Caucasian Culture (Adyghe, Abkhaz, Ubyh)
Recent papers in Caucasian Culture (Adyghe, Abkhaz, Ubyh)
Из всех явлений традиционной религии причерноморских адыгов-шапсугов, культ грома (или молнии) Шибле (Щыблэ) имеет наибольшую консервативную устойчивость к переменам. Обрядовые мероприятия, относящиеся к этому культу, фиксировались... more
Based on phonological research of 37 Northwest and Northeast Caucasian languages, the author proposes for them an original and phonetically complete generalized featural alphabet shaped via peculiar usage of the morphological principles... more
Abstract: This essay provides a selected bibliography on the history and cultures of the Caucasus region. A great part of this study consists of books, articles, symposiums papers, undergraduate and postgraduate thesis and Ph.D... more
Ubykh Personal Names. Male and Female Names. Patronyms. Baby Names. Nicknames. Folkloronyms. Theonyms. Mithonyms.
ბაგრატ შინკუბა აფხაზური მხატვრული ლიტერატურის კლასიკოსია. მისი პოეტური და პროზაული ნაწარმოებები ასახავს აფხაზი ხალხის ისტორიულ და თანამედროვე მისწრაფებებს. განსაკუთრებული პოპულარობით სარგებლობს მისი რომანი-ეპოპეა „უკანასკნელი უბიხი“,... more
İÇİNDEKİLER ÖNSÖZ ........ 2 ÇOCUKLA İLGİLİ GELENEKLER ........ 6 Çocuğun Önemi ........ 7 Hamilelik ........ 11 Doğum ........ 17 Doğumdan Sonra ........ 30 Ad Konması ........ 32 Dini adlar koyma ........ 34 Ünlü,... more
This paper utilizes Elliot R. Wolfson's analysis of Menahem Mendel Schneerson's thought in order to explicate the conceptualization of melody in Habad thought. Specifically its relation to the meontological Infinite, time-consciousness,... more
В сборнике на стр.70-81 статья В.И.Колесова о черкесогаях Бароновых
Several basic-lexicon etymologies, with regular sound correspondences, suggest Hurro-Urartian (HU) might be derived from (or related to) Proto-Indo-European (PIE). Preliminary evidence suggests North-Caucasian (NC) languages might also be... more
Основываясь на исследованиях по фонетике северокавказских языков, автор выявляет структурное несоответствие между исключительно богатым консонантизмом данных языков и их нынешними кириллическими алфавитами и, выдвигая идею о необходимости... more
This article examines aspects of cultural exchange between the Middle East and the West in which Sufism, Christianity, the traditions of the Circassians and New Age concepts played a central role. It focuses on the teaching of Murat... more
The paper presents a brief survey of the traditional religious practices as still, or until recent times, observed in the Caucasus. The possibility of a pan-Caucasian “mythological union” formed over centuries between all the Caucasian... more
Öz Niğbolu muharebesinde Haçlı ordusunu hezimete uğratan Yıldırım Bayezid'ın Ankara muharebesinde mağlup olması Avrupa'nın gözlerini birden bire İran'a çevirdi. Onlar Türk tehlikesini tamamen ortadan kaldırmak için uygun bir ortamın... more
Интернет, став неотъемлемой частью повседневности и символом современного образа жизни, передает и формирует динамику социокультурных изменений, нового уровня общения и взаимодействия. Одним из наиболее популярных инструментов... more
In this article the values of the “Abkhazian-Abazinians” and the “Circassians” who commemorated 147th year’s of the “Circassian exile” and their relatives living in Abkhazia; and also Armenians who resettled in Abkhazia after 1915 and... more
АРМЯНЕ ЮГА РОССИИ: история, культура, общее будущее. Материалы III Международной научной конференции
This book pioneers a socio-cultural insight into the history and presence of the violence in Chechnya. It explores the organization of Chechen society with emphasis on the role of clans (teips, nekyes), persisting values and norms... more
Суммировав то, что известно в настоящее время об индоевропейском (ИЕ) наследии в «Махабхарате» (Мбх), автор выявляет в ней еще один мотив, имеющий параллели в нескольких других ИЕ эпических традициях. Исследователи и переводчики эпоса... more
The systematic processing of ca. 55,000 folklore-mythological texts from all over the world has allowed to define more precisely the distribution of motifs considered to be non-trivial Celtic–Caucasian parallels, and to expand their list... more
The paper discusses the contribution of the outstanding Russian philologist Nikolai Sergeevich Trubetskoy (1890-1938) to the formation of a new branch of comparative historical linguistics – the North Caucasian linguistics and philology.... more
Ubykh is one of the languages comprising the small North-West Caucasian (Abkhazo-Adyghean) language family. It is SOV, ergative, postpositional, head-marking, and massively agglutinative. First attested in around 1650 in the Seyâhatnâme... more
Öz Kafkasya, küçük bir coğrafya olmasına rağmen çevresini büyük oranda etkilemiştir. Masalla gerçeğin iç içe geçtiği bir yer olan Kafkasya'nın; kendine has kültürel ve karakteristik özellikleri ile kadim vatanları Abhazya'nın otokton... more
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus' treatise De Administrando Imperio contains unique information on the " Papagiya's country " located in the Northwest Caucasus between Zikhiya and Kasakhiya. The given research presents the two-century... more
This article is based on “The Electronic Analytical Catalogue of Folklore and Mythological Motifs” and examines the links between classical mythology and Caucasian folklore. These links include “Prometheus” (a strong person who ventured... more
"Черкесия в XIX. веке", Майкоп, 1991
Abkhaz words and affixes borrowed into Megrelian and other Kartvelian languages.
Основываясь на исследованиях по фонетике северокавказских языков, автор выявляет структурное несоответствие между исключительно богатым консонантизмом данных языков и их нынешними кириллическими алфавитами и, выдвигая идею о необходимости... more
Collection of Ubykh family names from all published sources and from the author's field-work, with comments.