Resumen:La prostitución y la venta sexual del cuerpo de la mujer, constituye una actividad perpetua a lo largo del tiempo. En este artículo abordaremos la figura de la prostituta de época romana, aunque lejos de idealizarla, pretendemos... more
Resumen:La prostitución y la venta sexual del cuerpo de la mujer, constituye una actividad perpetua a lo largo del tiempo. En este artículo abordaremos la figura de la prostituta de época romana, aunque lejos de idealizarla, pretendemos acercarnos a la verdadera realidad vivida por las mujeres que ejercieron la prostitución en una sociedad patriarcal donde se defendía el papel de la esposa casta. La prostitución fue un oficio demandado, aunque se marginó a las que lo ejercieron; así como un comercio que generó grandes beneficios a partir de la explotación sexual regulada, la esclavitud institucionalizada y las míseras condiciones sociales.
En este articulo se pretende realizar un acercamiento al conflicto religioso cristiano-pagano que tuvo lugar en la provincia de la Betica, en principio, una de las provincias mas romanizadas y mas tempranamente cristianizadas.... more
En este articulo se pretende realizar un acercamiento al conflicto religioso cristiano-pagano que tuvo lugar en la provincia de la Betica, en principio, una de las provincias mas romanizadas y mas tempranamente cristianizadas. Analizaremos el conflicto religioso que se genero desde la llegada de la nueva religion de Cristo al territorio meridional hispano, se intensifico a causa de las medidas cristianas antipaganas, y se dilato en el tiempo hasta fechas muy proximas a la invasion musulmana de la Peninsula. Por ultimo, aludiremos al proceso de cristianizacion paralelo a la persecucion pagana y si pudieron subsistir persistencias paganas en la Betica.(EN) In this paper we aim realize an approach to the Christian-pagan religious conflict that took place in the province of the Baetica, in principle, one of the most Romanized and most early Christianized. We analyzed the religious conflict that it was generated since the arrival of the new religion of Christ to Hispanic Southern territo...
espanolEn el siguiente articulo trataremos los cambios acontecidos en la polis de Esparta durante epoca helenistica. Tras la muerte de Alejandro Magno, sus generales se repartieron sus dominios, trastocando los esquemas geopoliticos e... more
espanolEn el siguiente articulo trataremos los cambios acontecidos en la polis de Esparta durante epoca helenistica. Tras la muerte de Alejandro Magno, sus generales se repartieron sus dominios, trastocando los esquemas geopoliticos e internacionales de la Antigua Grecia, surgiendo nuevos y poderosos imperios de vasta extension. Esparta tras el desastroso resultado de la batalla de Leuctra, dejaba de ser una potencia hegemonica y sus problemas internos se acrecentaban. En el presente trabajo, estudiaremos los problemas presentes en Esparta, asi como las acciones propulsadas por sucesivos monarcas reformadores que pretendian hacer de esta polis, nuevamente la potencia hegemonica del Peloponeso. Si bien el sueno espartano, se vera limitado por la incapacidad de Esparta por adaptarse al nuevo contexto internacional y los disidentes internos, llevando finalmente a la polis a perder su autonomia a mediados del siglo II a.C., siendo sometida a los intereses de Roma, la nueva potencia medi...
In this research work, it present a typological classification and a decorative study about pottery of Early Copper (2600-2000 a.C.) from the 1991-1994 excavation campaigns of the archaeological site of Los Castillejos (Montefrío,... more
In this research work, it present a typological classification and a decorative study about pottery of Early Copper (2600-2000 a.C.) from the 1991-1994 excavation campaigns of the archaeological site of Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada). To perform the typological groupings we have applied multivariate statistical techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA). From the results obtained, it has been possible to establish a total of 15 typological groups, with 31 different types of pottery forms. Also, we have been able to determine the predominant decorative techniques and approach to the relation between form and functionality of the containers.
Resultados del Proyecto de Innovación Docente "Laboratorio de Arte: sensibilización y conocimiento del Patrimonio Histórico en la Provincia de Jaén". En este proyecto se pone en valor el Patrimonio Histórico-artístico de la provincia de... more
Resultados del Proyecto de Innovación Docente "Laboratorio de Arte: sensibilización y conocimiento del Patrimonio Histórico en la Provincia de Jaén". En este proyecto se pone en valor el Patrimonio Histórico-artístico de la provincia de Jaén, tanto mueble como inmueble, y se analiza el estado actual de conservación del mismo.
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de difracción de rayos X y estereomicroscopía a las cerámicas halladas en las campañas de excavación realizadas entre los años 1991 y 1994 en los niveles del... more
En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de difracción de rayos X y estereomicroscopía a las cerámicas halladas en las campañas de excavación realizadas entre los años 1991 y 1994 en los niveles del Cobre Reciente (2600-2000 cal. A.C) de Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada). Estas técnicas analíticas han permitido estudiar la producción cerámica de este yacimiento en el último momento de la Edad del Cobre, basándonos en la caracterización de sus pastas cerámicas, así como en la tipología de sus formas. A partir de nuestro estudio hemos podido determinar que las producciones son de carácter local, realizadas en su mayor parte con materias primas procedentes del entorno de Los Castillejos, cuyo proceso de manufactura denota cierta pericia por parte de los productores cerámicos, pese a que no se puede hablar de una sistematización de la fabricación cerámica debido a la escasa relación entre forma-tecnología.
The continuous need to move towards interdisciplinary studies, constitute the fundamental base of this study. The symbiosis between the techno-typological studies of ceramics and the studies of their organic residues in the Argar Culture... more
The continuous need to move towards interdisciplinary studies, constitute the fundamental base of this study. The symbiosis between the techno-typological studies of ceramics and the studies of their organic residues in the Argar Culture had not been carried out in detail until now. Our case of study are vessels found in funerary contexts in the Argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén). They will provide new information about the manufacture, use and possible symbolism of them. We should not forget that this culture dedicates an important chapter to death, well-represented by wealth of their grave goods. Organic residues analysis carried out to these ceramics will enable us to identify patterns of functionality and use in such contexts. For this purpose, we have applied chromatographic techniques that will identify the compounds associated with the contents of the vessels. On the other hand, the application of analytical techniques from Earth Sciences, based on the characterization of surfaces and ceramic pastes, allowed us to establish the first discussions about the production patterns of craftsmen and production modes of manufacture of the vessels, which were deposited in these contexts, as well as studies of origin of the raw material that makes up the ceramic pastes. This research will bring to light the first results that will generate a debate between the vessels manufacturing process and the further use of the vessels placed in these funerary contexts.
The recent excavation and prospecting work have reasserted that the southern foothills of the Sierra Morena, they confirm his great role played in the development and consolidation of the mining and metallurgy of copper in the Argaric... more
The recent excavation and prospecting work have reasserted that the southern foothills of the Sierra Morena, they confirm his great role played in the development and consolidation of the mining and metallurgy of copper in the Argaric Culture. Particularly, the archaeometallurgy record of Peñalosa, Baños de la Encina (Jaén) express itself as the most comprehensive not only to explain the technological chain of the metallurgy of copper but also to attest to the importance of this economic sector within the Argaric societies. Evidence such as the archaeological documentation of a large dump site of slag and fragments of oven along with the mass production of copper ingots, proved this for sandstone molds and pottery; tools and prestige objects; production spaces and structures; etc., that during the argaric metallurgical production was made in oriental Sierra Morena on an industrial scale and at a regional level that would possibly cover the whole argaric and lands of the hinterland. A this datum and archaeology evidences, we must add the recent knowledge generated by the prospecting works, from which knowledge about new copper mines located in the Valley of the river Jándula, expressed that metallic copper is being carried out on a large scale in the Bronze Age.
The union between organic residue analysis and archaeology is at the forefront of international research. This relationship would not make sense without the sum of a well known archaeological context to the equation. That fossilized... more
The union between organic residue analysis and archaeology is at the forefront of international research. This relationship would not make sense without the sum of a well known archaeological context to the equation. That fossilized moment of a community’s life in the past provides invaluable information when interpreting the results. When faced with a research with such features, an important initial question arises: What and how do I choose it? What will be the criteria that I will use to sample a pottery vessel that provides historical information? What is the ideal number of samples needed to perform a relevant study? A lot of questions come to mind in the initial moment of facing this type of studies, but they do not end there. As research progresses the questions will become more numerous. The world of organic residues analysis is the mixture of all factors that occur in the life of a past population. The function of these vessels tells us about some habits and traditions carried out by a community in the past. We should treat them as living objects immersed in a world in which they had a meaning beyond the merely descriptive and physical. The vessels, their organic residues and the contexts in which they were found were part of the history of the past human groups we want to recover.
In this work we show a methodological proposal for the analysis of the manufacturing technology of the vessels found in the Argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), a reference point in the study of this culture, due to... more
In this work we show a methodological proposal for the analysis of the manufacturing technology of the vessels found in the Argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), a reference point in the study of this culture, due to the good conservation of its structures and the archaeological material found in this site (Cortés et al., 2000). The limited technological information that we can obtain through a simple visual examination of the ceramics, creates the need to use alternative methods for their analysis. The methodology proposed here is based on the application of analytical techniques from Earth Sciences (stereomicroscope, X-ray diffraction, Raman Spectroscopy, petropraphy in thin section and X-ray fluorescence) that have as their main objective the characterization of surfaces and ceramic pastes. The aim of this study is to respond to certain aspects of the sequence of ceramic production, the degree of standardization of the same one, as well as the origin of the raw material of vessels. Likewise, the existence of well-defined contexts in the village under study, facilitates the possible distinction between those productions found in domestics contexts, such as those documented in funerary contexts. Finally, through the application of previous analytical techniques in ceramic containers, we will be able to obtain information of a social, economic and ritual nature in the Argar culture.
Learning is a structured process that requires a myriad of ingredients as it is the transmission of knowledge, the development of skills, the technological application, it involves cognitive innovation and experimentation work. All of... more
Learning is a structured process that requires a myriad of ingredients as it is the transmission of knowledge, the development of skills, the technological application, it involves cognitive innovation and experimentation work. All of this generates vital experiences that survive in the memory of each human group. Our proposal for this conference consists of a study where learning and generation of knowledge go together. Their development takes place in a unique teaching innovation project, PIIISA project. Its aim is to bring research and knowledge generated at the University to secondary school students. These students are immersed in different research project coordinated by national and international scientists. PIIISA project was born in 2010 in collaboration with Delegation of Education of Granada, the Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC) and University of Granada. Its aim was to provide the students of secondary education the opportunity to approach and experience from an innovative perspective of knowledge construction. In this project participate more than 2000 students between 16-17 years old, assigned to 35 secondary schools, in which are offered 250 research projects of the University of Granada. Our project is titled “How did they live and what did they eat 4000 years ago? Discovering daily life of an argaric settlement in Sierra Morena, Peñalosa”.
The main objectives are: - Approach and introduce knowledge of past societies to secondary school students. - Encourage and promote learning of pottery productions as technical process and identity. - Establish learning stages in the research process. - Introducing and structuring knowledge acquired through learning processes.
To achieve these objectives the development of research process is raised. The main object of this study are ceramic vessels and their analysis. Vessels store, transform and serve food to promote the survival of populations of more than 4000 years ago (in the case that concerns us) so they are carriers of memory and cultural containers. For this purpose, are being offered to students a series of workshops through which, on the one hand, they are taught and instructed, and, on the other hand, the necessary tools are put at their disposal so that they themselves can generate knowledge. Thus, establish all the patterns of learning of technical processes of ceramic productions immersed in food cycles.
Methodology and Archaeometry is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Archaeological Society.... more
Methodology and Archaeometry is an annual scientific conference organized since 2013 by the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb and the Croatian Archaeological Society. The first digital edition includes papers from the 5th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry which was held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb, from 30th November – 1st of December 2017. Six scientific papers presented in this volume are focused on different aspects of archaeology, including case studies from Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania and Spain. Topics cover the range from the role of archaeological methodology in preventive archaeology; archaeological surface survey methods; identification of the cultural landscape as a part of the procedure for the protection of cultural heritage sites; analytical techniques applied to ceramic assemblages, and the development, benefits and shortcomings of the archaeological research and its impact to the understanding of the past.
La prospección superficial que se ha realizado en Tajo de Marchales, al Norte del término municipal de Colomera, Granada, ha tenido como objetivo principal la documentación y contextualización del Arte Rupestre Esquemático, del que se... more
La prospección superficial que se ha realizado en Tajo de Marchales, al Norte del término municipal de Colomera, Granada, ha tenido como objetivo principal la documentación y contextualización del Arte Rupestre Esquemático, del que se tenía conocimiento en la zona. Para ello hemos realizado una pormenorizada recogida de datos en campo, mediante fichas y fotografía digital; junto a un levantamiento taquimétrico de algunos abrigos de gran complejidad. La contextualización del Arte Rupestre se ha realizado mediante la documentación y fotografía de los elementos de cultura material detectados en superficie, cuyo resultado es una colección bastante numerosa, con algunas piezas de gran interés que constituyen indicadores cronológicos relacionables directa o indirectamente con las manifestaciones pictóricas, asimismo en algunos de los abrigos explorados se han detectado restos óseos humanos, asociados a artefactos, principalmente neolíticos. La principal conclusión preliminar de este estudio indica que Tajo de Marchales podría albergar un complejo funerario asociado al Arte Rupestre Esquemático.
The need for interdisciplinary studies is the basis of ambitious research (ARCHEM Project) that is carried out in the argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), combining organic residues analysis and techno-typological... more
The need for interdisciplinary studies is the basis of ambitious research (ARCHEM Project) that is carried out in the argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), combining organic residues analysis and techno-typological studies of pottery found in funerary contexts. Manufacture and use of pottery could inform us about customs and traditions that remain hidden in time and in the archaeological record. Knowing the implications and decisions of potters as well as the functionality of those vessels deposited inside the graves can approach the idiosyncrasy of a society in the Bronze Age in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. The methodology used to identify patterns of functionality is highlighted by the combination of cutting-edge analysis techniques in both fields such as the application of different chromatographic techniques (GC-MS, UPLC-HRMS and GC-C-IRMS) that allow to identify the organic compounds in the ceramics and the application of analytical techniques from Earth Sciences (Stereomicroscopic, X-Ray Diffraction and Petrography), which allow us to characterize ceramic pastes and knowing the catchment of raw materials. This study highlights the Peñalosa site as a melting pot of new research and it brings us closer with the use of a complex methodology combined to the societies 4000 years ago.
The interpretation of the manufacture and function of Argaric burial potteries has not been subject to a global and systematic study. As such, this paper has reconstructed the sequence of ceramic production of burial potteries of Peñalosa... more
The interpretation of the manufacture and function of Argaric burial potteries has not been subject to a global and systematic study. As such, this paper has reconstructed the sequence of ceramic production of burial potteries of Peñalosa using analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy, Xray diffraction and optical petrography). Ceramic ware technological features, as well as other indicators of use and repair, indicate that the pottery was used prior to the burial either in domestic contexts or during funerary rituals. This finding contrasts with data obtained at other Argaric sites, where technological and formal features point to pottery production specifically intended for burials.