gratings written in a nitrogen-doped-silica-core fiber are preented. The gratings were produced by the conventional teaique using an ArF excimer laser and a phase mask at... more
    AbstTact: The results of thermal tests of high-temperature Bragg gratings written in a nitrogen-doped-silica-core fiber are preented. The gratings were produced by the conventional teaique using an ArF excimer laser and a phase mask at various exposure ...
    ABSTRACT It is reported that reversible changes in the reflectivity of Bragg gratings can be induced by a change in the temperature of the grating (77 K < T < K). The changes have proved to be greater in highly doped Ge... more
    ABSTRACT It is reported that reversible changes in the reflectivity of Bragg gratings can be induced by a change in the temperature of the grating (77 K < T < K). The changes have proved to be greater in highly doped Ge fibers than in standard fibers, whereas they could hardly be detected in hydrogenated fibers. The sign of the change for type I gratings was opposite that for type IIA gratings. The changes are likely due to a temperature-induced increase (or a decrease) in the amplitude of the refractive-index modulation. Possible mechanisms for these changes in modulation are discussed. Interestingly for the purpose of correcting data of isothermal accelerated aging experiments, a numerical relation that accounts for the temperature-induced changes in type I grating reflectivity is given.
    In paper Development of port infrastructure in Indonesia is now no longer the responsibility of central government, along with limited funds and the government's insistence seaport infrastructure needs. To accelerate economic growth,... more
    In paper Development of port infrastructure in Indonesia is now no longer the responsibility of central government, along with limited funds and the government's insistence seaport infrastructure needs. To accelerate economic growth, the government issued Government Regulation as a legal umbrella. The purpose of this study was to examine public-private partnership opportunities in the construction of graving dock and shipyard management. Targets do is review, the criteria are prioritized cooperation and cooperation priorities.This study used qualitative and quantitative approach, a descriptive qualitative approach through interviews used to assess the normative aspect. The quantitative approach used to assess the priority criteria forms of cooperation and public-private partnership in development graving dock and shipyard management by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the AHP analysis can be concluded that the experts disagree about the priority criteria of...