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" ! ! C > ? " & " ! H H ! # 7 : ; E > A * " = $( "! $( ; ! ; % ; Notes 1.“The Centre for Health Design is a leading research and advocacy organization fo forward-thinking healthcare and design professionals who are leading the quest to improve the quality of healthcare through building architecture and desig” (www.healthdesign.org). “The International Academy for Design & Health was founded in 1997 by scientists at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm as a non-profit organisation dedicated to the stimulation and application of research concerning the interaction between design, health, science and culture. It is is a global, interdisciplinary knowledge community dedicated to the stimulation and application of research concerning the interaction between design, health, science & culture” (www.designandhealth.com). 2. The soft actions are those in wich materials, colours, finisches, lighting acting complementary, qualify the space. For example, floors and walls must be color-matched. Their ‘draw’ helps to measure the space and, at the same time, highlights the configuration. 3. ISO 9241-11, “Ergonomics of human-system interaction Guidance on usability”: “The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness,efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use”. 4. According Cognitive Psychology the corridors should not have more than two changes of direction, becouse these prevent the construcition of a mental map that guides the users inside the costructed space. Bibliography Baglioni A., Tartaglia R. (ed), Ergonomia e ospedale: valutazione, progettazione e gestione di ambienti, organizzazioni, strumenti e servizi, 2002, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan. Bonaiuto M., Bilotta E., Fornara F., Che cos’è la psicologia architettonica, 2005, Carocci, Rome. Canter D., Psychology for architects, 1972, Applied Scinces, London. Capolongo S., Edilizia ospedaliera: approcci metodologici e progettuali, 2006, Hoepli, Milan. 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