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Immanuel Wallerstein, Avrupa Evrenselciligi: Iktidarin Retorigi , Cev. Sinan Onal, Istanbul: Aram Yayinlari, 2007, 100 s.
With the emergence of nation states in the 19th century, schools were transformed into platforms not only for building modern citizens, but also for gathering the manpower needed by various industries. Turkey was one of the countries... more
With the emergence of nation states in the 19th century, schools were transformed into platforms not only for building modern citizens, but also for gathering the manpower needed by various industries. Turkey was one of the countries where educational institutions were structured in accordance with the construction process of the nation state. Modern Turkey was founded after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923, and education became instrumental in the process of reconstructing its society in a transforming world. In the early Republican period, reference was made to Europe in the main. From the 1950s onwards, however, it is possible to observe a shift in the educational center of reference towards the USA. This background to the historical process is critical for understanding the current form of vocational education in Turkey. In this chapter, the story of vocational education in the historical process is told, and the current state of formal secondary and post-secondary education institutions is discussed.
Most studies on individuals with ASD and their families during the pandemic were conducted via online data collection with short question-answers. For a more in-depth understanding, we have conducted a qualitative study to understand the... more
Most studies on individuals with ASD and their families during the pandemic were conducted via online data collection with short question-answers. For a more in-depth understanding, we have conducted a qualitative study to understand the extent of the impact of the early stage of the pandemic on children with ASD. The findings in this study were obtained from two groups of participants. The first one included 92 parents or caregivers of children with ASD from six cities in Turkey. The participants in this group reported 159 negative behavior changes in 28 different behavior types. We also selected 32 parents, some of them from the first group, to investigate their coping strategies, use of online education, and expectations from institutions and organizations. We found mixed evidence about the impact of the pandemic. Whereas most families report increased anxiety and stress, aggressive, obsessive and repetitive behavior, violence towards self and others, a significant number of fami...
Urban Management and Women from Jane Addams’ Perspective Social centers (settlement houses) are social reform institutions which were established in the 19th Century USA, in a period when the social, cultural and political turmoil caused... more
Urban Management and Women from Jane Addams’ Perspective
Social centers (settlement houses) are social reform institutions which were established in the 19th
Century USA, in a period when the social, cultural and political turmoil caused by the industrial
developments in the city life were tried to be comprehended and taken under control. The target group
of these institutions that were actively run by women was the immigrants and the poor working class
who were seen as the cause of problems encountered in the city life. For women settlement houses
shined out as institutions where they were the most visible in the public sphere in accordance with their
gender’s roles under the conditions of the time. One of the settlement houses where well-educated and
upper class women actively played a part was Hull House of which Jane Addams was one of the
founders. Established in 1889 in a poor neighborhood of Chicago, Hull House was one of the earliest
steps of women’s transformation into the actors of the public sphere with their initiatives regarding the
organization of city life. The Hull House experience is the subject matter of this essay from this aspect.
In this context, the contributions of activities conducted by Addams and the other voluntary residents in
Hull House to the transformation of women into the actors of the public sphere and overcoming the
gender barriers in the 19th century in the USA will be discussed.

Toplum merkezleri (yerleşim evleri), on dokuzuncu yüzyıl Amerika’sında endüstriyel gelişmelerin kent
yaşamında yarattığı sosyal, kültürel ve politik çalkantıların kavranmaya ve kontrol altına alınmaya
çalışıldığı bir dönemde kurulmuş olan toplumsal reform amaçlı kurumlardır. Kadınların aktif olduğu bu
kurumların hedef kitlesi, kent yaşamında yaşanan sorunların kaynağı olarak görülen göçmenler ve
fakir işçi sınıfıdır. Kadınlar için toplum merkezleri, günün koşullarında toplumsal cinsiyet rollerinin
belirleyiciliğinde, kamusal alanda en görünür olabildikleri kurumlar olarak öne çıkar. İyi eğitimli ve
üst sınıf kadınların aktif rol üstlendiği toplum merkezlerinden biri de, kurucuları arasında Jane
Addams’ın bulunduğu Hull House’dur. 1889’da, Chicago’nun yoksul bir mahallesinde kurulan Hull
House, kent yaşamının düzenlenmesine ilişkin girişimleriyle ABD’de kadınların kamusal alanın
aktörlerine dönüşmelerinin en erken adımlarından biriydi. Hull House deneyimi bu yönüyle bu
çalışmanın konusudur. Bu bağlamda, Addams’ın diğer gönüllü sakinlerle birlikte Hull House’da
yürüttüğü faaliyetlerin, ABD’de kadınların on dokuzuncu yüzyılda toplumsal cinsiyet bariyerlerinin
aşılarak kamusal alanın aktörlerine dönüşmelerine katkısı ele alınacaktır.
Öz: Yerleşim Evi Hareketi, ABD'de endüstrileşmenin tetiklediği göçmen akınının kent-lerde yoğunlaşmasıyla yaşanan toplumsal problemler karşısında mevcut kültürel enst-rümanların yetersiz kaldığı bir dönemde,19. yüzyıl sonunda, sosyal... more
Öz: Yerleşim Evi Hareketi, ABD'de endüstrileşmenin tetiklediği göçmen akınının kent-lerde yoğunlaşmasıyla yaşanan toplumsal problemler karşısında mevcut kültürel enst-rümanların yetersiz kaldığı bir dönemde,19. yüzyıl sonunda, sosyal reform çabalarının parçası olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. ABD'de neredeyse hemen her kentte kurulan bu toplum merkezleri arasında Chicago'da kurulan Hull House, toplumsal düzenin yeniden tesi-sinde nüfusun heterojenliğini 'fayda'ya dönüştürme tasasıyla, yeni göçmenlerle nasıl ilişki kurulacağı sorununa yaklaşımıyla özel önemdedir. Çalışmanın amacı, Hull Hou-se'un farklı geçmişlerden gelenler arasında müşterek bağlamlar oluşturarak, onlara, aynı gelecek için çaba gösterebilecekleri bir form kazandırmaya çalışmalarının Ameri-kan vatandaşlığının muhtevasına etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Abstract: The Settlement House Movement in the USA was born, as a part of the social reform attempts, at the end of the 19th century in a period when the social problems rendered the existing cultural instruments inadequate once the huge flow of migrants concentrated on the cities. Among the related social centres that were established almost in every city in the USA, the Hull House, which had been established in Chicago, is of special importance for its focus on converting the heterogeneity of population into "advantage" and its approach to the question of how to enter into relations with the new comers. The purpose of this study is to show how the Hull House acted in the scope of American citizenship by creating some common contexts between the new comers with different backgrounds in order to formalize them into a common future they would strive for.
Özet: İnsanlar doğdukları, kültürel kodlarıyla kimliklerini inşa ettikleri ülkelerinden ayrılarak farklı tarihsel deneyimlerin farklı kimlikler yarattığı kültürel ortamlara göç etmeye devam etmektedirler. Söz konusu nüfus hareketliliği... more
Özet: İnsanlar doğdukları, kültürel kodlarıyla kimliklerini inşa ettikleri ülkelerinden ayrılarak
farklı tarihsel deneyimlerin farklı kimlikler yarattığı kültürel ortamlara göç
etmeye devam etmektedirler. Söz konusu nüfus hareketliliği yeni olmasa da içinde
bulunduğumuz çağda yaşanan gelişmeler göç olgusuna daha farklı bir anlam ve
içerik kazandırmıştır. Günümüzde deneyimlenen göç hareketinin “gelişmiş” toplumlara
doğru, refah arayışının tetiklediği bir eylem olarak ortaya çıktığı çeşitli kereler
gündeme getirilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, nihayetinde yaşanan, çözüm arayışıdır ve
bu çözüm arayışının toplumların yapısal ve kültürel dönüşümü üzerindeki potansiyeli
politikacıların gündeminde yer aldığı kadar sinemanın da kayıtsız kalamadığı
bir gerçekliktir. Bir kültürel üretim aracı olarak sinemanın kamuoyu oluşturma
kapasitesi ve kabiliyeti diğer kitle iletişim araçlarıyla kıyaslanamayacak derecede
güçlüdür. Filmlerde öne çıkan göçmen temsilleri bu bağlamda işlevseldir. 1960’lı
yıllardan itibaren çalışma amaçlı Almanya’ya giden Türk göçmenlerin beyaz perdede
yansıtılışları sinemanın toplumsal hafızanın yeniden inşa edilişindeki gücüne
dair çarpıcı örnekler sunar. Bu çalışmada, daha konforlu bir hayatın peşinde çıkılan
bu yolculuğun şimdilerde almış olduğu form, Almanya’ya göç olgusunu konu alan
filmler örneğinde ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Dış göç, Türk göçmen işçiler, sinema, Almanya

People continue to leave their countries where they were born and where they constructed
their identities through cultural codes and they immigrate into cultural environments
where different historical experiences create different identities. Even
though the said movement of population is nothing new, the development we experience
in this age introduces a different sense and content to the concept of immigration.
It has been stated several times that the movement of immigration which is
experienced today appeared as a movement towards “developed” societies, which triggered the search for welfare. Besides, after all, what is experienced is a search
for solution and the potential of this search of solution on the structural and cultural
transformation of societies is on the agenda of politicians as it is a fact from which
the cinema cannot isolate itself. Cinema, as a tool of cultural production, is much
more powerful than other mass media in terms of its capacity and capability for
molding public opinion. The representation of immigrants in films are functional in
this context. The representation of Turkish immigrants who travelled to Germany to
work since 1960’s in movies provides striking examples about cinema’s power of
reconstruction of social memory. In this study, the current form of this journey which
is made in search of a better life, will be analyzed based on the films that deal with
immigration to Germany.
Key Words: Emigration, Turkish immigrant workers, cinema, Germany
Sosyolog, siyaset bilimci, iktisatçı, sosyal tarihçi ve tarihsel sosyal bilimci, Immanuel Wallerstein'i takdim etmede başvurulan sıfatlardan birkaçıdır. Bu sıfatlar arasında Wallerstein'in kendisi için en uygun gördüğü " tarihsel sosyal... more
Sosyolog, siyaset bilimci, iktisatçı, sosyal tarihçi ve tarihsel sosyal bilimci, Immanuel Wallerstein'i takdim etmede başvurulan sıfatlardan birkaçıdır. Bu sıfatlar arasında Wallerstein'in kendisi için en uygun gördüğü " tarihsel sosyal bilimci " dir. Entelektüel gelişimindeki sosyoloji formasyonuna rağmen kendisini tarihsel sosyal bilimci olarak tanımlamasında dayanağı, 1974'te ilk cildi yayınlanan Modern Dünya-Sistem'i çalışmasıdır. Modern çağın klasiği olan bu çalışmasında 16. yüzyıldan itibaren Batı uygarlığının genişlemesinin öyküsünü anlatmakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda modern sosyal bilimlere ilişkin 19. yüzyıla özgü kategorileştirmelere de karşı durarak, toplumsal değişimi analiz etmek için yeni bir perspektif önerir. Dünya-sistem analizi olarak adlandırılan analiziyle artık literatürde tarihsel sosyolojinin temsilcilerinden biridir. Wallerstein'in ilgilerine ve mesleğine dair bu tanımlama, ABD'nin toplumsal dönüşümünü de içeren bir süreçte yapılır. Bu süreçte özellikle tarihle kurduğu ilişki neticesinde sosyoloji anlayışı yeni bir form kazanmış ve sonraki yıllarda yaptığı çalışmalarını belirlemiştir. Amerikan sosyoloji geleneği içinde yetişmiş birisi olarak Wallerstein'in nasıl ve hangi koşullar altında tarihsel analize yöneldiği ve bunun Amerikan sosyolojisindeki karşılığı bu yazının konusudur.

Immanuel Wallerstein, a Historical Social Scientist
Sociologist, political scientist, economist, social historian and historical social scientist are some of the titles that
are used to introduce Immanuel Wallerstein. Among these titles, the one that Wallerstein favors the most is
“historical social scientist”. The reason he describes himself as a historical social scientist in spite of the formation
of sociology in his intellectual development is his work of Modern World-System with the first volume published
in 1974. In this work of his which is a classic of the modern age, he not only tells the story of the Western
Civilization's expansion since the 16th century, but he also suggests a new perspective to analyze social change by
opposing the categorizations related to modern social sciences peculiar to the 19th century. With his analysis named
world-system analysis, he is now one of the representatives of historical sociology in the related literature. This
description in regard to Wallerstein’s fields of interest and profession was made in a period which includes the social
transformation in the USA. In this period, his comprehension of sociology took a new form, especially as a result of
the way he related his work to history, and determined the contents of his works in the coming years. In this regard,
the way and the conditions under which Wallerstein, as a scholar educated in the American tradition of sociology,
inclined to historical analysis and the significance of this inclination in American sociology is the subject matter of
this article.
Keywords: Immanuel Wallerstein, Modern World-System, Historical Sociology, American Sociology, WorldSystem
Research Interests:
Ev Okulu, 1960’ların sonunda, daha parlak bir gelecek için resmi öğretim kurumlarına devam etme gerekliliğinin yaygın kabul kazandığı bir zaman diliminde, ebeveynlerin çocuklarının eğitimi konusunda profesyonellere yönelmek yerine bu... more
Ev Okulu, 1960’ların sonunda, daha parlak bir gelecek için resmi öğretim kurumlarına
devam etme gerekliliğinin yaygın kabul kazandığı bir zaman diliminde,
ebeveynlerin çocuklarının eğitimi konusunda profesyonellere yönelmek yerine bu sorumluluğu
kendilerinin üstlendiği bir uygulama olarak ABD’de ortaya çıkmıştır. Eğitim
alanında toplumsal hareket olarak ortaya çıkan ev okulu, günümüzde, ABD’nin
yanı sıra birçok ülkede yasal bir uygulama olarak yürürlükte olan alternatif bir eğitim
seçeneğidir. Ev okulunun ABD’de ortaya çıkışı ve evrildiği mevcut durumun genel bir
değerlendirilmesinin yapıldığı bu çalışmada ulaşılan temel sonuçlardan birisi, kurumsal
eğitim karşıtlığıyla ortaya çıkan ev okulunun bugün yasallaşma süreciyle birlikte
marjinalliğini kaybederek kurumsal eğitimin bir parçası haline gelmiş olmasıdır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ev Okulu, ABD, Alternatif Eğitim, 1960’lar, Toplumsal Hareketler,
Eğitim Sosyolojisi
At the end of 1960s, a time when the requirement to attend formal education institutions for a more promising future was commonly acknowledged, homeschooling emerged as a practice in which parents themselves undertook responsibility for... more
At the end of 1960s, a time when the requirement to attend formal education
institutions for a more promising future was commonly acknowledged, homeschooling
emerged as a practice in which parents themselves undertook responsibility for
educating their children instead of directing them to professionals. Having emerged as
a social movement in the educational field, homeschooling is an alternative choice of
education that is practiced legally in many countries besides the USA. One of the basic
conclusions of this study, in which an overview of the emergence of homeschooling
in the USA and its current situation have been taken, is that homeschooling, after
emerging as a reaction against institutional education, has lost its marginality; and that
in parallel to its legitimization, it has been transformed into a segment of institutional
education today.
Keywords: Homeschooling, the USA, Alternative Education, 1960s, Social
Movements, Sociology of Education
Bu yazının konusu, çalışmalarından hareketle Immanuel Wallerstein’in entelektüel gelişimini ele almaktır. Bir yazı konusu olarak Wallerstein’in entelektüel gelişiminin üzerinde durulmasının gereği, entelektüel biyografisini temel alarak... more
Bu yazının konusu, çalışmalarından hareketle Immanuel Wallerstein’in entelektüel
gelişimini ele almaktır. Bir yazı konusu olarak Wallerstein’in entelektüel gelişiminin
üzerinde durulmasının gereği, entelektüel biyografisini temel alarak ilgilerinin ve 20.
yüzyıl Batı sosyolojisine damgasını vuran düşüncelerinin gelişimini yakalamanın
mümkün olacağına duyulan inançtır. Wallerstein’in lisans eğitimiyle başlattığımız
akademik biyografisinin, çalışmaları ve ilgilerinin gelişimi ve değişimi temelinde
birbirinden belirgin şekilde ayrılabilecek üç dönemde ele alınabileceği görüşü, yazının
temel çerçevesini oluşturmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Immanuel Wallerstein, Biyografi, Wallerstein’in Temel Çalışmaları,
Dünya Sistemi
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Bu çalışmada, kent çalışmaları alanında belirli bir döneme damgasını vuran Chicago Okulu ele alınmıştır. Chicago Okulu ya da yaygın kullanımla insan çevrebilimi, erken 20. yüzyılda Amerikan sosyolojisinde kent çalışmaları alanında hakim... more
Bu çalışmada, kent çalışmaları alanında belirli bir döneme damgasını vuran
Chicago Okulu ele alınmıştır. Chicago Okulu ya da yaygın kullanımla insan
çevrebilimi, erken 20. yüzyılda Amerikan sosyolojisinde kent çalışmaları
alanında hakim yaklaşım olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Çalışmada, kent sosyolojisinde
bir perspektif olarak Chicago Okulu'nun ortaya çıkışı, Amerikan sosyolojisindeki
yeri, temsilcileri ve çalışmaları, Okul'un adını aldığı Chicago kentiyle ilişkili
olarak ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, Okul için kullanılan alternatif isimler
olarak ekolojik teori ve insan ekolojisi kavramsallaştırmalarının gerekçelerine yer
verilmiş, Hull House sosyal yerleşim hareketi, sosyal hizmet çalışmaları ve reform
çalışmaları ile benzerliklerine ve farklılaştıkları noktalara değinilmiş ve Okul
bağlamında üretilen literatüre örnekler verilmiştir.
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
Research Interests:
With the emergence of nation states in the 19th century, schools were transformed into platforms not only for building modern citizens, but also for gathering the manpower needed by various industries. Turkey was one of the countries... more
With the emergence of nation states in the 19th century, schools were transformed into platforms not
only for building modern citizens, but also for gathering the manpower needed by various industries.
Turkey was one of the countries where educational institutions were structured in accordance with the
construction process of the nation state. Modern Turkey was founded after the fall of the Ottoman Empire
in 1923, and education became instrumental in the process of reconstructing its society in a transforming
world. In the early Republican period, reference was made to Europe in the main. From the 1950s
onwards, however, it is possible to observe a shift in the educational center of reference towards the
USA. This background to the historical process is critical for understanding the current form of vocational
education in Turkey. In this chapter, the story of vocational education in the historical process is
told, and the current state of formal secondary and post-secondary education institutions is discussed.
Research Interests:
People continue to migrate from their motherlands where their identities are built up based on cultural codes to cultural environments where diverse historical practices have created diverse identities. The movement of migration... more
People continue to migrate from their motherlands where their identities are built up based on cultural codes to cultural environments where diverse historical practices have created diverse identities. The movement of migration experienced in our era has emerged as an action triggered by the pursuit for prosperity directed towards societies which are said to be “industrialized”. That being said, while the movement of migration is based on prosperity, what is actually practiced is solution
seeking. The potential of this practice with regard to the structural and cultural transformation of societies is a reality that movies can’t be indifferent to, as it also takes place on the agenda of politicians.
While migration is one of the resources cinema is nourished with, cinema is one of the ways immigrants get familiarized with the society they have migrated into. Through the medium of movies, the house of the immigrant is intruded. Life practices are monitored at first hand and “privacy” disappears. The way pursuit for a new life is presented in movies plays a critical role in comprehending the immigrants’ departure from the motherland in search for a new place to hold on. In this context, the stereotypes used in movies which have the power to form our lives
directly are inevitably effective in certain ways.
Immigrant representations which are nourished with the vagrant status of the immigrants are widely being used in cinema. The vagrant status is among the most difficult dilemmas for a person as a social being to overcome. The characters in movies about immigrants likewise are portrayed as actors of difficult conditions and unhappy lives.
Turkish cinema haven’t been indifferent to what immigrants experience in the countries they have migrated to and how their experiences are comprehended in Turkey. Although the Turkish immigrants have settled in some other European countries as foreign workers, the consequences of this encounter have been turned into movies on the basis of the experiences of Turkish immigrants especially in Germany. Some movies about the Turkish immigrants in Germany stand out with certain characteristics. To realize that “the newcomers were human beings while
workers were expected” as outlined in a newspaper headline is among the reflexes this interest has focused on.
Based on the assumption that cinema is a social means of expression, this study basically queries the transformation of the way the actors of this episode that is ventured in pursuit of welfare are reflected on the silver screen. In this context, some of the many movies about the Turkish immigrants who migrated to Germany as workers in 1960s have been selected as examples. Based on the selected sample movies, the current form of this journey which is made in search of a better life will be analyzed.
Research Interests:
A simple glance at classical or contemporary sociological theory books is enough to recognize the overall tendency of limiting the history of sociology to the West in general, without even mentioning the existence of other sociological... more
A simple glance at classical or contemporary sociological theory books is enough
to recognize the overall tendency of limiting the history of sociology to the West in general,
without even mentioning the existence of other sociological traditions. The said situation
has also a strong relation with the tendency of considering Western history as the main and
the only source of sociology.
The purpose of this paper is to show that history of sociology cannot be limited to
Western traditions only. In that term, the emergence of sociology in Turkey and its
establishment as an academic discipline at higher education institutions is a good example.
As the need for knowledge and practice of sociology in Turkey was different from the
conditions the West was facing, development of sociology had its own unique way in
Turkey. Sociology as an academic discipline was first taught in Darülfünun (House of
Sciences) which was a higher education institution in the Ottoman Empire period. After
the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and with the emergence of the new Turkish Republic,
new reforms took place in higher education. In 1933 Darülfünun was reorganized and
named Istanbul University. Since then up until now lots of sociology departments have
been established at various Turkish universities.
One of the assertions of this paper is that while sociology is considered as a mere Western
heritage, the history of sociology’s emergence and involvement in higher education in
Turkey, on the other hand, shows that particular social and historical contexts of Turkey
have created different needs for and relations with it as a science resulting in different
approaches and traditions which are also scientific and historical contributions and which
should not be overlooked.
Research Interests:
The Relatedness Between Turkish Sociology and American Sociology and the Evolution of its Aspects In our study, we examined the relatedness between Turkish sociology and American sociology and the evolution of its aspects. In face of the... more
The Relatedness Between Turkish Sociology and American
Sociology and the Evolution of its Aspects

In our study, we examined the relatedness between Turkish sociology and American sociology and the evolution of its aspects. In face of the fact that there are many related studies, we chose to set off because of the need to re-examine and re-evaluate the matter on the basis of our sociological accumulation. The already existing studies present an antropological framework rather than a sociological point of view and indepth analysis in terms of such a view. Herein, the matter of relatedness between our sociological thinking and American sociology can be considered as to contribute to the comprehension of the relatedness between Turkish sociology and the Western sociology in general. Besides re-observing the originality of the accumulation of
Turkish sociology, we have also aimed to show that the various sociologies in the  West could be comprehended only on that base.
In the first part of the three-part thesis, the transfer of sociology as science from the Continental Europe to Turkey and to the USA and its institutionalization process have been studied and the beginnings of the initial relations, the course of the evolutions and the first turning points have been examined.
In the second part of the thesis, the new course of relatedness between Turkish sociology and American sociology which was almost re-established after the II. World War has been studied and the evolvements in the process which led up to the foundation of Turkish Social Sciences Association as the most substantial result of it have been examined.
In the third part, the developments regarding the relatedness between Turkish Sociology and American Sociology starting from the establishment of the Turkish Social Sciences Association to the publishing of Open the Social Sciences which is a a manifest of new sociology and social sciences have been examined.
In this thesis, it has been concluded that the relatedness between Turkish Sociology and American Sociology did not take place in a limited period as typically suggested and that, on the contrary, it has been continual right from the beginning and within that continuity there have been specific splits and thresholds.
Research Interests:
The subject of our study is to bring up how Immanuel Wallerstein described the process of social change through his theory of The Modern World System. Wallerstein established his theory firmly on the view that the capitalist worldeconomy... more
The subject of our study is to bring up how Immanuel Wallerstein described
the process of social change through his theory of The Modern World System.
Wallerstein established his theory firmly on the view that the capitalist worldeconomy
came into existence in the 16. century for the first time in the entire history
of mankind. Wallerstein presented an effort to overcome the restraints of the related
19. century theories by his modern world system theory and he asserted that the
problems of the 20. century could and should be explained with reference to the 16.
century period. It was this assertion which urged us to make studies on this subject.
The aim of this study is to discuss the assertion of Wallerstein with regard to
the broadness of his definitions, by comprehending the said theory’s characteristics
rather than presenting the details of his theory of social change. In this connection,
we placed the three volume book of Wallerstein, The Modern World System, in
which he described his theory at the center of our study.
Research Interests: