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Teaching Vocabulary by Using Pave Strategy to the Third Grade Students of SDN 182 Palembang


The objective of this study is to find out whether there is a significant difference on students’ achievement taught by using PAVE strategy and who were not. The writer use one of the quasi experimental designs, that is pretest posttest nonequivalent control group design to conduct this research. The population was all the third grade students of SD Negeri 182 Palembang in academic year 2012/2013 with total number 100 students. The sample of the study was 60 students taken by using convenience method. The writer used a test to collect the data. The writer used independent sample t-test to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that there was a significant difference on students’ vocabulary achievement taught PAVE strategy and those who were not. The value of t-obtained was 3.714. At a significant level 0.05 for the two tailed testing with degree of freedom (df) 58 the table was 2.021, t-test   showed that t-obtained higher than t-table as a critical value, the null hypothe...

View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by e-Journal Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah (UIN Raden Fatah Palembang) TEACHING VOCABULARY BY USING PAVE STRATEGY TO THE THIRD GRADE STUDENTS OF SDN 182 PALEMBANG ENDANG SUSILO UIN Raden Fatah Palembang Abstract: The objective of this study is to find out whether there is a significant difference on students’ achievement taught by using PAVE strategy and who were not. The writer use one of the quasi experimental designs, that is pretest posttest nonequivalent control group design to conduct this research. The population was all the third grade students of SD Negeri 182 Palembang in academic year 2012/2013 with total number 100 students. The sample of the study was 60 students taken by using convenience method. The writer used a test to collect the data. The writer used independent sample t-test to analyze the data. The result of the study showed that there was a significant difference on students’ vocabulary achievement taught PAVE strategy and those who were not. The value of t-obtained was 3.714. At a significant level 0.05 for the two tailed testing with degree of freedom (df) 58 the table was 2.021, t-test showed that t-obtained higher than t-table as a critical value, the null hypothesis (Ho) in posttest was rejected and the research hypothesis (Ha) in pretest group was accepted. It means that there was significant difference posttest on students’ vocabulary achievement taught PAVE strategy of SD Negeri 182 Palembang. This research might be useful for teachers because it can help students, remember new words and it is more stimulating in teaching and larning process. Keywords : Teaching Vocabulary, PAVE Strategy Introduction Language is important in human life. It is used as a communication tool to communicate one to another. It is in line with Petty and Jensen (1980:4) who say that language is one of the most important things in communication and its used as a tool of communication among notion in all over the world. Language is one of a tool communication with each other that always used by human every day. Therefore without language there will not be communication among human life. 173 One of languages that human use for communication is English. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language. People do not used it as lingua franca or the means of communication in that formal situations such as educational activity, govermental activity and law (Supriyanti, et.al. 2008:3). In addition, Supriyanti, et,al. 2008:3 stated that, the people who learn English as foreign language (EFL) have different purposes: passing the examination, carrer development, persuing their education, etc. In most countries English as foreingn language is part of educational curriculum, particulary in state school, especially in Indonesia. In learning English there are four skills which must be mastered by the students such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. According Sanggam (2008:3) there are various skills in mastering of language: productive skill, speaking (it is the skill of speaker to communicate information to listener) and writing (it is skill of writer to communicate the information to reader or group of readers), a receptive skill, listening (it is the skill of listeners or group of istener interpret the information tranfered by speaker), and reading (it is the skill of reader or a group to interperet information transfered by a writer), productive skills means uderstand the spoken language and respective skill means understand the written language. Besides, there are four aspect of language that must be learned. They are vocabulary intonation,spelling, and pronunciation. Vocabulary is one of aspect of language which is important to learn. By having a good vocabulary, it is possible for students to use the language for communication. According to Richards (2002:255), vocabulary is a core component of language profiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. On the other hand, without vocabulary, the students will have touble to speak, write the correct spelling and answer some question in spoken and written form. Based on the writer experience (PPLK II) on teaching learning process and observation in English teacher, the writer found a problem in vocabulary that pace by 174 students of SDN 182 Palembang. The problem was the students have difficulty in remembering the words. In teaching vocabulary to solve the problem, the writer used PAVE strategy. According to paul et.al (2009:5) this strategy is a good way to help the students remembering the meaning of a new word. PAVE stands of Predict, Associate, Verify and Evaluate. Some English teachers have used this vocabulary strategy for helping the students to be more motivated in learning. Based on the explanations above, the writer is interested to conduct the research in the title “Teaching vocabulary by Using PAVE Strategy to the Third Grade Students of SD Negeri 182 Palembang” to find whether there is any significant difference or not on the students’ vocabulary achievement taught by using PAVE strategy and who are not taught by using PAVE strategy. Concept of Teaching Teaching are all the activities of providing education to other. The activities can be in the forms interaction between teacher and students, process in giving knowledge or skills to students, and behavior. Such as, teaching and learning process in the class. According to Brown (2007:8), teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving interaction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Moore (2005:4) adds that, teaching is as someone actions to assist others to reach their fullest potential in all aspect of development. Meanwhile, Saleh (1997:16) stated that teaching is a profession conducted by using a combination of art, science, and skill. From the previous explanation, it can be concluded that teaching is process where a teacher gives knowledge and assists students to get knowledge. Teacher guides and facilitates students in learning process. 175 Concept of Vocabulary Vacobulary is a basic lesson in teaching learning process and to communicate with other people, as Nunan (2006:121) said that vocabulary is the collection of words that an individual know which help easily to remember of the words in communication with other people. According to Linse, (2005:121) vocabulary is as defined as the collection of words that individuals knows. From the explanations, the writer assumed that vacabulary is any kinds of words that is used for communication. If someone has learn of vocabulary, people will have limited to communicate to other people. Importance of Vocabulary The importance of learning vocabulary is stated by Ricards and Willy (2002: 255), vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learner speak, listen, read and write. In addition, Arista (2010: 7) said that vocabulary also very important for students, because it is a vital part of communication when someone want to talk something. Students have to know many kinds of vocabulary and then form it to become a sentence or sentences. Or use vocabulary to say the words. Based on the explanations it can be assumed that vocabulary is very important for students, because vocabulary is central part of the where language the student cannot communicate effectively or express his ideas or both oral and written form without having enough vocabulary. Besides, vocabulary is one of the language components which can make the students understand English easier. Concept of PAVE There are many interesting strategy that can be used in teaching vocabulary. One of them is PAVE strategy. According to Diamond (2006: 99) PAVE is a strategy 176 for taching vocabulary and PAVE helps the students remember the meaning of words by associating the word with a visual image. PAVE stands for the four parts of the procedure: Prediction, Association, Verification, and Evaluation. In prediction part, students should predict the meaning of the word based on the context clues. Association means to associate the words with a mental language. Next, in verificiation, verify the words meaning by consulting to dictionary. Finnaly, in evaluation part, the students evaluate the prediction they made. While this procedure seems time-consuming. According to Diamond students report that PAVE has helped them remember the words better. In edition Bannon et.al (1990) as cited in (Greenwood 2010: 224) add PAVE strategy is great way to use dictionaries properly, that is actively and colaboratively. Procedure of Teaching PAVE According to (Miami, 2000: 31) procedures of PAVE strategies are: 1. The teacher Introduce the P.A.V.E. procedure with a fairly easy word and then have students practice with more difficult words. 2. The students write the sentence or context in which a new word appears. 3. The students write the word again and predict a meaning from the context. 4. The students check the word’s definition in a dictionary and write the definition. 5. The students draw an image to help remember the meaning by creating an associative link. For example, a student might draw a mouse eating cheese. 6. The students have each complete one word individually and share with the class. 7. The students complete a few more words individually or in small groups until the procedure is internalized. 177 Research Design The design of this experimental method is quasi experiment. According to (Sugiono 2012:77), quasi-experimental design is conducted because of the impossibility or difficulty of conducting true experimental design. This design has control group, although it cannot compeletly control all outer variables that can influence the experiment. The method used in this research is pretest-posttest nonequivalent group design. One of the most commonly used quasi-exprerimental design. One of the most commonly used quasi-experimental design in educational research can be represented as Cohen (2007:283), the formula as follows: O1 O3 X O2 O4 Where: O1,3 : pretest of the experimental and control group O2,4 : posttest experimental and control group X : treatment of experimental group Population and Sample According to Fraenkel & Wallen (1990: 67), a population is the group to which the results of the study are intended to apply. The total number of students are 100 students consisting of three class. In this study, convenience sampling technique is used. The writer takes two classes of third grade students of SDN 1821 Palembang that has been chosen by teacher of English. The total numbers of the students as the sample coming from three classes. The writer decided III.A and III.C as the sample 178 because the principal asked the writer to help the teacher of English compare both of them. Validity Test According to Fraenkel and Wallen (1990: 127), validity is the most important idea to consider when preparing or selecting an instrument for use. In addition Holandyah (2013: 63) states that validity test is done to know whether the instruments which are going to be used for pretest and posttest are valid or not. 1. Construct validity According to Hughes (1989: 26), a test, part of a test or a testing techenique is said to have construct validity if it can be demonstrated that it measures just the ability which it is supposed to measure. After constructing the instrruments related to some aspects measured, then it is consulted to achieve some judgements from at least three validators to evaluate whether the components of the instrument are valid or not to be applied for students’ pretest and posttest activities Sugiyono (2010: 177) as cited in Holandyah (2013: 36) There were three validators to validate her research instrument. The three validators were Manalullaili, Ed as the first validator, Amalia Hasanah M. Pd as the second validator, and M. Holandyah M. Pd as the third validator. The components of the construct validity were format, illustration, language, and content of the instrument. The result of that given to three validators showed that the instrument of vocabulary test had construct validity. The result showed that the instrument of vocabulary test can be used without revised. It means that the insturment of vocabulary test was very good to be tested to the students. 2. Content Validity 179 According to Hughes (1989: 22), a test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample of the language skills, structures, etc. which it is meant to be concerned. A content validity is very important since it is an accurate measure of what it is supposed to measure. In order to judge whether or not a test has content validity, a specification of the skills or structures should be made based on the curriculum and syllabus. Then, the result analysis in constructing the content validity is presented in the specification table including: Objectives of the test, text material, indicator, number of items, total of the question, types of test, and answer key. Reliability Test Holandyah (2013:66) states that reliability measure whether research instruments used for pretest and posttest activity is reliable or not. Reliability is the consistency with which a measurement device gives the same results when the measurement is repeated (Moore 2005: 172). In this study, the writer did a try out test twice with the same questions at different times to the third grade students of SD Negeri 183 Palembang. There were 40 question items as the instrument. The first, the try out was carried out on Wednesday, 2nd of July 2013 at 13.00-13.30 a.m. The instruments of the test are given to 30 students of the third grade students. The second, the try out was carried out on Thursday, 25nd of July 2013 at 08.20-09.40 a.m. The instruments of the test were given to 30 students of the third grade students. Normality Test The writer used one-sample kolmornov-smirnov test to analyze the normality. The result shows that in the pretest control group was 1.211 and pretest experimental group was 0.931. Then, in posttest control was 1.065 and posttest experimental was 180 1.081. It can be concluded that the data were considered normal since they are higher than 0.05. Homogeneity Test For analyzing the homogeneity, the writer used Levene Statistic. The result shows that the pretest score was 0.602 and posttest score was 0.988. Since the score was higher than 0.05 it can be concluded that the data was homogeneous. Hypothesis Testing A significant difference is found from testing students’ pretest to posttest scores in experimental group using independent sample t-test. A significant difference is found whenever the p-output was lower than a significant difference at 0.05 level. The result analysis measuring using independent sample t-test, it was found that tvalue for the test was 3.714 with of 58 degrees of freedom. Meanwhile that t-table was t58 (2.021). significant (2 tailed) it and those who were taught using teacher’s strategy. It also can be seen from the sig.(2-tail) 0.000 which was lower than 0.05. So, it is concluded that the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected, and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Conclusion Based on the findings and interpretation in the previous chapter, the writer can draw a conclusion. There was a significant difference on the students’ vocabulary achievement by using the PAVE strategy than those who are taught by using strategy that usually used by the teacher at SD Negeri 182 Palembang. When the students learned the vocabulary by using the PAVE strategy they can understand and remember the meaning of words to be easier. The students got higher score after they are taught by using the PAVE strategy. 181 In analyzing by using independent sample t-test, there was significant difference found on the students vocabulary achievement taught by using PAVE strategy and who were not taught by using teacher strategy. The result of posttest experimental group was higher score than control, it could be stated that teaching vocabulary by using Pave is more suitable to be applied at SDN 182 Palembang, because it can help students’ remember new words, and it is more stimulating in teaching and learning process. REFERENCES Arikunto, S. (2006). 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