This week, gogglecrab challenges you to depict a character in the attire that they would wear if two seperate time periods existed together; for example an Ancient Egyptian cowboy, or a prehistoric hipster.
Canvas Size - Max 150 (horizontal) x 200 (vertical).
Colours - Max 32.
Transparency - Optional.
Animation - No.
The t-shirt company WeLoveFine is hosting an 8-bit contest.
Their use of the term 8-bit is a bit loose it would seem by our standards.
None the less, it couldn't hurt to partipate in the contest.
Win up to $2500
Make an icon for a new and original game - à la the ones found on Steam (examples below).
Pick from one of these two sizes:
184 x 69; example:
120 x 45; example:
Canvas size - Exactly 184 x 69 or Exactly 120 x 45.
Colours - Max 32.
Transparency - No.
Animation - No.
The following pixel artists produced Pixel Joint's top rated pixel art for April 2012. Many thanks go out to this month's top pixel artists and all the members who took time to rate.
philippejugnet challenges you to reinterpret a national flag as a scene. For example, you could create an Estonian forest from the Estonian flag:
Canvas Size - Unrestricted, however it must match the proportions of your chosen flag.
Colours - Unrestricted.
Transparency - Only if your chosen flag is non-rectangular (for example).
Animation - No.
Liberated Pixel Cup is a two-part competition: make a bunch of awesome free culture licensed artwork, and then program a bunch of free software games that use it. Liberated Pixel Cup brings together some powerful allies: Creative Commons, OpenGameArt, the Free Software Foundation, and you.
Create an advertisement in any format you want (billboard, TV advertisement, banner ad, etc...) for some kind of futuristic piece of technology.
Canvas Size - Unresticted.
Colours - Max 35.
Transparency - Optional.
Animation - Optional.
Love the pixel art in Sword & Sworcery? Well, the creators have announced CREATE IN THE KEY OF SWORCERY jam where they will showcase fan submitted media. What a great opportunity for Pixel Joint artists to show what can be done in our medium.
Kumiho, or nine-tailed fox in Korean, is PJer neofotistou's entry in Ludum Dare Jam, a 3 day game making contest and is a fresh and unique SHMUP game. The theme for this contest was 'Tiny Worlds".
Fez, the winner of this year’s IGF Grand Prize Award, is a non-linear puzzle platformer pixelart hybrid with some 3D voxel elements. Play as Gomez, a 2D creature on a voyage of discovery into the mysterious 3rd dimension. Change your perspective and look at the world in a different way.
California Strawberry Festival Middle of May | |
Cinco de Mayo (Mexico) May 5th | |
May Day May 1st | |
Memorial Day (USA) Last Monday in May | |
Mother's Day Second Sunday of May | |
Victoria Day (Canada) May 24th (25th if 24th falls on a Sunday) | |
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