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José Pascual Buxó (ed.), Reflexión y espectáculo en la Amériva virreinal. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, 2007, pp. 375-399.
In this article, I will refer to the work of Chilean playwright and theater director Guillermo Calderon. This is an author with a well-defined ideological and aesthetic position, which he shares with the group of artists who stage his plays. It is my hypothesis that his theatre requires an emancipated spectator who accepts, although critically, the game that is being proposed. The questions posed by Calderon are only the access door to an experience where artists and spectators, actively and under equal conditions, also participate. In this discussion I will center my analysis on the specific mechanics of this mode of work. My study ends with a commentary about his play Escuela (2013).
Letras (Lima)
El presente constituye un estudio exploratorio, una primera aproximación de abordaje para identificar la relación que existe entre la obra de José María Arguedas (JMA) y el Teatro Peruano. En esta indagación hemos constatado que existen varias adaptaciones de la obra arguediana a diversas expresiones artísticas, que se han manifestado principalmente en dos modalidades: a) adaptaciones teatrales de su narrativa, y b) creaciones teatrales que se han producido en base a los mitos y relatos orales del mundo andino, que JMA recogió en su largo peregrinaje por el país. Las instituciones teatrales que han recreado estas puestas en escena han sido principalmente los grupos de teatro que forman parte del Movimiento del Teatro Independiente (MOTIN), que han utilizado la modalidad de la creación colectiva en sus producciones. Estos espectáculos fueron difundidos en diversas localidades del país principalmente a través de las Muestras de Teatro Nacionales y Regionales. Los grupos de teatro en e...
Hipogrifo. Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro, 2020
Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 2020
Este artículo propone explorar la compleja interrelación entre Felipe III y el duque de Lerma, su valido, a través de un prisma poco utilizado por la historiografía: la danza cortesana. En la muy ambiciosa política festiva del valido, la danza ocupa un papel especial que responde al gusto específico del monarca por este arte y que no tendrá equivalentes en la posteridad bajo los Austrias. En este contexto, la danza cortesana es uno de los soportes de la representación alegórica de la monarquía que opera en las fiestas reales. Partiendo de estas premisas, el artículo se pregunta cómo la danza afecta a este sistema de representación cuando está en manos del valido, es decir, no solo un partícipe cualquiera de las danzas, sino aquel que baila al lado del rey y, sobre todo, aquel que termina teniendo suficiente poder como para costear saraos o máscaras capaces de emular la magnificencia real. This article proposes to explore the complex interrelationship between Philip III and his Favourite, the Duke of Lerma, through a prism little used by historiography: courtly dance. In the very ambitious festive policy of the Favourite, dance occupies a special role that responds to the monarch’s specific taste for this art and which will have no equivalent later under the Habsburgs. In this context, courtly dance is one of the supports of the allegorical representation of the monarchy that operates in the royal festivals. The article shows how dance affects this system of representation when it is in the hands of the Favourite, that is to say, not only a participant in any of the dances, but also the one who dances alongside the king and, above all, who ends up having enough power to afford masques capable of emulating royal magnificence.
Este trabajo examina el modo en que el teatro político se sirve de las tensiones históricas para realizar su discurso teatral. La investigación se centra en el análisis de dos obras y sus respectivos montajes en Chile y España: Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria, de Andrés Recio, producido por la Unidad de Producción Alcores, y Nuestra américa, escrita y montada por la compañía chilena Teatro Público. Ambas permiten estudiar y profundizar en los diferentes procesos históricos que se producen a partir de la lucha de clases en dos escenarios opuestos: la Historia occidental en el caso del "Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria" y la de América Latina en el de "Nuestra América (bosquejos)".
European Scientific Journal, ESJ , 2024
In addition to teaching and research, the goal of universities is to contribute to the development of civil society by promoting the direct application, valorization, and use of knowledge. In reality, it is a widespread and shared opinion that is no longer enough to carry out research on campus and publish subsequent works in scientific journals. It is also difficult to be fully satisfied with teaching only young people in university courses. This paper focuses on highlighting how an applied example can be taken as the best practice for future implementations. The methodology used is qualitative. The research question that initiated the study was to concretely verify how the Third Mission (TM) was integrated into the strategic choices of universities. In light of the new methods of evaluating universities, how can we highlight what they have done in terms of the third mission? Are organizational solutions possible in the approach to the TM? The objective was to verify what the impact and future development of the Third Mission (TM) in the universities will be. In light of its inclusion among the evaluation criteria of universities and teachers, the Third Mission (TM) is the new future frontier in terms of local and national openness and development, as well as their economic and financial sustainability. To this end, a case analysis was proposed as a model/best practice, and in particular the case of the Department of Business and Law of the University of Calabria was also presented. The application and implementation of rules and regulations are always difficult in any case and in any field. An example can be seen in public administration and universities, bureaucratically "plastered" and not very inclined to change and innovation, especially regarding performance evaluation. Therefore, seeing an application carried out relatively quickly allows the enhancement of the “DiScAG Model”, which is to be taken as an application example in the implementation of the Third Mission (TM) in universities. The study will contribute to increasing the literature and starting a discussion and a reflection on what has been done and what still needs to be done in this direction.
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Edited By Carolyn McKinney, Pinky Makoe, Virginia Zavala, 2024
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Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt, 2023
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Motion to File Amended Petition for Writ of Mandate, 2024
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 2023
SineFilozofi Dergisi, 2024
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 1998
RIDE Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo
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