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″Τὰ «μυστήρια τῶν θεωρητικῶν ἀνδρῶν» στὴ θεολογικὴ ἀντίληψη τοῦ ἁγίου Γρηγορίου Παλαμᾶ καὶ τοῦ Γρηγορίου Ἀκινδύνου‶, στὸ Ὁ ἅγιος Γρηγόριος Παλαμᾶς καὶ ὁ Ἡσυχασμός. Ἱστορικὲς διαστάσεις καὶ σύγχρονες προκλήσεις καὶ προοπτικές, Πρακτικὰ... more
″Τὰ «μυστήρια τῶν θεωρητικῶν ἀνδρῶν» στὴ θεολογικὴ ἀντίληψη τοῦ ἁγίου Γρηγορίου Παλαμᾶ καὶ τοῦ Γρηγορίου Ἀκινδύνου‶, στὸ Ὁ ἅγιος Γρηγόριος Παλαμᾶς καὶ ὁ Ἡσυχασμός. Ἱστορικὲς διαστάσεις καὶ σύγχρονες προκλήσεις καὶ προοπτικές, Πρακτικὰ Διεθνοῦς Ἐπιστημονικοῦ Συνεδρίου (Ἱερὰ Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, 1-3 Ἰουλίου 2022), ἐπιμ. Ἀ. Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικὲς παρεμβάσεις 7, Ἱερὰ Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2024, σσ. 177-195 [″The «mysteries of the contemplatives» in the theological conception of St Gregory Palamas and Gregory Akindynos‶, in St Gregory Palamas and Hesychasm. Past and contemporary challenges and perspectives, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Holy Metropolis of Trimithountos, 1-3 July 2022), ed. A. P. Zachariou, Theologikes Paremvaseis 7, Holy Metropolis of Trimythous, Idalio, Cyprus, 2024, pp. 177-195]
Research Interests:
"In the writings of the fourteenth-century Hesychasts, Gregory Akindynos is characterized as a Barlaamite because his theological perceptions are considered to be no different from those of Barlaam the Calabrian. However, Akindynos... more
"In the writings of the fourteenth-century Hesychasts, Gregory Akindynos is characterized as a Barlaamite because his theological perceptions are considered to be no different from those of Barlaam the Calabrian. However, Akindynos himself rejects the designation of Barlaamite by denying that he is in agreement with Barlaam and claiming injustice and slander from the Palamite party. In order to support his contention, he draws attention to his strong opposition to Barlaam when the latter turned against the monks and their way of life. Nevertheless, his own writings contradict his assertion, since they testify to the identification of his theology with that of Barlaam. Keywords: Gregory Palamas, Gregory Akindynos, Barlaam the Calabrian, Barlaamite, hesychasm, hesychasts, Hesychast Controversy "
Hesychasm: Theology and Praxis from Late Byzantium to Modernity, ed. Tikhon A. Pino and Mihail Mitrea, SUBBTO (Studia Universitatis Babeş‐Bolyai Theologia Orthodoxa), vol. 67, no. 2, December 2022, pp. 255-267.
Research Interests:
"Τὸ ἀνέκδοτο Ὑπόμνημα τοῦ Νικολάου, μητροπολίτη Κερκύρας, στὰ Κεφάλαια περὶ ἀγάπης τοῦ Μαξίμου τοῦ Ὁμολογητοῦ. Εἰσαγωγικὲς παρατηρήσεις", στο Μοναχισμός: Ἱστορικὲς καὶ θεολογικὲς προσεγγίσεις, ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικὲς... more
"Τὸ ἀνέκδοτο Ὑπόμνημα τοῦ Νικολάου, μητροπολίτη Κερκύρας, στὰ Κεφάλαια περὶ ἀγάπης τοῦ Μαξίμου τοῦ Ὁμολογητοῦ. Εἰσαγωγικὲς παρατηρήσεις", στο Μοναχισμός: Ἱστορικὲς καὶ θεολογικὲς προσεγγίσεις, ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικὲς Παρεμβάσεις 6, Ἱερά Μητρόπολη Τριμυθοῦντος (Κύπρος), σσ. 275-298 [“The unedited Commentary by Nicholaos, metropolitan of Kerkyra, on Maximus the Confessor’s Chapters on Love. Some introductory notes”, in Monasticism: historical and theological studies, ed. Andreas P. Zachariou, Theologikes Paremvaseis 6, Holy Metropolis of Trimythous (Cyprus), pp. 275-298].
Research Interests:
Annual Bulletin of IAPS (Zachariou, A. P.: 9 mentions)
Gregory Acindynos, during his controversy with St. Gregory Palamas, argued that his theological beliefs and hence his Antirrhetic discourses, are aligned with the teaching of the "wise" and "God-enlightened" Church Fathers. Nevertheless,... more
Gregory Acindynos, during his controversy with St. Gregory Palamas, argued that his theological beliefs and hence his Antirrhetic discourses, are aligned with the teaching of the "wise" and "God-enlightened" Church Fathers. Nevertheless, he accepts their theology, to a certain extent and only if it agrees with what he recognizes and perceives in advance as faith and teaching of the Church.
Research Interests:
Philosophоs – Philotheos – Philoponоs. Studies and Essays as Charisteria in Honor of Professor Bogoljub Šijaković on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, edited by Mikonja Knežević in collaboration with Rade Kisić and Dušan Krcunović,... more
Philosophоs – Philotheos – Philoponоs. Studies and Essays as Charisteria in Honor of Professor Bogoljub Šijaković on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, edited by Mikonja Knežević in collaboration with Rade Kisić and Dušan Krcunović, Belgrade / Podgorica 2021, pp. 363-374.
Research Interests:
In his antirrhetical writings against Gregory Palamas’s theological perceptions, Gregory Akindynos presents a series of arguments some of which include references to the angels, their created nature, their deification by participation in... more
In his antirrhetical writings against Gregory Palamas’s theological perceptions, Gregory Akindynos presents a series of arguments some of which include references to the angels, their created nature, their deification by participation in God, their inability of seeing God, their invisibility for human beings and their task to serve God and humans. However, his theological notion is not conventional and he ends up with the wrong conclusions. 
Akindynos contends that Palamas’s teaching about the divine, uncre-ated and “lower” (“ὑφειμένες”) energies – powers, that are different and dis-tinct from the essence of God, actually refers to the angels. Only the angels are the powers which may exist in multitude (“πληθυντικῶς”), are created and “activated” (“ἐνεργουμένοι”) by God and therefore are different and “infinitely lower” (“ἀπειράκις ἀπείρως ὑφειμένοι”) to God. In support of his claims and in order to refute Palamas’s theology, he invokes and cites certain patristic passages understood and interpreted subjectively. 
In this respect he both distorts the traditional teaching about the angels and proves himself as dogmatically erroneous.
Research Interests:
In this Paper, I present briefly the theological conceptions of Nikolaos of Corfu, which are found in his yet unpublished Comments on Capita de Caritate (Centuria I-IV) of Maximus the Confessor, about both the incomprehensible trinitarian... more
In this Paper, I present briefly the theological conceptions of Nikolaos of Corfu, which are found in his yet unpublished Comments on Capita de Caritate (Centuria I-IV) of Maximus the Confessor, about both the incomprehensible trinitarian God and the way he is capable of being participated by the created world.
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Theophanies in theological perceptions of Akindynos. Augustinian influence?
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Το παρόν πραγματεύεται τα αφορώντα στον άγιο ιερομάρτυρα Φωκά, επίσκοπο Σινώπης (Βίος, Παρακλητικός Κανόνας, Ακολουθία, Ναός, εις κοινότητα Αθηαίνου, επαρχίας Λευκωσίας)
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A brief answer to the erroneous perceptions of archim. Christodoulos Tampakopoulos, regarding the teaching of st. Gregory Palamas
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Research Interests:
This PhD thesis deals with the theological conceptions of Gregory Akindynos, as seeing, mainly, through the critical edition of his Epistles (CFHB 21). Although we take into consideration all of his antirretics (Monac. gr. 223, ff. 16-26˙... more
This PhD thesis deals with the theological conceptions of Gregory Akindynos, as seeing, mainly, through the critical edition of his Epistles (CFHB 21). Although we take into consideration all of his antirretics (Monac. gr. 223, ff. 16-26˙ 65-124˙ 124-163, CCSG 31) we insist on his Epistles because they cover a wide time interval (1333-1348), which allows the better approach of the exceptional personality of Akindynos, as well as a clear understanding of his theological positions, from the outset to their final expression. Therefore, in this way -we believe- Akindynos’ reaction against Gregory Palamas can be fully comprehended. The thesis, from a primary reading: a) records for the first time and in a systematic form the heretical theological perception of Akindynos, b) comments on and contradicts his positions based on patristic, as well as Palamas’ theology, c) shows the many points where the writings of Church Fathers undergo perversion and misrepresentation, d) corrects and places in their textual affinity the patristic texts which have been misinterpreted by Akindynos.
Research Interests:
The International Conference in Theology will be held by the Faculty of Theology of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University on December 17–18, 2024. Partners of the conference: The Department of Theology of the School of Theology of the... more
The International Conference in Theology will be held by the Faculty of Theology of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University on December 17–18, 2024.

Partners of the conference:

The Department of Theology of the School of Theology of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow
The purpose of the conference is to present problems in various fields of Theology and to search for ways to solve them. Topics are accepted from all fields of Theology.
Research Interests:
Περίληψη της εισήγησής μου στο Διεθνὲς Ἐπιστημονικὸ Συνέδριο: «Ἁγίου καὶ Ἐνδόξου Ἀποστόλου καὶ Εὐαγγελιστοῦ Λουκᾶ Ὁδοί», Καλάβρυτα, 2-4 Φεβρουαρίου 2024 [Abstract of my presentation in the International Scientific Conference: “Quests of... more
Περίληψη της εισήγησής μου στο Διεθνὲς Ἐπιστημονικὸ Συνέδριο: «Ἁγίου καὶ Ἐνδόξου Ἀποστόλου καὶ Εὐαγγελιστοῦ Λουκᾶ Ὁδοί», Καλάβρυτα, 2-4 Φεβρουαρίου 2024
[Abstract of my presentation in the International Scientific Conference: “Quests of the Holy and Glorious Apostle and Evangelist Luke”, Kalavryta 2-4 February 2024]
Research Interests:
The identity of the House of God with an ordinary Christian home (a private place of worship) holds significant importance in Chrysostom’s ecclesiology. This presentation aims to explore the objectives and reasons behind Chrysostom’s... more
The identity of the House of God with an ordinary Christian home (a private place of worship) holds significant importance in Chrysostom’s ecclesiology. This presentation aims to explore the objectives and reasons behind Chrysostom’s writings on this topic. The scholarship seeks to offer a reinterpretation of Chrysostom’s views, emphasizing the relevance and significance of such work.
Within the disciplinary framework of early Christian studies, this research contributes to understanding Chrysostom’s perspective on the Church and its characteristics. The methods employed include a literature review, textual analysis, and critical evaluation, supported by relevant scholarly references.
The study involves an analysis that delves into Chrysostom’s teachings, shedding light on his concept of the Church and the Christian household’s role in embodying its virtues. Almsgiving and care for the poor emerge as distinctive characteristics of the Church, transforming the Christian home into the House of God. By examining Chrysostom’s homilies, particularly his writings on almsgiving, the research highlight the interconnectedness between the Church and the Christian household in practicing this virtue. Chrysostom’s teachings emphasize the transformative power of almsgiving, equating the Christian household’s role with that of the Church.
The results of this study underscore the impregnability of the Church to dark powers, attributing it to the presence of a sacred treasury dedicated to helping the poor. Chrysostom’s emphasis on the importance of almsgiving and the transformation of households into Churches further elucidates the significance of these practices in his ecclesiology.
In conclusion, this reinterpretation of Chrysostom’s teachings on the Church and the Christian household highlights the profound implications for understanding early Christianity. The findings emphasize the need to reconsider the understanding of the Church and its characteristics, drawing attention to the practical implementation of Christ’s teachings within the Christian home.
Research Interests:
The Church in the early centuries. 1st International Conference in Theology and Religious Studies The Conference is organized by the Faculty of Theology, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Tbilisi - Georgia, and will take place on... more
The Church in the early centuries.
1st International Conference in Theology and Religious Studies
The Conference is organized by the Faculty of Theology, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Tbilisi - Georgia, and will take place on September 26-27, 2023
Research Interests:
1st International Conference in Theology and Religious Studies,
September 26-27, 2023, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Tbilisi -Georgia
Research Interests:
The Conference is organized by Metropolis of Trimithountos in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Tbilisi - Georgia, and the Palamas Seminar (an International Research... more
The Conference is organized by Metropolis of Trimithountos in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Tbilisi - Georgia, and the Palamas Seminar (an International Research Co-operative on the work and legacy of St Gregory Palamas)
Research Interests:
The Holy Metropolis of Trimithountos in collaboration with the Palamas Seminar (an International Research Co-operative on the work and legacy of St Gregory Palamas) and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Institute of Theology... more
The Holy Metropolis of Trimithountos in collaboration with the Palamas Seminar (an International Research Co-operative on the work and legacy of St Gregory Palamas) and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Institute of Theology and Philosophy), Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Tbilisi - Georgia, invite you to an International Conference on:

St Gregory Palamas and Hesychasm: Past and contemporary challenges and perspectives

Cyprus,  1-4 of July 2022
Research Interests:
St Gregory Palamas Seminar: International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas. Topic: Philokalia through the Philosophy and Theology of St Gregory Palamas. Veroia (Holy Monastery of Theotokos,... more
St Gregory Palamas Seminar: International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas.
Topic: Philokalia through the Philosophy and Theology of St Gregory Palamas.
Veroia (Holy Monastery of Theotokos, Kallipetra, Rachi- Rachia- Veroias), Greece: 2-4 July 2021
Research Interests:
St Gregory Palamas Seminar: International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas. Topic: Philokalia through the Philosophy and Theology of St Gregory Palamas. Veroia (Holy Monastery of Theotokos,... more
St Gregory Palamas Seminar: International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas.
Topic: Philokalia through the Philosophy and Theology of St Gregory Palamas.
Veroia (Holy Monastery of Theotokos, Kallipetra, Rachi- Rachia- Veroias), Greece: 2-4 July 2021
Research Interests:
Paper to be delivered at the XVIII. International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford 19 August - 24 August 2019 [Workshop: Following the Holy Fathers. Patristic Sources in the Palamite Controversy].
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International Workshop:
Akindynos’ Role in the Hesychast Controversy,
Friday/Saturday, 15th-16th March 2019 (Universität Berne)
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This workshop (organized by Prof. Katharina Heyden and Dr. Renate Burri of Universität Berne) examines the Hesychast Controversy and its protagonists in 14th-century Byzantium. It particularly focuses on Gregory Akindynos, Gregory... more
This workshop (organized by Prof. Katharina Heyden and Dr. Renate Burri of Universität Berne) examines the Hesychast Controversy and its protagonists in 14th-century Byzantium. It particularly focuses on Gregory Akindynos, Gregory Palamas’ fiercest but least known opponent. The workshop is organized by the Research Group of the Swiss National Science Foundation Project “Akindynos and Palamas in Dispute on Divine Energies” and will bring together various international specialists in the field for the first time.
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Πρακτικά Διεθνοῦς Ἐπιστημονικοῦ Συνεδρίου (Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, 1-3 Ἰουλίου 2022), ἐπιμ. Ἀ. Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικές παρεμβάσεις 7, Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2024 [Proceedings of the International Scientific... more
Πρακτικά Διεθνοῦς Ἐπιστημονικοῦ Συνεδρίου (Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, 1-3 Ἰουλίου 2022), ἐπιμ. Ἀ. Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικές παρεμβάσεις 7, Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2024 [Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference (Holy Metropolis of Trimithountos, 1-3 July 2022), ed. A. P. Zachariou, Theologikes Paremvaseis 7, Holy Metropolis of Trimythous, Idalio, Cyprus, 2024]
Research Interests:
Εἰδικὸς επιστημονικός Τόμος μὲ ποικίλες μελέτες γιὰ τὸν Μοναχισμό, ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικὲς Παρεμβάσεις 6, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2022 [Special Volume with various studies on Monasticism, ed. Andreas P. Zachariou, Theologikes... more
Εἰδικὸς επιστημονικός Τόμος μὲ ποικίλες μελέτες γιὰ τὸν Μοναχισμό, ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Π. Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικὲς Παρεμβάσεις 6, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2022 [Special Volume with various studies on Monasticism, ed. Andreas P. Zachariou, Theologikes Paremvaseis 6, Holy Metropolis of Trimythous, Idalio, Cyprus 2022]
Research Interests:
Ἐκκλησία καί Κατήχηση, Πρακτικά Α’ Ἐπιστημονικῆς Θεολογικῆς Ἡμερίδος (14 Φεβρουαρίου 2015), ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικές Παρεμβάσεις 1, ἔκδ. Ἱερᾶς Μητροπόλεως Τριμυθοῦντος, Λευκωσία 2015 [Church and Catechesis, Papers from the 1st... more
Ἐκκλησία καί Κατήχηση, Πρακτικά Α’ Ἐπιστημονικῆς Θεολογικῆς Ἡμερίδος (14 Φεβρουαρίου 2015), ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Ζαχαρίου, Θεολογικές Παρεμβάσεις 1, ἔκδ. Ἱερᾶς Μητροπόλεως Τριμυθοῦντος, Λευκωσία 2015 [Church and Catechesis, Papers from the 1st Scientific Symposium (14 February 2015), ed. Andreas Zachariou, Θεολογικές Παρεμβάσεις 1, Holy Metropolis of Trimythountos, Nicosia 2015.
Ἅγιος Νεκτάριος. Ἀφιερωματικός Τόμος ἐπί τῇ συμπληρώσει ἑκατόν ἐτῶν ἀπό τήν κοίμησή του (1920-2020) [ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Ζαχαρίου], Θεολογικές Παρεμβάσεις 5, ἔκδ. Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2020 [Saint Nektarios. Special... more
Ἅγιος Νεκτάριος. Ἀφιερωματικός Τόμος ἐπί τῇ συμπληρώσει ἑκατόν ἐτῶν ἀπό τήν κοίμησή του (1920-2020) [ἐπιμ. Ἀνδρέας Ζαχαρίου], Θεολογικές Παρεμβάσεις 5, ἔκδ. Ἱερά Μητρόπολις Τριμυθοῦντος, Ἰδάλιο - Κύπρος 2020 [Saint Nektarios. Special volume dedicated to the 100th anniversary of his death (1920-2020), ed. Andreas Zachariou], Θεολογικές Παρεμβάσεις 5, Holy Metropolis of Trimythus, Idalio - Cyprus 2020.
A special Open Access issue co-edited with Tikhon A. Pino, with contributions from Metropolitan Job Getcha, Oleg Rodionov, Basil Lourie, Marco Fanelli, Lev Lukhovitskiy, Ioannis Polemis, Georgi Kapriev, Anthony Ladas, Andreas P.... more
A special Open Access issue co-edited with Tikhon A. Pino, with contributions from Metropolitan Job Getcha, Oleg Rodionov, Basil Lourie, Marco Fanelli, Lev Lukhovitskiy, Ioannis Polemis, Georgi Kapriev, Anthony Ladas, Andreas P. Zachariou, Fr Alexandros Chouliaras, Dom Ralph Greis, Fr Peter Vryzas, Fr Zacharias Zacharou, Fr Maximos Constas, Norman Russell, and David Bradshaw.
A special Open Access issue edited by Mihail Mitrea and Tikhon Pino, with contributions from Met. Job Getcha, Oleg Rodionov, Basil Lourie, Marco Fanelli, Lev Lukhovitskiy, Ioannis Polemis, Georgi Kapriev, Fr Alexandros Chouliaras, Dom... more
A special Open Access issue edited by Mihail Mitrea and Tikhon Pino, with contributions from Met. Job Getcha, Oleg Rodionov, Basil Lourie, Marco Fanelli, Lev Lukhovitskiy, Ioannis Polemis, Georgi Kapriev, Fr Alexandros Chouliaras, Dom Ralph Greis, Fr Peter Vryzas, Fr Zacharias Zacharou, Fr Maximos Constas, David Bradshaw, and Norman Russell.