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, , JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL, PHILOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL STUDIES - 60- . . 2 (40) – – 1994 . – – 2013 , - - . . . . ( . . . . - , , - ) . . . . . , , . . , . . . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , ) , . . . . . ( . ( . ( . , . . . . . ( , ), ), ), , ) . . Editorial Board M. G. Abramzon (Editor-in-Chief), V. A. Gaibov, O. V. Gnevek, L. I. Kireyeva, V. D. Kuznetsov, S. V. Mokrousov, I. V. Oktyabrskaya, S. G. Shulezhkova, I. E. Surikov. Head of the Editorial Office Yu. A. Fedina © © © , 2013 , 2013 « ( , ), 2013 , » I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — . . . ; . . . . . . - . . ., . Suppl. 2. 2007–2008. - ; . . — — — . . I // . ; . . , — — — — — . ; , 1987. . . I–II / . . ( .). . — . — — — — — — — — — — — . , , . ; ; . . . . — . . . - . — — — AAE ACSS ADelt . - . . — . — . — . — Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy. Köpenhagen — Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. 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Bonn “ ”—“ . ” ................................................................... ................................................................... 3 5 .( )— 63 . . . .............................................................................................................. 12 . .( )— ...................................................................................................... 22 . .( )— V . . . ...................................................................... 44 . . ( )— 1921–1929 . ............................................................................ 50 . ., . .( )— ...................................................................... 55 . .( )— № 27 ( ) .............................................................................. 79 . .( )— ................................................................................................................................... 106 . . ( )— : 1 ................................................................................................................................... 123 Dupont P. (Lyon) — Note Sur un Rechaud Portatif Archaïque De Berezan ........................ . .( )— Grand .............................. . .( )— « » III–I . . . ............................................. . .( )— ( ). . ., .( )— ............................................................................................................... . .( )— .................................................................. . .( )— ( « » ) ............................................................................ . .( )— I ............................................ . .( )— « » « »( ) ............................................................ . .( )— I .............................................................................. 131 135 144 157 168 183 194 208 214 233 374 . . ( ), )— 242 )— . .( *xš- > *s. ., . ., . .( )— « » )— . .( )— – 250 263 286 297 ..... 304 .................... 315 )— . .( ( . .( 1 ........................................................................................... II–III . . .: , .............................................................................. )— : ............................................................. . .( )— : « » .......................................................................................................... . ., . . ( ), . ., . ., )— : ..................................................................... . .( . .( . .( . ., ..... 332 ) ......................................................... 338 CONTENTS Volnoe Delo Foundation to Phanagoria Chief ....................................................................... Jubilee of Vladimir Dmitrievich Kuznitsov ........................................................................... 3 5 HISTORY PHANAGORIAN STUDIES M. Yu. Treister (Berlin) — Gold Jewelry from Phanagorian Acropolis Fire Layer of 63 BC ........................................................................................................................... 12 M. G. Abramzon (Magnitogorsk) — Gold Antique and Byzantine Coins from Phanagorian Finds ................................................................................................................................. 22 Yu. N. Kuzmina (Moscow) — Ceramic Complex of the Second Quarter of the 5th century BC from the Excavation in the Southern Suburb of Phanagoria...................................... 44 Ye. G. Zastrozhnova (St.-Peterburg) — Archaeological-topographic History of Phanagorian Studies in 1921–1929 ....................................................................................................... 50 L. A. Golofast, S. V. Ol’khovskiy (Moscow) — Amphorae from Underwater Excavations in the Harbour of Phanagoria ............................................................................................... 55 T. G. Shavyrina (Moscow) — The Bronze Medallion from a Woman’s Grave no. 27 (The East Necropolis of Phanagoria) ............................................................................... 79 T. G. Shavyrina (Moscow) — The Bronze Sarmatian Mirror with a Relief Ornament from Phanagoria ............................................................................................................... 106 375 Ye. V. Dobrovolskaya (Moscow) — Comparative Archaeozoological Studies of CattleBreeding and Hunting in the Northern Black Sea Region: Myskhako I and Phanagoria 123 THE BLACK SEA REGION P. Dupont (Lyon) — Note Sur un Rechaud Portatif Archaïque De Berezan ........................ A. V. Buiskikh (Kiev) — Chian Grand Style Goblet from Borysthenes ................................. V. I. Mordvintseva (Sympheropol) — The Assemblage of Artefacts from Bulakhovka and the “Ritual Hoards” of the North Pontic Region of the 3rd — 1st centuries BC........ D. V. Zhuravlyov (Moscow) — Pendants in the Form of a Standing Scythian from the Burial Mound Kul Oba (Based on State Historical Museum Collection) ........................ S. Yu. Saprykin, I. Pyslaru (Moscow) — New Evidence on Emperor Augustus Cult in Callatis.............................................................................................................................. V. N. Zinko (Kerch) — Late Archaic History of the European Bosporus in the Context of Recent Archeological Studies ...................................................................................... A. A. Zavoikin (Moscow) — The Alliance of the Horse and the Rider (Notes on “The Bosporan Federation” of the Early Spartokid Period) ............................................ Ye. A. Molev (Nizhny Novgorod) — Leukon’s Titles ........................................................... A. A. Maslennikov (Moscow) — From Huts to Palaces and to Military Barracks (HouseBuilding Evolution on Ancient Bosporan Chora) ............................................................ Yu. A. Vinogradov (St.-Peterburg) — Basic Results of study of the Artyushchenko I Settlement (Taman Peninsula) .......................................................................................... . G. Abramzon (Magnitogorsk), D. A. Karpov, N. I. Sudarev (Moscow) — Asahder’s Gold Stater with Magic Graffit and a Labrys Found in the Sanctuary at the Ancient Settlement of Tsemdolinskoe 1 ........................................................................................ N. V. Zavoikina (Moscow) — On the History of Bosporan Elite of 2nd — 3rd centuries AD: Julius Menestratus and Khophrasm, the Son of Phargobacus .......................................... M. D. Bukharin (Moscow) — Transition Of Old Iranian *xš- > *s- and Its Reflection in Ancient Greek as an Issue of Debate on Scythian Language ........................................... V. A. Gaibov, G. A. Koshelenko (Moscow) — From Khwaresm to the Bosporus: Sarmatian Horseman Posture ............................................................................................................ G. V. Treveleva, G. Yu. Yurkov, Yu. V. Gorlov (Moscow), I. I. Tsvinariya, A. S. Agumaa, Sh. G. Kaitan (Sukhum) — Abkhazian Medieval Monuments Construction Methods and Dating ........................................................................................................................ 131 135 144 157 168 183 194 208 214 233 242 250 263 286 297 ANCIENT GREECE E. V. Rung (Kazan) — Patriotism and Its Ancient Greek Connotations................................. 304 V. S. Lenskaya (Moscow) — Priest and Sacrificial Offering in Ancient Greece .................... 315 ANCIENT ORIENT V. A. Gaibov (Moscow) — Sources of a Motif in Parthian Coinage ..................................... 332 N. D. Dvurechenskaya (Moscow) — South-Eastern Unit of Kampyrtepa Fortification (The Tower and The Entrance-Pier) ......................................................................................... 338 © 2013 . . 63 . . . , 1999 . . . - , 63 . . . , , , - , , , , 1964 . (122 , 88 . . .), , . . .). (70–60, , . , - . ( ) . : , , , , 1999 . . . , - . .1 63 . . . , , , 2. , , , , — , 1 , , , . E-Mail: mikhailtreister@yahoo.de 2010, 59–85; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 75–110; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 15–89. 2 , 2010, 61, 62, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, 63 . . . 13 . . - , . . . 1, . 1, 7–8; . 2), ( . . 1, . 1, 2–3; 3–4), ( ?) ( . . 1, . 1, 5; . . 5, 1–4), ( . . 1, . 1, 6; . 6, 1–2) . 5, 5–6), ( . . 1, . 1, 1; . ( . . 1, . 1, 4; . . 6, 3–4), . .№1 2 ( . 1, № 1–2) ( . . 1, . 1, 7–8; . . 2). . . , , — , . — . ( . . ( . , . 2, . 2, 8). 3, . , II — I . . .4 (II . 5 . .),6 ( 8, II I . , . . .),7 1964 .9 10 : I . . . 11. . , . , 1964 . « , . 122 88 . , , » , . .12 , - 3 ., , , (Sevinç, Treister 2003, 229, No. 55; pl. 5, fig. 56). 4 ., : Pfeiler-Lippitz 1972, 112, Taf. 36, 12; Boardman, Vollenweider 1978, no. 343, pl. LVII; Vollenweider 1984, Nr. 151; Plantzos 1999, 37, fig. 2, type III. 5 Cat. Milan 1984, 299, No. 236, , . , . № 54.130; Cat. Milan 1984, 300, No. 240, , . , . № 22.442. 6 Papapostolou 1978, 361–362, No. 5, pl. 112,α- ; 1990, 128, Nos. 43–44, figs. 43–44; 133–134. , . , . № 1026, 2130, 4043. 7 Dusenbery 1998, 999, 138–24 (57.263D). 8 Sevinç, Treister 2003, 228–229, Nos. 51–55; 238–239; pl. 5, fig. 56. , , . № 2334c. 9 Hackens, Lévy 1965, 552, No. 5, pl. XVII; Zafiropoulou 1998, 295, no. 254. , , . № B 10347. 10 Gălăbov 1955, 138, fig. 10a-b; 145. , , . № 1304–1305. 11 Bucovală 1967, 110–111, No. 68, f. 12 Hackens, Lévy 1965, 533–534. 14 - 13: . , ( , )14 I . . ., , 15 ( , ) 70–60- . . . 1964 .16, , 17 , ( ). . 18. , ( . . 3–4), . . . 1, . 1, 2–3; , .№3( , . . 1, . . 1, 2; . . 3) . - . , . , 19 , ( ). , 1931 . .№4( , , , , - 20. . . 1, . 1, 3; . . 4) , . , — . , , , ( .№8( . . 4, . . , . 4, , . 1, 4; , , . . . 4, 2–4) . . 6, 3–4). Stassinopoulou 2012, 147, No.. 115. , . , . № Χ . 1645. Kourkoumelis 2012, 211. Tselekas 2012, 218. Hackens,Lévy 1965, 541–547, fig. 6, pls. 17, 20; LIMC III, s.v. Eros (A. Hermary, H. Cassimatis, R.Vollkommer), 909, no. 672a; Zafiropoulou 1998, No. 256. , , .№ B 10342–10343. 17 Jackson 2010, 181–182, figs. 2a-b; 3; 192; Stassinopoulou 2012, 149–150, No. 119. , . , . № Χ . 1579, 1579 . 18 Jackson 2006, 157, No. 3, pl. 11; 2010, 179–180, figs. 1a-b; 192; Stassinopoulou 2012, 144–149, no. 118 ( .). , . , . № Χ . 1646. 19 Jackson 2006, 163, no. 1, pl. 14B: ; 163, No. 2, pl. 14B: , , . 57.1498–1499; 164, No. 3, pl. 14C: ; 164.165, No. 4, pl. 14C: . 20 Jackson 2006, 163–164, No. 4, pl. 14B: . 13 14 15 16 63 . . , . . 15 — , 1834 . . . , . . 1928 .22, , , 20 21, , , , , 23, 24. III — . . II . . № 5, )25. ( , , . , , , ( . . 1, . . 1, 6; , . . 5, 5–6). — - , 26. , №2 , , — , - — )27. ( , , , - , 28. , , : 30. , 29. 1851 . 1964 ., — ; ( — - ) . — ( . . . 1, . 1, 6; . 5, 5). 31. 21 Pfrommer 1990, 278. Anm. 2517; Jackson 2006, 133–134, No. 6, pl. 8; 2010, 590 ., . 607, 5; 676: . , . № .1834.94. III . . .: . 2010, 591. 22 . , , . № II 1 1049 ( 273). 23 Hoffmann, von Claer 1968, 122–123, Nr. 80; Jackson 2006, 147, No. 9, pl. 10 . 24 Jackson 2006, 148, No. 13, pl. 10 . 25 Jackson 2006, 146, No. 5, pl. 10 ; 26 . , 2007, 122. 27 Daux 1966, 830–831, fig. 1. 28 . 1918, 58/59: : Küthmann-Kusel 1925, 169–170, Nr. 1–2, Taf. VIII,1–2; Hackens, Lévy 1965, 547 figs. 7–8; Hoffmann, Davidson 1965, 286–287, No. 136; Hoffmann, von Claer 1968, 33–36, Nr. 25; Pfeiler-Lippitz 1972, 111 Taf. 35, 2–3. — . 1895, 211: Hoffmann, von Claer 1968, 124–127, Nr. 81; Pfeiler-Lippitz 1972, 111. C . , ( , . № VII 975): Cat. Vienna 1999, 222–223, Nr. 142. 29 Reinach 1892, 49, pl. VII, 18; 2007, 122, . № / 30 . . 16. 31 . . 17–18. 16 , , . № 6, , ( . 1, 5; - , . . 5, 1–4). , 32. , , 63 . , - , . . , , (70–60- . , 1964 . (122 . .). , 88 . . .), . , - , , , . ( ) - . 1) . . . , — - , . — - . : , ; . . , , . 0,37 . 0,43 . . 2,22 : 0,95 . . 0,27 — 0,6 . , — 1,99 . : 0,2 . . 1,73 .( . — ); . — 1,45 1,15 . — 1,63 1,75 . . 6,23 . : : : II–I . 1999 . , . . « » 85. . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 7; . . 2, . 2, 4–7. 32 ., , Jackson 2006, 151, No. 4, pl. 10F; 155, No. 16, pl. 10G; 162, No. 3, pl. 14A; 163–164, Nos. 1–4, pl. 14B; 164–165, Nos. 1, 3, 4a,pl. 14C. 63 . 2) . . 17 . . . , — - , . — - . : ; . . 0,30 , , , . . 2,51 , : 0,45 . — 0,85 . . : 1,78 1,66 . . . 0,23 1,13 . . 1,86 . 9,82 . 0,5 : . 1999 . : : II — I : — 0,21 ; » 85. . . « , . . . — 1,24 –1,72 . . . . , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, : Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 8; . . 2, . 2, 1–3, 8. 3) , - . . — : ; ; , . , . . 2,81 . . . 0,61 , . . 0,54 ( 0,94 ). 5,08 . « » 85. : . 1999 . : , . : II — I . . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 2; . . 3, . 3. . 4) . , ,— (?). . : ; , - 18 , , , . , . . 2,04 . 4,89 . , . . . 0,99 : : : II–I , . . 0,96 . 1999 . . 1,2 « » . 85. . , . . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 2; . . 3, . 3. 5) , , . , . — , . . : - ; ; . 2,1 . 2,2 . ; , . 1,28 : : : II–I . , . 0,17 . 1999 . , . . . . « » 85. . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 6; . . 5, . 5, 5–6. 6) — (?). . , . . . . . 1,39 . . 0,57 0,68 . . 0,62 . . 0,17– 0,18 . . 0,7 . 0,67 . : . 1999 . « » 85. : , . : II–I . . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 5; . . 5, . 5, 1–4. 7) . . 1,55 . . 0,58 , . 0,39 . 2,15 : . 1999 . « » 85. 63 . . . 19 : : II–I , . . . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . ., . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . . 1, . 1, 1; . . 6, . 6, 1–2. 8) . . 2,72 . 0,13 . : . 0,8 , . 0,65 , . 0,48 , 1,68 . : . 1999 . « » 85. : , . : II–I . . . : , 2010, 61, 62, . . 1, . 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011a, 78, 79, fig. 1; Abramzon, Kuznetsov 2011b, 16, 74, fig. 5. . 1, . 1, 4; . . 4, . 4; . . 6, . 6, 3–4. . 1. № . 33 XRF- 1 2 2 3 4 Au 93.05 93.35 92.03 76.35 69.54 Ag 5.42 5.2 6.86 21.42 26.12 Cu 1.07 1.45 1.1 1.62 3.03 Pb 0.46 — — 0.4 0.67 Ni — — — 0.08 — Fe 0.46 — — 0.4 0.67 Zn — — — — — 4 66.19 29.2 2.46 0.96 0.08 0.96 — 5 6 7 8 82.09 81.92 84.8 74.46 15.35 15.54 13.17 21.33 1.52 1.86 1.87 3.44 0.17 0.17 — 0.34 — — — 0.17 0.23 0.51 0.17 0.34 — — — — . ., ( ) - . . 2010: 63 . . . // . 1, 59–85. . . 2007: . . — 2 . . .) ( ) // . ., II . — II . . . . 1. 33 ; , 15–194. . . ( INNOV-X (α. . (2 . . . . . , ) ) . 20 . . 2010: . . . . 1834–1835 . // . / Paul Du Brux. Oeuvres. . 1 / . . ( .). ., 589–601. Abramzon M. G., Kuznetsov V. D. 2011a: The Rebellion in Phanagoria in 63 BC (New Numismatic Evidence) // ACSS. 17.1, 75–110. Abramzon M. G., Kuznetsov V. D. 2011b: The Phanagorian Revolt Against Mithridates VI Eupator (Numismatic Evidence) // Phanagoreia und seine historische Umwelt. Von den Anfängen der griechischen Colonization (8. Jh. v. Chr.) bis zum Chasarenreich (10. Jh. n. Chr.) / N. Povalahev, V. Kuznetsov (Hrsg.), (Altertümer Phanagoreias. Bd. 2). Göttingen, 15–89. Boardman J., Vollenweider, M.-L. 1978: Ashmolean Museum. Catalogue of the Engraved Gems and Finger Rings. I. Greek and Etruscan. Oxford. Bucovală M. 1967: Necropole elenistice la Tomis. Constanţa. Cat. Athens 2012 : The Antikythera Shipwreck: the Ship, the treasures, the mechanism / N. Kaltsas, E. Vlachogiani, P. Bouyia (eds.). Athens. 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Küthmann-Kusel H. 1925: Thessalischer Goldschmuck im Hamburger Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe // AM. 50, 167–191. Lévy E. 1968: Noveaux bijoux à Délos // BCH. 92, 523–539. Papapostolou J. 1978: φ α . II // ADelt. 33A, 354–385. Papapostolou J. 1990: α α α ῶ α // AEphem, 83–140. Pfeiler-Lippitz B. 1972: Späthellenistische Goldschmiedearbeiten // Antike Kunst. 15.2, 107–119. Pfrommer M. 1990: Untersuchungen zur Chronologie früh- und hochhellenistischen Goldschmucks (Istanbuler Forschungen, 37). Tübingen. Reinach S. 1892: Antiquités du Bosphore Cimmérien. Paris. Sevinç N., Treister M. 2003: Metalwork from the Dardanos Tumulus // Studia Troica. 13, 215–260. Stassinopoulou E. 2012: The Golden Jewels and the Silver Vases // Cat. Athens 2012, 146–151. Tselekas P. 2012: The coins // Cat. Athens 2012, 216–226. Vollenweider M.-L. 1984: Deliciae Leonis. Antike geschnittene Steine und Ringe aus einer Privatsammlung. Mainz. Zafiropoulou F. 1998: . α υ απ α υ α α α α. Athens. 63 . . . 21 GOLD JEWELRY FROM PHANAGORIAN ACROPOLIS FIRE LAYER OF 63 BC M. Yu. Treister The paper deals with gold jewelry found in 1999 by Phanagorian expedition from RAS Institute of Archeology that was headed by V. D. Kuznetsov. It was found in Phanagorian acropolis fire layer dating coin hoards as far back as 63 BC. Gold jewelry set probably kept in a casket that burnt down in the fire comprises two finger-rings, fragments of two ear-rings, a flap with casts and two Eros-shaped pendants. The jewelry composition, shape, and décor provide a direct parallel to such well-dated complexes of the Aegean sea. This is a Delos hoard found in 1964 (122 or 88 BC) and shipwreck off Antikitira (the 60s — 70s BC). The find in Phanagoria once again shows that late Hellenistic epoch saw the circulation of jewelry that is known due to the finds in Greece, Asia Minor, and on Aegean islands. Phanagorian jewelry set together with coin finds provides more evidence of dating Phanagoria necropolis fire. Key words: Hellenistic gold jewelry, rings, ear-rings with Eros-shaped pendants, Phanagorian acropolis №1 . 1. . , , 1999 . « . . . » . 85. - №2 . 2. . . № 1–2. , , 1999 . « . » . . . 85. №3 . 3. . № 3. . , , 1999 . « . » . . 85. №4 . 4. . . № 4. , 1999 . « . » . . 85. . , №5 . 5. 1999 . (?) ( « . № 6) » . (?) ( 85. . , . . № 5). , . №6 . № 7–8. . 6. » 85. , . , 1999 . . « . .