Abkhaz language
Recent papers in Abkhaz language
Based on phonological research of 37 Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages, the author proposes for them an original and phonetically complete generalized featural alphabet shaped via peculiar usage of the morphological principles... more
Abkhaz folklore recordings in the Abzhywa dialect. Three tales: Nart Sasryqwa from the Nart Epics (birth and heroic deeds), mythological story about the wizzard sister, explaining the moon eclipse, and a tale about the mythical hero... more
В монографии рассматриваются вопросы структуры, истории и функционирования абхазского языка, а также лингвистические аспекты истории Абхазии.
Abkhaz is one of the three languages comprising the Abkhazo-Adyghean, or West Caucasian branch of North Caucasian linguistic family (the other branch being Nakh-Daghestanian, or East Caucasian). Abkhaz is spoken by approximately 100,000... more
An overview of the main phonological, morphological amd lexical traits of the Tsabal dialect of Abkhaz. Before the period of Muhajirism, the mountain ethnographic group of Tsabals lived in the middle reaches of the Kodor River in the... more
This is a grammatical sketch of the Sadz dialect of Abkhaz (Northwest Caucasian) submitted to Yuri Koryakov, Yury Lander and Timur Maisak (eds.), The Caucasian Languages. An International Handbook. Mouton. HSK series.
The Abkhaz-Abaza sound correspondences and the reconstruction of the Proto-Abkhaz consonant system.
My old paper on middle ("hissing-hushing") sibilants in the West Caucasian languages. One corrective: now I regard the simple hissing-hushing ones just as palatalized (sign j) dental sibilants (dzj, cj, c'j, sj, zj), and the labialized... more
The article analyzes Abkhaz “children’s speech” (baby talk), the phonetic processes and morphological means involved in the derivation of children’s forms of “adult” words. The article presents the corpus of children’s vocabulary of the... more
The applicative, along with the causative, is one of the mechanisms of increasing actant derivation. Unlike some other languages, Abkhaz applicatives can be used with both transitive and intransitive verbs. In addition, they are possible... more
Being a minoritarian language, the Abkhaz language is under strong pressure from Russian. The paper analyses historical factors that had led to a difficult situation with Abkhaz, including the factor of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. In... more
The paper discusses the circumstances concerning the creation of Abkhaz alphabets based on Latin script. There were two projects - the so-called "analytical" alphabet proposed by academician N. Ya. Marr (used in 1926-1928) and the... more
An overview of the main features of the Guma sub-dialect of the Abkhaz language in the field of phonology, morphology and vocabulary. The Guma speech occupied an intermediate position between the Bzyp and Abzhywa dialects. It is now fully... more
A survey chapter for The Oxford Handbook of the Languages of the Caucasus, ed. by Maria Polinsky.
A number of different languages in outside of the Indo-European family were analyzed based on how difficult it would be for a native English speaker to learn them. They were then rated on a purely impressionistic 1-6 scale of easiest to... more
Several basic-lexicon etymologies, with regular sound correspondences, suggest Hurro-Urartian (HU) might be derived from (or related to) Proto-Indo-European (PIE). Preliminary evidence suggests North-Caucasian (NC) languages might also be... more
Основываясь на исследованиях по фонетике северокавказских языков, автор выявляет структурное несоответствие между исключительно богатым консонантизмом данных языков и их нынешними кириллическими алфавитами и, выдвигая идею о необходимости... more
Polysynthesis, broadly understood as extreme morphological complexity of the verb, has been attracting attention of linguists since the advent of linguistic typology in the beginning of the 19th century. Somewhat paradoxically, while the... more
To create new words, Abkhaz uses practically limitless resources of both compounding and affixation, as well as of their combination. Compounding is a dominant means of word-formation across the parts of speech. In verb-formation... more
Klasse Person. Festschrift für Wolfgang Schulze anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstags am 29. Januar 2018
In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and... more
"The paper presents a thorough investigation of the Abkhaz borrowings in Megrelian, including structural loans, grammatical elements, adjectives, adverbs, numerals,and appellativa (anatomical and medical terms, household items, terms... more
Çözümlemeli Abhazca Kuş Adları, Абхазские Орнитонимы
В.А. Чирикба ВКЛАД В.Г. АРДЗИНБА В ИЗУЧЕНИЕ ХАТТСКОГО ЯЗЫКА Владислав Григорьевич Ардзинба был ученым широкого профиля: историком, филологом, специалистом в области древневосточных и кавказских цивилизаций и культур, мифов, ритуалов и... more
This book deals with the reconstruction of Common West Caucasian, the postulated proto-language of the West Caucasian (Abkhazo-Adyghean) languages, Abkhaz, Circassian and the recently extinct Ubykh. The book contains a synchronous... more
The article analyzes the Abkhaz language material as contained in the book by James Stanislaus Bell “Journal of a residence in Circassia during the years 1837, 1838, and 1839” (London, 1840). The author spent three years (1837-1839) in... more
Talk at the Multiple Exponence at ZAS (MultEx@ZAS 2021), Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin / Online, 1-3 December 2021.
The paper discusses the contribution of the outstanding Russian philologist Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy (1890-1938) to the formation of a new branch of comparative historical linguistics – the North Caucasian linguistics and philology.... more
It is commonly assumed that basic cardinal numerals such as English three are simplex expressions whose primary function is to quantify over entities denoted by the modified NP (e.g., Kennedy 2015; Rothstein 2017; Ionin & Matushansky... more
The present paper examines the reflexes of common Abkhazo-Adyghian lateral phonems. In contemporary Abkhaz-Abaza dialects lateral system is represented only by resonant l. In contrast to Abkhaz-Abaza, Circassian (Kabardian, Adyghean and... more
A large number of Ancient Greek vases dated to the 1st millennium BC contain short inscriptions. Normally, these represent names of craftsmen or names and descriptions of the depicted characters and objects. The majority of inscriptions... more
La nuna situacio kun abĥaza lingvo elvokas seriozan zorgemon kiel ĉe specialistoj, tiel en rondo de intelektularo, malgraŭ garantita en Konstitucio de Abĥazio altan staton de abĥaza lingvo kiel ŝtata. Laŭ takso de lingvoscientistoj abĥaza... more
J. Perthes, “Von Pergamon über den Dindymos zum Pontus”, 1889.
Seyahat notlarında Almanca, Çerkesce, Abazaca, Kürtçe ve Türkçe hazırladığı basit bir sözlükte bulunmaktadır.
Seyahat notlarında Almanca, Çerkesce, Abazaca, Kürtçe ve Türkçe hazırladığı basit bir sözlükte bulunmaktadır.
Основываясь на исследованиях по фонетике северокавказских языков, автор выявляет структурное несоответствие между исключительно богатым консонантизмом данных языков и их нынешними кириллическими алфавитами и, выдвигая идею о необходимости... more
ETHNIC IDENTITY AND LANGUAGE COMPETENCE IN THE DESCENDANTS OF NATIONAL-MIXED FAMILIES IN GUDAUTA (According to a sociological study of 2017–2018) The article analyzes the ethno-linguistic characteristics of the ethnically mixed... more
The file is too big to upload on Academia.edu, you can download it here http://apsnyteka.org/3681-Bagapsh_N_Etnodemograf_protsessy_v_Sukhume_2017.html Монография кандидата географических наук Багапш Н.В. посвящена изучению... more