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abdul manaf

    abdul manaf

    Sirenomelia is a rare anomaly usually associated with other multiple malformations. In this communication the authors report a case of sirenomelia associated with multiple malformations, which include radial hypoplasia also. Though... more
    Sirenomelia is a rare anomaly usually associated with other multiple malformations. In this communication the authors report a case of sirenomelia associated with multiple malformations, which include radial hypoplasia also. Though several theories have been proposed regarding the etiology of multiple malformation syndromes in the past, the recent theory of primary developmental defect during blastogenesis holds good in this case.
    Dispepsia merupakan kumpulan rasa tidak nyaman, nyeri epigastrium, kembung, mual muntah, sendawa dan rasa penuh. Stres, pola makan, makanan/minuman iritatif, obat anti inflamasi non-steroid (OAINS), Helicobacter pylori, alkohol dan... more
    Dispepsia merupakan kumpulan rasa tidak nyaman, nyeri epigastrium, kembung, mual muntah, sendawa dan rasa penuh. Stres, pola makan, makanan/minuman iritatif, obat anti inflamasi non-steroid (OAINS), Helicobacter pylori, alkohol dan merokok merupakan faktor risiko dispepsia. Meski berada di urutan ke-8 dari 10 penyakit spesifik di Maluku Utara, belum ada penelitian terkait hubungan faktor risiko dengan kejadian pada kelompok ini, khususnya pada kaum muda di Universitas Khairun. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan faktor risiko dengan kejadian sindrom dispepsia fungsional pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Khairun. Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik cross sectional ini dilaksanakan mengunakan metode random sampling dari populasi mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Khairun pada Januari 2022. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Hasil: Dari 136 sampel, sebagian besar berusia 20-24 tahun (54,4%), 71,3% perempuan, 52,5% memiliki tingkat stres normal, 64,7% memiliki pola maka...
    This study aimed to determine whether the inventory method applied to PT. Putra Wirawan Gas Kendari accordance with PSAK No. 14.  Inthe preparation of this paper, the authors chose the research object merchandise inventory at PT. Putra... more
    This study aimed to determine whether the inventory method applied to PT. Putra Wirawan Gas Kendari accordance with PSAK No. 14.  Inthe preparation of this paper, the authors chose the research object merchandise inventory at PT. Putra Wirawan Gas Kendari. The method used in the valuation og inventory at PT. Putra Wirawan Gas Kendari is Deskriptive data analysis methods,namely the method of processing the data by way of expalaining the method of inventory valuating made by the company with inventory valuating method in accordance with PSAK No. 14 in 2012. The result of this study indicate that inventory valuation done PT. Putra Wirawan Gas Kendari. Not in accordance with statement of financial Accounting Standars (SFAS) No. 14 because the company did not record the purchase cost of goods (cost to transport) increase in value of inventories end represented less than the value that should be at the end the year Keywords : Stock Estimastion
    This article critically looks at 4 short stories written by well-known Malay short story writers and assess their literary development in writing on contemporary issues.
    مستخلص البحث استراتيجية إشراف رئيس المدرسة قد تأثر على كفاءة وتسجيع المعلمين في ترقية أداء المعلم. وهذا يعني أن استراتيجية رئيس المدرسة في إدارة المؤسسة التربوية وخاصة في إدارة الموارد البشرية لأجل تحقيق الأقصى من عملية التعليم مهم جدا.... more
    مستخلص البحث استراتيجية إشراف رئيس المدرسة قد تأثر على كفاءة وتسجيع المعلمين في ترقية أداء المعلم. وهذا يعني أن استراتيجية رئيس المدرسة في إدارة المؤسسة التربوية وخاصة في إدارة الموارد البشرية لأجل تحقيق الأقصى من عملية التعليم مهم جدا. ولذلك استراتيجية رئيس المدرسة لأنه يرجى للمساهمة في الجهود المبذولة لتسجيع المعلمين أو الموظفين في المدرسة الذي قادها. احدى من الكفاءات الأساسية هي مشرف والواجبات واالوظيفة الذي يساعد المعلمين على أداء الوظيفة التي تناسب الهدف معا، من حيث جوانب المنهج الدراسي، وجوانب الأهداف، وجوانب رؤية ورسالة المدرسة. أهداف البحث فهي: 1) فهم تخطيط/معيار أداء رئيس المدرسة بصفة مشرف في تقييم أداء معلمي التربية الإسلامية في المدرسة الثناوية الحكومية 1 عورو والمدرسة الثناوية الحكومية 1بارينج جومبانج، 2 استراتيجية رئيس المدرسة بصفة مشرف في ترقية أداء معلم التربية الإسلامية في المدرسة الثناوية الحكومية 1 عورو والمدرسة الثناوية الحكومية 1بارينج جومبانج ، 3) فهم المشكلات التي تواجه رئيس المدرسة بصفة مشرف في ترقية أداء معلم التربية الإسلامية في المدرسة الثناوية الحكومية 1 ع...
    Penelitianiniberlatarbelakangkarenakurangnyapengetahuan guru mengenaipenerapangayamengajarpenjas. Olehkarenainimasalahpenelitian yang... more
    Penelitianiniberlatarbelakangkarenakurangnyapengetahuan guru mengenaipenerapangayamengajarpenjas. Olehkarenainimasalahpenelitian yang akandipecahkanialahapakahpenggunaanmodelindividualdapatmeningkatkankepercayaandirisiswa.Sesuaidenganlatarbelakangmasalah,penelititertarikuntukmengujipengaruhmodel individualterhadapkepercayaandirisiswa. Metode yang penelitigunakanialahmetodeeksperimendenganmenggunakandesainone group pretest posttest design.SampeldalampenelitianiniialahsiswaSekolahMenengahKejuruanNegeri 5Bandungsebanyak 30siswa.Teknikpengambilansampelmenggunakanpurposive sampling.IntrumenuntukmeningkatkankepercayaandirimenggunakanangketdenganberpedomanpadaLautser (1992 dalamKamnuron 2012). Denganindikatorsebagaiberikut: 1, keyakinandiri 2, Optimis 3,Objektif 4, Bertanggungjawab 5, Rasional.Sampeldipilihdenganmempertimbangkankarakteristiktertentu.Hasil penghitungan didapat nilai Thitung = 2,491>Ttabel = 1,701. Dengantarafsignifikasi yang artinyahipotesisditerima 0,05 dandk 30-1 =29Be...
    The current study deals with the synthesis of urea and thiourea derivatives 1-37 which were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques including FAB-MS, H-, and C NMR. The synthetic compounds were subjected to urease inhibitory... more
    The current study deals with the synthesis of urea and thiourea derivatives 1-37 which were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques including FAB-MS, H-, and C NMR. The synthetic compounds were subjected to urease inhibitory activity and compounds exhibited good to moderate urease inhibitory activity having IC values in range of 10.11-69.80 µM. Compound 1 (IC = 10.11 ± 0.11 µM) was found to be most active and even better as compared to the standard acetohydroxamic acid (IC = 27.0 ± 0.5 µM). A limited structure-activity relationship (SAR) was established and the compounds were also subjected to docking studies to confirm the binding interactions of ligands (compounds) with the active site of enzyme.
    In this research article, the non-linear shooting method is modified (MNLSM) and is considered to simulate Troesch’s sensitive problem (TSP) numerically. TSP is a 2nd order non-linear BVP with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In MNLSM,... more
    In this research article, the non-linear shooting method is modified (MNLSM) and is considered to simulate Troesch’s sensitive problem (TSP) numerically. TSP is a 2nd order non-linear BVP with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In MNLSM, classical 4th order Runge-Kutta method is replaced by Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method, both for systems of ODEs. MNLSM showed to be efficient and is easy for implementation. Numerical results are given to show the performance of MNLSM, compared to the exact solution and to the results by He’s polynomials. Also, discussion of results and the comparison with other applied techniques from the literature are given for TSP.  
    The National Shariah Council opinion was a reference that should be guided by shariah banking in operating the shariah banking system. To ensure that all of the products in accordance with the shariah banking principles, then each shariah... more
    The National Shariah Council opinion was a reference that should be guided by shariah banking in operating the shariah banking system. To ensure that all of the products in accordance with the shariah banking principles, then each shariah banking should had Shariah Supervisory Board (DPS). Shariah Supervisory Board did monitoring periodic on shariah financial institutions under its supervision and obliged submit suggestions to the leadership of shari'ah financial institutions and the Sharia Board Nasional. This research found that the product of the National Sharia Board opinion especially relating directly funding and financing process, the shariah banking in Jambi Province in principle had been applied but technically been developed in such a way into a wide range of banking products as the main characteristics of the bank concerned. Implementation of the National Shariah Council opinion at bank syariah in Jambi Province significantly been implemented in shariah banking and has been implemented in accordance with the provisions and principles of shari'ah. The mechanism of supervision by the Board of Shariah depend on the material object, for effective supervision by DPS then forward should forming the regional syariah supervisory board.
    Thermodynamic and kinetics of adsorption of basic dyes (methylene blue and basic blue 3) on wood charcoal activated at 800 °C, prepared from Bombax Cieba (M78D) was investigated. Equilibrium data was obtained using batch method at... more
    Thermodynamic and kinetics of adsorption of basic dyes (methylene blue and basic blue 3) on wood charcoal activated at 800 °C, prepared from Bombax Cieba (M78D) was investigated. Equilibrium data was obtained using batch method at temperatures of 10 °C to 50 °C. It was found that adsorption increase with increase in temperature. The Langmuir isotherm model describe the equilibrium of adsorption. Thermodynamic parameters such as AS°, AH° and AG° were calculated. From the values of AH° and AG°, it was concluded that the adsorption process is endothermic and spontaneous in nature. To determine kinetics parameter Lagergren equation was applied, and it was found that the reaction proceed through first order kinetic mechanism.
    Research Interests:
    Sulphur (S) plays an important role particularly in the nutrition of oilseed crops as it is a key element of S containing amino acids. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of S application on the productivity and oil... more
    Sulphur (S) plays an important role particularly in the nutrition of oilseed crops as it is a key element of S containing amino acids. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effect of S application on the productivity and oil quality of sesame at Research Farm of PMAS, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, during Kharif 2008 under rainfed conditions. Elemental S was applied as basal dose @ 0, 30, 45 and 60 kg ha -1 to three sesame cultivars viz. SG-18, SG-27 and TS-3. Sulphur application at all levels significantly improved the yield and related traits of sesame like number of capsules per plant, 1000-seed weight, and biological and seed yields; however S application @ 45 kg ha -1 was the best. Sesame cultivars behaved differently under different levels of S application and TS-3 proved more productive. According to economic and marginal analysis, S application @ 45 kg ha -1 seemed highly practical due to higher net returns, benefit-cost ratio (BCR) and marginal rate ...
    The study examined whether small medium enterprise (SME) in the northern states of Malaysia do strategic planning and if they do, does the Wheelen and Hunger model ( 2008) applies so them . A total of 108 respondents which were from SMEs... more
    The study examined whether small medium enterprise (SME) in the northern states of Malaysia do strategic planning and if they do, does the Wheelen and Hunger model ( 2008) applies so them . A total of 108 respondents which were from SMEs in Perlis, Kedah and Penang are participated in this research. Results of the study showed that SMEs do have strategic planning and more than half said that their strategic planning process resembled the strategic planning model of Wheelen and Hunger (2008). The strategic planning process of the SMEs was not much different from that of the Wheelen and Hunger (2008) model.
    The fluctuations in temperature and moisture availability affect the quantity and quality of seed oil. Fatty acid composition is a major determinant of oil quality. Seven peanut cultivars were tested at three locations i.e. Rawalpindi,... more
    The fluctuations in temperature and moisture availability affect the quantity and quality of seed oil. Fatty acid composition is a major determinant of oil quality. Seven peanut cultivars were tested at three locations i.e. Rawalpindi, Chakwal and Attock to determine the environmental effects on oil accumulation and fatty acid composition. Experiments were laid out in r andomized complete block design having four replications. Cultivars exhibited significant differences for oil, palmatic, oleic and linoleic acid. Locations showed non significant differences for oil but significant ones for fatty acids. Interactive effects of cultivars and locations for all the parameters were found to be significant. Significant variations for all the parameters among cultivars, locations and their interaction are attributable to temperature, moisture availability (rainfall distribution and intensity) and total sunshine hours particularly from flowering to maturity. It is concluded that these factor...
    Research Interests:
    The data distribution system of this project is divided into two types, which are a Two-PC Image Reconstruction System and a Two-PC Velocity Measurement System. Each data distribution system is investigated to see whether the... more
    The data distribution system of this project is divided into two types, which are a Two-PC Image Reconstruction System and a Two-PC Velocity Measurement System. Each data distribution system is investigated to see whether the results' refreshing rate of the corresponding measurement can be greater than the rate obtained by using a single computer in the same measurement system for each application. Each system has its own flow control protocol for controlling how data is distributed within the system in order to speed up the data processing time. This can be done if two PCs work in parallel. The challenge of this project is to define the data flow process and critical timing during data packaging, transferring and extracting in between PCs. If a single computer is used as a data processing unit, a longer time is needed to produce a measurement result. This insufficient real-time result will cause problems in a feedback control process when applying the system in industrial plants. To increase the refreshing rate of the measurement result, an investigation on a data distribution system is performed to replace the existing data processing unit.
    In an attempt to find a new class of antioxidant agents, a series of pyrazole, pyridopyrazoltriazine, pyrazolotriazine, isoxazole, and pyridine-containing products were prepared, starting with curcumin and appropriate chemical reagents.... more
    In an attempt to find a new class of antioxidant agents, a series of pyrazole, pyridopyrazoltriazine, pyrazolotriazine, isoxazole, and pyridine-containing products were prepared, starting with curcumin and appropriate chemical reagents. Thus, curcumin 1 undergoes coupling reaction with diazonium salts 2-5 to afford the corresponding 4-arylazo derivatives 6-9. Heating of 6 and/or 7 in acetic acid furnished the corresponding pyrazolotriazines 10 and 11. Also, pyrazole and isoxazole derivatives were obtained upon treatment of 10 with hydrazines or hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Furthermore, multicomponent reaction of 10 with malononitrile/CH3 COONH4 or phenacylpyridinium iodide/CH3 COONH4 produced the corresponding bispyridines 16 and 17, respectively. Furthermore, condensation of 10 with guanidine nitrate or thiourea gave the corresponding pyrimidines 18 and 19, respectively. Finally, other curcumin derivatives were obtained on condensation of 1 with isatins and pyrazole-4-aldehyde. The newly synthesized compounds were evaluated as antioxidant agents. The results showed clearly that most of the compounds exhibited good activities, except for compounds 9 and 12. Compounds 1, 3, 15, and 23 exhibited high protection against DNA damage induced by the bleomycine-iron complex.