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  • Dr. Lucas Pawlik is a philosopher, ethicist of science, and cyberneticist. His main field is transcultural human life... moreedit
  • Heinz von Foerster, Bernard Scottedit
Congrats on your autism diagnosis! The sooner, the better. I'm forty-eight myself, and I'm happy for every day I have left that I know I'm autistic. Locked-Down-Lucas home alone. All my life, I have been afraid I would one day become like... more
Congrats on your autism diagnosis! The sooner, the better. I'm forty-eight myself, and I'm happy for every day I have left that I know I'm autistic. Locked-Down-Lucas home alone. All my life, I have been afraid I would one day become like the others.

This is a public letter I have offered for publication in  US, UK, Australia, Canada. It consists of letters of encouragement for newly diagnosed autists.
Research Interests:
Wie sieht eine Welt aus, in der das Gegenteil einer wahren Aussage keine Lüge, sondern eine andere Wahrheit ist? Gibt es eine Art des Denkens, die das Unmögliche möglich macht? Eingebettet in die unsichtbare Matrix unserer Wahrnehmungen,... more
Wie sieht eine Welt aus, in der das Gegenteil einer wahren Aussage keine Lüge, sondern eine andere Wahrheit ist? Gibt es eine Art des Denkens, die das Unmögliche möglich macht?
Eingebettet in die unsichtbare Matrix unserer Wahrnehmungen, die uns selbst und die Welt so erscheinen lassen, wie sie sind, stellen wir Fragen, suchen wir nach Antworten. Wir verstehen den Gebrauch unserer Sprache dabei zumeist so, dass sie die Dinge und Prozesse dieser Welt abbildet. Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der wir dies tun, macht eben diesen Prozess des Verstehens unsichtbar.
All dies verändert sich jedoch, wenn wir uns unserer eigenen Form des Verstehens zuwenden. Plötzlich beginnen wir zu bemerken, wie wir uns selbst und die Strukturen dieser Welt durch unser Denken und Sprechen unaufhörlich verändern, jedes „So-sein” durch unsere Art des Handelns selbst produzieren.
In dieser Hinwendung erkennen wir uns selbst, in einer Welt, die noch nie zuvor gewesen ist … mit einem Vorwort von Heinz von Foerster.

Pawlik, Lucas (2005), Verstehen Verstehen Nichtverstehen Verstehen. Eine kybernetische Synthese von Realismus und Konstruktivismus, Sonnberg: Presshaus.
Übersetzung von  "Forget the Observer"
Research Interests:
Übersetzung vom "How to understand Giants?"
Research Interests:
Doing the Aspie Quiz (Ekblad 2022) it was not about the score achieved 192/200 because quantity, without qualitative interpretation, is of little value to me. But the picture spoke more to me than thousands of my words. This is how I... more
Doing the Aspie Quiz (Ekblad 2022) it was not about the score achieved 192/200 because quantity, without qualitative interpretation, is of little value to me.

But the picture spoke more to me than thousands of my words.

This is how I had perceived myself all my life. My whole life I was concerned with understanding the broadest possible spectrum of the human being. Mmy actual interests and strengths always seemed to me to be outside the perception and understanding possibilities of others. Unlike others, I sought and invented my life through my way of living. Everything interested me except the "normal life", in which I always tried to remain as invisible as possible. Now I had it not only in writing, but I could look at it in a colorful picture.

I still can't believe I was crazy enough to go to a psychologist on my own initiative. Some occasional psychologists are incredible judges of character or genius scientists. Still, since I had studied together, I knew I was probably looking for one of the last specimens of a dying species.
Research Interests:
Inhalt 1 Dialogisches Lernen 2 Sprache: Die Kapitel des Lebens haben keine Überschriften 3 Austausch: Stumme Glocken und eingefrorenes Lächeln? 4 Einigung: Das Klassenzimmer zeigt unsere Zukunft 5 Transaktion: Schulen werden zu... more
Inhalt 1 Dialogisches Lernen 2 Sprache: Die Kapitel des Lebens haben keine Überschriften 3 Austausch: Stumme Glocken und eingefrorenes Lächeln? 4 Einigung: Das Klassenzimmer zeigt unsere Zukunft 5 Transaktion: Schulen werden zu Lernlaboren 6 Ein Universum des Zuhörens-Nada Brahma-7 Geschichte-erschaffende Konversationen-die ursprüngliche Technologie der Menschheit 8 Friedensnarrative für das Überleben der Menschheit in der Zukunft 9 Soziales Hacking durch Storytelling 10 Urbane Wälder in unserer Zukunft? 11 Schulen, Institutionen, soziale Einrichtungen als Biosphären-Babys 12 Hacken + Lernen = Kybernetik 13 Kybernetik: Der Ursprung der Digitalisierung 14 Hacken oder sterben? Zivilisation gehostet von A.I. Literatur
Research Interests:
The new reality through the Covid-19 crisis is surveillance capitalism in a permanent hybrid war to get system-relevant data to control the population while intervening with the competing powers utilizing permanent nudging. Every nuclear... more
The new reality through the Covid-19 crisis is surveillance capitalism in a permanent hybrid war to get system-relevant data to control the population while intervening with the competing powers utilizing permanent nudging. Every nuclear power, and subsequently every state, must extract a maximum of system-relevant data in a minimum of time. The autonomy of its own AI and the autonomy of the digital-technocratic organization are preserved. Those who do not play this hybrid war game must assume that a competing power will remotely control them.
The actual strength of the competition, who dominates, can only be determined by permanent attempts to manipulate the other. The old social reality is replaced in the post-real world by propaganda-driven hacking wars in which our new reality is a state of “Wariety,” a constant state of everchanging war-like conflict situations.

The end of humanity, and the end of the world as we know it, was a myth or could only become a reality through natural disasters. But ever since the cold war nuclear arms race created the delicate balance of nuclear terror, we've barely escaped nuclear self-extinction so many times that it's already a miracle our humanity still exists. Digitalization is a timebomb that ticks.
Alien auf Urlaub behandelt den Zusammenhand von UFO-Sichtungen und Nuklearwaffen essayistisch und literarisch. Es geht der Frage nach was die mögliche Existenz von Aliens für eine Menschheit am Rande eines Nuklearen Krieges bedeutet?
- Mein Leben als Osterei - Beim Aspie-Quiz (Ekblad 2022) ging es nicht um die erreichte Punktzahl 192/200, denn Quantität ohne qualitative Interpretation ist für mich von geringem Wert. Aber das Bild sprach mehr zu mir als Tausende... more
- Mein Leben als Osterei -

Beim Aspie-Quiz (Ekblad 2022) ging es nicht um die erreichte Punktzahl 192/200, denn Quantität ohne qualitative Interpretation ist für mich von geringem Wert.

Aber das Bild sprach mehr zu mir als Tausende meiner Worte.

So hatte ich mich mein ganzes Leben lang wahrgenommen. Mein ganzes Leben lang ging es mir darum, ein möglichst breites Spektrum des menschlichen Seins zu verstehen, meine eigentlichen Interessen und Stärken schienen mir immer außerhalb der Wahrnehmungs- und Verständnismöglichkeiten anderer zu liegen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen suchte und erfand ich mein Leben durch meine Art zu leben. Alles interessierte mich, nur nicht das "normale Leben", in dem ich immer versuchte, so unsichtbar wie möglich zu bleiben. Jetzt hatte ich es nicht nur schriftlich, sondern ich konnte es in einem bunten Bild betrachten.

Ich kann immer noch nicht glauben, dass ich verrückt genug war, aus eigenem Antrieb zu einem Psychologen zu gehen. Es gibt gelegentlich Psychologen, die unglaubliche Menschenkenner oder geniale Wissenschaftler sind, aber da wir zusammen studiert hatten, wusste ich, dass ich wahrscheinlich nach einem der letzten Exemplare einer aussterbenden Spezies suchte.
Due to the ongoing global crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns, we are experiencing a dangerous rise in diseases and disorders. Chronic diseases, obesity, physical inactivity, and a rise in suicide, existential... more
Due to the ongoing global crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic and related lockdowns, we are experiencing a dangerous rise in diseases and disorders. Chronic diseases, obesity, physical inactivity, and a rise in suicide, existential anxieties, and depression are mutually reinforcing, and their increase destabilizes our global health.

This presentation discusses the current research and the related process of legalizing the "Break-Through-Drug" psilocybin to mitigate this escalating global health crisis. It shows psilocybin could revolutionize treatment options for neurohormonal brain disorders such as depression, addiction, and anxiety by increasing and modulating our neuroplasticity. These current research findings could yield a new paradigmatic understanding of the mind-body interplay and disorders.
Mahatma Gandhi - Gandhica-Petition Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik 2019 Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik ist Teil der “Mahatma Gandhi -Gandhica-Petition für globale Gewaltlosigkeit und Frieden”. Anlässlich des... more
Mahatma Gandhi -  Gandhica-Petition

Die  Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik 2019

Die Conclusio der Gandischen Friedensethik ist Teil der “Mahatma Gandhi -Gandhica-Petition für globale Gewaltlosigkeit und Frieden”. Anlässlich des  Mahatma Gandhi Jahres zum “150-Jahre Mahatma-Gandhi-Jubiläum” hat die Welt-Harmoniegesellschaft (GHA - Global Harmony Association)  ein Grundlagenwerk zur Friedensarbeit für Universitäten und Institutionen publiziert.  82 Autoren aus 25 Ländern, darunter 4 Nobelpreisträger und 3 Nachfahren Mahatma Gandhis haben an diesem Grundlagenwerk geschrieben. Als einer der vier Hauptautoren und Haupt-Editoren hat Lucas Pawlik darin die Conclusio zum Buch und zur gegenwärtigen Weltsituation verfasst.

Digitalisierung dekodiert: Hack or Die

Die Wahl der Menschheit: Ein gandhischer Hack der Gewaltlosigkeit oder Sterben in einer Eskalation der Gewalt

Synopse: Durch die Weiterentwicklung von KI und Hyperschallwaffen wird Gandhis “Goldene Regel der Gewaltlosigkeit” zum wichtigsten Überlebensprinzip der Menschheit bei der Steuerung ihrer Digitalisierung.  Entweder hacken wir gewaltfrei den digital ermächtigten Gewaltkreislauf der Menschheit oder wir sterben an seiner Eskalation.
Haben wir durch globale Lockdowns und die anhaltende Covid-19-Krise einen Kipppunkt in der Dynamik der Digitalisierung erreicht? Haben der Mangel an Bewegung und die fehlende Priorisierung der Gestaltung körperlicher Aktivität unser... more
Haben wir durch globale Lockdowns und die anhaltende Covid-19-Krise einen Kipppunkt in der Dynamik der Digitalisierung erreicht? Haben der Mangel an Bewegung und die fehlende Priorisierung der Gestaltung körperlicher Aktivität unser derzeitiges Gesundheitssystem über den Punkt ohne Wiederkehr hinaus destabilisiert? Um den dramatischen Folgen für die allgemeine Gesundheit entgegenzuwirken, die aufgrund der Datenanalyse angenommen werden können, skizziert der Autor die Grundlagen für eine nachhaltige Lösung zur bestmöglichen Integration von körperlicher Aktivität in Arbeit, Alltag und Bildung. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass die Integration von neuromuskulärer Bewusstheit und neuroplastischer Bewegungspraxis eine Notwendigkeit und ein Wettbewerbsvorteil für die Zukunft ist.
"What has movement got to do with education? And why to worry now during the Covid-19 Lockdown Crisis?" we might ask. Lucas Pawlik turns the question around: "How can we have education without movement? With every 4th adult dying and 80%... more
"What has movement got to do with education? And why to worry now during the Covid-19 Lockdown Crisis?" we might ask. Lucas Pawlik turns the question around: "How can we have education without movement? With every 4th adult dying and 80% of young people suffering from lack of movement in 2017, how can we even stabilize our global health system after the global lockdowns?” 

He asks the question: "Have the Covid-19 lockdowns pushed us past the tipping point where the lack of movement and mindfulness has destabilized our global health care systems beyond recovery?" As he discusses the 4th leading risk factor for death worldwide, physical inactivity, he shows how we can interlink work, education, and movement optimally to further health, brain growth, and a balanced mind.
Research Interests:
Lockdown Lessons is action research of the Pawlik family reflecting their dealings with the Corona Lockdown via art, storytelling, and analyses. Die Familie Pawlik hat den Lockdown gemeinsam verbracht und macht sich Gedanken über die... more
Lockdown Lessons is action research of the Pawlik family reflecting their dealings with the Corona Lockdown via art,  storytelling, and analyses.

Die Familie Pawlik hat den Lockdown gemeinsam verbracht und macht sich  Gedanken über die in jeder Hinsicht bedenkliche Entwicklung durch den globalen Umgang mit dem Coronavirus.

Lockdown-lessons wird im Juni publiziert.
Research Interests:
This is a brief presentation on how to become ecological resilient to climate change. As no global consensus can be reached, we want to offer a way forward for those who are interested in preparing for the upcoming disaster. We also... more
This is a brief presentation on how to become ecological resilient to climate change. As no global consensus can be reached, we want to offer a way forward for those who are interested in preparing for the upcoming disaster.

We also briefly explain how fungi designed the biosphere on land as we know it today for the readers. Animals and plants on land developed roughly a billion years after fungi conquered the land and built the soil, which is the basis for life on earth above the ground.
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( Publiziert in Lebensmärchen – Ein pägagogisches, psychotherapiewissenschaftliches Kunstbuch, Manfred und Monika Pawlik, Berger Verlag 2012)
Research Interests:
Vom Laufen zum Tanzen auf den Schultern eines Riesens (published in "Die Nachgeborenen" Manfred Pawlik 2017, Berger Verlag)
Research Interests:
A summary of Lucas Pawlik's Wissenschaftspoesie 2009
Research Interests:
To understand (human) nature it furthers to understand the new stage of evolution we have started. " Homo ex machina " ; we humans have risen into a new form of existence out of our relationship with our machines and technology. The... more
To understand (human) nature it furthers to understand the new stage of evolution we have started. " Homo ex machina " ; we humans have risen into a new form of existence out of our relationship with our machines and technology. The development of organisms has always happened before the background of an non-living environment, but what was once rocks and stones has risen into a new cycle of human expression. We live as humans, within the context of a highly self-designed environment. We live as a society, as a humanity interdependent with its machines within an global ecology, which is thereby co-created. Any attempt to understand humanity and/or nature as separated entities has become anachronistic and in fact self-destructive as it fails to acknowledge the new horizon.
Research Interests:
In C.E.L.L. the cybernetic evolutionary Learning Lab , participants explore what they, as human organisms, need to live, operate, and survive peacefully in the biosphere. The setup is Evolutionary Co-Learning, in which the human body and... more
In C.E.L.L.  the cybernetic evolutionary Learning Lab , participants explore what they, as human organisms, need to live, operate, and survive peacefully in the biosphere. The setup is Evolutionary Co-Learning, in which the human body and mind are understood as the primary human biotechnology that is evolutionarily designed to co-learn with and from each other.
Research Interests:
An essay on the effects of media on humanity and its future
Research Interests:
Erster Systemischer-Management-Weltkongress in Wien 2001

1. bis 6. Mai
Research Interests:
Dr. Pawlik's contribution to NASA Space App Challenge Vienna 2018. A brief into today's world health crisis.
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An open letter on the pedagogical work of Dr. Lucas Pawlik based on Humberto Maturana and Heinz von Foerster at Danube University
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An interview with Dr. Lucas Pawlik on creating new eco-spheres for innovation
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Published in "Wissenschaftspoesie"  Lucas Pawlik 2009
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In search for a publisher
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Research Interests:
Research Interests:
In Bed with Constructivism (A Metalogue) Lucas Pawlik Abstract: My intention is to explore how the unity of Heinz von Foerster's work and person can be understood as giving birth to a way of becoming through a particular way of using... more
In Bed with Constructivism (A Metalogue)
Lucas Pawlik
Abstract: My intention is to explore how the unity of Heinz von Foerster's work and person can be understood as giving birth to a way of becoming through a particular way of using language and sustaining interest and trust in the self-organization of our own thinking and perceiving. I will present themes of his work, such as magic, poetry and dreams and the relatedness of his acting and thinking to Taoist poetry and storytelling. In my understanding, although these were important to Heinz, they are normally neglected within the academic community.
My starting point is Heinz's view that magic is "(...) making you very attentive to a particular universe you are creating. Magic is the strategy of constructivism." I will develop the notion of systemics as a drama which gives us the freedom as well as the responsibility to become the poets of our lives as we are living them while we are living them.
The common situation of an human organism participating its own self-organization, lying in bed re-inventing the world before falling asleep will be the context within which this intellectual reasoning about Heinz’ "constructivism" takes place. In a dramaturgic closure I will present constructivism as a living unity of cognition which re-generates how we think in our beds, how we experience our dreams and how we come together in our academic gatherings, such as this third Heinz von Foerster conference.

CV: Lucas Pawlik was born in Vienna in 1975. His Magister thesis at the Vienna Institute for Philosophy of Science explored the self- reference of knowledge forms questioning logic, language, identity, and their relation to the sacred (1999). From this, a working relationship with Heinz von Foerster arose in which Pawlik assisted in the making of Foerster’s last book "Teil der Welt" and which led to the forthcoming of Pawlik’s book "Verstehen Verstehen Nicht-Verstehen Verstehen," finally published in 2005. In these years, Pawlik also published various articles concerning self-reference and Second Order Cybernetics in magazines and journals such as "Patterns," "Kybernetes," and "Lernende Organisationen," and taught Tai Ji Chuan and various forms of trance and meditation. In 2006, he finished his doctorate at the Vienna University of Fine Arts: "Patterns of Re-generation" further develops Heinz von Foerster’s notion of systemics as a unity of art and science through which the mortal human being can understand its embeddedness in the universe it creates. Lucas Pawlik is currently working as an author, artist, and teacher in the field of science and arts in Vienna.
This paper introduces stories as a link between culture and evolution. It elaborates how the decline of interhuman communication leads to a loss of perception, capability for cooperation, and human intelligence and contributes to the... more
This paper introduces stories as a link between culture and evolution. It elaborates how the decline of interhuman communication leads to a loss of perception, capability for cooperation, and human intelligence and contributes to the current ecocide. It shows how cybernetics hacked the relationship between evolution and machine development, which brought forth the outlines of man's current digital transformation and future. It suggests that Lucas Pawlik is still working on a possible sustainable future for humanity that Heinz von Foerster tried to initiate.
Research Interests:
Zusammenfassung: " Das tödliche Fehlen des Wir " gliedert sich in drei Teile, in denen das individuelle Erleben eines Schulmassakers dem gesellschaftlichen Umgang damit im Kontext der digitalen Transformation gegenübergestellt wird. Im... more
Zusammenfassung: " Das tödliche Fehlen des Wir " gliedert sich in drei Teile, in denen das individuelle Erleben eines Schulmassakers dem gesellschaftlichen Umgang damit im Kontext der digitalen Transformation gegenübergestellt wird. Im ersten Teil wird gezeigt, wie Erstarrung, Wut und Mangel an Vertrauen seitens der Opfer und ihr Gefangensein in der Ungewissheit um Gegenwart und Zukunft die mediale Reaktion und die Reaktion der Verantwortlichen beeinflussen. Sowohl die individuelle Zerrüttung als auch der sich abzeichnende Systemzusammenbruch verweisen auf dieselbe Überforderung, das Nicht-wahrhaben-Wollen einer unerträglichen, nicht einschätzbaren Situation. Es handelt sich um ein Problem, für das innerhalb des Schulsystems nicht Verantwortung übernommen werden kann und außerhalb nicht übernommen wird. Der zweite Teil des Artikels führt aus, wie der " geistesgestörte Einzeltäter " , der erkannt und dem der Zugang zu Waffen untersagt wird, erst vom System geschaffen wird. Das System ignoriert die Umstände, unter denen jemand zum Schulattentäter wird, ebenso wie die für School Shooting maßgebliche Studie von 2004. Schulattentäter sind der Studie zufolge mehrheitlich suizidgefährdete gemobbte Schüler, die mehr leisten wollen, aber nicht können und die Tat in ihrer Verzweiflung ankündigen. Die komplexen Wirkzusammenhänge, die zum Amoklauf von Schulattentätern führen, werden nicht zur Kenntnis genommen. Statt einer Analyse
A narrative fractal on technologization of nature through cybernetics in three acts.
Research Interests:
Systemic Thinking, a Bedtime Story of the Second Order System Thinking – A Bedtime Story of the Second Order demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking by telling a bedtime story that explains how bedtime stories work. It is... more
Systemic Thinking, a Bedtime Story of the Second Order

System Thinking – A Bedtime Story of the Second Order demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking by telling a bedtime story that explains how bedtime stories work. It is dedicated to the inventor of Second Order Cybernetics, Heinz von Foerster, reinventing him and his perspectives on knowledge and communication. It was first performed at the American Society of Cybernetics conference in Urbana in 2007 to remember the 40-year closure of Heinz von Foerster’s Biological Computer Lab. The original recording is available on YouTube (Pawlik 2007a, 2007b, 2007c).
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of... more
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of prioritization of physical activity designed to intervene against obesity, diabetes, loneliness, depression, anxiety disorders and suicide risk could destabilize our current global health system beyond rehabilitation. To counteract this, the author outlines the basis for a sustainable solution to best integrate physical activity into work, daily life and education. In addition, he highlights the potential benefits of combining exercise training with microdosing of psilocybin or of active ingredient essences of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. The article also shows that the integration of mindfulness-based practice and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and a competitive advantage for the future.
Research Interests:
Die Digitalisierung bringt in den verschiedenen Rückkopplungsphasen vehement unterschiedliche Veränderungen in den Regelsystemen der Industrialisierung. Sie führt zu einer raschen Polarisierung bestehender Überzeugungen und... more
Die Digitalisierung bringt in den verschiedenen Rückkopplungsphasen vehement unterschiedliche Veränderungen in den Regelsystemen der Industrialisierung. Sie führt zu einer raschen Polarisierung bestehender Überzeugungen und Verhaltensstrategien. Sie ermöglicht aber auch kreativen "Early Adopters" einen raschen sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg, indem sie die Aufstiegschancen nutzen, die sich aus dem Aufeinandertreffen alter und neuer Rahmenbedingungen ergeben.

Lucas Pawlik beschreibt in seinem Artikel, warum wir - so wie Ikarus, gefangen in der Tyrannei des Königs, zur Flucht aufbricht - trotz unserer Gefangenschaft in der Tyrannei innerer und äußerer Arbeitsaufträge immer wieder zu kreativen Höhenflügen aufbrechen müssen, damit wir uns als selbstwirksam erleben können und das, was wir für wesentlich halten, nicht zur Sisyphusarbeit wird.
The Parkland school massacre is related to its social reactions in the context of humanity’s digital transformation. This first part shows how paralysis, anger, lack of trust on the part of the victims, and their imprisonment in... more
The Parkland school massacre is related to its social reactions in the context of humanity’s digital transformation. This first part shows how paralysis, anger, lack of trust on the part of the victims, and their imprisonment in uncertainty about the present and future influence the reactions of the media and those in positions of responsibility. Individual disintegration and the imminent collapse of the system point to the same overload: denial of an unbearable, incalculable situation. This is a problem for which the school system cannot take responsibility, nor is it being cared for externally.
The second part of the essay explores how the search for an “insane lone perpetrator,” who is recognized and has to be denied access to guns, is a product of the system. This system ignores both the actual circumstances of how someone becomes a school shooter and the significant study on school shootings published in 2004. According to this study, school shooters are mostly suicidal and bullied students who want to achieve more than they can and announce their deeds in despair. The multi-causal context of how a student becomes a frenzied school shooter remains ignored. Instead of analyzing the prevailing educational and social system, the fiction of an insane lone perpetrator is maintained, perpetuating the problem of school shooters until the next killing spree.
The third part addresses why this problem is also relevant to Austria. It outlines the critical situation of the global education system and schoolchildren and examines why a further drastic deterioration brought about by digitalization is to be expected. The necessity of self-initiative and the steps the author asks for help to solve the growing problems and open up new possibilities are shown.
System Thinking - A Bedtime Story of the Second Order demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking by telling a bedtime story that explains how bedtime stories work. It is dedicated to the inventor of Second Order Cybernetics, Heinz... more
System Thinking - A Bedtime Story of the Second Order

demonstrates the fundamentals of system thinking by telling a bedtime story that explains how bedtime stories work. It is dedicated to the inventor of Second Order Cybernetics, Heinz von Foerster, re-inventing him and his perspectives on knowledge and communication. It was first performed at the American Society of Cybernetics conference in Urbana in 2007. You can now listen to it online as part of the 100th year's celebration of Heinz von Foerster's birthday.
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of... more
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of prioritization of physical activity designed to intervene against obesity, diabetes, loneliness, depression, anxiety disorders and suicide risk could destabilize our current global health system beyond rehabilitation. To counteract this, the author outlines the basis for a sustainable solution to best integrate physical activity into work, daily life and education. In addition, he highlights the potential benefits of combining exercise training with microdosing of psilocybin or of active ingredient essences of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. The article also shows that the integration of mindfulness-based practice and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and a competitive advantage for the future.
Research Interests:
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of... more
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of prioritization of physical activity designed to intervene against obesity, diabetes, loneliness, depression, anxiety disorders and suicide risk could destabilize our current global health system beyond rehabilitation. To counteract this, the author outlines the basis for a sustainable solution to best integrate physical activity into work, daily life and education. In addition, he highlights the potential benefits of combining exercise training with microdosing of psilocybin or of active ingredient essences of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. The article also shows that the integration of mindfulness-based practice and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and a competitive advantage for the future.
PurposeThe purpose is to offer a systemic perspective how our (understanding of) logic, language, and the world could be altered to create a new kind of science and communication.Design/methodology/approachThe whole experiment is composed... more
PurposeThe purpose is to offer a systemic perspective how our (understanding of) logic, language, and the world could be altered to create a new kind of science and communication.Design/methodology/approachThe whole experiment is composed as a self‐referential pattern consisting of a series of language experiments and games similar to those to be found in Ludwig Wittgenstein's “Philosophical Investigations”, in Taoist epistemology like in the writings of Lao‐tzu or Chuang‐tzu, or in medieval theology such as in “The Cloud of Unknowing”.FindingsFollowing the presented thought patterns, it can be shown that we are able to become aware of the ways in which the observer comes (we ourselves come) into being through language. The language experiments illustrate the ways in which our use of language defines our world and our perception of it.Research limitations/implicationsThe perspective itself can only be attained if one disregards conventional methods of reasoning such as disciplin...
Have we reached a tipping point in digitalization dynamics through global lockdowns and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis? Have the lack of movement and the lack of prioritization of physical activity design destabilized our current global... more
Have we reached a tipping point in digitalization dynamics through global lockdowns and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis? Have the lack of movement and the lack of prioritization of physical activity design destabilized our current global health-care system beyond the point of no return? To counteract the dramatic consequences for general health that can be assumed based on data analysis, the author outlines the foundations for a sustainable solution for the best possible integration of physical activity into work, everyday life, and education. The article shows that integrating neuromuscular awareness and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and a competitive advantage for the future.
ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag gliedert sich in 3 Teile, in denen das individuelle Erleben eines Schulmassakers dem gesellschaftlichen Umgang damit im Kontext der digitalen Transformation gegenübergestellt wird.Im 1. Teil wird gezeigt, wie... more
ZusammenfassungDer Beitrag gliedert sich in 3 Teile, in denen das individuelle Erleben eines Schulmassakers dem gesellschaftlichen Umgang damit im Kontext der digitalen Transformation gegenübergestellt wird.Im 1. Teil wird gezeigt, wie Erstarrung, Wut und Mangel an Vertrauen seitens der Opfer und ihr Gefangensein in der Ungewissheit um Gegenwart und Zukunft die mediale Reaktion und die Reaktion der Verantwortlichen beeinflussen. Sowohl die individuelle Zerrüttung als auch der sich abzeichnende Systemzusammenbruch verweisen auf dieselbe Überforderung: das Nichtwahrhabenwollen einer unerträglichen, nicht einschätzbaren Situation. Es handelt sich um ein Problem, für das innerhalb des Schulsystems nicht Verantwortung übernommen werden kann und außerhalb nicht übernommen wird.Der 2. Teil des Beitrags führt aus, wie der „geistesgestörte Einzeltäter“, der erkannt und dem der Zugang zu Waffen untersagt wird, erst vom System geschaffen wird. Das System ignoriert die Umstände, unter denen jemand zum Schulattentäter wird, ebenso wie die für School Shooting maßgebliche Studie von 2004. Schulattentäter sind der Studie zufolge mehrheitlich suizidgefährdete gemobbte Schüler, die mehr leisten wollen, aber nicht können und die Tat in ihrer Verzweiflung ankündigen. Die komplexen Wirkzusammenhänge, die zum Amoklauf von Schulattentätern führen, werden nicht zur Kenntnis genommen. Statt einer Analyse des Schul- bzw. Gesellschaftssystems wird die Fiktion des geistesgestörten Gewalttäters aufrechterhalten und das Problem School Shooting bis zum nächsten Amoklauf perpetuiert.Der dritte Teil geht der Frage nach, warum dieses Problem auch für Österreich relevant ist. Er skizziert die global kritische Situation des Schulsystems und der Schüler und untersucht, warum durch die Digitalisierung eine weitere drastische Verschlechterung zu erwarten ist. Dargestellt werden die Notwendigkeit von Eigeninitiative und die Schritte, mit denen der Autor um Mithilfe bittet, sich entwickelnde Probleme lösen und Möglichkeiten erschließen zu können.AbstractThis essay consists of three parts, in which the individual experience of a school massacre is related to its social reactions viewed in the context of humanity’s digital transformation. This first part shows how paralysis, anger, lack of trust on the part of the victims, and their imprisonment in uncertainty about the present and future influence the reactions of the media and those in positions of responsibility. Individual disintegration and the imminent collapse of the system point to the same overload: denial of an unbearable, incalculable situation. This is a problem for which the school system cannot take responsibility, nor is it being taken care of externally.The second part of the essay explores how the search for an “insane lone perpetrator”, who is recognised and has to be denied access to guns, is actually a product of the system. This system ignores both the actual circumstances of how someone becomes a school shooter and the significant study on school shootings published in 2004. According to this study, school shooters are mostly suicidal and bullied students who want to achieve more than they are able to accomplish and announce their deed in their despair. The multi-causal context of how a student becomes a frenzied school shooter remains ignored. Instead of an analysis of the prevailing educational and social system, the fiction of an insane lone perpetrator is maintained, perpetuating the problem of school shooters until the next killing spree.The third part addresses the question why this problem is relevant to Austria too. It outlines the critical situation of the global education system and schoolchildren, and examines why a further drastic deterioration brought about by digitalization is to be expected. The necessity of self-initiative and the steps with which the author asks for help in being able to solve the growing problems and open up new possibilities are shown.
Purpose – The paper is aimed at understanding and investigating Gregory Bateson's and Heinz von Foerster's peculiar relation to knowledge, the unknowable, and research. From this, the question of how to carry on their heritage is... more
Purpose – The paper is aimed at understanding and investigating Gregory Bateson's and Heinz von Foerster's peculiar relation to knowledge, the unknowable, and research. From this, the question of how to carry on their heritage is raised. Design/methodology/approach – The whole paper is designed as an epistemological experiment starting from reflections on Gregory Bateson's metalogues and adopting a methodological style
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of... more
Data analysis from diverse medical fields suggests that we have reached a tipping point in the digitalization dynamic through the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, leading to an escalation of physical inactivity and related diseases. The lack of prioritization of physical activity design to intervene against obesity, diabetes, loneliness, depression, anxiety disorders, and suicide risk could destabilize our current global health system beyond rehabilitation. To counteract this, the author outlines the basis for a sustainable solution to best integrate physical activity into work, daily life, and education. In addition, he highlights the potential benefits of combining exercise training with microdosing of psilocybin or of active ingredient essences of psilocybin-containing mushrooms. The paper also shows that the integration of mindfulness-based practice and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and a competitive advantage for the future.
Have we reached a tipping point in digitalization dynamics through global lockdowns and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis? Have the lack of movement and the lack of prioritization of physical activity design destabilized our current global... more
Have we reached a tipping point in digitalization dynamics through global lockdowns and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis? Have the lack of movement and the lack of prioritization of physical activity design destabilized our current global health-care system beyond the point of no return? To counteract the dramatic consequences for general health that can be assumed based on data analysis, the author outlines the foundations for a sustainable solution for the best possible integration of physical activity into work, everyday life, and education. The article shows that integrating neuromuscular awareness and neuroplastic movement practice is a necessity and a competitive advantage for the future.
Abstract: This paper introduces stories as a link between culture and evolution. It elaborates how the decline of interhuman communication leads to a loss of perception, capability for cooperation, and human intelligence and contributes... more
Abstract: This paper introduces stories as a link between culture and evolution. It elaborates how the decline of interhuman communication leads to a loss of perception, capability for cooperation, and human intelligence and contributes to the current ecocide. It shows how cybernetics hacked the relationship between evolution and machine development, which brought forth the outlines of man’s current digital transformation and future. It suggests that Lucas Pawlik is still working on a possible sustainable future for humanity that Heinz von Foerster tried to initiate.
Research Interests:
1. USA, Parkland 2018-ein Schul-und Medienmassaker in einer post-faktischen Welt School Shooting kann nur verstanden werden, wenn man persönliche Betroffenheit zulässt und so die komplexe Verkettung von individuellen und... more
1. USA, Parkland 2018-ein Schul-und Medienmassaker in einer post-faktischen Welt School Shooting kann nur verstanden werden, wenn man persönliche Betroffenheit zulässt und so die komplexe Verkettung von individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Systemzusammenbrüchen nachzuvollziehen lernt. "Ehrlich, wenn du in so einer Situation bist, erstarrst du. Ich habe wirklich darüber nachgedacht, ob mein Leben einen Unterschied gemacht hat, ob alle unsere Leben irgendwas verändern. (...) Ich fand keinen und da dachte ich mir, wenn ich heute sterbe, möchte ich eine gute Geschichte hinterlassen. Ich möchte den Menschen zeigen, was da passiert, wenn die Kinder zusehen, wie die Kugeln durch Klassenzimmer fliegen, und Schüler sterben müssen, weil sie versuchen irgendeine Ausbildung zu bekommen. Das ist nicht ok.-Wir können das nicht einfach akzeptieren! Wir müssen das in Ordnung bringen. (...) Das ist das 18 School Shooting und es ist Februar. Das ist ein Zeugnis, zu welchem Land Amerika geworden ist. Wir müssen aus diesem Loch herauskommen und einsehen, dass hier etwas ernsthaft falsch läuft, und manche unserer Entscheidungsträger müssen einmal in den Spiegel schauen und endlich anfangen zu handeln! " (David Hogg, Überlebender, Schüler des Parkland Shooting) Überforderte Helfer, weinende Polizisten und FBI-Beamten nach dem Einsatz im Parkland Schulmassaker am 14. Februar 2018. Dem 19-jährigen Täter gelang es, nachdem er 17 LehrInnen und SchülerInnen mit einem Maschinengewehr erschossen hatte, zunächst noch gemeinsam mit flüchtenden Schülern unbemerkt die Schule zu verlassen. Danach ging er zum Supermarkt, kaufte sich etwas zu trinken und wurde, nach etwa 40-minütigem Aufenthalt in einem nahegelegenen McDonald, von der Polizei festgenommen. Der genaue Tathergang wird noch ermittelt bzw. erfunden, je nachdem auf welche Daten und Dokumente tatsächlich zugegriffen werden kann. Das FBI und die involvierten Polizei-Departments
Research Interests:
At first, it was by no means easy to write the "Forget the observer" experiment. Heinz von Foerster was the person who had answered most of the questions that had moved me from my early childhood on: the meaning of numbers and language,... more
At first, it was by no means easy to write the "Forget the observer" experiment. Heinz von Foerster was the person who had answered most of the questions that had moved me from my early childhood on: the meaning of numbers and language, the role of intentionality in observation, and many other issues. He had tackled the questions of identity and understood living systems and self-organization mostly by means of western thinking into which he playfully integrated Taoist thoughts which again were closest to my heart. At the time he asked me to write about self-reference and the meaning of language I had also realized that he was struggling with death-which put me into the extremely awkward situation of having to say goodbye to someone I had just met, but to whom I felt a connection as if I had known him for all my life, a kindred. I can still remember when I told him about my discovery of the second order of spontaneity. Thinking in second-order terms, a person is not bound by Watzlawick's "Be spontaneous!" paradox as "spontaneity" is a label given to people whose behavior varies unpredictably. In other words, there is a box for all the behavior that cannot be put in a box and that is "spontaneity."
Research Interests:
Pulbiziert in  Manfred Pawlik Johann Nebenführ  Berger Verlag 2017
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publiziert in  Lucas Pawlik  Wissensschaftspoesie  Presshaus Sonnberg  2009
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Publiziert in

Manfred Pawlik  - Selbstbestimmung
Vermächtnis, Verwandlung, Vision - eine psychotherapeutische Begegnung

Berger Verlag 2013
Research Interests:
Vorsätze: Es ist wie das Leben-ein Spiel, dessen Zweck darin besteht, die Regeln herauszufinden, wobei sich die Regeln andauernd verändern und immer unentdeckbar bleiben. 1 Die Prophezeiung lautet nicht, dass der Mensch, wenn er bei der... more
Vorsätze: Es ist wie das Leben-ein Spiel, dessen Zweck darin besteht, die Regeln herauszufinden, wobei sich die Regeln andauernd verändern und immer unentdeckbar bleiben. 1 Die Prophezeiung lautet nicht, dass der Mensch, wenn er bei der Transformation dieser Regel folgt, das herausbringen wird-sondern, daß er, wenn wir sagen, er folge der Regel, das herausbringen werde. 2 4.1.1. Einläutung der Zukunft Rechtzeitig zum Beginn des neuen Jahrtausends beginnen wir unsere Kräfte erneut zu sammeln, um für eine weitere Periode der Entwicklung von Verfremdungsverfahren den Anstoß zu geben. Ich wähle bewusst einen solchen Beginn, weil ich der Meinung bin, dass es keinen Sinn hat, in einer Zeit wie dieser allzu bescheiden zu sein. Im Gegenteil, in einer Zeit, die von rasanten Veränderungen und gesellschaftlicher Desorientierung geprägt ist, halte ich es für eine Pflicht, Vorschläge zu machen und, wenn man von deren Sinnhaftigkeit überzeugt ist, sich Gehör zu verschaffen, um 1 Bateson (1981) 2Wittgenstein (1989).
Research Interests:
The purpose of this paper is to show cybernetic dynamics in traditional eastern philosophy and the richness and interconnectedness of their cybernetic metaphors. The focus will be laid on the works of Lao Tse and Chuang Tzu whose... more
The purpose of this paper is to show cybernetic dynamics in traditional eastern philosophy and the richness and interconnectedness of their cybernetic metaphors. The focus will be laid on the works of Lao Tse and Chuang Tzu whose intention, as I will present, lies in clarifying the relation of form and formlessness in the way the appreciation of the composition process itself, its beauty 妙(miào; excellent, beautiful), is maintained. The result of this will be an adequate way of dealing with knowledge and definitions which does not rely on any particular form or definition, a way of handling these matters without depending on any particular something.
Research Interests:
Erkennen Verstehen Verändern Friedrich Fexer, Widerstandsforschung und die Notwendigkeit der Transformation unseres Bildungssystems 1.Erkennen: Wenn junge Menschen unter Einsatz ihres Lebens Flugblätter verteilen, und trotz des gewaltigen... more
Erkennen Verstehen Verändern Friedrich Fexer, Widerstandsforschung und die Notwendigkeit der Transformation unseres Bildungssystems 1.Erkennen: Wenn junge Menschen unter Einsatz ihres Lebens Flugblätter verteilen, und trotz des gewaltigen Drucks des Hitlerregimes versuchen mit anderen in Dialog zu treten und zu informieren, drückt dies einen Glauben und eine Hingabe an die Notwendigkeit der Bildung aus, den die meisten Menschen bereits verloren haben. Gerade deswegen ist die Einsicht, dass Bildung kein Recht oder Privileg, sondern eine Notwendigkeit ist, selbst eine Notwendigkeit.
Research Interests:
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Die Corona Chronik arbeitet das Verhältnis von Corona Lockdowns, Social Media, Klimawandel, Internetsucht, Künstliche Intelligenz, Digitalisierung und Bewegungsmangel auf. Dr. Pawlik folgt in seiner Analyse McLuhan, Heinz von Foerster... more
Die Corona Chronik arbeitet das Verhältnis von Corona Lockdowns, Social Media, Klimawandel, Internetsucht, Künstliche Intelligenz, Digitalisierung und Bewegungsmangel auf.

Dr. Pawlik folgt in seiner Analyse McLuhan, Heinz von Foerster und Chuangtse.
Research Interests:
Reduktionismus: Fast alles im Universum soll irrelevant sein. Und was ist,  wenn nicht?

Eine Fraktale aus Lucas Pawlik Wissenschaftspoesie 2009  Presshaus Sonnberg
Research Interests:
3. Teil  der Einführung in Zirkuläres Lernen aus Perner/Pawlik PROvokativpädagogik
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Published in Lucas Pawlik Wissenschaftspoesie 2009
Research Interests:
aus  Lucas Pawlik Wissenschaftspoesie 2009
Research Interests:
Publziert in PROvokativpädagogik Perner/Pawlik
publiziert in Pawlik 2009 - Wissenschaftspoesie
Research Interests:
CAUSE OF DEATH: LACK OF MOVEMENT Threat and Chance for the Future of Healthcare and Education --- An Urgent Call for Action During and After the Corona-Virus-Lockdown- Crisis #Corona-Virus-Lockdown- Crisis by Lucas Pawlik “(What)... more
Threat and Chance for the Future of Healthcare and Education
An Urgent Call for Action During and After the Corona-Virus-Lockdown- Crisis
#Corona-Virus-Lockdown- Crisis

by Lucas Pawlik

“(What) has movement got to do with education? And why to worry now during the Corona Virus Lockdown Crises?” we might ask.

Lucas Pawlik turns the question around: “How can we have education without movement?  How do  we stabilize our global health systems during and after the global lockdowns? ” Against the background of current drastic studies on the fourth most frequent cause of death, lack of physical activity, he shows how education and movement can be optimally interlinked in such a way that digital education in movement and movement in digital education happen simultaneously. 

He asks the question: “Has the Corona Virus Lockdowns  pushed us over the tipping point where the lack of movement and mindfulness has destabilized our global health care systems beyond recovery?”
Research Interests: