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Antonis Liakos
  • Department of History
    Filosofiki Building
    University of Athens Campus
    15784 Athens
    Office 616
  • On the work of Antonis Liakos see his personal webpage http://antonisliakos.gr/articles/ Liakos is professor of c... moreedit
Questo libro racconta la storia dei rapporti tra la Grecia e l' Italia intorno alla metà del secolo scorso, nel periodo della loro formazione come stati nazionali. Il processo che in Italia assunse il nome di Risorgimento, in Grecia si... more
Questo libro racconta la storia dei rapporti tra la Grecia e l' Italia intorno alla metà del secolo scorso, nel periodo della loro formazione come stati nazionali. Il processo che in Italia assunse il nome di Risorgimento, in Grecia si chiamò Grande Idea.

Gli storici degli anni successivi attribuirono ai due termini durata e valenze assai diverse; tuttavia ѐ significativo che essi furono coniati, adottati e divulgati dai contemporanei per collegare tra di loro, nello spazio e nel tempo, una serie di idee, delle due vicine penisole a prender coscienza della propria identità nazionale e a transformarli in strumenti di autodeterminazione e unificazione della nazione.

Nella tradizione storiografica occidentale esiste un forte contrasto tra l' abituale accostamento di Grecia e Italia nell' età classica e l' attenzione privilegiata al processo di unificazione italiana rispetto all' oblio quasi totale nel quale viene relegata la storia della Grecia moderna. La diversa percezioni dei due paesi e dei loro movimenti nazionali attraversano come un Leitmotiv tutta la ricerca di Antonis Liakos.

Questo ѐ un libro importante, e non solo per un pubblico italiano, per più ragioni. Basandosi su una conoscenza approfondita delle fonti e della storiografia italiane e greche, esso ricostruisce le attività dei protagonisti dei movimenti nazionali dei due paesi e le loro relazioni e interconnessioni in un momento di importanza centrali - gli anni cruciali 1859-1871.

Liakos dipana con maestria le sovrapposizioni e le interferenze tra le molte iniziative, sia rivoluzionarie sia diplomatiche. Dal suo libro emerge con grande chiarezza l' estrema fluidità della politica di quegli anni (...). Le sue osservazioni sulle differenze tra i movimenti nazionali nei due paesi sono molto acute.

La letture dello studio, bello e inconsueto, di Antonis Liakos, suggerisce una quantità di riflessioni, a livello comparativo, sulla natura e sulle ambiguità dei movimenti nazionali. La sua pubblicazione in italiano aiuterà a stimolare il ripensamento, già in atto, del processo risorgimentale (Stuart Woolf).
Research Interests:
... To this must be added the impact of the pre???war dictatorial regime of the 4th of August of Ioannis Metaxas (1936 ... influence the construction of the national identity, resolutely excluding and silencing any dialog with the broad... more
... To this must be added the impact of the pre???war dictatorial regime of the 4th of August of Ioannis Metaxas (1936 ... influence the construction of the national identity, resolutely excluding and silencing any dialog with the broad progressive intelligentsia (Lampiri???Dimaki 200327. ...
The twentieth century has been described as a dark century of wars, holocausts, death and pain. This is true, but it is only a partial image of the century. This article discusses five major challenges and their relations to... more
The twentieth century has been described as a dark century of wars, holocausts, death and pain. This is true, but it is only a partial image of the century. This article discusses five major challenges and their relations to historiography: a) the disintegration of empires, decolonisation and the rise of new nations; b) the impact of world wars (genocides, revolutions, totalitarian regimes); c) the boom in technoscience and the digital era; d) the ascent of rights, the transformation of gender relations and mass literacy; and e) globalisation. These changes were experienced by three generations of historians. The first generation appeared before the First World War, the second from 1918 to 1970 and the third from 1970. The question we pose is: has the history of historiography responded to these challenges or does it also have its internal logic? And how has it responded?
This paper invokes cognitive developmental theory as a means for preparing citizens to deal with and resolve conflicts within or across nations. We take the centuries-old Greek–Turkish dispute as an example. We first outline a theory of... more
This paper invokes cognitive developmental theory as a means for preparing citizens to deal with and resolve conflicts within or across nations. We take the centuries-old Greek–Turkish dispute as an example. We first outline a theory of intellectual development postulating that mental changes emerge in response to changing developmental priorities in successive life periods, namely, interaction control in infancy, attention control and representational awareness in preschool, inferential control and cognitive management in primary school, and advanced forms of reasoning and self-evaluation in adolescence. Based on this model, we outline a control theory of wisdom postulating that different aspects of wisdom emerge during development as different levels of control of relations with others: trust and care for others in infancy, taking the other’s perspective, reflectivity, and empathy in preschool, rationality and understanding the rules underlying individual and group interactions in...
Αναπαραστάσεις του φύλου στη Χάρτα του Ρήγα,
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Rappresentazioni del sesso e del potere nell’opera di Riga Fereos
Research Interests:
This article traces the construction of the dominant, promemorandum discourse that has been propagated by the political establishment and mainstream media in Greece interpreting the current crisis as a crisis of the national identity:... more
This article traces the construction of the dominant, promemorandum discourse that has been propagated by the political establishment and mainstream media in Greece interpreting the current crisis as a crisis of the national identity: Greece failed to reform where necessary due to the domination of the traditional political culture that is to be blamed for the failed transition since 1974 to postwar European modernity. This narrative is examined within broader narratives and discourses that have attempted in different periods to conceptualise and prescribe the transition to modernity followed not only by Greece, but by other societies the world over. This brief study enables us to think of this exceptional "failed transition" as a not so exceptional or failed transition, while at the same time to observe how societies in crisis turn to history so as to make sense of their present.
Research Interests:
Antonis Liakos
Constituting the Modern World as the Future of Greek Antiquity 329
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Ta Istorika, 2014,2
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Ta Istorika, 2014,2
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Research Interests:
The paper presents issues about the question related to the European identity. The paper contents" Comtemporary Intellectual and Writers on a Multicultural European Identity";" Konjunkturen und Konkurrenzen Kollektiver... more
The paper presents issues about the question related to the European identity. The paper contents" Comtemporary Intellectual and Writers on a Multicultural European Identity";" Konjunkturen und Konkurrenzen Kollektiver Identitat. Ideologie, infrastruktur und ...
The first text is an extract from Fragkiskos Pylarinos's 1833 obituary to Adamantios Korais, who died three years after the independence of Greece. Korais was the leading national intellectual in the pre-independence period. He lived... more
The first text is an extract from Fragkiskos Pylarinos's 1833 obituary to Adamantios Korais, who died three years after the independence of Greece. Korais was the leading national intellectual in the pre-independence period. He lived in Paris, and through his books, ...
Presentazione: What is historical critique about?-The question that has motivated this paper is how historians conceive and enact their role in history-making today. May they continue to claim the guardianship of memory? Can they continue... more
Presentazione: What is historical critique about?-The question that has motivated this paper is how historians conceive and enact their role in history-making today. May they continue to claim the guardianship of memory? Can they continue to guarantee historical truth? Are ...

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