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    Setya Chendra Wibawa

    <b><i>A study of the production process of biodiesel from rubber seed oil using non-catalytic method that involving superheated methanol at atmospheric pressure bubble column reactor (BCR) has been reported. The quality of... more
    <b><i>A study of the production process of biodiesel from rubber seed oil using non-catalytic method that involving superheated methanol at atmospheric pressure bubble column reactor (BCR) has been reported. The quality of biodiesel generated from the process had not met the standard set by Indonesian Biodiesel Forum (FBI) in 2005. It was allegedly occuring since there was no degumming in the production process so that the sulfur and gum/phospholipid/latex contained by the crude rubber seed oils (CRSO) as results of the pressing process were can not be reducted although the transesterification process was held at a high temperature. The study aimed at producing FBI-2005 standarded biodiesel by involving degumming before the transesterification. There were 4 degumming materials used: (1) NaCl; (2) citric acid or C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>O<sub>7</sub>; (3) sulfuric acid and NaOH; (4) zeolite and active carbon. The degumming sedimentation were done in two ways; natural and centrifuge (at 1165 rpm for 5 minutes) ways. The best degumming result was processed to be biodiesel under non-catalyst method using BCR superheated methanol under atmospheric pressure with the molar ratio (RM) of 160, at reaction temperature of 290<sup> o</sup>C. The biodiesel generated at such process was examined and found that it had met the standard of FBI 2005. The results showed that the degumming using citric acid 0.5% w/w and centrifuge sedimentation was the best method which could reduce gum/phospholipid from 17.1 mg/L to 5.8 mg/L (66% down). The quality of rubber seed biodiesel under degumming process using citrid acid has meet the standard of FBI 2005 than be ready to be marketed.</i></b>
    This study aims to produce a competency test model of electrical installation automation expertise based on project learning, and determine the characteristics of its application in learning. The competency test model was developed using... more
    This study aims to produce a competency test model of electrical installation automation expertise based on project learning, and determine the characteristics of its application in learning. The competency test model was developed using the R& D method by following the 4-D model design. The competency test model was developed based on the competency requirements of the business world/industrial business (DUDI) as a graduate user. The test instrument was analyzed for validity and reliability. The model test goes through 2 stages, first the competency test (UKK) model assessment of the Electrical Installation Automation by integrating from authentic assessment methods, namely knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The second stage is the assessment of the characteristics of the model through user responses in this case students. Data analysis is quantitative to determine the effectiveness and implementation by taking into account the level of inter-reliability agreement using the Cohhen ‘kappa ($\kappa$) coefficient. Analysis of authentic reliability assessment shows very good with the average effectiveness value of 3.84 and the average performance of 3.88. The results of the assessment analysis of the achievement of good student competencies (competent) with mean values: cognitive (7.21), psychomotor (7.13), and effective (8.75). It needs to be improved cognitive and psychomotor abilities to be comparable to the affective. These results indicate that the Project-Based Learning Automation competency test model based on feasible can be widely used.
    Educating the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the teaching has become a commitment and an important goal in all courses at the State University of Malang. The era of innovative and ICT-based learning has... more
    Educating the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the teaching has become a commitment and an important goal in all courses at the State University of Malang. The era of innovative and ICT-based learning has changed the way teachers and students interact, and now teaches the method in one direction, with non-Internet learning resources cannot provide maximum learning outcomes for student learning. Application cyberwellness learning resources have the ability to learn resource management filter harmful content on student access and replace them with learning resources specific to students in the Educational Technology State University of Malang. Learning model using management information system with the concept of continuous, convergence, and concentric. Method development model CLR development using models Davidson-Shivers and Rasmussen (2007) and selected based on suitability to the needs of development characteristics.
    Setiap negara mengukur keberhasilan UMKM dengan pendekatan berbeda, klasifikasi berdasarkan  tenaga kerja, kekayaan bersih dan nilai penjualan. Pada saat krisis UMKM hijab Kab.Gresik berkearifan lokal mampu menyerap tenaga kerja dan... more
    Setiap negara mengukur keberhasilan UMKM dengan pendekatan berbeda, klasifikasi berdasarkan  tenaga kerja, kekayaan bersih dan nilai penjualan. Pada saat krisis UMKM hijab Kab.Gresik berkearifan lokal mampu menyerap tenaga kerja dan bertahan hidup.Namun, ukuran keberhasilannya justru hanya dikaitkan hanya pada peningkatan penjualan. Seharusnya UMKM stakeholder memiliki pemahaman yang sama dalam memahami ukuran keberhasilan usaha. Penelitian ini menggali pemahaman UMKM Hijab Kab.Gresik berkearifan lokal dalam menentukan ukuran keberhasilan usaha.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi.Subjek penelitian adalah tujuh informan (I) pengusaha hijab Kab.Gresik yang dinotasikan dengan I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, dan I7, yang tersebar di Kecamatan Bungah, Manyar, dan Kebomas.Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi dan diolah menggunakan teknik analisis Miles and Hubberman.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman pendekatan ukuran keberhasilan U...
    Creativity is a process that produces something new. The student needs to produce a portfolio of work creativity by integrating their enjoyment of the lecture subject, which compels the student to practice the computer. The synectics... more
    Creativity is a process that produces something new. The student needs to produce a portfolio of work creativity by integrating their enjoyment of the lecture subject, which compels the student to practice the computer. The synectics learning model leads to learning that can develop the creativity of students. Synectics learning management consists of a six-phase study: (1) a phase of real conditions at the time, (2) a phase of direct analogy, (3) a stage of direct analogy, (4) a stage of compressed conflict, (5) direct analogy to the stage, (6) stage trials of the original task. Classroom action research deals with several stages that are interrelated and continuous, namely: (1) planning, (2) the implementation (of acting), (3) observation (observing), and (4) reflection (reflecting), carried out in two cycles. In our study, the average data yield of Cycle 1 was 77.08%, which included good progress to 79.16% in Cycle 2. Synectics learning can enrich the creativity of students. The average percentage of a cycle starts at around 67.9% in Cycle 1 and increases to 70.6% in Cycle 2. In Cycle 1, practice photography techniques scored 78.1%, and the technique of pre-wedding photography with the concept of beauty increased to 89.6% in Cycle 2. The percentage of completeness of cognitive learning outcomes increased from Cycle 1 to Cycle 2. In cycle one, the completeness is 82.45% while in cycle 2 it is 88.3%. In terms of classroom action research, it can be concluded that synectics learning can enhance student creativity and improve a student's learning outcomes (both cognitive and psychomotor).
    In the midst of an increasingly widespread coronavirus (COVID-19), online lectures are a solution to keep running teaching and learning activities instead of class meetings. The purpose of this study was to create learning media using a... more
    In the midst of an increasingly widespread coronavirus (COVID-19), online lectures are a solution to keep running teaching and learning activities instead of class meetings. The purpose of this study was to create learning media using a 3D blender animation media and a self-assessment platform as well as knowing student learning outcomes. This research method used is developmental research by developing teaching materials, 3D blender animation media, and selfassessment. The results of this development were then trialed in the classroom. The subjects of this study were students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and tests. The instruments used were questionnaires and tests/quizzes. Data analysis uses quantitative descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis results from the outcomes of the first meeting with the material of crevice corrosion obtained an average value of 72.8 with a distribution of 100 scores of 8 students (32%),...
    Implement project-based learning to improve student competency in managing hotspot configurations on MikroTik in accordance with Y generation characteristics. With the other aim of knowing the feasibility of M-netsys application through... more
    Implement project-based learning to improve student competency in managing hotspot configurations on MikroTik in accordance with Y generation characteristics. With the other aim of knowing the feasibility of M-netsys application through assessment instruments from Walker & Hess for media and RISTKDIKTI for materials with scale measurements using assessment scales. The research method used in this research is Research and Development (R & D) using One-Shot Case Study testing strategy with minimum learning completeness ≥ 3.0 or B. This research was conducted in 2015 Wireless Network class with 25 students. The results of the research have been obtained: (1) To improve student competence in setting (configuration) hotspot on MikroTik which according to Y generation characteristics can be done by implementing project-based learning in the learning process through the application of M-netsys learning media supplement. (2) The feasibility of M-netsys learning material with the research in...
    The mobility of students and the workforce between countries provides a challenge for universities to gain recognition from the global community on the results of their vocational education. This study aims to determine the outputs of the... more
    The mobility of students and the workforce between countries provides a challenge for universities to gain recognition from the global community on the results of their vocational education. This study aims to determine the outputs of the aspects of the quality of Project Base Learning (PjBL) learning outcomes which include: basic electronics and electrical knowledge, products, innovative, and creativity from the employability skills assessment model through PjBL to be better. The results refer to the assessment of employability skills through the PjBL showing that out of 100 students as respondents had a sensitivity of 85%; think newest and think adaptively 79%; 77% social intelligence; transdisciplinarity-literacy 85%; literacy ability 81%; design mindset 78%; cognitive management load 82%; virtual collaboration 84%; computational thinking, 88%. The implication that the implementation of Project Base Learning on students can be applied and validated properly.
    The mobility of students in the world of education is displaced by social media which is a concern for educators to utilize, create or innovate in the world of Education. This study aims to utilize moodle mobile in the development of... more
    The mobility of students in the world of education is displaced by social media which is a concern for educators to utilize, create or innovate in the world of Education. This study aims to utilize moodle mobile in the development of learning material as an online learning media that approaches social media platforms. The media application development method uses Waterfall, consisting of (1) requirements, (2) analysis, (3) system design, (4) Coding, (5) Testing system, (6) Acceptance Test. Sample testing on media experts, Acceptance Test uses a response assessment consisting of 5 aspects namely Perceived ease of use (PEOU), Perceived usefulness (PU), Perceived Enjoyment (PE), and Intention to use (INT). From the analysis of the Acceptance Test study for 130 students Perceived ease of use (PEOU) of 92.30%, Perceived usefulness (PU) of 86.34, Perceived Enjoyment (PE) of 88%, and Intention to use (INT) of 87, 10% Then from the two classes using independent T-Test two samples showed tha...
    Currently, the growth of information and technology is rapid. It makes a lot of things in various fields including education becoming more effective and efficient. In education, one of its implementation which is a game is proven to be a... more
    Currently, the growth of information and technology is rapid. It makes a lot of things in various fields including education becoming more effective and efficient. In education, one of its implementation which is a game is proven to be a useful tool to support conventional teaching methods and bring a more natural understanding of learning materials. Moreover, as a product of the popular culture in modern society, video game mirrors the general culture practice in real life and reflects it via its own culture inside the game. This makes a video game can give a contribution to the social construction of reality as it affects the player’s view towards learning in real life and vice versa. From there, we see that there is an opportunity for learning about religion to be supported by its utilization to provide an interactive and fun learning experience. In this paper, we discuss how a video game is implemented to support religious learning. The game was developed with the scrum method where we surveyed to gather the user requirements before the design step. The game design was made by using the use case diagram and storyboard, and it was built using Unity version 2017.3.0f3.
    Dilakukannya penelitian ini yakni bertujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis flash agar siswa mampu belajar secara mandiri mengenai materi Animasi 2D. Penelitian ini berumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Apakah Media E-Content... more
    Dilakukannya penelitian ini yakni bertujuan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis flash agar siswa mampu belajar secara mandiri mengenai materi Animasi 2D. Penelitian ini berumuskan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Apakah Media E-Content Video Infografis valid digunakan sebagai media ajar mata pelajaran Animasi 2D? (2) Bagaimana Respon Siswa terhadap media pembelajaran E-Content Video Infografis pada mata pelajaran Animasi 2D? . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Metode 4D. E-Content ini berisi video materi Infografis Animasi 2D. Penelitian ini menyasar siswa kelas XI Teknik Animasi di SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya yang mendapatkan mata pelajaran Animasi 2D. Hasil yang didapatkan setelah penelitian yakni: (1) Persentase Respon Siswa setelah menggunakan E-Content Video Infografis Animasi 2D adalah 80,346%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengembangan E-Content Video Infografis Animasi 2D di SMK Negeri 2 Surabaya termasuk dalam kategori ‘Baik’ dan valid untuk digunakan
    This research aims to determine the learning outcomes of experimental class. Tests using intact-group design comparison with the experimental group using learning modules of panorama 360° application and the control group using... more
    This research aims to determine the learning outcomes of experimental class. Tests using intact-group design comparison with the experimental group using learning modules of panorama 360° application and the control group using conventional teaching methods. Mechanical analysis instrument using validity test and student response. While the research data analysis techniques using normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. As for the students responses using a reliability test. Validation results obtained from validator have a validation value of 83.84%, it was concluded that the modules feasible to use. The learning outcomes of students from control class scored an average of 76.72, and the experimental class scored an average of 82.11, the average difference between the experimental class with control class is 5.39. It can be concluded that the learning modules influence on student learning outcomes. Keywords : Research and Development, Results Learning, Virtual Tour, Pa...
    This study aims at gaining empirical findings of the effectiveness of thematic instructional model as compared to conventional instruction; and the potential capacity of thematic instructional model in accommodating different learning... more
    This study aims at gaining empirical findings of the effectiveness of thematic instructional model as compared to conventional instruction; and the potential capacity of thematic instructional model in accommodating different learning styles and reading abilities. This is an experimental research design with 140 elementary students as research subject. The data were collected by using achievement test, learning style questionnaire, and reading comprehension test, and analyzed by using Anava. The results indicate: there is a significant difference in achievement between students who use thematic instructional model and those using conventional model; a significant difference in achievement between students with visual learning style and those having auditorial learning style; a significant difference between students with high reading ability and those with low reading ability. Student's achievement is influenced by the interaction between instructional model and student's learning style. Student's achievement is not influenced by the interaction between instructional model and student's reading ability, the interaction between student's learning style and student's reading ability, and the interaction among instructional model, learning style and student's reading ability. The conclusion is thematic instructional model was more effective than conventional instruction and thematic instructional model had a capacity in accommodating different learning styles and reading abilities.
    Technology has improved a lot comparing to the previous years. The improvement can be seen from various development of a program that may benefit human life. One example of the advancement of technology is artificial intelligence (AI). AI... more
    Technology has improved a lot comparing to the previous years. The improvement can be seen from various development of a program that may benefit human life. One example of the advancement of technology is artificial intelligence (AI). AI has taken a considerable part in becoming the primary necessity in computer programming. One famous example of AI is object recognition. An arrangement of codes is established for the machine to recognize a picture that is inputted. Even so, the use of object recognition programs that may help mental disorder children is still low –- considering that they are still in the age where education is crucial. However, the standard approach of teaching them is not the right way to make them understand since they need individual adjustments and appropriate training for them to follow. Therefore. We are proposing an application that will help to educate mental disorder children through the use of object recognition in visual learning. The app will have built-in features such as vocalize the object’s name, which will help mental disorder children to know and remember how it is pronounced. Other features to further improve the education has guessed the word and draw the object which will help them to understand how the object is shaped. Moreover, Researches have proved that learning visually will help mental disorder children to understand better.
    This study is intended to create a simple photography studio simulation based on augmented reality that is useful for students who will study photography, especially to evaluate the effectiveness of MobiAugmented Reality application. The... more
    This study is intended to create a simple photography studio simulation based on augmented reality that is useful for students who will study photography, especially to evaluate the effectiveness of MobiAugmented Reality application. The method uses markers as object identifiers so that (it will bring up objects that give rise to light as studio lights and model objects.) The application is based on Android operating system and developed with Unity3D and Qualcomm's Vuforia extension. The sample consisted of S photographer experts, S multimedia teachers, 26 students from Multimedia Vocational High School. The Development application using Research and Development (R&D). The result of this research demonstrates a simple photography studio simulator that teaches how rays fall on the object model so that photography students will know the position of the camera or the model and the feasibility of the application help students in understanding the fall of light on the photographed object.
    Based on observations in vocational schools, it was found that schools rarely had companion media in analog and digital learning, especially during the pandemic, students were not allowed to go to school. A media trainer is needed that... more
    Based on observations in vocational schools, it was found that schools rarely had companion media in analog and digital learning, especially during the pandemic, students were not allowed to go to school. A media trainer is needed that can explain easily to students. The purpose of this research is to make analog and digital trainers based on Arduino Uno in microprocessor programming subjects, that are expected to solve these problems. The research method uses Research and Development (R&D) has 7 stages: (1) the potential and problem analysis stage, (2) the data collection stage, (3) the product design stage, (4) the product validation stage, (5) the product revision stage, (6) product trial phase, (7) data analysis and reporting stages. From the experimentation of making analog and digital trainers, the results obtained validation of the use of trainer assessment of 84.37%. It can be categorized as very valid as a companion media in learning. The validation of the use of job sheets...
    In this current digital era, the video game is favorite especially among young people. Besides widely known as a form of entertainment, some messages or lessons can be learned from a video game that may affect the players. Conscious or... more
    In this current digital era, the video game is favorite especially among young people. Besides widely known as a form of entertainment, some messages or lessons can be learned from a video game that may affect the players. Conscious or unconscious, games have influenced many sectors of life, and it has been recognized as a serious game and no exception to religion. Human as a living creature, like or dislike or even as an atheist should believe with something out there, and religion is as a medium which connects human with something out there. The game as a representation of entertaining, intelligent application will represent joy and happiness in human life's activities, and inevitably games will influence human religion. In the end, religion game will help the human to increase their faith in those their belief based on their religion. Similar to Information Technology which is implemented in business to increase revenue, the game as an entertaining intelligent application will increase human's faith. One kind of video game that provides it is religion video games which are the result of the incorporation between religion and video games. In this paper, we do a literature review about religion video games. We try to summarize how religious elements can be incorporated into a video game which can be seen from the parts, components, and approaches of the religion video game itself. We also try to summarize the positive side and controversies in religion video games.
    Production and distribution activities are carried out by combining various factors of production, namely humans, nature, and capital. From this management, of course, humans cannot manage existing data in the company manually... more
    Production and distribution activities are carried out by combining various factors of production, namely humans, nature, and capital. From this management, of course, humans cannot manage existing data in the company manually continuously because it could be that data that has been recapitalized can be lost resulting in the company’s strategy to achieve success is a little hampered. This study proposes a design of an integrated management information system company that can manage human and financial resources in one application. The proposed application is called SIMANTAP, where the purpose and function of this application are to create, view, and manage all company data starting from employee data, inventory items, seeing company expenses and income in one media to make it easier for employees, admins, and managers to see information company. This application was developed by the waterfall method, with a case study of a company in Surabaya. This application is expected to support...
    The objectives of this study are: 1) developing game interactive for learning photography in fashion, 2) analysis validation of the application. Development of game using the R&D method with Hannafin and Peck Adaptation, which includes... more
    The objectives of this study are: 1) developing game interactive for learning photography in fashion, 2) analysis validation of the application. Development of game using the R&D method with Hannafin and Peck Adaptation, which includes several stages, namely needs analysis, design, development, and implementation. In this case, the game can be applied in fashion education student who takes related computer courses in fashion photography. The result of this research are applications about the game of learning how to photograph and the object in Fashion. Analysis validation such as validation value for the aspect of media display obtained 94% results, for the programming aspect it obtained a validation result of 90%, while for the benefit aspect it obtained a value of 90% for the usefulness of media. Based on the average of all components of the instrument question obtained a percentage of 92%. It can be concluded that the media used can help replace the role of lecturers in learning,...
    ABSTRAK Perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan harus melihat klien secara holistik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual. Perawat seringkalai kurang peduli terhadap kebutuhan spiritual klien. Perawat lebih cenderung... more
    ABSTRAK Perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan harus melihat klien secara holistik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual. Perawat seringkalai kurang peduli terhadap kebutuhan spiritual klien. Perawat lebih cenderung peduli terhadap aspek fisiologis daripada pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual klien. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pemahaman perawat yang kurang tentang aspek spiritual klien untuk proses penyembuhan klien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sikap perawat dalam klien spiritual kebutuhan pemenuhan dengan implementasi keperawatan karena krisis ilness / penderitaan / kematian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam diteliti ini adalah cross sectional. Populasi adalah perawat yang bekerja di ruang operasi dan interna di RSIA Pusura Tegalsari. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling. Jumlah responden yang memenuhi syarat kriteria inklusi sebanyak 24 responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan dilakukan analisis stati...
    Information systems have developed a number of questions that are often asked to customers service with a high level of question similarity. For help it create a FAQ related to information systems. The FAQ has a lot of information so that... more
    Information systems have developed a number of questions that are often asked to customers service with a high level of question similarity. For help it create a FAQ related to information systems. The FAQ has a lot of information so that the user is confused and it takes time to find information. More users to ask questions to customer service. Chatbot is one way to help users and customers service in this matter. Customer service can answer questions automatically and users can ask questions as if to ask customer service live. In this study, researchers will apply Nazief & Adriani algorithm used to do stemming because this algorithm is an algorithm which is effective in stemming Indonesian, and method cosine similarity to find the similarity level of questions with FAQs that are in the FAQ database. With implement algorithms and methods in chatbot with the help of the Telegram Messanger service produce a relative answer according to that the user expected. This method is an effect...
    Indonesia in the early 2020s was being rocked by the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) which hit almost all parts of the world. Indonesia spontaneously implements a policy of learning from home (SFH) and working from home (WFH).... more
    Indonesia in the early 2020s was being rocked by the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) which hit almost all parts of the world. Indonesia spontaneously implements a policy of learning from home (SFH) and working from home (WFH). Higher education during the WFH period needs to strengthen online learning. Universitas Negeri Surabaya has had e-learning developed using Moodle LMS and has been used as a form of learning called Vilearning Unesa (Vinesa). The research aims to measure the implementation readiness of Vinesa. This measurement needs to be done as an effort to support the successful development of e-learning. To know which factors are still weak and require improvement and which factors have been considered successful or strong in supporting the implementation of Vinesa. There are eight indicators used to measure the readiness of e-learning, namely the psychological readiness, sociological readiness, environmental readiness, human resource readiness, financial readines...
    During the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s time to implement asynchronous learning. The problem is, elementary school students have difficulty learning cultural arts, especially batik design. This study aims to create an application base on... more
    During the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s time to implement asynchronous learning. The problem is, elementary school students have difficulty learning cultural arts, especially batik design. This study aims to create an application base on augmented reality (AR) with batik design content that can be used to introduce batik design as cultural art to elementary school students. The method used in developing this application is a waterfall which consists of (1) feasibility study, (2) requirements, (3) System design, (4) Encoding, (5) Testing system, (6) Acceptance Test. The results of this study were the validators rated more than 85% of media validation consisting of the quality of visual and auditory perceptions, ease of interaction, ease of interaction, and ease of use, while user responses consisted of 80% efficiency, 85% usability, 78% cognitive absorption, and enjoyment. 87%. This implies that the AR application can provide benefits for students who learn cultural sessions, especially b...
    This research is intended to improve students’ learning results in problem solving on Subnetting materials by using learning modules. The research method uses experiments with True Experimental Design in the form of Post-test Only Control... more
    This research is intended to improve students’ learning results in problem solving on Subnetting materials by using learning modules. The research method uses experiments with True Experimental Design in the form of Post-test Only Control Design. This method uses two randomly selected groups to be a control group and an experimental group. The control group was not given treatment, while the experimental group was given treatment. After giving treatment, both groups will be given the post-test to know the learning result from each group. Based on the research findings obtained from the hypothesis test, the average value learning control class is 69.88 and the experimental class is 84.90. Therefore, it can be concluded that the result of Subnetting material problem solving by using Project Based Learning module reach higher learning than the result which is not using Project Based Learning module.

    And 40 more