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Ewa Rokicka

    Ewa Rokicka

    1 Introduction.- 2 The Concept of "Quality of Life" in the Context of Economic Performance and Social Progress.- 3 Inequality and the Role of Redistributive Policy.- 4 Economic Aspects of Fighting Inequality.- 5 Market... more
    1 Introduction.- 2 The Concept of "Quality of Life" in the Context of Economic Performance and Social Progress.- 3 Inequality and the Role of Redistributive Policy.- 4 Economic Aspects of Fighting Inequality.- 5 Market Distribution, Fiscal Distribution and Inequality: A Case Study of Britain.- 6 The Nordic Model and Social Inequalities.- 7 Social Inequalities of Families in Europe.- 8 Transition Into Adulthood, Life Course, Inequalities and Social Change.- 9 Unsuccessful in Education - Early School Leaving.- 10 Digital Inequality in Physical and Skills Access Among European Adolescents.- 11 Legal Framework as a Factor Generating Social Inequality: The Case of Criminal Justice System.- 12 Inequality of Access to Culture.- 13 Perception of Inequality by the General Public and Political Elites.
    Artykuł podejmuje problem charakteru więzi tworzonych w szkole z punktu widzenia jej zadań wychowawczych i dydaktycznych. Szkoła stanowiąca obok domu - wspólnoty najważniejszą instytucję socjalizującą musi spełniać określane warunki, aby... more
    Artykuł podejmuje problem charakteru więzi tworzonych w szkole z punktu widzenia jej zadań wychowawczych i dydaktycznych. Szkoła stanowiąca obok domu - wspólnoty najważniejszą instytucję socjalizującą musi spełniać określane warunki, aby proces (socjalizacji) wychowania był zgodny z założonymi oczekiwaniami. Perspektywa historyczno-socjologiczna zastosowana w artykule pozwala postawić tezę, że warunkiem tyra jest m.in. wspólnotowy charakter więzi funkcjonujących w szkole. Tymczasem szkoła współczesna przybiera coraz bardziej charakter zrzeszenia co ogranicza możliwość wypełniania zadań wychowawczych, a także dydaktycznych przez tę instytucję. Więzi występujące w szkole współczesnej mają w większości charakter rzeczowy a nauczyciele i uczniowie tworzą dość wyraźnie oddzielone zbiorowości połączone wewnętrznymi, rzadko krzyżującymi się więziami pozytywnymi, w rezultacie szkoła współczesna nie wyzwala pozytywnej, emocjonalnej motywacji do uczestnictwa w nie jr coraz bardziej ogranicza ...
    The article presents results of analyses on the peroentage level of drop-outs among students in the faoulty of Production Economics at the University of Łódź. It contains a socio-demographic characteristics of the eoclal category created... more
    The article presents results of analyses on the peroentage level of drop-outs among students in the faoulty of Production Economics at the University of Łódź. It contains a socio-demographic characteristics of the eoclal category created as a result of these phenomena. The aggre^tion in question is represented by students, who left the faculty of Production Economics in the course of all years of academic studies (i. e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th ) over the six consecutive academic years from <1969/1970 to 1975/1976. Studies performed by the author show that the average percentage figure of students obtaining the certificate of completed Btudies in the faculty in question reaches about 70 per cent, and thus losses due to iropping(-out amount to 30 per cent for particular years_. From among 70 per cent of students obtaining the certificate of completed studies on the average about 6 per cent do not seat for the master's exam. This produces a decrease of the index of aggregate...
    The article provides a sociological characteristic of teachers from the viewpoint of features placing this category in a wider social structure. The analysis encompasses also the degree of internal coherence of this category. It is but a... more
    The article provides a sociological characteristic of teachers from the viewpoint of features placing this category in a wider social structure. The analysis encompasses also the degree of internal coherence of this category. It is but a fragment of more extensive analyses concerning the place of teachers in the society's macrostructure. The study reveals that teachers represent a socio-professional category, which is characterized with a specific structure of social features typical for the inteligentsia and here mainly in the area of the level of educational background and cultural consumption and, to a smaller extent, in the area of performed managerial functions (absence of expanded formal hierarchic structure in the education system) and income levels. They represent the most numerous professional category among the intelligentsia (not counting technicians). According to the estimates of the teachers themselves their social position is closest to that of civil officers, and...
    The aim of this article is to analyse the level of income inequality in the European Union based on the Gini coefficient index, income quintile ration and poverty rate. The author has attempted to answer to the following questions: Has... more
    The aim of this article is to analyse the level of income inequality in the European Union based on the Gini coefficient index, income quintile ration and poverty rate. The author has attempted to answer to the following questions: Has the existing social inequality been deepened or levelled as a result of the emergence of the economic recession in 2008? Whether and to what extent the redistribution of income reduced inequality?, and What consequences for the social structure may result from changes in inequality? Quoted data shows that there exist disparities in income distribution in the EU, with the lowest and highest rates reached by both, the developed economies and the developing economies, as well as those countries whose economic situation deteriorated significantly as a result of the financial crisis. It is therefore difficult to talk about the strong impact of the crisis on the significant deterioration of the financial situation of population and increase of the economic stratification of the EU societies, based on the Gini and the S80/20 quintile share ratio. The article provides data illustrating the fact the countries best coping with the problem of inequality are those which implement effective redistribution. The results of studies presented suggest that the growing wealth inequality in advanced economies is largely driven by the growing concentration of wealth at the top, which, combined with increasing poverty at the bottom leads to the erosion of the middle class.
    Research Interests:
    Research Interests:
    Research Interests:
    For over seventeen years sociological studies have invariably shown that large sections of Polish society are not able to accept the high social costs of transformation, such as poverty, unemployment, or the progressing stratification of... more
    For over seventeen years sociological studies have invariably shown that large sections of Polish society are not able to accept the high social costs of transformation, such as poverty, unemployment, or the progressing stratification of society, despite the declared approval of the direction of changes commenced in 1989 (Pankowski 2005; Zagrodzka 2004; Giza-Poleszczuk 2004). Naturally, the notion of “social costs” is not neutral. What some people see as “costs” or evidence of social injustice, others perceive as a sign of normality and confirmation of the theory about “helplessness learned in the former political system” by certain social groups, particularly those of lower social status (Wodz 2005). An important element of this discussion is the problem of reconciling inequalities with social justice.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the level and predictors of the health-related quality of life among patients who were newly diagnosed with lung cancer in China. A descriptive survey design was used to collect the data from 108... more
    The purpose of this study was to explore the level and predictors of the health-related quality of life among patients who were newly diagnosed with lung cancer in China. A descriptive survey design was used to collect the data from 108 patients. The relationships among the variables were analyzed by using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analyses. The results indicated that the patients in this sample had a poor quality of life in the physical, psychological, and environmental domains of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire. Their age, annual family income, social support, and three dimensions of the health locus of control (internal, external, and chance) correlated significantly with the global quality of life. The stepwise multiple regressions showed that only the internal locus of control was statistically significant in predicting the patients' quality of life. The results suggest that healthcare professionals should pay particular attention to demographic characteristics, such as age and family income, and personal characteristics, such as the health locus of control and social support, when treating this patient group.
    ABSTRACT During the last decade allergies, including food allergies, have become a serious health problem. Rapid increase of allergy incidence rate a s well as severe allergic reactions have been observed. It has been estimated that... more
    ABSTRACT During the last decade allergies, including food allergies, have become a serious health problem. Rapid increase of allergy incidence rate a s well as severe allergic reactions have been observed. It has been estimated that around 11 -26 millions of adult Europeans suffer from food allergy 1. Thorough knowledge concerning food allergy would make it possible to undertake long-term, efficient actions in order to support people with food allergies. Following aspects should be considered: medical (co rrelation with other illnesses, experiences from early childhood, similar cases in the family), economic (direct and indirect costs of food allergy), social (impact on the quality of life). The data we use in the paper come from the interna tional project EuroPrevall financed by the EU (The Prevalence, Cost and Basis of Food Allergy Across Europe, Contract No 514000). The main objectives of this project is to collect data on frequency of food allergy among Europeans, to select product group that most often causes health problems, as well as to conduct complex analyses concerning consequences of food allergy. In the framework of EUROPREVALL surveys and medical research were conducted in two groups: control group and food allergic peop le. The collected data enables to discuss one of the conference topics: Inequalities in healt h. Our paper will have two main goals. The first one i s to examine what is the socioeconomic status of different types of food allergy household s in comparison with the control group. We assume that the following factors play an important role of indicators of allergic households' quality of life: living in a disrupt family, living in a household with unemployed, number of food allergy members in the family. Our task here i s to examine the extent to which social disadvantage is associated with food allergy. The second aim of the paper is to examine direct an d indirect costs of food allergy for individuals and households and how they are linked to different types of food allergy households.
    O ile nie zaznaczono inaczej, wykorzystane fotografie pochodzą z serwisow: https://www.pexels.com i https://pixabay.com/, nie są chronione prawami autorskimi, są udostepnione na licencji Creative Commons Public Domain CC0. Zdjecie na... more
    O ile nie zaznaczono inaczej, wykorzystane fotografie pochodzą z serwisow: https://www.pexels.com i https://pixabay.com/, nie są chronione prawami autorskimi, są udostepnione na licencji Creative Commons Public Domain CC0. Zdjecie na stronie tytulowej zostalo opublikowane przez NASA w ramach konkursu „Earth as Art” wykonane z kosmosu przez satelite Landsat. Przedstawia plankton w wodach Baltyku. Wykonano je poblizu szwedzkiej wyspy Gotlandii 13 lipca 2005 roku. Źrodlo: nasa.gov
    Double-blind placebo controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) is the gold standard diagnostic test in food allergy because it minimizes diagnostic bias. To investigate the potential effect of diagnosis on the socioeconomic costs of food... more
    Double-blind placebo controlled food challenge (DBPCFC) is the gold standard diagnostic test in food allergy because it minimizes diagnostic bias. To investigate the potential effect of diagnosis on the socioeconomic costs of food allergy. A prospective longitudinal cost analysis study was conducted in Spain and Poland within the EuroPrevall project. Food-allergic patients were enrolled into the study and in all cases diagnosis was confirmed through a standardized DBPCFC. Data were collected through a self-administered survey on all aspects of health and social care resource use, costs of living, and costs of leisure activities. Costs were measured before and 6 months after the DBPCFC and reported in international dollars with 2007 as the benchmark year. Forty-two patients were enrolled. Twenty-one patients had a negative DBPCFC and the suspected food was reintroduced into their diet. Comparing total direct costs before and after the DBPCFC, the reactive group spent a significantly ...
    Research Interests:
    Food allergy can impair health-related quality of life (HRQL). Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaires (FAQLQs) have been developed and validated, including an adult form (FAQLQ-AF). HRQL has not, to date, been measured across... more
    Food allergy can impair health-related quality of life (HRQL). Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaires (FAQLQs) have been developed and validated, including an adult form (FAQLQ-AF). HRQL has not, to date, been measured across different European countries using a uniform methodology. To translate and validate the FAQLQ-AF for use in 8 European countries (Iceland, The Netherlands, Poland, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Sweden). The English FAQLQ-AF was translated, back-translated, and compared for use in the 8 relevant European languages. Adults with a perceived food allergy were recruited from outpatient departments and through a community survey. Participants completed the FAQLQ-AF, the Food Allergy Independent Measure, and questions concerning participants' characteristics. Validity of the FAQLQ-AF was analyzed for use in the 8 countries. The FAQLQ-AF had strong construct validity (r > 0.59) and an excellent internal consistency (Cronbach α > 0.95) in all countries. Total FAQLQ-AF scores (range 3.2-5.0) were significantly different across participating countries. The FAQLQ-AF is a suitable and valid instrument for measuring HRQL in food-allergic adults in Iceland, The Netherlands, Poland, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, and Sweden. The impact of food allergy on HRQL seems to differ among adults from the 8 participating European countries.