Papers, books and other texts by Vinni Lucherini
International Congress
organized by Vinni Lucherini and Stefano D’Ovidio
Naples, 20-21 November 2023
Luigi il Grande, 2022
Il titolo di quest'articolo costituisce evidentemente una sorta di sfida intellettuale, dal momen... more Il titolo di quest'articolo costituisce evidentemente una sorta di sfida intellettuale, dal momento che non si è tramandata, neanche in forma indiretta, alcuna fonte testuale che possa consentire di ricostruire l'entità e la natura dei libri che
RJBH, 2019
The tomb of Queen Mary of Hungary (d. 1323), executed around 1325–1326 by
the Sienese sculptor T... more The tomb of Queen Mary of Hungary (d. 1323), executed around 1325–1326 by
the Sienese sculptor Tino di Camaino for the church of Donnaregina in Naples,
is one of the most famous sepulchral monuments of medieval Europe. The imagery of the sarcophagus was conceived to give special emphasis to the fruitfulness of the queen, mother of many children, the first of whom (Carlo Martello)
inherited from her the crown of the Kingdom of Hungary, while the second
(Louis of Toulouse) was sainted in 1317 and the third (Robert of Anjou) was
consecrated king of Naples in 1309. The frontal epigraph of the funerary monument was in turn intended to emphasize Mary’s existence as the daughter of a
king (Stephen V of Hungary), wife of a king (Charles II of Anjou) and mother of
a king (Robert). In the years following the Treaty of Trianon (signed in Paris in
1920), when works of art assumed the function of privileged vectors of policies
aimed at designating and redesigning the contours of nations, the Neapolitan
tomb of the Hungarian queen became one of the cultural tools used to strengthen relations between Mussolini’s Italy and Admiral Horthy’s Hungary. The recognition of Queen Mary’s remains (which took place on 22 December 1933),
together with the consequent rearrangement of the tomb in the medieval church
of Donnaregina, recently restored to its ancient splendor by Gino Chierici, provided the opportunity to publicly stage, in carefully conceived ceremonies, the
historical premises of the political relations between the two nations. Through
the original archival documentation, the article reconstructs the diplomatic implications of the restoration of the monument and the role of eminent Hungarian cultural figures such as Albert Berzeviczy, the illustrious founding scholar of
the journal Corvina, in this process
colloque Aix-en-Provence, 2022
Le livre enluminé médiéval instrument politique sous la direction de Vinni Lucherini et Cécile Vo... more Le livre enluminé médiéval instrument politique sous la direction de Vinni Lucherini et Cécile Voyer
Cet ouvrage réunit quatorze essais sur l'utilisation des livres enluminés médiévaux dans le cadre d'actions, de comportements et de relations politiques au sein des sociétés européennes, entendant ici par "politique" l'exercice du pouvoir à travers ses multiples manifestations. En analysant les liens entre le livre enluminé et le fait politique, les auteurs ont étudié les raisons des commanditaires et des concepteurs des manuscrits dans leurs contextes historiques et sociaux de réalisation, la vie des livres comme objets dotés d'une valeur à la fois économique et symbolique, leur utilisation comme moyen de communication ainsi que leur postérité.
IV ème table ronde internationale INSTITUTIONS, LIEUX ET RITUALITES DE LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE À L'EP... more IV ème table ronde internationale INSTITUTIONS, LIEUX ET RITUALITES DE LA FIN DU MOYEN ÂGE À L'EPOQUE MODERNE 22 JUIN 2021 Matinée 9.30 Guillaume Cuchet (UPEC), Nicolas Laubry (École française de Rome), Michel Lauwers (Université Côte d'Azur)
Reliquie in processione, 2019
Immagini medievali di culto dopo il Medioevo, 2018
Hortus artium medievalium, 2019
Il monachesimo femminile in Italia nei secoli VIII-XI: famiglia, potere, memoria a cura di Veronica West-Harling, 2019
Papers, books and other texts by Vinni Lucherini
International Congress
organized by Vinni Lucherini and Stefano D’Ovidio
Naples, 20-21 November 2023
the Sienese sculptor Tino di Camaino for the church of Donnaregina in Naples,
is one of the most famous sepulchral monuments of medieval Europe. The imagery of the sarcophagus was conceived to give special emphasis to the fruitfulness of the queen, mother of many children, the first of whom (Carlo Martello)
inherited from her the crown of the Kingdom of Hungary, while the second
(Louis of Toulouse) was sainted in 1317 and the third (Robert of Anjou) was
consecrated king of Naples in 1309. The frontal epigraph of the funerary monument was in turn intended to emphasize Mary’s existence as the daughter of a
king (Stephen V of Hungary), wife of a king (Charles II of Anjou) and mother of
a king (Robert). In the years following the Treaty of Trianon (signed in Paris in
1920), when works of art assumed the function of privileged vectors of policies
aimed at designating and redesigning the contours of nations, the Neapolitan
tomb of the Hungarian queen became one of the cultural tools used to strengthen relations between Mussolini’s Italy and Admiral Horthy’s Hungary. The recognition of Queen Mary’s remains (which took place on 22 December 1933),
together with the consequent rearrangement of the tomb in the medieval church
of Donnaregina, recently restored to its ancient splendor by Gino Chierici, provided the opportunity to publicly stage, in carefully conceived ceremonies, the
historical premises of the political relations between the two nations. Through
the original archival documentation, the article reconstructs the diplomatic implications of the restoration of the monument and the role of eminent Hungarian cultural figures such as Albert Berzeviczy, the illustrious founding scholar of
the journal Corvina, in this process
Cet ouvrage réunit quatorze essais sur l'utilisation des livres enluminés médiévaux dans le cadre d'actions, de comportements et de relations politiques au sein des sociétés européennes, entendant ici par "politique" l'exercice du pouvoir à travers ses multiples manifestations. En analysant les liens entre le livre enluminé et le fait politique, les auteurs ont étudié les raisons des commanditaires et des concepteurs des manuscrits dans leurs contextes historiques et sociaux de réalisation, la vie des livres comme objets dotés d'une valeur à la fois économique et symbolique, leur utilisation comme moyen de communication ainsi que leur postérité.
International Congress
organized by Vinni Lucherini and Stefano D’Ovidio
Naples, 20-21 November 2023
the Sienese sculptor Tino di Camaino for the church of Donnaregina in Naples,
is one of the most famous sepulchral monuments of medieval Europe. The imagery of the sarcophagus was conceived to give special emphasis to the fruitfulness of the queen, mother of many children, the first of whom (Carlo Martello)
inherited from her the crown of the Kingdom of Hungary, while the second
(Louis of Toulouse) was sainted in 1317 and the third (Robert of Anjou) was
consecrated king of Naples in 1309. The frontal epigraph of the funerary monument was in turn intended to emphasize Mary’s existence as the daughter of a
king (Stephen V of Hungary), wife of a king (Charles II of Anjou) and mother of
a king (Robert). In the years following the Treaty of Trianon (signed in Paris in
1920), when works of art assumed the function of privileged vectors of policies
aimed at designating and redesigning the contours of nations, the Neapolitan
tomb of the Hungarian queen became one of the cultural tools used to strengthen relations between Mussolini’s Italy and Admiral Horthy’s Hungary. The recognition of Queen Mary’s remains (which took place on 22 December 1933),
together with the consequent rearrangement of the tomb in the medieval church
of Donnaregina, recently restored to its ancient splendor by Gino Chierici, provided the opportunity to publicly stage, in carefully conceived ceremonies, the
historical premises of the political relations between the two nations. Through
the original archival documentation, the article reconstructs the diplomatic implications of the restoration of the monument and the role of eminent Hungarian cultural figures such as Albert Berzeviczy, the illustrious founding scholar of
the journal Corvina, in this process
Cet ouvrage réunit quatorze essais sur l'utilisation des livres enluminés médiévaux dans le cadre d'actions, de comportements et de relations politiques au sein des sociétés européennes, entendant ici par "politique" l'exercice du pouvoir à travers ses multiples manifestations. En analysant les liens entre le livre enluminé et le fait politique, les auteurs ont étudié les raisons des commanditaires et des concepteurs des manuscrits dans leurs contextes historiques et sociaux de réalisation, la vie des livres comme objets dotés d'une valeur à la fois économique et symbolique, leur utilisation comme moyen de communication ainsi que leur postérité.
Napoli, S. Chiara, 12 dicembre 2017, ore 14.45
Contributors: X. Barral i Altet, P. Biczó, A. Boreczky, G. Endrődi, P. Farbaky, I. Feld, I. Gerát, K. Havasi, Zs. Jékely, G. Klaniczay, P. Lővei, V. Lucherini, E. Marosi, Á. Mikó, A. Molnár, G. Gy. Papp, Sz. Papp, Gy. Poszler, E. Sarkadi Nagy, B. Zs. Szakács, K. Szende, K. Szovák, I. Takács, E. Wetter, Á. Ziegler-Bálint.
Il progetto mira a far entrare gli studenti nella "bottega dell'agiografo", per conoscere e familiarizzare con gli strumenti e i metodi di lavoro, ed imparare ad usarli nello studio delle fonti. I seminari si configurano come un corso specialistico di introduzione alla letteratura agiografica, attraverso insegnamenti pratici che offrono metodi di studio e non solo contenuti, strumenti di lavoro insieme a nozioni teoriche.
Il calendario prevede un seminario al mese, da ottobre a maggio, dalle 16:00 alle 18:30. Gli iscritti utilizzeranno la piattaforma per l'insegnamento a distanza messa a disposizione dalla Pontificia Università Antonianum.
Requisiti minimi di ammissione: possesso di laurea magistrale in discipline umanistiche o di licenza ottenuta presso facoltà ecclesiastiche; iscrizione ai corsi per il conseguimento dei suddetti titoli di studio.
Iscrizioni: dal 14 settembre al 16 ottobre 2020.
Il costo per l'iscrizione è di € 200,00. A coloro che avranno frequentato tutti gli otto seminari e consegnato un elaborato finale di almeno cinque cartelle, la Segreteria dell'Università rilascerà un attestato di partecipazione - 3 ECTS.
The conference is organized by dr. Maddalena Vaccaro (DISPAC – Università degli Studi di Salerno) and dr. Gionata Brusa (Universität Würzburg).
Please write to in order to get the meeting link.
Après avoir étudié respectivement les relations entre souverain et Église (Rome, 2017), les stratégies et rythmes de l’impérialité (Oxford, 2018), les langues des pseudo-empires (Madrid, 2018), et l’eschatologie impériale du souverain (Paris, 2019), le programme s’achève, en juin 2021, avec ce colloque sur « La gloire impériale du souverain ». Parce qu’elle touche à la manifestation de la Majestas, la gloire du souverain mobilise toute une économie spectaculaire propre à mettre en œuvre les éléments d’une culture impériale largement partagée, confondant l’expression légitime de la publicité de l’empereur avec les appropriations par des princes et des rois du large spectre de l’impérialité. Si la Majesté n’est véritablement saisie, juridiquement, qu’à travers les gestes qui la blessent, il appartient au monde des phénomènes d’en faire connaître la grandeur et la dignité par le déploiement de ces fastes ou par la mobilisation d’une esthétique particulière. Le spectacle de la gloire et toute l’encomiastique impériale concourent en effet à rendre plus perméables les différentes strates de la publicité impériale en donnant à voir, à ressentir, à entendre et à connaître l’expression d’une suprématie apte à se parer dès lors de l’ample costume de l’impérialité. Car comme le dit Robert Hariman, « le pouvoir est une question de style » qui met en jeu une rhétorique du spectaculaire et manifeste la gloire souveraine et l’empire du prince dans toute son épiphanie.