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Complete bibliography: articles, abstracts, books, miscellaneous items, and reviews

103116 OCTOBER 2016 PUBLICATIONS OF JOHN CORCORAN PDF indicates PDF available from John Corcoran. MR: reviewed in Mathematical Reviews. J: available at JSTOR. RG: Researchgate. PP: Philpapers. AC: Academia.edu. G: available at Google by entering John Corcoran plus the complete title. FB: mentioned on Facebook Internet http://philpapers.org/s/john%20corcoran https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John_Corcoran2/ http://buffalo.academia.edu/JohnCorcoran CONTENTS: Articles, Abstracts, Books, Miscellaneous, Reviews I. Articles. 1. 2. 1969. Three Logical Theories, Philosophy of Science 36, 153–77. J PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/9855795/Three_logical_theories 1969. Logical Consequence in Modal Logic: Natural Deduction in S5 (Co-author: George Weaver), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10, 370–84. MR0249278 (40 #2524). G PDF RG AC PP https://www.academia.edu/8842264/LOGICAL_CONSEQUENCE_IN_MODAL_LOGIC_NAT URAL_DEDUCTION_IN_S5_by_JOHN_CORCORAN_and_GEORGE_WEAVER 3. 4. 5. 1971. Discourse Grammars and the Structure of Mathematical Reasoning I: Mathematical Reasoning and Stratification of Language, Journal of Structural Learning 3, #1, 55–74. PDF RG AC PP https://www.academia.edu/19842045/Discourse_Grammars_and_the_Structure_of_Math ematical_Reasoning_I_Mathematical_Reasoning_and_Stratification_of_Language 1971. Discourse Grammars and the Structure of Mathematical Reasoning II: The Nature of a Correct Theory of Proof and Its Value, Journal of Structural Learning 3, #2, 1–16. PDF AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/20947028/Discourse_Grammars_and_the_Structure_of_Math ematical_Reasoning_II_The_Nature_of_a_Correct_Theory_of_Proof_and_Its_Value 1971. Discourse Grammars and the Structure of Mathematical Reasoning III: Two Theories of Proof, Journal of Structural Learning 3, #3, 1–24. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/21589676/Part_III_of_Discourse_grammars_Two_Theories_of_Proof_ 6. 1971. Notes on a Semantic Analysis of Variable Binding Term Operators (Co-author John Herring), Logique et Analyse 55, 646–57. MR0307874 (46 #6989). RG AC 1 7. 8. 9. https://www.academia.edu/19988287/Notes_on_a_Semantic_Analysis_of_Variable_Bind ing_Term_Operators 1972. Variable Binding Term Operators, (Co-authors Wm. Hatcher, John Herring) Zeitschrift f"ur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 18, 177–82. MR0305970 (46 #5098) Reprint 2006. Mathematical Logic Quarterly.18: 177–182. PDF RG AC https://www.academia.edu/20042305/1972._Variable_Binding_Term_Operators_Coauthors_Wm._Hatcher_John_Herring_Zeitschrift_f_ur_mathematische_Logik_und_Grun dlagen_der_Mathematik_18_177_82._MR0305970_46_5098_Reprint_2006._Mathemati cal_Logic_Quarterly.18_177_182.R 1972. Conceptual Structure of Classical Logic, Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 33, 25–47. J PDF AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/24482343/Conceptual_Structure_of_Classical_Logic 1974. Logical Consequence in Modal Logic: Some Semantic Systems for S4, (Co-author George Weaver), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15, 370–78. MR0351765 (50 #4253). G PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/17888019/Logical_consequence_in_modal_logic._II._Some_s emantic_systems_for_rm_S_4_ 10. 1976. Reprint of revised version of 3 in Structural Learning II Issues and Approaches, ed. J. Scandura, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, New York, MR56#15263.PDF AC PP RG 11. 1976. Reprint of revised version of 4 in Structural Learning II Issues and Approaches, ed. J. Scandura, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, New York, MR56#15264. PDF AC PP RG 12. 1976. Reprint of revised version of 5 in Structural Learning II Issues and Approaches, ed. J. Scandura, Gordon & Breach Science Publishers, New York, MR56#15265. PDF AC PP RG 13. 1972. Strange Arguments, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13, 206–210. MR0297513 (45 #6567). PDF 14.J 1973. Discussion: The Switches "Paradox" (Co-author: Susan Wood), Philosophy & Phenomenological Research 34, 102–108. PDF 15. 1972. Harris on the Structures of Language, in Transformationelle Analyse ed. Senta Plötz, Athenäum Verlag, Frankfurt, 275–292. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/8850631/HARRIS_ON_THE_STRUCTURES_OF_LANGU AGE 1972. Revised version of 3 reprinted in Transformationelle Analyse, (ibid.), 459–476. 16. 17. 1972. Completeness of an Ancient Logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic 37, 696–702. MR0317886 (47 #6435). J PDF RG AC PP https://www.academia.edu/9794723/Completeness_of_an_ancient_logic 2 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 1973. A Mathematical Model of Aristotle's Syllogistic, Archiv f"ur Geschichte der Philosophie 55, 191–219. MR0444423 (56 #2776). PDF https://www.academia.edu/27468601/Corcorans_Model_of_Aristotles_Syllogistic 1974. Aristotelian Syllogisms: Valid arguments or true generalized conditionals?, Mind 83, 278–81. MR0532928 (58 #27178) J R AC PP https://www.academia.edu/11591305/Aristotelian_Syllogisms_Valid_arguments_or_true _generalized_conditionals 1973. Gaps between logical theory and mathematical practice, in Methodological Unity of Science, ed. Mario Bunge, Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, 23–50. PDF R AC PP https://www.academia.edu/12337042/Gaps_between_logical_theory_and_mathematical_ practice_in_Methodological_Unity_of_Science_ed._Mario_Bunge_Dordrecht_1973_pp. 23_50 1972. Weak and Strong Completeness in Sentential Logic, Logique et Analyse 59/60, 429–34. MR0337476 (49 #2245) PDF 1973. Meanings of Implication, Diálogos 9, 59–76. MR95c:03019. PDF R AC RG PP http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1078&context=eip https://www.academia.edu/20045248/1973._Meanings_of_Implication_Di%C3%A1logo s_9_59_76._SEARCH_and_COPY_PDF 1974. Aristotle's Natural Deduction System, in Ancient Logic and Its Modern Interpretations, ed. John Corcoran, Reidel, Dordrecht, 85–132. MR0497848 (58 #16077). PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/9965562/Ancient_Logic_and_Its_Modern_Interpretations_ 1974. Remarks on Stoic Deduction, ibid. 169–181. MR0485115 (58 #4970). AC https://www.academia.edu/8842157/REMARKS_ON_STOIC_DEDUCTION_by_JOHN _CORCORAN_1974 1974. Future Research on Ancient Theories of Communication and Reasoning, ibid. 185–187. MR0485116 (58 #4971). https://www.academia.edu/9965562/Ancient_Logic_and_Its_Modern_Interpretations_ 1974. String Theory (Co-authors: William Frank, Michael Maloney), Journal of Symbolic Logic 39: 625–37. MR0398771 (53 #2622). J PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/13846218/String_theory_the_foundation_of_proof_theory_gr ammar_metamathematics_and_word_processing 27. 1975. Aristotle on the Underlying Logics of Sciences, 5th International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, XII 11–12. 28. 1975. An Ancient Generic Theory (Co-author: Lee Mohler), ibid. XII 37–38. 29. 1978. Crossley on Mathematical Logic (essay review, Co-author: Stewart Shapiro), Philosophia 8, 79–94. PDF AC RG https://www.academia.edu/12618307/Corcoran_and_Shapiro_review_What_is_Mathema tical_Logic_updated_PDF 1979. Identity Logics. (Co-author: Steven Ziewacz) Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20, 777–84. MR0545427 (80h: 03017) G RG PP AC https://www.academia.edu/25932020/IDENTITY_LOGICS 30. 3 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 1978. Logical Structures of Ockham's Theory of Supposition (Co-author: J. Swiniarski), Franciscan Studies 38, 161–83. https://www.academia.edu/27567205/CORCORANSWINIARSKI_ON_OCKHAMS_THEORY_OF_SUPPOSITION 1980. Categoricity, History and Philosophy of Logic 1, 187–207. MR82j:03034. PDF AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/19651797/1980._Categoricity_History_and_Philosophy_of_L ogic_1_187_207._MR82j_03034 1980. Boole's Criteria of Validity and Invalidity (Co-author: S. Wood) Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21, 609–39. MR0592521 (81j:03003). G PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/21731828/Booles_Criteria_for_Validity_and_Invalidity 1980. A note concerning definitional equivalence, History and Philosophy of Logic 1 231–34. MR83j:01002. PDF R https://www.academia.edu/13925814/A_note_concerning_definitional_equivalence_not_ ontological_reducibility_ 1981. A note on categoricity and completeness, History and Philosophy of Logic 2, 113– 19. PDF AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/23139778/Corcoran_on_categoricity_and_completeness_ 1982. Reprinting of 19 in A. Menne and N. Offenberger, Zur modernen Deutung der Aristotelischen Logik, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Vol. 1, 98–104 1982. Reprinting of 27 in A. Menne and N. Offenberger, Zur modernen Deutung der Aristotelischen Logik, Georg Olms Verlag, Hildesheim, Vol. 1, 105–110. 1982. Critical Notice: Contemporary Relevance of Ancient Logical Theory (Co-author: M. Scanlan), Philosophical Quarterly 32, 76–86. PDF J RG AC PP https://www.academia.edu/8842326/Contemporary_Relevance_of_Ancient_Logical_The ory_1982_John_Corcoran_and_Michael_Scanlan 1983. Editor's introduction to the revised edition. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics by Alfred Tarski, translated by J. H. Woodger, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, xv–xxvii. MR85e:01065. 1986. Essay Review of Smith 1982. Correspondence without Communication, History and Philosophy of Logic 7, 65–75. https://www.academia.edu/29100753/CORCORAN_DISSECTS_BOOLE_DE_MORGA N_CORRESPONDENCE 1986. Alfred Tarski's "What are Logical Notions?" (Edited and introduced), History and Philosophy of Logic 7, 143–154. MR88b:03010 PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/12410865/Alfred_Tarskis_What_are_Logical_Notions_Edited _and_introduced_by_John_Corcoran_ 1989. Argumentations and Logic, Argumentation 3, 17–43. MR91b:03006 PDF R https://www.academia.edu/14089432/Argumentations_and_Logic 1985. Significados de la Implicación. Agora 5, 279–294. Spanish translation by J. M. Sagüillo of article 22, “Meanings of Implication”. PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/9031005/Meanings_of_implication_Spanish_translation_ 1987. Second-Order Logic. Proceedings of the 1986 Ohio University Inference Conference. Edited by D. Moates and R. Butrick. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Publications. 7–31. 4 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 1988. Estrutura Conceitual Na Logica Classica, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica 9, 77–118. Portuguese translation by Elizabeth T. Gasparim of revised version of article 8 “Conceptual Structure of Classical Logic”. MR90i:03003 1988. Ensayo-Resenas: Introduciendo La Logica Matematica, Mathesis X, 133–150. Spanish translation by A. Garciadiego of revised version of “Crossley on Mathematical Logic”, Philosophia 8 (1978) 79–94. Co-author: S. Shapiro. 1989. The Inseparability of Logic and Ethics, Free Inquiry, Spring, 37–40. AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/9413409/INSEPARABILITY_OF_LOGIC_AND_ETHICS 1989. The Inseparability of Logic and Ethics (enlarged version of article 47). Building a World Community. Ed. P. Kurtz and M. Bunge. Buffalo: Prometheus Press. 177–185. 1989. Reprinting of 46, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica. 10, 31–49. 1992. El Nacimiento de la Lógica (The Birth of Logic), Agora 11/2, 67–78, Spanish translation by C. Martinez-Vidal and J. M. Sagüillo of expanded and revised version of an unpublished English paper distributed to members by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy. PDF AC RG https://www.academia.edu/29034139/CORCORAN_ON_THE_BIRTH_OF_LOGIC_IN _SPANISH_ 1994. The Founding of Logic: Modern Interpretations of Aristotle's Logic. Ancient Philosophy, 14, 9–24. PDF R http://www.pdcnet.org/ancientphil/content/ancientphil_1994_0014_9999_0009_0024 https://www.academia.edu/25035727/The_Founding_of_Logic_Modern_Interpretations_ of_Aristotles_Logic 1992. Unprovability and undefinability. International Colloquium on Kurt Gödel, ed. D. Mieville, Neuchatel, 37–65. MR 94h:03019. 53. 1993. Updated and revised version of "Meanings of Implication", article 22 above, in A Philosophical Companion to First Order Logic, ed. R. Hughes, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis, 85–100. MR95c:03019. PDF 54. 1993. Editor's Introduction to the second edition. Introduction to Logic by M. Cohen and E. Nagel, Hackett Publishing Co., Indianapolis, pages xvii–xlvi. MR94h:03002. 55. 1994. Argumentaciones y lógica, Agora 13/1, 27–55. Translation by R. Fernandez and J. Sagüillo of revised and expanded version of article 42. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/8850139/ARGUMENTATIONS_AND_LOGIC_SPANISH_ TRANSLATION_1994_ 1995. Information recovery problems, Theoria 10, September 55–78. MR1361162 (96h: 03016) PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/15921717/Information_recovery_problems_Theoria_10_1995 _September_55_78 56. http://secure.pdcnet.org/theoria/content/theoria_1995_0010_0003_0055_0078 57. 1995. Semantic Arithmetic: a Preface, Agora 14/1, 149–156. PDF R http://minerva.usc.es/bitstream/10347/1073/1/pg_153-160_agora14-1.pdf http://dspace.usc.es/bitstream/10347/1073/1/pg_153-160_agora14-1.pdf 5 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. https://www.academia.edu/19564839/1995._Semantic_Arithmetic_a_Preface_Agora_14_ 1_149_156._P_R_http_minerva.usc.es_bitstream_10347_1073_1_pg_153-160_agora141.pdf_http_dspace.usc.es_bitstream_10347_1073_1_pg_153-160_agora14-1.pdf 1998. Information-theoretic logic, in Truth in Perspective edited by C. Martínez, U. Rivas, L. Villegas-Forero, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot, England, 113–135. PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/16236004/Information-theoretic_logic 1996. Reprinting of “Categoricity”, article 32, in The Limits of Logic, ed. S. Shapiro, Dartmouth Publishing Company, Aldershot, England, 241–262, MR82j:03034. PDF 1996. Reprinting of Tarski’s “What are Logical Notions?” article 39 above, in The Limits of Logic, edited by S. Shapiro, Dartmouth Publishing Company, Aldershot, England, 143–154, MR88b:03010. PDF 2001. Revised version of “Second-order Logic”, article 42 above, in “Church Memorial Volume”, Logic, Meaning, and Computation: Essays in Memory of Alonzo Church edited by M. Zeleny and C.A. Anderson., Kluwer Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 61–76 MR2067966 (2005a:03021) PDF https://www.academia.edu/11975482/Second-order_logic_explained_in_plain_English_ 1999. Information-theoretic logic and transformation-theoretic logic, in Fragments in Science, edited by M. Ram, World Scientific Publishing Company, River Edge, New Jersey, 25–35. PDF R PP AC https://www.academia.edu/9680551/1999._Informationtheoretic_logic_and_transformationtheoretic_logic_in_Fragments_in_Science_edited_by_M._Ram_World_Scientific_Publis hing_Company_River_Edge_New_Jersey_25_35 1999. Critical thinking and pedagogical license. Manuscrito XXII, 109–116. PDF RG AC PP https://www.academia.edu/9273154/CRITICAL_THINKING_AND_PEDAGOGICAL_ LICENSE 2000. Reprinting of “Boole’s Criteria”, article 33 above, in A Boole Anthology, edited by J. Gasser, Kluwer Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland, 101–128 MR0582835 (81g:03003). PDF 2003. Introduction. George Boole’s The Laws of Thought. Buffalo: Prometheus Books. Reviewed: J. van Evra in Philosophy in Review. 24, (2004) 167–169. MR1994936 (2004i:03001) PDF https://www.academia.edu/29194077/CORCORAN_INTRODUCES_BOOLE_S_LAW S_OF_THOUGHT 2003. Aristotle's Prior Analytics and Boole's Laws of Thought. History and Philosophy of Logic. 24, 261–288. MR2033867 (2004m: 03006). Reviewed by R. Vilkko. The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 11(2005) 89–91. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/8840970/Aristotle_s_Prior_Analytics_and_Boole_s_Laws_of _Thought 2004. Sentential Functions: the Functions of Sentences. Discursos da Investidura de D. John Corcoran y D. James Griffin como Doutores Honoris Causa. Santiago: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 14–20. PDF 2004. Schema. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 28 May, revised 2012. G http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/schema/ 6 69. 70. 2004. The Principle of Wholistic Reference. Manuscrito 27, 159–71. AC PP PDF RG https://www.academia.edu/19577279/_The_Principle_of_Wholistic_Reference_previously _Manuscrito_27_2004_159_71._Cite_as_Manuscrito_30_2007_493_505._P_R 2005. Wholistic Reference, Truth-Values, Universe of Discourse, and Formal Ontology: Tréplica to Oswaldo Chateaubriand. Manuscrito 28, 143–167. PDF RG AC https://www.academia.edu/27533156/CORCORANS_TR%C3%89PLICA_TO_CHATEAUBRIAND_ON_WHOLIST IC_REFERENCE 71. 72. 73. 74. 2006. George Boole. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2nd edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. PDF R AC PP https://www.academia.edu/attachments/37718389/download_file?s=sidebar 2006. History of Logic, Boolean Period. Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2nd edition. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. https://www.academia.edu/29180415/CORCORAN_ON_THE_BOOLEAN_PERIOD 2006. Schemata: the Concept of Schema in the History of Logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 12, 219–40. MR2223922 (2007j:03003). J PDF AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/12691868/SCHEMATA_THE_CONCEPT_OF_SCHEMA_I N_THE_HISTORY_OF_LOGIC 2006. C. I. Lewis: History and Philosophy of Logic. Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society. 42, 1–9. PDF http://muse.jhu.edu/demo/transactions_of_the_charles_s_peirce_society/v042/42.1corcoran.pdf 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. https://www.academia.edu/26417165/CORCORAN_ON_C_I_LEWIS 2007. Notes on the Founding of Logics and Metalogic: Aristotle, Boole, and Tarski. Eds. C. Martínez et al. Current Topics in Logic and Analytic Philosophy / Temas Actuales de Lógica y Filosofía Analítica. Imprenta Univeridade Santiago de Compostela (University of Santiago de Compostela Press). Pp.145–178. Reviewed: Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 14 (2008) 271–2; History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (2009), 397–401; and Mathematical Reviews MR2402502 (2009e:03003). DOI: 10.13140/2.1.2711.3922 PDF AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/9121639/2007._Notes_on_the_Founding_of_Logics_and_Met alogic_Aristotle_Boole_and_Tarski._Eds._C._Mart%C3%ADnez_et_al._Current_Topics _in_Logic_and_Analytic_Philosophy_Temas_Actuales_de_L%C3%B3gica_y_Filosof% C3%ADa_Anal%C3%ADtica._Imprenta_Univeridade_Santiago_de_Compostela 2006e. An Essay on Knowledge and Belief. The International Journal of Decision Ethics. II.2, 125–144. PDF R https://www.academia.edu/29196730/An_Essay_on_Knowledge_and_Belief 2008. Meanings of Form. Manuscrito 31, 223–266. PDF AC RG PP http://philpapers.org/archive/CORMOF.pdf https://www.academia.edu/16354718/Logic_Language_and_Knowledge._Essays_on_Ch ateaubriands_Logical_Forms_MEANINGS_OF_FORM 2009. Aristotle's Demonstrative Logic. History and Philosophy of Logic. 30 (2009) 1– 20. Reviewed MR2488682 (2009m:03003). PDF AC RG PP http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01445340802228362 http://www.academia.edu/8840882/ARISTOTLES_DEMONSTRATIVE_LOGIC 2009. Sentence, Proposition, Judgment, Statement, and Fact: Speaking about the Written English Used in Logic. The Many Sides of Logic. Editors: W. A. Carnielli, M. E. Coniglio, I. M. Loffredo D' Ottaviano. Series "Studies in Logic". London: College Publications. Pp. 71–103. ISBN number: 978-1-904987-78-9. MR2777861 7 80. 81. 82. (2012a:03010) PDF RG AC https://www.academia.edu/8841128/Sentence_Proposition_Judgment_Statement_and_Fa ct_Speaking_about_the_Written_English_Used_in_Logic 2009 reprinting in the Special Thirtieth Anniversary Volume of “The Principle of Wholistic Reference”, previously Manuscrito 27 (2004) 159–71. Cite as Manuscrito 30 (2007) 493–505. PDF RG AC https://www.academia.edu/19577279/_The_Principle_of_Wholistic_Reference_previously _Manuscrito_27_2004_159_71._Cite_as_Manuscrito_30_2007_493_505._P_R 2009. Aristotle’s Logic at the University of Buffalo’s Department of Philosophy. Ideas y Valores: Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 140 (August 2009) 99–117. PDF PP RG http://www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/idval/article/viewFile/12581/13183 http://redalyc.uaemex.mx/redalyc/pdf/809/80911887005.pdf https://www.academia.edu/24886273/Aristotles_Logic_at_UB 2010. Peter Hare on the Proposition. Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society. 46 (2010) 21–34. PDF AC RG PP http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/transactions_of_the_charles_s_peirce_society/toc/csp.46.1.html https://www.academia.edu/19980879/Peter_Hare_on_the_Proposition 83. 84. 2010. Essay-Review of: Striker, G., trans. 2009. Aristotle’s Prior Analytics: Book I. Trans. with Intro. and Comm. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2005. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. PDF AC PP RG http://ndpr.nd.edu/review.cfm?id=18787 https://www.academia.edu/16354708/Review_of_Strikers_2009_Oxford_UP_translation _of_Aristotles_Prior_Analytics_I 2010. Argumentações e Lógica. Portuguese translation by Wagner Campos de Sanz of the 1989 paper “Argumentations and Logic”. O Que Nos Faz Pensar 28 (December 2010) 288–327. https://www.academia.edu/8850478/Argumentations_and_Logic_1989_PORTUGUE SE_TRANSLATION_2012_ 85. 86. 87. 88. 2011. Hare and Others on the Proposition. Principia 15 (2011) 1:51–76. PDF AC RG PP https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/principia/article/view/18081711.2011v15n1p51/20554 https://www.academia.edu/19768492/Hare_and_Others_on_the_Proposition._Principia_1 5_2011_1_51_76 2010? Farsi (Persian) translation by Hasan Masoud of item 42, the 1989 paper “Argumentations and Logic”. Bibliographic information to be determined. PP AC https://www.academia.edu/19091100/Corcoran_J._1989._Argumentations_and_Logic._ Argumentation_3_17-43_Persian_translation_by_Hassan_Masoud 2010 Farsi (Persian) translation by Hasan Masoud of item 47, the 1989 paper “The Inseparability of Logic and Ethics”. Bibliographic information to be determined. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/20273877/Inseparability_of_logic_and_ethics_Persian_transla tion_by_Hasan_Masoud_of_Corcoran_s_1989_paper_The_Inseparability_of_Logic_and _Ethics_ 2010? Farsi (Persian) translation by Hasan Masoud of item 63, the 1999 paper “Critical thinking and pedagogical license”. Bibliographic information to be determined. PDF AC RG PP 8 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. https://www.academia.edu/22185591/CRITICAL_THINKING_AND_PEDAGOGICAL_ LICENSE_IN_PERSIAN_ 2011. The Absence of Multiple Universes of Discourse in the 1936 Tarski ConsequenceDefinition Paper. History and Philosophy of Logic. 32 (2011) 359–374. (Co-author: José Miguel Sagüillo) MR2854390 (2012j:03013) PDF R AC Published online 09 Sep 2011. DOI:10.1080/01445340.2011.577145 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01445340.2011.577145#.UksmOD_-kQs https://www.academia.edu/12490780/The_Absence_of_Multiple_Universes_of_Discours e_in_the_1936_Tarski_ConsequenceDefinition_Paper._History_and_Philosophy_of_Logic._32_2011_359_374._Coauthor_Jos%C3%A9_Miguel_Sag%C3%BCillo_ 2010. Los primeros días de todo curso de Lógica. Ergo. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Veracruzana. 25, 31–45. Spanish translation by Patricia Diaz-Herrera of an unpublished paper “The first days of every logic course”. PDF AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/11118148/Los_primeros_d%C3%ADas_de_todo_curso_de_L %C3%B3gica._The_first_days_of_every_logic_course_ 2014. Existential import today: New metatheorems; historical, philosophical, and pedagogical misconceptions. History and Philosophy of Logic. 36: 39–61. (Co-author: Hassan Masoud) Reviewed: Mathematical Reviews, 3323750, 2016. PDF R AC PP RG Published online 25 Sep 2014. DOI:10.1080/01445340.2014.952947 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01445340.2014.952947 2015. Tarski’s convention T: condition beta. South American Journal of Logic. 1, 3–32. (Co-author Leonardo Weber) PDF RG PP AC https://www.academia.edu/11699692/Tarski_s_convention_T_condition_beta._South_A merican_Journal_of_Logic._1_3_32 2013 A Inseparabilidade entre Lógica e a Ética. Philósophos. 18: 245–259. Portuguese translation by Décio Krause and Pedro Merlussi: The Inseparability of Logic and Ethics, Free Inquiry, Spring 1989, 37–40. AC PP RG FB https://www.academia.edu/21830040/CORCORAN_ON_LOGIC_AND_ETHICS_IN_P ORTUGUESE_A_Inseparabilidade_entre_L%C3%B3gica_e_a_%C3%89tica_1 2015. Investigating knowledge and opinion. The Road to Universal Logic. Vol. I. Arthur Buchsbaum and Arnold Koslow, Editors. Springer. Pp. 95-126. (Co-author Idris Samawi Hamid) PDF R AC PP https://www.academia.edu/8994046/John_Corcoran_and_Idris_Samawi_Hamid._2014._I nvestigating_knowledge_and_opinion._The_Road_to_Universal_Logic._Vol._I._A._Buc hsbaum_and_A._Koslow_Editors._Springer._PP._95-126._ http_www.springer.com_birkhauser_mathematics_book_978-3-319-10192-7 http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/mathematics/book/978-3-319-10192-7 2015. Existential-import mathematics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 1–14. (Coauthor: Hassan Masoud) Reviewed: Mathematical Reviews, 3333458, 2016. PDF R AC https://www.academia.edu/16354692/EXISTENTIAL-IMPORT_MATHEMATICS 2015. Bibliography: John Corcoran’s Publications on Aristotle 1972–2015. Aporía · Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Filosóficas. 10 (2015) 73–118. PDF AC RG https://www.academia.edu/21144879/REPRINT-A_BIBLIOGRAPHY_JOHN_CORCORANS_PUBLICATIONS_ON_ARISTOTLE_197 2_2015 9 97. 98. 2016. Logic teaching in the 21st century. Quadripartita Ratio: Revista de Argumentación y Retórica. 1 (2016) 1–34. AC RG PP FB https://www.academia.edu/23200837/CORCORAN_ON_LOGIC_TEACHING_IN_THE _21ST_CENTURY 2016. Schema. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (Coauthor: Idris Samawi Hamid) http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/schema/ II. Abstracts. 1. 2. 3. 1963. Generative Structure of Logics, Journal of Symbolic Logic 28, 300. J 1965. Primitive Bases for Propositional Logics, Journal of Symbolic Logic 30, 269. J 1967. Logical Consequence in Modal Logic (Co-author: G. Weaver), Journal of Symbolic Logic 32, 441–42. J 1968. Logical Consequence in Modal Logic: Natural Deduction in S5, (Co-author: G. Weaver) Journal of Symbolic Logic 33, 639. J 1971. Semantic Definition of Definition, Journal of Symbolic Logic 36, 366–67. J 1971. Variable Binding Term Operators (Co-authors: W. Hatcher and J. Herring), Notices of American Mathematical Society 18, 662. 1972. Aristotle's Natural Deduction System, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 37, 437. J 1972. Weak and Strong Completeness in Sentential Logics, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 37, 780. J 1974. Axiomatic Foundations of Syntax (Co-authors: W. Frank and M. Maloney), Journal of Symbolic Logic, 39, 395. J 1981. Categoricity, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 46, 681. J 1979. Validity and Invalidity: Boole's Criteria (Co-author: S. Wood), Journal of Symbolic Logic 44, 662. J 1981. Ockham's Syllogistic Semantics, Journal of Symbolic Logic 46, 197–198. J PDF AC R https://www.academia.edu/23406074/Ockhams_Syllogistic_Semantics 1981. Definitional Equivalence isn’t Mutual Interpretability, Journal of Symbolic Logic 46, 430. J 1983. Definitional Equivalence, Mutual Interpretability, and Elongations, Journal of Symbolic Logic 48, 516–17. J 1983. Deduction and Reduction: two proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics I, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 48, 906. J PDF AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/19561492/Deduction_and_reduction_two_prooftheoretic_processes_in_Prior_Analytics_I 1983. Categoricity, Zentralblatt f"ur Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete 504, 23–24. 1987. Sound and Complete Rules of Definition, Journal of Symbolic Logic 52, 312–313. J 1987. Three Rules of Distribution: One Counterexample, Journal of Symbolic Logic 52, 886–7. J PDF AC RG https://www.academia.edu/12548224/Three_rules_of_distribution_one_counterexample 1986. Undefinability Tests and the Erlanger Programm: Historical Remarks, International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley, CA., 339. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10 20. 21. 22. 23. 23a. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 1988. Tarski on Logical Notions, Journal of Symbolic Logic 53, 1291. J 1990. The Inseparability of Logic and Ethics, Philosopher's Index. 1992. Logical Methodology: Aristotle and Tarski, Journal of Symbolic Logic 57, 374. J 1996. Semantic omega properties and mathematical induction, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2, 468. RG, J 1997. Corrected reprinting of the previous abstract, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3, 280. J G 1996. Semantic arithmetic. The Philosopher’s Index 30, 160. 1997. Teaching categoricity of arithmetic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3, 395. G J AC https://www.academia.edu/29135886/CORCORAN_TEACHING_CATEGORICITY_O F_ARITHMETIC 1998. Mathematical induction and specific-case semantic omega properties. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4, 220–221. G J PDF 1998. Numerically qualified omega completeness. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4, 456–457. G J PDF 1998. Was Aristotle the first mathematical logician? Abstracts of Papers Presented to the American Mathematical Society 19, 19. 1999. The logical form of quantifier phrases: quantifier-sortal-variable. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5, 418–419. AC RG J PDF https://www.academia.edu/10178105/Logical_form_of_quantifier_phrases_quantifiersortal-variable._Bulletin_of_Symbolic_Logic_5_1999_418-419 2000. 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AC PP RG J PDF https://www.academia.edu/8840970/Aristotle_s_Prior_Analytics_and_Boole_s_Laws_of _Thought 2004. First-order logical form. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10, 445. J PDF 2005. Meanings of word: type-occurrence-token. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11, 117. J PDF AC RG PP 2005. Boole’s solutions fallacy. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11, 305. J PDF 2005. Counterexamples and Proexamples. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11, 460. AC J PDF https://www.academia.edu/10654363/Counterexamples_and_proexamples._Bulletin_of_ Symbolic_Logic_11_2005_460 11 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 2004. Lección Doutoral. The Philosopher’s Index 38, ??. 2005. Logically Equivalent False Universal Propositions with Different Counterexample Sets. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 11, 554–5. J PDF AC http://www.academia.edu/27943268/CORCORAN_ON_LOGICALLY_EQUIVALENT_ FALSE_UNIVERSAL_PROPOSITIONS 2006. Complete enumerative inductions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 12, 165–66. J PDF https://www.academia.edu/12815488/Complete_enumerative_inductions_doing_the_mat hematics_ 2006. Meanings of inference, Deduction, and Derivation. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 12, 353–354. http://www.academia.edu/26507862/Corcoran_on_Inference_Deduction_and_Derivation 2006. Revisiting Boole’s principle of wholistic reference. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 12, 515–6. J PDF 2006. Schemata. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 12, 623. J PDF 2007. Existential import. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 13, 143–4. J PDF https://www.academia.edu/25279339/CORCORAN_2007_ON_EXISTENTIAL_IMPORT 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 2007. Different counterexample sets for logically equivalent propositions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 13, 294. J PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/27944513/Corcoran_on_Different_Counterexample_Sets 2007. Aristotle, Boole, and Tarski. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 13, 382–3. J PDF 2007. Information-theoretic properties of truth-functional connectives. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 13, 405. J PDF 2007. C. I. Lewis: history and philosophy of logic. The Philosopher’s Index, ??. 2007. Second-order logic in context. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 13, 558–9. 2008. Aristotle’s many-sorted logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 14, 155–6. J PDF http://www.math.wisc.edu/~lempp/conf/wroc/corcoran.pdf https://www.academia.edu/10496050/J._Corcoran_Aristotle_s_manysorted_logic_Bulletin_of_Symbolic_Logic.14_2008_155_6 2008. Subregular tetrahedra. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 14, 411. J PDF https://www.academia.edu/12730997/Subregular_Tetrahedra_applying_logic_to_solid_g eometry 2008. An information-theoretic approach to first-order logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 14 (2008) 415–6. J PDF 2008. Iffication, Preiffication, Qualiffication, Reiffication, and Deiffication. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 14 (2008) 435–436. 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Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2010) 135. 2010. Stating and Misstating Implications and Consequence. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2010) 436 (Co-author: G. Boger). 2010. The proposition: a historical survey. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2010) 435–6 2010. Allegations of the Impossibility of Counter-model Independence Proofs. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2010) 436–437. (Co-author: Leonard Jacuzzo). 2009. Aristotle’s Underlying Logic: A Three-hour Tutorial. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 15 (2009) 335. 2010. Hidden consequence and hidden independence. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2010) 443. 2010. The Absence of Multiple Universes of Discourse in the 1936 Tarski ConsequenceDefinition Paper. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2010) 443–4. (Co-author: Jose Miguel Sagüillo) 2011. Protasis in Prior Analytics: proposition or premise? Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 17 (2011) 151–2. (Co-author: G. Boger) 2011. Numerically-indexed Alternative Constituent Format. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 17 (2011) 152–3. (Co-author: R. Main) AC https://www.academia.edu/11784901/New_formats_for_presenting_and_generating_lang uage_data 2011. Boole’s Expansion Principle. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 17 (2011) 151. 2011. Mazur's Semantic Problem. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 17 (2011) 325–6. (Coauthor: Michael Prentice) 13 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. https://www.academia.edu/28033462/Corcoran-Prentice_on_Mazur_s_semantic_problem 2011. Existential Import Argument Schemas: Aristotelian and Boolean. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 17 (2011) 324–5. 2011. Kurt Ebbinghaus on Aristotle’s syllogistic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 17 (2011) 325. (Co-author: Klaus Glashoff) 2012. Predicates and predications. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 148. (Co-author: Corey McGrath) 2012. Implications of implication. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 147–8. (Coauthor: Justin Donhauser) https://www.academia.edu/10315087/Implications_of_implication._Bulletin_of_Symboli c_Logic._18_2012_147_8 2012. Paracounterexamples: virtual counterexamples. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 147. 2012. Truth-values and formal truth-value distributions of arguments Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 148–9. (Co-author: Sriram Nambiar) 2012. Tarski’s inscriptionism. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 141. (Co-author: Sriram Nambiar) 2012. Expressions in Tarski’s Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 140. 2012. Lies, half-truths, and falsehoods about Tarski’s 1933 “liar” antinomies. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 140–1. (Co-author: Joaquin Miller) AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/19520063/Lies_halftruths_and_falsehoods_about_Tarski_s_1933_liar_antinomies._Bulletin_of_Symbolic_L ogic._18_2012_140_1 2012. What makes “natural deduction” natural? Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 303. (Co-author: José Miguel Sagüillo) 2012. Aristotle's syllogistic premises. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 300–1. 2012. Aristotle’s syllogistic terms. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 301–2. (Coauthor: Jean-Louis Hudry) 2012. Aristotle's conception of syllogism. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 301. (Co-author: Thomas Gezella) Notating Tarski’s truth-definition paper. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 302–3. (Co-author: Matt LaVine) Discussing incommensurability in Aristotle. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 472–3. (Co-author: Justin Legault) 2012. Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 473–4. (Co-author: Kevin Tracy) AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/23094110/Autonymy_parautonymy_BSL_16_2012_473_4_A C_ABSTRACT_session 2012. Implicational-future sentences. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 472. (Coauthor: George Boger) 2012. Quantifier-range-variable: the logical form of quantifications. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 471. https://www.academia.edu/29478415/CORCORAN_ON_LOGICAL_FORMS_OF_QUA NTIFICATIONS_QRV 14 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 2012. Refutation and proof. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 18 (2012) 473. (Co-author: Hassan Masoud) Aristotle and Tarski on consequence. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 234. (Coauthor: Justin Legault). Aristotle’s “whenever three terms”. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 234–5. (Coauthor: Hassan Masoud). https://www.academia.edu/11508872/Aristotle_s_whenever_three_terms_The_premisefact_confusion_in_Aristotle_s_PRIOR_ANALYTICS Meta-language, object-language. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 232–3. (Coauthor: Idris Samawi Hamid) https://www.academia.edu/11575678/Meta-language_object-language Multiplying negative integers. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 233. (Coauthor: Leonard Jacuzzo). String-theory applications. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 233–4. (Coauthor: Matt LaVine) From proposition to judgment. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 231–2. What is string theory? Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 131. (Co-author: William Frank) Barnes on ancient logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 133 (Co-author: Kevin Tracy) https://www.academia.edu/27631635/Jonathan_Barnes_on_Ancient_Logic_BSL_19_201 3_Abstract Predications in ancient logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 132–3. (Co-author: Corey McGrath) Tarski’s three-implication theorem. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 130–1. Term-distribution definitions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 132. (Co-author: Calvin Jongsma) One-place plural predicates in Aristotle’s logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 254–5. (Coauthor: Justin Legault) https://www.academia.edu/22846224/One-place_plural_predicates_in_Aristotle_s_logic 2013. Equality and identity. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 255-6. (Coauthor: Anthony Ramnauth) https://www.academia.edu/13451441/Equality_and_identity._Bulletin_of_Symbolic_Log ic._19_2013_255-6._Coauthor_Anthony_Ramnauth_ Discovering string theory. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 253–4. (Coauthor: Matt LaVine) 2013s. Surprises in logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 253. (Coauthor: William Frank) PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/14042812/Surprises_in_logic Surprising universal para-counterexample numbers. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 255. (Coauthor: Sriram Nambiar) Heinrich Scholz on Aristotle’s underlying logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 252–3. https://www.academia.edu/28431744/HEINRICH_SCHOLZ_1931_ON_ARISTOTLE_S _UNDERLYING_LOGIC 15 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 2014. Conversely: extrapropositional and prosentential. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 404. (Coauthor: Sriram Nambiar) AC RG PP Formalizing Euclid’s first axiom. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 404–5. (Coauthor: Daniel Novotný) AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/12984056/Formalizing_Euclid_s_first_axiom._Bulletin_of_S ymbolic_Logic._20_2014_404_5._Coauthor_Daniel_Novotn%C3%BD_ 2014m. Meanings of show. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 403–4. (Coauthor: Joaquin Miller) Existential-import sentence schemas: classical and relativized Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 402–3. (Coauthor: Hassan Masoud) PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/25307321/CORCORAN-MASOUD_ON_EXISTENTIALIMPORT_SENTENCE_SCHEMAS 2014. Euclid’s weak first axiom. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 405. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) 122. Tarski’s extensional functions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 403. 123. Information-Theoretic Approaches to Logical Relations. VII Conference: Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science in Spain. (Co-author: Jose Miguel Sagüillo) Tarski’s Convention T condition beta, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 510–11. (Co-author: Leonardo Weber) Tarski’s truth schemata, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 19 (2013) 507–8. (Co-author: William Duncan) http://www.academia.edu/28679743/Tarski_s_five_truth_schemata Tarski’s quoted-letters, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.19 (2013) 508–9. (Co-author: William Frank) https://www.academia.edu/26860967/Tarski_s_quoted_letters_JC_WF_BSL_19_2013_5 08-9.pdf 2013. Verifying and falsifying, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 509–10. (Coauthor: Hassan Masoud) 2013. “Deriving” Euclid’s Interchange Rule from Leibniz’s Law, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. vol. 19 (2013) 507–8. Tarski’s expression ‘sentential function’, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 510. (Co-author: Sriram Nambiar) Boolean operation-class calculus. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 511. (Coauthor: Susan Wood) Arithmetic syntax and semantic arithmetic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 514– 515. (Co-author: William Frank) Substitution and replacement in Tarski’s schema T, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. (Coauthor: Leonardo Weber) Understanding Boole’s primary equations. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 515–16. (Coauthor: Sriram Nambiar) Aristotle, Boole, and Tarski on contradiction, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 515. (Coauthor: Justin Legault) 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 16 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 2013. Errors in Tarski's 1983 truth-definition paper, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 514. Aristotle: necessary conclusions and necessarily concluding. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 515–516. (Coauthors: Justin Legault and Daniel Novotny) The scandal of deduction? Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 132–3. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) Port-Royal containment principle. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 131–2. (Coauthor: Leonard Jacuzzo) Logic’s fertility and sterility. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 132. (Coauthor: Calvin Jongsma) Teaching the continuum hypothesis. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. (Coauthor: Sriram Nambiar) 2014. Aristotelian logic and Euclidean geometry. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 131. (Coauthor: George Boger) AC https://www.academia.edu/10615164/Aristotelian_logic_and_Euclidean_geometry._Bull etin_of_Symbolic_Logic._20_2014_131 2014. Truth-preserving and consequence-preserving deduction rules. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 130–1. AC RG PP P https://www.academia.edu/11911887/Truth-preservation_Fallacies 2014. Self-refuting propositions and self-sustaining propositions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 250. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) https://www.academia.edu/28509285/Self-refuting_propositions_selfsustaining_propositions 2014. Meanings of hypothesis. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 248–9. (Coauthors: Matt LaVine and Justin Legault) AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/11743875/Misusing_hypothesis_trying_to_make_it_carry_me anings_it_wont_hold 2014. De Morgan on Euclid’s fourth postulate. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 250. (Coauthor: Sriram Nambiar) AC RG PP P https://www.academia.edu/12563296/De_Morgan_on_Euclid_s_fourth_postulate 2014.Objectivity-subjectivity distinctions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 248. (Coauthor: Idris Samawi Hamid) AC https://www.academia.edu/11575718/Objectivity-subjectivity_distinctions_in_logic 2014. Cosmic Justice Hypotheses. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 247–8. (Coauthor: William Frank) AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/11292701/Cosmic_Justice_Hypotheses 2014.Aristotle’s syllogisms: basic and extended. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 247. 2014. Existentially-important predicates. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 262. https://www.academia.edu/26160047/CORCORAN_ON_EXISTENTIALLYIMPORTANT_PREDICATES 150. 151. 2014. Implication-connection fallacies. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 263-4. (Coauthor Kevin Tracy) 2014. Purely inductive proofs. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 20 (2014) 263. (Co-author Michael Scanlan) AC 17 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. https://www.academia.edu/10247574/J_CORCORAN_AND_SCANLAN_Purely_inducti ve_proofs.Bulletin_of_Symbolic_Logic._20_2014_263 2015g. Goldfarb invalidity proofs. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 198–9. (Coauthor: Leonard Jacuzzo) AC 2015p. Plato’s mathematical deductivism. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 199. (Coauthor: Hassan Masoud) https://www.academia.edu/26284683/CORCORANMASOUD_ON_PLATO_S_DEDUCTIVISM 2015a. Aristotle’s semiotic triangles and pyramids. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 198. AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/19753940/Aristotle_s_semiotic_triangles_and_pyramids._Bul letin_of_Symbolic_Logic._21_2015_198 2015c. Absence of argument-deduction-proof distinctions in Church 1956. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 230–231. 2015d. Deductive and inductive arguments. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 231– 232. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) https://www.academia.edu/26058002/CORCORANSAG%C3%9CILLO_ON_DEDUCTIVE_AND_INDUCTIVE_ARGUMENTS 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 2015p. Prefix proposal: occurrences of numerals in numerals. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 231. (Coauthor: Sriram Nambiar) https://www.academia.edu/13759827/_Quine_s_1940_Prefix_proposal_occurrences_of_ numerals_in_numerals 2015a. Aristotle's third logic: deduction. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 102–103. (Co-author: Kevin Tracy) 2015c.Teaching course-of-values induction. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 101. 2015i.Teaching independence. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 101–102. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) 2015m. Ancient motion theories. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 443. (Coauthor: Stanley Ziewacz) 2015e. Plato’s implicant-implication methods. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 442– 443. (Coauthor: Joseph Ernst) 2015b. Aristotle’s axiomatic beginnings. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 441–442. https://www.academia.edu/26880445/CORCORAN_ON_ARISTOTLE_S_AXIOMATIC _BEGINNINGS._AC_ABSTRACT 2015h. Implication and deduction. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015)238–239. (Coauthors: Hassan Masoud and Sriram Nambiar) 2015r. Expressing set-size equality. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 239. (Coauthor: Gerald Rising) AC 2015l.The Aristotle Łukasiewicz omitted. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 237–238. 2015w. Two satisfactions in Tarski’s truth-definition paper. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.21 (2015) 365. (Coauthor: Leonardo Weber) 2015f. Assumptions: illative and typographical. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 364–5. (Co-author: William Frank) https://www.academia.edu/28575613/Assumptions_illative_and_typographical 18 169. 170. 171. 172. 2015t. Teaching basic logics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 21 (2015) 364. https://www.academia.edu/28397105/Teaching_basic_Logic Truth-preserving, implication-preserving, and cognition-preserving systems of deduction. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.22 (2016) 431–432. http://www.academia.edu/29328794/Truth-preservation_implicationpreservation_and_cognition-preservation Two-method errors: having it both ways. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 22 (2016) 432. (Coauthor: Idris Samawi Hamid) https://www.academia.edu/19625667/Two-method_errors_having_it_both_ways Three logical theories redux Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 22 (2016) 433. (Co-author: Hassan Masoud) https://www.academia.edu/29333031/CORCORAN-MASOUD_ON_TAUTOLOGYPRESERVATION_CONSEQUENCE-PRESERVATION_AND_COGENCY-PRESERVATION 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. Consequent-affirmability, antecedent-deniability, and convertibility of materialconditional sentences. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) ??–??. Forthcoming. https://www.academia.edu/20262614/CORCORAN_ON_THE_TWO_FALLACIES_AF FIRMING-THE-CONSEQUENT Interpreting Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) ??–??. (Co-author: Kevin Tracy) Forthcoming. https://www.academia.edu/27648573/Interpreting_Aristotles_definition_of_sullogismos_ BSL_forthcoming_abstract The square root of four is plus or minus two. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) ??–??. (Co-author: Idris Samawi Hamid) Forthcoming. Meanings of nonsequitur. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) ??–??. (Co-author: Joel Tierno) Forthcoming. 091615 https://www.academia.edu/15645911/Meanings_of_non_sequitur_ The law of contradiction in Tarski’s Introduction. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) (Co-author: Idris Samawi Hamid) Forthcoming. Teaching additive and subtractive deduction theorems in plain English. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) ??–??. Forthcoming. 122915 AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/19867995/Teaching_additive_and_subtractive_deduction_the orems_in_plain_English Solving information recovery problems. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. TBA XX (201X) XXX–YYY. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) 092415 proofs 030216 Panvalid four-connective argument schemata. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. TBA XX (201X) XXX–YYY. 092915 proofs 030216 Teaching paradoxes, antinomies, and contradictions. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. TBA XX (201X) XXX–YYY. (Coauthor: José Miguel Sagüillo) JMS 010116 CY Weakening and strengthening conditionals: thirty-six theorems. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic.2? (201?) ??–??. Forthcoming 033016 332wc#8 ACCEPTED 051616 “Every square is a rhombus”: categorical, hypothetical, conditional, implicational, equational, or what? Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. xx (201x) xxx. (Co-author: Kevin Tracy) Forthcoming. Submitted. 19 185. 186. Existential-import mathematics: negated-consequent qualifications. (Co-authors: ALLEN HAZEN, AND HASSAN MASOUD) 082716 Import-carrying, pretautological, and preprovable predicates. jc 082716 187. Diversity of preprovable predicates. (Co-author: Joaquin Miller) 082816 https://www.academia.edu/29005655/Diversity_of_preprovable_predicates III. Books 1974. Ancient Logic and Its Modern Interpretations. Proceedings of the Buffalo Symposium on Modernist Interpretations of Ancient Logic, Dordrecht: Reidel. MR0392486 (52 #13303). PDF AC RG http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-94-010-2130-2 https://www.academia.edu/9965562/Ancient_Logic_and_Its_Modern_Interpretations_ Tarski, A. 1956/1983. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics, revised edition with new introduction by J. Corcoran, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis (1983). Originally published by Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956. Fourth printing 2007. MR85e:01065. http://www.hackettpublishing.com/logic-semantics-metamathematics Cohen, M. and E. Nagel. 1934/1962/1993. An Introduction to Logic, second edition, revised with new exercises, new indices, a new bibliography, and a 30-page introduction by J. Corcoran, Hackett Publishing Company, Indianapolis (1993), first edition published by Harcourt, Brace, & World, Inc., New York (1962), originally published as Book I of An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method, Harcourt, Brace, and Company, New York (1934).MR94h:03002.Reviewed: Don S. Levi, Journal of Informal Logic. http://ojs.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/informal_logic/article/viewFile/2391/1833 http://www.hackettpublishing.com/an-introduction-to-logic Boole, G. 1854/2003. The Laws of Thought, facsimile of 1854 edition, with an introduction by J. Corcoran. Buffalo: Prometheus Books (2003). Reviewed: J. van Evra in Philosophy in Review.24 (2004) 167–169. MR1994936 (2004i:03001)] https://www.amazon.com/Laws-Thought-Author-Georgepublished/dp/B00Y2T231Y/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1466082992&sr=88&keywords=george+boole+laws+thought IV. Miscellaneous 1. J An elementary problem concerning consistency, American Mathematical Monthly, March 1971, 298. 20 2. J An elementary problem concerning independence, American Mathematical Monthly, April 1971, 405. 3. J Solution to 1, American Mathematical Monthly 1972, 305. 4. A newspaper feature article on a lecture by Tarski, The Reporter, April 26, 1973, 8. 5. A newspaper article on logic as a field of study, The Reporter, April 6, 1978, 4. 6. Alonzo Church, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, edited by A. Ralston, Reinhold and Van Nostrand, NY, 1992 (Co-author: M. Scanlan). 7. Alfred Tarski, A Companion to Metaphysics, eds. J. Kim & E. Sosa, Blackwell, London, 1994, 487–489. 8. Thirteen philosophical dictionary entries: categoricity, degenerate case, laws of thought, analysis, omega, proof by recursion, recursive Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, edited Press, Cambridge 1995. 9. axiomatic method, borderline case, limiting case, logical form, mathematical function theory, Tarski, tautology in The by Robert Audi, Cambridge University Twenty-six philosophical dictionary entries (13 new, some revised from 1995, some reprinted from 1995): ancestral, axiomatic method, borderline case, categoricity, Church (Alonzo), conditional, convention T, converse (outer and inner), corresponding conditional, degenerate case, domain, De Morgan, ellipsis, laws of thought, limiting case, logical form, logical subject, material adequacy mathematical analysis, omega, proof by recursion, recursive function theory, scheme, scope, Tarski (Alfred), tautology, universe of discourse. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, edited by Robert Audi, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, second edition 1999. PDF https://www.academia.edu/25728459/CORCORAN_ON_AXIOMATIC_METHOD https://www.academia.edu/25996821/CORCORAN_ON_LAWS_OF_THOUGHT https://www.academia.edu/24485372/CORCORAN_ON_LOGICAL_FORM https://www.academia.edu/27419580/CORCORAN_ON_UNIVERSE_OF_DISCOURSE 10. Notice concerning the Buffalo Logic Dictionary Project, including two sample entries: “logical form” and “ellipsis”. Boletín Informativo de Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España, No. 19, July 1999, 36–38. 11. Nine Encyclopedia entries: Apriori/aposteriori: knowledge, 1–3; Conditions and Consequences, 124–7; Demonstrative Logic, 472–4; Genetic Method, 319–21; Knowledge and Belief, 437–439; Psychologism, 628–9, Schema, 698–700; Scientific 21 Revolution, 704–5; Syntactics, 745–6. American Philosophy: an Encyclopedia. 2007. Eds. John Lachs and Robert Talisse. New York: Routledge. PDF R#1 AC18 https://www.academia.edu/11832220/Apriori_Aposteriori_Knowledge https://www.academia.edu/15036101/Conditions_and_Consequences https://www.academia.edu/25802396/CORCORAN_ON_SCIENTIFIC_REVOLUTIONS https://www.academia.edu/15155462/Syntactics_ 12. 2008. Remembering Peter Hare 1935–2008. Philosophy Now. Co-authors: T. Madigan and A. Razin. Issue 66 March/April 2008. Pages 50–2. PDF 13. 2009. Remembering My Life with Peter Hare. Remembering Peter Hare 1935–2008. Ed. J. Campbell. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. pp. 9–16. http://american-philosophy.org/documents/RememberingPeterHare_final.pdf 14. 2010. Four entries for a Spanish-language dictionary of logic: “counterarguments and counterexamples” (137–42), “deduction and deducibility” (168–70), “logical form and formalization” (257–59), “truth-values” (627–63). Luis Vega, Ed. Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación, y Retórica. Madrid: Trotta. 15. 2011. Farewell letter from John Corcoran. Philosophy Nousletter. Number 19, Winter 2011. Pp. 10–12. 16. 2012. Farewell letter to my students. Philosophy Now. Issue 97 September/October 2012. http://www.pdcnet.org/philnow/content/philnow_2012_0092_0018_0018 http://philosophynow.org/issues/92/A_Farewell_Letter_To_My_Students 17. Twenty-nine philosophical dictionary entries (3 new, some revised from 1999, some reprinted from 1999): ancestral, axiomatic method, Boole (George), borderline case, categoricity, Church (Alonzo), conditional, conjecture, convention T, converse (outer and inner), corresponding conditional, degenerate case, domain, De Morgan, ellipsis, laws of thought, limiting case, logical form, logical subject, material adequacy mathematical analysis, modal transfer fallacy, omega, proof by recursion, recursive function theory, scheme, scope, Tarski (Alfred), tautology, universe of discourse. The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, edited by Robert Audi, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, third edition 2015. PDF V. Reviews. Mathematical Reviews available at MathSciNet. NB Mathematical Reviews published two volumes per year beginning in 1962. E.g., Volumes 39 and 40 are for 1970, my first year as a reviewer. 22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 1970. Beth, Evert. Mathematical Thought. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics. 1965. In Mathematical Reviews, 40, 988–89. PDF https://www.academia.edu/28870097/CORCORAN_ON_MATHEMATICAL_THOUG HT_a_review_of_Evert_Beth_1965_Mathematical_Thought 1971. Beth, Evert, and Jean Piaget. Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology. In Mathematical Reviews, MR0260559 (41 #5183) 956–57. PDF https://www.academia.edu/29238498/CORCORAN_RECOMMENDS_BETHPIAGET_1966 1971. DeLong, Howard. A Profile of Mathematical Logic. In Mathematical Reviews 41, 3230. https://www.academia.edu/29270356/CORCORAN_DISSECTS_PROFILE_OF_MATH EMATICAL_LOGIC_ 1972. Quine, Willard. Philosophy of Logic. In Philosophy of Science 39, 97–99. J PDF AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/22480000/CORCORAN_ON_QUINE_S_PHILOSOPHY_OF _LOGIC 1972. Hatcher, William. Foundations of Mathematics. In Philosophy of Science 39, 88– 90. J PDF 1971. Eberle, Rolf. "Denotationless Terms and Predicates Expressive of Positive Qualities". In Mathematical Reviews, 42, 31. 1972. Reid, Constance. Hilbert (a Biography). In Philosophy of Science 39, 106–08. J PP AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/21630913/CORCORAN_ON_HILBERT_A_BIOGRAPHY_b y_Constance_Reid 1971. Resnik, Michael. Elementary Logic. Mathematical Reviews 42, 1357. 1972. Nagashima, T. "A Model of the Comprehension Axiom without Negation" in Mathematical Reviews 43, 41. 1971. Massey, G. Understanding Symbolic Logic, in Mathematical Reviews 43, 337–38. 1972. Kreisel, G. "Principles of Proof and Ordinals Implicit in Given Concepts”, in Mathematical Reviews 44, 712–13. 1972. Thomason, R. Symbolic Logic: an Introduction. (co-reviewer C. Lambros) Mathematical Reviews 43, 846–47. 1972. Gregg, J. "Axiomatic Quasi-Natural Deduction", in Mathematical Reviews 44, 7. 1972. Lyons, J. Noam Chomsky, in Word 28, 335–38. 1970. Pears, D. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Word 26, 294–97. 1972. Ebbinghaus, H. "...Pra"dikatenlogik mit partiell definierten Pradikaten..." (coreviewer J. Herring) Journal of Symbolic Logic 37, 617–18. J 1972. Wang, H. "A Calculus of Partial Predicates, etc." (co-reviewer J. Herring) Journal of Symbolic Logic 37, 617. 1972. Gregg, J. "Two Modes of Inference". Mathematical Reviews 44, 486. 1972. Cheng, C. "Referential Involvements of Number Words". Mathematical Reviews 44, 709. 1972. Segerberg, K. "Some Modal Logics Based on a Three-Valued Logic". Mathematical Reviews 44, 1178. 1972. Woodruff, P. "Logic and Truth-Value Gaps". Mathematical Reviews 44, 1177. 23 22. 23.J 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.J 29.J 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 1973. Pogorzelski, W. A. "On Structural Completeness of Propositional Logics". Mathematical Reviews 46, 259. 1973. Putnam, H., Philosophy of Logic. Philosophy of Science 40, 131–33. AC PP RG https://www.academia.edu/23481702/CORCORAN_ON_PUTNAM_S_PHILOSOPHY_ OF_LOGIC 1973. Frege, G. On the Foundations of Geometry. (Tr. Kluge) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34, 283–286 (Co-author: S. Wood). 1973. Staszek, W. "On Proofs of Rejection". Mathematical Reviews 46, 559. 1973. Slupecki, J., et. al. "Theory of Rejected Propositions I". in Mathematical Reviews 46, 5116. 1973. Bolman, D. and M. Tapia. "...Unsolvability...of the Deduction Theorem". Mathematical Reviews 46, 563. 1973. Copi, I. The Theory of Logical Types. Philosophy of Science 40, 319–21 (Coauthor: J. Richards). 1974. Bolzano, B. Theory of Science (tr. George). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 34, 282–83. 1973. Frege, G. Conceptual Notations and Related Articles. Ed. and tr. T. Bynum. Philosophy of Science 40, 454–55 (Co-author: D. Levin). J 1974. Ashworth, J., "Andreas Kesler and the Later Theory of Consequence" Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14. Mathematical Reviews 48#8192 (Co-author: J. Gracia). 1974. Faj, A. "Platonic Anticipations of Stoic Logic". Mathematical Reviews 48#8191. 1975. Ermolaeva, N. M. "Logic Akin to Wang's Calculus". Mathematical Reviews 49#10524 (Co-author: J. Herring). 1977. Goodstein, R. L. Development of Mathematical Logic in Mathematical Reviews 54#4906 (Co-author: J. Barr). 1976. Crossley, J. N. What is Mathematical Logic? Philosophy of Science 43, 301–302 (Co-author: S. Shapiro). J 1977. Jackson, D. Augustine: De Dialectica. Philosophia 13, 85–87 (Co-author: J. Gracia). 1978. Putnam, H. Philosophy of Logic. Mathematical Reviews 56, #501 (Co-author: W. Ebersberger). https://www.academia.edu/23203268/CORCORAN_S_THUMBNAIL_REVIEWS_OF_ OPPOSING_PHILOSOPHY_OF_LOGIC_BOOKS_PUTNAM_and_QUINE?auto=view &campaign=weekly_digest 1978. Joja, A. “La doctrine de l`universel chez Aristote”. Mathematical Reviews 56, #5192 (Co-author: W. Ebersberger). 1978. Hambourger, R. "A difficulty with the Frege-Russell definition of natural number". in Mathematical Reviews 56, #8315. AC PP RG 1978. Marshall, David. "Lukasiewicz, Leibniz, and the arithmetization of the syllogism" in Mathematical Reviews 56, #15349. 1978. Rosenbloom, Paul. "Structural Models for use in psychological research" (Coauthor: S. Ziewacz) in Mathematical Reviews 56, #17927. 1979. Slater, B. H. "The Foundations of Logic" Mind (1972). Mathematical Reviews 57 #2867 (Co-author: W. Ebersberger). 1979. Kitcher, P. "Hilbert's Epistemology". Philosophy of Science (1976) in Mathematical Reviews 57 #2866 (Co-author: N. Goodman). 24 44. 45. 46. 1979. White, N. "What numbers are" Synthese (1974) in Mathematical Reviews 57 #5667. 1979. Priest, G. and S. Read. "Formalization of Ockham on Supposition" Mind (1977) in Mathematical Reviews 57#27184. (Co-author: J. Swiniarski). https://www.academia.edu/27755707/CORCORANSWINIARSKI_RECOMMENDS_OCKHAM_AND_PRIEST-READ 1979.#Benacerraf, P. "Mathematical Truth". Journal of Philosophy 70 (1973). Mathematical Reviews 58 #4979. (Co-author: T. Nutter). 25 47. 1979. Quine, W. Philosophy of Logic (6th printing 1978). Mathematical Reviews 57 #9465. https://www.academia.edu/23203268/CORCORAN_S_THUMBNAIL_REVIEWS_OF_ OPPOSING_PHILOSOPHY_OF_LOGIC_BOOKS_PUTNAM_and_QUINE?auto=view &campaign=weekly_digest 48. 1979. Putnam, H. "What is Mathematical Truth?" Mathematical Reviews 58#126. https://www.academia.edu/23228386/CORCORAN_ON_PUTNAM_ON_MATHEMATI CAL_TRUTH 49. 1979. Hintikka, J. and U. Remes. The Method of Analysis (1979). Mathematical Reviews 58 3202 #21388. AC PP RG FB https://www.academia.edu/21916667/CORCORAN_ON_METHODS_OF_ANALYSIS_ 50. 1979. Loux, M. Ockham's Theory of Terms (1974). Mathematical Reviews 58#26829. (Co-author: J. Swiniarski). 51. 1979. Ashworth, E. J. "An Early Fifteenth Century Discussion of Infinite Sets" Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1977) in Mathematical Reviews 58 #21623. 52. 1979. Stevenson, L., "Frege's Two Definitions of Quantification" Philosophical Quarterly (1973) in Mathematical Reviews 58 3198. #21362. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/24439638/CORCORAN_RECOMMENDS_STEVENSON_O N_OBJECTUAL_AND_SUBSTITUTIONAL_QUANTIFICATION 53a.J 1981. Loux, Michael J. "The Ontology of Wm. of Ockham". 1–21 Ockham's Theory of Terms(1974). Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 667. 53b.J Loux, Michael J., "Ockham on Generality" Ibid. 23–46 in Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (1981) 667–68. 54. Englebretsen, George, "Noncategorical Syllogisms" Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1980) in Mathematical Reviews (1981) (Co-author: M. Scanlan) 81k:03014. 55. 1982. Kline, Morris, Mathematics: The Loss of Certainty (1980). Mathematical Reviews 82e:03013. PDF AC https://www.academia.edu/23841281/CORCORAN_ON_MORRIS_KLINE_S_LOSS_O F_CERTAINTY_IN_MATHEMATICS 56. 1982. Freddoso, A. and Schuurman Ockham's Theory of Propositions (1980). Mathematical Reviews 82b:01013. 57. 1982. Resnik, M., Frege and the Philosophy of Mathematics (1980). Mathematical Reviews 82d:03013. 58. 1980. Lear, J., Aristotle and Logical Theory (1980). Canadian Philosophical Reviews I 85–92 (Co-author: M. Scanlan). 59. 1982. Hintikka, J. "Aristotelian Induction" Revue Internationale de Philosophie 133-134 (1980) pp. 422-439 in Mathematical Reviews 82m:00016. https://www.academia.edu/26232614/CORCORAN_ON_ARISTOTELIAN_INDUCTION 60. 61. 62. 63. 1982. Toth, I., "Aristote et les paradoxes de Ze'non". Eleutherie (1970). Mathematical Reviews 82m:01011. 1982. Crowley, C., Universal Mathematics in Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy (1980) in Mathematical Reviews 82m:01003. 1984. Freddoso, A. "Ockham's Theory of Truth Conditions" (1980). Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 306–8. J 1983. Hailperin, T., "Boole's Algebra Isn't Boolean Algebra" (1981) in Mathematical Reviews 83e:01038 (Co-author: C. Jongsma). 26 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 1983. Cocchiarella, N., "Development of Theory of Types...Russell's Early Philosophy" (1980) in Mathematical Reviews 83e:03005. PDF AC PG PP 1984. Lear, J., Aristotle and Logical Theory (1980) in Mathematical Reviews 84h:03015. Reprint of 57 above in Zentralblatt f"ur Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete 501 (1983) 03003. 1984. Hatcher, W., Logical Foundations of Mathematics (1982) in American Scientist 72 305. 1985. Giaquinto, M., "Hilbert's Philosophy of Mathematics" Brit. J. Philos. Sci. (1983) in Mathematical Reviews 85b:03008. 1985. George, R., "Bolzano's Consequence, etc." J. Philos. Logic (1983) in Mathematical Reviews 85i:03009 (Co-author: E. Galanti). 1985. Brown, M., "Generalized Quantifiers..." Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (1984) in Mathematical Reviews 85j:03034. 1985. Porte, J., "Fifty Years of Deduction Theorems" Logic Colloquium '80 (1981) in Mathematical Reviews 85j:03002. https://www.academia.edu/19829981/CORCORAN_Reviews_Portes_Fifty_Years_of_De duction_Theorems_ 1986. Motohashi, N., "Equality and Lyndon's Interpolation Theorem" Journal of Symbolic Logic (1984) in Mathematical Reviews 86f:03053. 1986. Orenstein, A., "Referential and Non-referential Substitutional Quantifiers" Synthese (1984). Mathematical Reviews 86b:03009. 1987. MacHale, D., George Boole His Life and Work (1985) in Mathematical Reviews 87c:01030. 1987. Fraïssé, R., "Deux relations denombrables... ' equivalentes...isomorphes" ' Mathematical Logic and Formal Systems (1985) in Mathematical Reviews 87e:03018. Almog, J., "Form and Content" Nous (1985) in Mathematical Reviews (1987) 87e:03005. 1987. Smith, R., "Aristotle as Proof-theorist". Philos. Nature (1984). Mathematical Reviews 87e:01003. 1987. Church, A., "Russell's Theory of Identity of Propositions". Philos. Natur. (1984) Mathematical Reviews 87h:03001. http://www.academia.edu/28891834/CORCORAN_ON_PROPOSITION_IDENTITY 1987. Hook, J., "Interpretations of Many-sorted Theories", Journal of Symbolic Logic (1985) in Mathematical Reviews 87e:03016. 1987. George A., "Skolem and the L"owenheim-Skolem Theorem", History and Philosophy of Logic (1985) in Mathematical Reviews 87j:03005. 1987. Garciadiego, A., "Emergence of...paradoxes...set theory", Historia Mathematica 12 (1985) 337-51.In Mathematical Reviews 87j:01035. AC RG PP https://www.academia.edu/20164467/CORCORAN_RECOMMENDS_GARCIADIEGO _ON_PARADOXES._1987._Garciadiego_A._Emergence_of...paradoxes...set_theory_Hi storia_Mathematica_1985_in_Mathematical_Reviews_87j_01035 1988. Mikenberg, I.; da Costa, N.; Chuaqui, R. "Pragmatic truth and approximation to truth" Journal of Symbolic Logic (1986), in Mathematical Reviews 88c:03004. 1988. Garciadiego, A. 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