Most cited papers in Affectivity
Bioethics has begun to see the revaluation of affects in medical practice, but not all of them, and not necessarily in the sense of affects as we know them. Empathy has been accepted as important for good medical practice, but only in a... more
Many philosophers have understood the representational dimension of affective states along the model of sense-perceptual experiences, even claiming the relevant affective experiences are perceptual experiences. This paper argues affective... more
Purpose-Drawing on broaden-and-build theory and promotion-and prevention-focus theory, the authors examined the role of positive and negative affectivity (PANA) on the riskiness of investment decisions. The authors also examined the... more
I advance a phenomenology of forgetting based on Husserl’s accounts of time-consciousness and passive synthesis. This theory of forgetting is crucial for understanding the transcendental constitution of the past. I argue that without... more
It seems obvious that various feelings (various kinds of affectivity) are memorized, forgotten, and recollected to various degrees. Some of them are forgotten. Some of those forgotten can be recollected, while others are lost forever. For... more
This paper analyzes the placenta’s biological and ontological underpinnings in human affectivity as it is generated. The placenta as medial boundary constitutes a place for the encounter and becoming of mother and child, not only as... more
Conflicts are inherent to human relations and should not be ignored; however, they are a lesser component in e-learning discussion. The role of the tutor and the importance of affectivity in conflict mediation in a course offered to... more
Based on empirical data collected in various secondary schools in Guadalajara, this article focuses on a dimension that has received little attention in research on educational attainment: affectivity. The article argues that in contexts... more
In order to explore how emotions contribute positively or negatively to understanding the meaning of complex socio-culturally specific phenomena, I argue that we must take into account the habitual dimension of emotions-i.e., the emotion... more
The paper is a discussion of P. M. S. Hacker, The Passions: A Study of Human Nature (2018). After a general presentation of the book I mostly focus on its first part, which deals with categories and concepts essential to the philosophy of... more
The phenomenon of affectivization of the public sphere, described by Salvatore, De Luca Picione, Bochicchio, Mannino, Langher, Pergola, Velotti, and Venuleo (2021), sheds light on the contemporary Western sociopolitical crisis,... more
Este artículo recoge los resultados parciales de la investigación doctoral titulada Acción política performativa: relacionalidad y agenciamiento en las actuales formas de reclamación. Dicha investigación se preguntó por la naturaleza... more
Vaikka kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet ovat keskeinen osa nykyisiä opetussuunnitelmauudistuksia, hakevat ympäristöpedagogiset käytännöt yhä monessa oppiaineessa muotoaan. Tarkastelen peruskoulun ja lukion äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden... more
The vocative is a still rather underexplored linguistic element which has justifiably been described as ‘peripheral’ in traditional systemic linguistics. Yet, it is of central relevance in the concrete linguistic interaction, where its... more
Fink hat in seiner 1930 publizierte Dissertation Vergegenwärtigung und Bild den Gedanken ausgearbeitet, was es heißt, in eine Welt zu versinken, um auf diese Weisedie Besonderheiten des Unwirklichen herauszuarbeiten. Das Phänomen des... more
As we know, it was Nietzsche’s project to reconceptualize Kant’s “judgment.” His choice of force managed to elude the problem of units of quantity, opting instead for an early dynamics. Nietzsche’s dynamics introduced interpretation,... more