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Risk is outside everywhere, and it may impact us more or less. The evolution of technology improves our social and economic life, and also most of the same time, it is the technology that exposes us to the risk of disaster. Disaster may... more
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      DigitalizationBusiness EffectivenessManagement of disasterOrganizational Structure Culture
The German automotive sector’s strong global position is one of the country’s greatest economic success stories. In 2018, two out of the three top global automakers achieving the highest sales volumes originated from Germany, and 80% of... more
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      Central and Eastern EuropeEuropean Political EconomyCar IndustryElectromobility
In Italia, vasti fenomeni di riforma hanno interessato, in anni recenti, l’organizzazione e la gestione delle pubbliche amministrazioni, introducendo strategici modelli organizzativi di riferimento, idonei meccanismi in grado di operare... more
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationE-Procuremente-Democracy
La tesi nasce da alcune domande che mi sono posta osservando alcune dinamiche e problematiche di comunicazione che mi sono trovata ad affrontare all’interno di una realtà associativa di cui faccio parte: nonostante il momento storico in... more
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      Digital MediaSocial MediaInternal CommunicationGeneration Y
This paper provides an overview of the Master Thesis Project entitled "Instruments and Methods for Cultural Heritage Conservation and Valorization" conducted at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo",... more
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      Cultural HeritageVirtual RealityDigitalizationVirtual Heritage
С развитием технологий меняется, в том числе, и сфера искусства: появляются театры роботов, искусственный интеллект (ИИ) сам создает мультипликацию и пишет сценарии, 3D-принтеры сменяют ручную работу скульпторов и т.д., по сути,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedia StudiesDigital MediaMedia
In this introductory essay, we build on the articles in this special issue to provide a novel theoretical framework for the understanding of current and future trends in the digitalisation of teaching and learning in Nordic higher... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyE-learningHigher Education
SOMMARIO: 1. Lavoro autonomo e rivoluzione digitale: due iniziative governative. – 1.1. I ritardi del Welfare italiano: dalla Commissione D’Aragona (1947) al precariato e al lavoro autonomo di seconda e terza generazione. – 1.2.... more
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      HistoryComparative LawConstitutional LawSocial Sciences
Digitalization is exposing developing countries to a growing number of risks as well as opportunities associated with connecting to the Internet. Myanmar stands out as a critical case of both the pitfalls and the benefits Internet... more
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      Development StudiesSocial MediaCapacity BuildingGlobal South
Today’s children and young people are growing up in a time of radical digital transformation, rapidly changing information ecosystems, widespread integration of digital technologies, and other social, political, and environmental shifts.... more
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      Youth StudiesGlobal GovernanceGlobal HealthHealth Equity
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      Information SystemsComputer SciencePolitical ScienceUrban Sociology
In the last few years, the management literature has become noisy with Industry 4.0 (I4.0). Although several concepts and typologies intend to make the phenomenon more understandable, these endeavours generally focus on technological... more
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This article provides a different angle to understand the Cambridge Analytica (CA) data scandal. It focuses on the role of models and simulations in the big data campaigning tools CA allegedly used, and their epistemological and... more
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      Social TheoryAlgorithmsOntologyEpistemology
In the world, there is a constant change and development in the economy, industry and politics. The fact that this change and development, especially in the industrial field, has an impact on other areas, is an important factor in shaping... more
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      ManagementLeadershipEntrepreneurial LeadershipDigitalization
Purpose This paper aims to explore the current and future roles of augmented reality (AR) as an enabler of omnichannel experiences across the customer journey. To advance the conceptual understanding and managerial exploitation of AR, the... more
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      MarketingAugmented RealityEcommerceInteractive Marketing
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      Systematic TheologyDigital MediaTheological EthicsReligious Ethics
his  thesis  is about  analyzing  the  concept  of  reforming  the “State  in smartphone”,  which provides for a simplified procedure for providing all administrative services, if it is possible online.
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      E-GovernmentE-HealthState PolicyTechnologies
This paper describes key aspects of the structural and functional transformation of the Russian state statistics system as a core element of the future National Data Management System. Issues such as establishing a dialogue between the... more
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      Information TechnologyStatisticsInformation SocietyInformation Policy
Presentazione del volume "Costruire il domani - Istruzioni per un futuro immateriale" del On.le Prof. Stefano Quintarelli, Presidente del Comitato di Indirizzo dell'Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale
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      PrivacyTecnologyNew TecnologiesImmaterial Culture
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      PhotographyConservationDigitalizationAnalogue Photography
O Tango nasceu nos fins do século XIX derivado das misturas entre as formas musicais dos imigrantes italianos e espanhóis, dos crioulos descendentes dos conquistadores espanhóis que já habitavam os pampas e de um tipo de batuque dos... more
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    • Digitalization
ISBN 9783346357083 • Im Zuge der Human Digitalisation, lassen sich durch sogenannte People Analytics Anwendungen HR-Leistungsfähigkeiten digital analysieren und HR- Prozesse wie das Auswahlverfahren effizienter gestalten. Ziel dieser... more
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      MarketingEmployer brandingHuman Resource ManagementMilitary
Skriflig materialitet och kyrklig idenitet under 2000 år.
From the volume: "Läsarna i distraktionernas tid" (red. Joel Halldorf, Marcus Förlag 2014)
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      ReadingDigitalizationReligious Reading of Sacred Texts
Qualifizierung ist eine zentrale Forderung in der Industrie­-4.0­-Debatte. Allerdings zeigt sich, dass gering qualifizierte Beschäftigtengruppen nur begrenzt an Weiter­bildungsmaßnahmen in Betrieben teilnehmen. Eine Fallstudie in einem... more
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      Workplace LearningDigitalizationIndustrie 4.0
The phenomenon of the digital divide is one of the main study objects in contemporary societies. This paper focuses on the intra-rural digital divide, presenting a typology based on empirical data retrieved from two Greek Regional Units... more
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      CommunicationDigital DivideDigital HumanitiesAdult Education
Governance of digitalization is top on the agenda for many corporate decision makers. The inherent high level of uncertainty and the dynamic nature of digitalization call for a comprehensive framework that will help both boards of... more
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      Corporate GovernanceDigitalizationDIgital Strategy
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      SemioticsAestheticsIntermedialityComputer Animation
Circular Economy is a means to ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns. However, it is still at an embryonic stage of implementation in manufacturing companies. Given its potential, the household appliance industry is a... more
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      DesignSupply Chain ManagementRecyclingRemanufacturing
Over the last few years, e-commerce has become an indispensable part of our life. It is growing day by day. Most people now prefer online shopping rather than going into the market. As internet access increases rapidly worldwide, the... more
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The last two decades are marked by business transforming technologies such as cloud computing and mobile digital business platforms based on smartphones, notebook computers, and social networks, which aid managers to achieve their... more
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      DigitalizationOmnichannelDigital RetailDigital Transformation
Erfolge der Provenienzforschung bemessen sich nicht nur an der Zahl der Restitutionen, sondern auch an der Zahl der untersuchten Kulturgüter. Bundesdeutsche Museen stellen diese Zahlen aber nur selten zur Verfügung. Dabei könnte ein... more
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      Digital Cultural HeritageProvenance researchDigitalizationCultural Heritage and Museum Studies
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      GlobalizationDigital CitizenshipDigitalizationDatafication
Internet jest często przedstawiany jako wirtualny byt, który sprawia, że ludzie nie odwiedzają instytucji kultury, nie korzystają z ich oferty. Badania uczestnictwa w kulturze, w tym to przeprowadzone w 2017 roku w Warszawie, pokazują... more
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      Digital HumanitiesCultural HeritageInternet & SocietyMuseology
Die weitreichenden Umbrüche, die mit der Digitalisierung einhergehen, zeichnen sich vielerorts gerade erst ab und rufen Hoffnungen, aber auch Ängste hervor. Dabei bietet die Digitalisierung gerade Entwicklungsländern vielfältige Chancen... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentDemocracyE-GovernmentE-Health
With the pace of digitalization and robotics, the way of doing work, the place of doing work and the time of doing work are changing. In all aspect, digitalization and roboticsare altering human ocumpations. To survive the huge number of... more
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The Indian economy ecosystem is standing on the edge of digitalization, from a traditional system of brick and mortar to the system of clink and links the India government along with the Reserve Bank of India has secure their manifesto to... more
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      ArchaeologyArchaeological documentationArchivesDigital Archives
In this article I will show that the problem of embodiment goes back to the question of the mind-body split, as this has been established and discussed by the philosophical tradition. With the digital turn and the advent of ubiquitous... more
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      PhilosophyDigital MediaTheory of MindEmbodiment
Am Anfang steht der Verdacht. All die polarisierenden Schlagzeilen, all die datengeladenen Infografiken, all die wütenden Ästhetisierungen des Protestes, je mehr wir uns diesem bildgewaltigen Geschrei sozialer Medien zuwenden, es... more
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      AlgorithmsVisual AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyCyberanthropology
The Future of Digital Data, Heritage and Curation critiques digital cultural heritage concepts and their application to data, developing new theories, curatorial practices and a more-than-human museology for a contemporary and future... more
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      Digital HumanitiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageDigital Media
This paper examines the broad impact of digitalization on economic development. More specifically, it addresses the computer science-derived notion of "social machines", along with the invention of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs)... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipSociologyInformation Technology
In the socio-theoretical discourse on digitisation there is, among others, a strong sceptical and explicitly critical perspective towards socio-technical developments. The focus of this scepticism is the autonomous subject as the... more
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      Social TheoryAutonomyDigitalizationEgologization of Thinking
Extant literature has increased our understanding of the multifaceted nature of digital technologies; nevertheless, scholars and policymakers still strive to understand their implications for society. On this account, the Network... more
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      Digital DividePolicy Analysis and Decision MakingDigital InequalityInformation and Communication Technologies
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      Local GovernmentElectionsDigitalizationOnline Voting
The notion of embeddedness, as it was first introduced into economics and economical sociology, refers to the degree to which economic activity is constrained by non-economic factors. In this paper, I argue that the process of... more
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      Media StudiesMedia InnovationInstitutional TheoryDigitalization
In the last couple of decades, digital processes have accelerated what we typically call globalization. In contemporary scholarly literature on translation, then, the understanding of translators as relational agents has continually... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesGlobalization
As the pace of change has accelerated rapidly in the agri-food sector, coupled with an ever- increasing level of competitiveness, firms are seeking processes which are likely to strengthen their capacity for innovation. In this context,... more
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      Management of InnovationResilience (Sustainability)Purchasing and Supply ManagementDigitalization
Traditional sport leagues must innovate and embrace emerging trends to grow. At the forefront of these trends are the inherently digital esports –competitive video game competitions. In particular, the NBA is a trailblazer in the esports... more
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      TechnologySports ManagementNetwork AnalysisSponsorship
Hrvatska povijesna leksikografija nije nimalo zaostajala za kulturnom Europom (Boras 2008.), bila je uronjena u tadašnje europske leksikografske tokove (Tafra 2005.), te je imala svoj kontinuitet i bogatu praksu (Znika, 1992.). Jezik se... more
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      LexicographyDictionaryDigitalizationCroatian Language