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2028 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 33, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998 RF Circuit Design Aspects of Spiral Inductors on Silicon Joachim N. Burghartz, Senior Member, IEEE, D. C. Edelstein, Mehmet Soyuer, Senior Member, IEEE, H. A. Ainspan, and Keith A. Jenkins, Member, IEEE Abstract—The design and optimization of spiral inductors on silicon substrates, the related layout issues in integrated circuits, and the effect of the inductor-Q on the performance of radiofrequency (RF) building blocks are discussed. Integrated spiral inductors with inductances of 0.5–100 nH and Q’s up to 40 are shown to be feasible in very-large-scale-integration silicon technology. Circuit design aspects, such as a minimum inductor area, the cross talk between inductors, and the effect of a substrate contact on the inductor characteristics are addressed. Important RF building blocks, such as a bandpass filter, low-noise amplifier, and voltage-controlled oscillator are shown to benefit substantially from an improved inductor-Q. (a) I. INTRODUCTION PIRAL inductors are important, performance-limiting components in monolithic radio-frequency (RF) circuits, such as voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO’s), low-noise amplifiers (LNA’s), and passive-element filters [1], [2]. The quality factor (Q) of the inductors is limited by the resistive losses in the spiral coil and by the substrate losses im /re with the impedance of the inductor]. [ It has been shown recently that high Q’s can be achieved in state-of-the-art silicon fabrication processes [3], [4]. Here, we discuss inductor optimization for RF circuit design and specific layout issues, verified by experiments. In particular, design, modeling, and specific circuit layout issues of spiral inductors on silicon substrates are discussed in Section II. In Section III, we evaluate and demonstrate the significance of the inductor-Q in three basic RF circuits, and Section IV will provide a summary of the results and some conclusions. S II. DESIGN AND CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION OF SPIRAL INDUCTORS ON SILICON A. Basic Design, Modeling, and Optimization A spiral inductor can be built on a silicon substrate by using the multilevel interconnects that are routinely provided with today’s mainstream silicon fabrication processes. A minimum of two metal layers is needed to build the basic spiral coil (M3 in Fig. 1) and an underpass contact (M2 in Fig. 1) to return the inner terminal of the coil to the outside. The lateral structure , the wire of an inductor is defined by the number of turns and space , and the total area covered , width Manuscript received April 15, 1998; revised June 26, 1998. The authors are with the IBM Research Division, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 USA (e-mail: burgh@us.ibm.com). Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9200(98)08857-X. (b) Fig. 1. (a) Plan and (b) cross-sectional views of a spiral inductor structure (metal layer M1 is omitted to reduce COx ). as shown in Fig. 1(a). A simple lumped-element model is instrumental in describing the electrical device characteristics (Fig. 2). The spiral coil itself is modeled by an ideal inductance , a series resistance , representing the ohmic losses . With the in the coil, and an interwire capacitance integration on a silicon substrate, oxide capacitances and bulk resistances have to be added to the model to represent the RF signal flow through the silicon substrate (the capacitance of the silicon substrate was neglected). In BiCMOS processes, silicon substrates with a typical resistivity of 10 -cm are used so that eddy currents in the silicon are negligible [3]. CMOS, in contrast, usually has p/p substrates ( 0.01 -cm), in which eddy currents can be considerable. The effect of the eddy currents can be represented in the model . and also depend on the in Fig. 2 by a reduced substrate thickness and whether the chip is mounted onto a metal plate in the package or onto a lossless substrate [5]. In the preferred configuration of a substrate with a high, but still conventional, resistivity such as 10 -cm, the substrate potential can only be defined laterally spaced from the spiral coil, which is represented in Fig. 2 as a contact to the node in and near the outer terminal. The substrate between 0018–9200/98$10.00  1998 IEEE BURGHARTZ et al.: RF CIRCUIT DESIGN ASPECTS 2029 Fig. 2. Lumped-element model of a spiral inductor on silicon, including a possible substrate contact. Fig. 4. Plan and cross-sectional (inset) views of Cu inductors. Also shown are inductors with metal dummy arrays in their center area. Fig. 3. Electrical characteristics and lumped-element model (inset) of a 3.3-nH Cu inductor (lines modeling, markers measurements). = = in contact can be placed close to the inductor (small Fig. 2) or can be left floating by spacing any substrate contact in Fig. 2). The effect of away from the device (large the substrate contact on the inductor characteristics will be explained in Section II-C. The Q develops a distinct maximum Q at a frequency , which depends on the coil losses and the substrate losses and . For good parameter control and ease in circuit design, it is important . This is that the inductance be constant near achieved by using a minimum doping concentration under ), so that self-resonance the inductor (i.e., a high value of occurs mainly via the small interwire capacitance sufficiently beyond instead of via the comparably much , near (Fig. 3). The agreement of modeling and larger are usually very good in spite measurements results near of the simplicity of the model, as shown in Fig. 3. From the typical frequency dependence of Q, as shown in Fig. 3, it is obvious that the optimization of a spiral and inductor has to aim for a coordinated reduction of , determined by the total impedance the substrate losses in and , in order to arrive at the highest possible of Q at . The parasitics and are responsible is small. for the falloff of Q beyond , provided that In mainstream silicon fabrication processes, one can take advantage of multilevel interconnects by looking for a tradeoff between the shunting of several metal layers in order to and by omitting the lowest metal layers to reduce lower (M1 omitted in Fig. 1). Further, the available blockout Fig. 5. Frequency dependence of inductance and quality factor of an 80-nH Cu inductor on silicon and on quartz substrates. masks should be applied in the fabrication process to keep the doping level under the spiral coil at a minimum in order [Fig. 1(b)]. This is a conservative approach to maximize since it does not require any alteration of the fabrication processes that are used in today’s manufacturing lines. An values by innovative approach can lead to much higher Q introducing low-resistive metallization and low-loss substrates. Recent results of inductor optimization have benefited in particular from the introduction of copper (Cu) Damascene interconnect technology (Fig. 4), which leads to a reduced and thus an increased Q at the currently relevant frequencies in comparison to aluminum (Al) interconnects. Figs. 3 and 5 show that this new interconnect technology enables Q values beyond ten even for very large inductances. It is also shown in Fig. 5 that the elimination of the substrate losses by using micromachining techniques in addition to the lower coil resistance leads to a further at a higher (“quartz” versus “silicon” in increase of Q Fig. 5). In this experiment, the substrate silicon was removed by using selective etching of the silicon, and the remaining thin-film structure was bonded onto a quartz substrate. The micromachined version of the Cu inductor in Fig. 3 had a at 6 GHz. The electrical characteristics of a 16Q turn inductor with 80-nH inductance in Fig. 5 show that the Cu 10 (“silicon”), but with metallization already leads to Q 2030 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 33, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998 (a) Fig. 6. Maximum quality factors versus inductances for Al and Cu inductors. The ranges of f0 , and of the inductor total areas, are listed as insets at the top and bottom, respectively. the additional removal of the substrate losses, an additional and an elevation of become twofold increase of Q possible (“Quartz”). Fig. 6 shows that the 2 lower resistivity and the 2 greater conductor thickness [ 4 m versus 2 m ( in inset of Fig. 4)] of Cu compared to the Al process led to a 3–4 increased Q over the entire range of feasible inductance is, to first order, set values. The figure also shows that by the inductor area. It is further obvious from the results in Fig. 6 that large inductance values typically combine with comparably small Q’s, while the opposite is the case for small inductances. That is mainly a result of the substrate losses: an increase of the number of turns in the spiral coil or an increase of the coil area results in an increased magnetic flux, and thus a high inductance value, but also in a proportionally higher series resistance. From that point of view, the Q should not be very different if one compares large to small inductances. Taking into account the RF current flow through the substrate, however, results in a comparably stronger degradation of Q for large inductance values, as observed in Fig. 6. Also, for the same total area—i.e., the same “footprint”—of the spiral coil, a small inductance value combines with a comparably larger Q [3]. Fortunately, in many RF building blocks, such as filters or impedance matching networks, the required inductance values are smaller at the higher frequencies, at which a comparably higher Q is needed. B. Design for Minimum Inductor Area The inductor size should be minimized, as inductors consume a large fraction of the circuit area [6]. This can first be achieved by choosing a minimum width of the coil conductor. 226 For three Al test inductors with the same area (226 m ) and , we measured that Q , was the largest for m nH Q , Q was medium for m and m nH, , and Q was the smallest for m and Q m nH, Q , all at GHz nH, [Fig. 7(a)]. (For the Cu process, those values were Q versus nH, Q versus nH, Q .) Fig. 7(a) shows that the main reason for this difference in Q is likely caused by the skin effect in the (b) Fig. 7. Inductance and Q versus frequency of (a) inductors with two different widths but the same total area and (b) inductors with different total areas but similar electrical characteristics. coil conductor layer, which leads to current’s crowding to the edges of the conductor. The increase in conductor width m to m does not lead to a from significant reduction of the high-frequency resistance, as seen from the very similar increase of Q with frequency below in Fig. 7(a). The falloff of Q beyond , however, occurs at lower [2]. frequencies for the wider conductor due to the larger For those reasons, the width of the coil conductor should only be large enough to reduce the ohmic losses in balance with other losses in the inductor structure. An increase beyond this level will have detrimental effects on the inductor-Q. m did provide a sufficiently high (20 Since GHz), the inductor could be fabricated with a minimum and m, reducing the area consumption significantly. m and Based on this conclusion, an Al inductor with m had nH and Q at GHz, with a reduced area of 160 160 m , a result that was very similar to that of the 2 larger inductor with an area of m [Fig. 7(b)]. The results 225 225 m and with certainly do not indicate a general design rule for the spiral coil layout, but they illustrate how effectively the inductor area can be minimized without sacrificing the electrical characteristics. Chip area can also be conserved by constructing an inductor with two vertically stacked spiral coils instead of using one coil with an underpass contact [7]. An inductance of 7 nH were achieved with two stacked Cu coils and Q compared to nH and Q for a single-coil Cu inductor, showing that a higher inductance value can be . The improvement, gained for a given area and a similar Q BURGHARTZ et al.: RF CIRCUIT DESIGN ASPECTS 2031 (a) Fig. 9. Insertion loss as a function of the spacing of inductor pairs. (b) Fig. 8. Frequency dependence of inductance and Q of inductors built at metal levels M5 and M6 over SRAM interconnects at M1–M3 or over silicon. however, comes at the expense of ’s being reduced from 2.2 ’s being lowered from 12.8 to 4.3 GHz, to 1.8 GHz and restricting the range of operating frequency. Another potential way to conserve chip area is to build the inductors over circuitry or to place circuitry in the open center space of an inductor. To explore the first option, an inductor was built at the metal levels M5 and M6 over dense SRAM interconnects fabricated at M1–M3. The result in Fig. 8(a) showed that fabrication of inductors over circuitry was not was a viable option to conserve chip area because Q 4 smaller and was 5 lower compared to the case without the SRAM wiring. Hollow Cu inductors with two turns and with or without metal dummy features (not grounded) with different metal pitches in the center area (Fig. 4) were fabricated to investigate qualitatively the option of placing circuitry in the inductor’s center space. While the structure , Q was with the free center area had Q measured for the less dense dummy features, and with the was 14 [Fig. 8(b)]. The inductance, dense dummy lines Q however, changed by less than 5%, showing that devices can be added to the inductor’s center area as long as the density is moderate, no closed wire loops are formed, and control of the Q is not critical. C. Circuit Layout Issues Besides the inductor-size optimization, the electromagnetic coupling between inductors can complicate the RF circuit design and layout. We investigated this issue by fabricating 226 m area each) with differpairs of inductors (226 ent spacings, wired for two-port -parameter testing (Fig. 9, inset). The inductor pairs were built over 10- -cm silicon substrates. The insertion loss, which indicates the degree of coupling, was found to be 29 dB at 5 GHz if the two inductors were placed as close as possible (i.e., 236 m center–center). The insertion loss was reduced with increasing inductor spacing, having a value close to that measured for the open contact pads near 500 m. With the inductor of the second port shorted, we found that even for the minimum distance, an effect on was not noticeable and Q was degraded by only 5%. If, however, the inductor pairs were built over p p substrates, as typically used in CMOS technology, a considerable capacitive coupling between the ports would be observed, which would overshadow the electromagnetic crosstalk effects [8]. On 10- -cm substrates, the inductor proximity effects were small enough not to restrict the RF circuit layout in most cases. If inductors are used in LNA’s, however, where power levels can be extremely low, cross talk can become a serious issue, and adequate spacing of the LNA to the other circuitry and special isolation structures become necessary. Another layout issue results from the poor definition of the substrate bias if the substrate resistivity is high. The substrate bias can only be defined by using a substrate contact outside of the spiral coil, which would be different in the regions underneath the coil as a result of the high substrate resistivity. In the model, the substrate contact can be represented by a , as shown in Fig. 2. The effect of the contact on resistor the electrical characteristics of the one- and two-port inductor configurations has been investigated, and the results were presented elsewhere [9]. In that work, the Q-factor in the one-port configuration (one terminal at ground) was found to if a string increase by 40% at the expense of a reduced of substrate contacts enclosing the spiral coil (halo substrate and contact [9]) was applied. This tradeoff between Q applies to silicon substrate contacts as well as to metal ground shield structures underneath the spiral coil [5]. The effect of is significantly a substrate contact is diminished, and Q reduced, if the silicon resistivity is low [9]. The effect of the substrate contact on the inductor characteristics is one example of the effect of the circuit layout on the device models in 2032 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 33, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998 (a) (a) (b) Fig. 10. (a) Schematics and (b) insertion loss of a coupled-resonator bandpass filter with use of either Al or micromachined Cu inductors. The 3-dB bandwidth relative to the center frequency (the Q of the filter) was set to 5.4 by the capacitance ratio.  monolithic RF systems, indicating that the traditional concept of discrete device models may not be sufficient for RF circuit design on silicon. III. EFFECT OF INDUCTOR-Q ON = RF CIRCUIT PERFORMANCE The effect of the inductor-Q is very obvious in a bandpass filter (BPF) if high-Q metal-insulator-metal capacitors are used [Fig. 10(a)]. A first version of the BPF was built using Al inductors with a Q of 7.6. For the selected filter-Q of 5.5, based on the ratio of the capacitance value in the inductance–capacitance resonator and of the capacitance that couples the resonators, an insertion loss of 10 dB was measured [Fig. 10(b)]. The same BPF fabricated on a p p substrate had 15-dB insertion loss due to a reduced inductorQ of 4.6 [not shown in Fig. 10(b)]. With micromachined Cu ), the insertion loss improved to 3.5 dB. inductors (Q Extrapolating from this result, we estimated that for this best case inductor implementation, a filter-Q of ten can be achieved with an insertion loss of 5 dB. Those values may still not be sufficient in some RF designs, indicating that the integration of RF filters is one of the major challenges in the integration of monolithic RF transceivers. As a second RF circuit, a 5.8-GHz LNA was fabricated by using a 0.5- m SiGe-BiCMOS process1 and was investigated by simulation [Fig. 11(a)]. In this circuit, a high inductor-Q allows one to design either for a reduced power consumption or a maximum figure of merit (FoM) [10], i.e., FoM S21/(NF ) with the gain S21, the noise figure NF, and . At mW and 2-V the power consumption 1 See (b) Fig. 11. (a) Schematic and (b) simulated and measured noise figure and insertion loss versus frequency of a 5.8-GHz LNA using inductors with Q 8 or 40. IBM’s SiGe technology home page at http://www.chips.ibm.com/ sige/technology.html. (a) (b) Fig. 12. (a) Schematic and (b) power versus frequency of a 5.0-GHz VCO using an inductor with Q = 8 or 40. BURGHARTZ et al.: RF CIRCUIT DESIGN ASPECTS supply voltage, the FoM was found by simulation to improve from 0.75 to 1.2 mW if an inductor-Q of 40 was used in [Fig. 11(b)]. For the fabricated LNA with an place of Q mW and NF dB inductor-Q of ten, FoM were calculated and measured because the emitter inductor in the circuit was 0.23 nH instead of the desired 0.37 nH. With mW is expected. the correct value, FoM Like the LNA, VCO’s suffer especially from low-Q onchip inductors. A 5.5-GHz SiGe VCO, based on a Colpitts oscillator [11], was investigated by simulation, assuming a 3-V supply voltage and a varactor-Q of 30 [Fig. 12(a)]. DC power reduction was identified as a key benefit of a high inductorQ due to reduced gain requirements from the active circuitry. At 10-MHz offset, the phase noise was 130 dBc/Hz and the power was 17.9 mW for an inductor-Q of eight, and 137 , showing that a dBc/Hz and 5.1 mW were found for Q 5 increase in inductor-Q translates into a 3.5 power savings and 7-dB better phase noise [Fig. 12(b)]. IV. CONCLUSIONS In summary, integrated spiral inductors with inductances ranging from about 0.5 to 100 nH and Q’s up to 40 can be provided for RF circuit design on silicon by using Al or Cu interconnect technologies. A low inductance value typically combines with a comparably high Q at a high . A proper choice of conductor line width and, in some cases, utilization of the inductor coil’s inner space for placement of circuitry can be instrumental to conserve chip area. In most cases, electromagnetic coupling between inductors is not an issue that affects the circuit layout. Important RF system building blocks, such as bandpass filters, LNA’s, and VCO’s, were found to benefit substantially from an improved inductor-Q. REFERENCES [1] N. M. Nguyen and R. G. Meyer, “Si IC-compatible inductors and LC passive filters,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1028–1031, 1990. [2] J. R. Long and M. A. Copeland, “Modeling, characterization and design of monolithic inductors for silicon RF IC’s,” in Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC), 1996, pp. 185–188. [3] J. N. Burghartz, M. Soyuer, and K. A. Jenkins, “Integrated RF and microwave components in BiCMOS technology,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 43, no. 9, pp. 1559–1570, 1996. [4] J. N. Burghartz et al., “Monolithic spiral inductors fabricated using a VLSI Cu-Damascene interconnect technology and low-loss substrates,” in Tech. Dig. Int. Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 1996, pp. 99–102. [5] J. N. Burghartz, “Progress in RF inductors on silicon—Understanding substrate losses,” in Tech. Dig. 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[11] M. Soyuer et al., “A 2.4-GHz silicon bipolar oscillator with integrated resonator,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 268–270, 1996. Joachim N. Burghartz (M’90–SM’92) received the Dipl.Ing. degree from the Technische Hochschule Aachen, Germany, in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1987, both in electrical engineering. During 1982–1987, he was with the University of Stuttgart, where he developed sensors with integrated signal conversion with a special focus on magnetic-field sensors. Since 1987, he has been with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. His earlier research work at IBM included device applications of selective epitaxial growth of silicon, Si and SiGe high-speed transistor design and integration processes, and 0.15-m CMOS technology. For the past few years, he has been engaged in the development of circuit building blocks for SiGe RF front ends, with a special interest in the integration of high-quality passive components on silicon. He has served at technical conferences such as IEDM, ESSDERC, and BCTM. He is the author or coauthor of more than 80 technical publications. He has received five U.S. patents. D. C. Edelstein received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in applied physics from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, in 1982, 1986, and 1990, respectively. His thesis work involved ultrafast quantum electronics studies in III–V semiconductors and the development of new femtosecond lasers and measurement techniques, most notably, the femtosecond optical parametric oscillator. He currently is a Research Staff Member in IBM’s Research Division at the T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. Since 1989, he has worked at IBM on advanced interconnect technology for VLSI/ULSI applications. This work has included process integration, advanced materials development, reliability, electrical performance modeling, interconnect scaling, dielectric, and highspeed measurements. In general, this work was all applied to research of copper on-chip interconnects. For the past five years, he has played a leadership role in the development and qualification of copper interconnects for IBM’s ULSI CMOS programs. Mehmet Soyuer (S’79–M’88–SM’96) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1976 and 1978, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1988. He was a Teaching Associate and Research Assistant at the Middle East Technical University and at the University of California, Berkeley. He joined IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, as a Research Staff Member in 1988. His research work involved high-frequency mixed-signal IC designs, in particular monolithic phase-locked-loop designs for clock and data recovery, clock multiplication, and frequency synthesis using silicon technologies. During 1995–1997, he was a Project Leader for Si and SiGe RF and microwave IC designs covering frequency bands of 1–20 GHz. In 1997, he became Manager of the Mixed-Signal Communications IC Design Group. He is the author of numerous articles in the areas of analog, mixed-signal, RF, microwave, and nonlinear electronic circuit design. He has received six U.S. patents. His research interests include high-speed integrated circuits, technologies, and systems for data communications. Dr. Soyuer was a NATO Science Scholar from 1979 to 1982. He has received several IBM Research Division Awards. 2034 H. A. Ainspan received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Columbia University, NY, in 1989 and 1991, respectively. In 1989, he joined the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, where he has been involved in the design of mixed-signal and RF IC’s for high-speed data links using Si and GaAs technologies. He is the coauthor of 22 external publications. He has received one patent. IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 33, NO. 12, DECEMBER 1998 Keith A. Jenkins (M’98) received the Ph.D. degree in physics from Columbia University, NY, for work done in experimental high energy physics. He was with The Rockefeller University until 1983, when he joined the IBM Research Division at the T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, where he first worked in Josephson technology. He later joined the Silicon Technology Department, where he worked in a variety of device and circuit subjects, including high-frequency measurement techniques, electron-beam circuit testing, radiation-device interactions, and low-temperature electronics. He presently is a Senior Engineer in the VLSI Systems Department. His current activities include evaluation of the performance of VLSI circuits, phase-locked loops and integrated silicon RF circuits, and research into the transient behavior of silicon-on-insulator FET’s.