Part 1 of Pixelween 2024
The first week of pixelween begins! This time, your era+genre combination is Victorian and Apocalyptic horror.
The victorian era techically covers the years 1837–1901, but stretching back a little to the start of the 19th century for inspiration is allowed. The Litterature of the era cover both works of gothic horror from the likes of Bram Stoker and Edgar Allan Poe, as well as the rise of science fiction signified by authors such as Jules Verne and H. G. Wells. While the term "Victorian" is very centered on the British empire, your entry doesn't have to be; you are free to base your entry on other regions during that time period.
Apocalyptic horror is all about the experience of living (or not living) through the catastropic collapse of society, be it from war, giant monsters, plague, divine wrath, or whatever else may cause the world to fall down all around us. Not to be confused with post-apocalypse, which is about the aftermath of such event.
The book cover itself should be 140x200 pixels big and use Atropoeia Palette. The cover can be for an existing story that fits the required era+genre, or you can make up a completely new one (actually writing the story is optional, but we will be very impressed if you do). The cover must include the title of the story. Including the author as well is encouraged, but can be skipped. The book must be some kind of fiction, but doesn't have to be a traditional novel; for example, a graphic novel would be allowed.
Technical requirements for this week:
Canvas Size - exactly 140 (horizontal) x 200 (vertical) pixels.
Colors - Max 48, use this palette:
Transparency - No.
Animation - No.
The nights grow dark and the wind blows cold. The horror of Pixelween is upon us once again!
This year your task will be to create book covers for horror stories! Each week during Pixelween, the weekly challenge will give you a combination of a horror genre and a time period (voted on by the PJ Discord), and you have to create a book cover that matches the combination.
To be eligible for the Pixelween prizes, you must submit to at least 2 of the 4 weeklies. As long as at least two of your submissions are on time, you are allowed (but not required) to submit more up until October 27th, the final deadline. Technically having a complete set is not required to win, but it sure helps!
All who participate shall earn the rare Pixelween trophy.
How to enter:
To participate, your works need to be submitted to the four Pixel Joint challenges, the first one which starts on the 30th September.
If you've missed out on one of the challenges you can still submit your entry to Pixel Joint, as long as at least 2 of the scenes are posted as part of a weekly challenge within the deadline. While it probably won't be necessary, poking one of the moderators when you post your entry after its challenge deadline is a good idea.
You can find the result of last year's Pixelween Here
Chain of Challenges, episode 32.
There is one good way to follow the Lemmy invasion of the previous challenge and it is the BASS.
Draw a sprite of any bass instrument as a game item. It can be an inventory item, a collectible, a weapon, etc.
A very short list of examples includes: double bass, bass guitar, guitarrón, tuba, sousaphone, basson. If you want to be original, do your own research. There are many lists online and none of them is ever complete.
You have to use the Low-8 palette by SoundsDotZip.
Bonus challenge: add animation of that instrument being played and producing those low note vibrations.
The challenge thread will have all the challenge updates. The thread is also a great place to post your WIPs.
The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for August 2024.
Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists, and all the members who took time to rate!
Chain of Challenges, episode 31.
Design the pixel art version of the highest card in the playing card deck - the ace of spades. It can be a variation of a classical design or something very creative (including inspiration from your favourite IP's, for example Alien or Batman). You have to use the Titanstone palette by polyphrog.
Chain of Challenges, episode 30.
If you don't remember this challenge...
...than it's totally fine. You can get familiar with it now or not; it doesn't really matter that much.
We will use the idea of Major Arcana cards to build our RPG party. Draw 3 sprites of characters for an RPG party. Each one need to be inspired by a different Major Arcana card.
Remember that each character sprite has to be a singular entity, separated from the other two, so if you chose, for example, "the Lovers," please connect them somehow.
You have to use the palette from the Pixel Tarot challenge.
Chain of Challenges, episode 29.
Once upon a time there was an evil witch who copied a bunch of ideas from novels and movies and wrote a very commercially successful story about a wizard kid in a wizard school. She went full mask off only after finishing the entire series and becaming a billionaire.
This challenge is not about her, or anything she owns or thinks, but about a magic that can capure the imagination of an entire generation.
Draw three character sprites for an RPG game set in a low fantasy magic school. They all have to be frogs. You have to use the Magic 15 Palette by CuriousBeefJerky
The challenge thread will have all the challenge updates. The thread is also a great place to post your WIPs.
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![]() | Yom Kippur Tenth day of the Hebrew month of Tishri (September or October) |
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