Maximus the Confessor
Recent papers in Maximus the Confessor
Social changes in the contemporary era have directly influenced human life and existence, especially the meaning of marriage. In light of these contemporary developments, researchers have emphasized the urgent need to deconstruct marriage... more
The Dumbarton Oaks Papers were founded in 1941 for the publication of articles relating to late antique, early medieval, and Byzantine civilization in the fields of art and architecture, history, archaeology, literature, theology, law,... more
This article deals with the theory of the so-called ‘intelligible Triad’ (esse, vivere, intellegere) to show in what way this theory was developed in Neoplatonism (by Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus and Proclus) and transformed in the... more
In this paper I will argue that Maximus’ theology makes three claims which have significant bearing on how we can understand nonhuman animals, and demonstrate how these create direct implications for how Christians might respond to... more
This Aristotelian concept does not only play a crucial role in the Byzantine as well as the Latin understandings of divinisation. It enables us to grasp the precise point where they meet.
In his article the author calls into the question a thesis of many modern scholars that the Trinitarian doctrine of St. Maximus the Confessor is little developed and but copy of the previous classical examples. As it is shown the... more
I argue how Christianity baptized Hellenism in patristic theology. In doing so, theology transformed philosophical terms and concepts. Theology cannot do away with philosophy but must and does move beyond philosophy to enter the mystery... more
Свети Максим Исповедник: Одговори Таласију 1- 6. Из часописа Луча, са паралелним изворником на грчком.
Mark McIntosh was an Anglican priest, scholar, and author of multiple books on the history, study, and practice of Christian mysticism. His latest book, published just before his death in October of 2021 due to complications resulting... more
St Gregory Palamas Seminar: International Research into the Philosophical and Theological Work of St Gregory Palamas. Topic: Philokalia through the Philosophy and Theology of St Gregory Palamas. Veroia (Holy Monastery of Theotokos,... more
This is the synopsis of my new book, which is now available from Stanford University Press, but also Amazon etc/. See further here on the SUP page: "A fresh and more capacious reading of the... more
A paper given at the International Symposium on the Environment in Seoul, Korea (7 December 2018), where the keynote speaker was His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. After some introductory remarks, my paper focuses on... more
A short overview of the anthropology of Saint Maximus the Confessor's Mystagogy and its relation to Orthodox liturgical theology and soteriology.
This article describes the ontological problem of theosis or deification in terms of two dimensions: the relationship between the finite and the infinite, and the relationship between human nature and sin. Both problems are clarified... more
Here I offer my draft translation of the Centuries on Charity. Criticism and fraternal correction is most welcome. [updated with corrections June 2024]
Maximus follows Dionysius the Areopagite in holding that God ‘precontains’ the knowledge of all things as their cause. He develops this idea by interpreting divine foreknowledge as a consequence of God’s knowledge of the divine logoi, the... more
"The revision of the boundary concepts symbol and image in the philosophy of Maximus the Confessor in respect to the works of Pseudo-Dionysius -------------------------------------------- I would like to show with the help of the... more
Maximus the Confessor’s «unforgettable knowledge» (ἄληστος γνῶσις) in Mystagogiа V This article investigates the practical (Part I) and theological (Part II) sense of Maximus the Confessor’s term «unforgettable knowledge» (ἄληστος... more
Summary: In the following article the author discusses the question of apocatastasis in the light of Christian ontology. The author examines the possibilities of the theological solution for the questions of apocatastasis which could be... more
A book review on eschatological theology
The first complete English translation of the Responses to Thalassios, including the 465 scholia; it is scheduled to appear in March of 2018.
The mystery of the incarnation of the Logos holds the power of all the hidden meanings (logoi) and fibres of ^ripture as well as the knowledge of visible and intelligible creatures. Whoever knows the mystery of the cross and the tomb... more
[ Uncorrected proofs ] Christianity has emerged in history as a community of learners, disciples of a Teacher, Jesus Christ, and his successors, the apostles. More a philosophical school than a religious movement, from the outset... more
Sf=ntul Maxim M\rturisitorul (580-662) este unul din cei mai importan]i teologi bizantini. Teologia sa reprezint\ un pisc al g=ndirii universale, un moment de sintez\ original\, un punct de plecare pentru tot ce s-a scris dup\ el. R\m=ne... more
This is a short review/presentation of a new, two-volume anthology of the writings of St Maximos the Confessor.
STUDIA TRADITIONIS THEOLOGIAE, Explorations in Early and Medieval Theology, 28
Torstein T. Tollefsen, The Christocentric Cosmology of St Maximus the Confessor, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2008, x-243 pp.
This essay considers distinct ways of understanding these complexities, specifically by reference to the anthropological and metaphysical thought of St. Maximus the Confessor. Maximus’ understanding of human knowledge and volition and... more
A theological assessment of the recent turn to Chalcedon and the non-competitive relationship between Christ's divinity and humanity. In response to Rowan Williams' Christ the Heart of Creation and Ian McFarland's The Word Made Flesh, the... more
Máximo el Confesor ha vivido durante los años en los que ha estallado la polémica monotelita y ha participado activamente en ella. En el artículo se estudia hasta qué punto esa crisis ha posibilitado una comprensión más profunda de la... more