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      Carolingian StudiesBook of PsalmsAlcuin of York
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureAlcuin of YorkMedieval Latin Philology
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      Medieval PhilosophyTheologyHigh Middle AgesHistory of Christianity
3–4 | Предисловие ОТ АНТИЧНОСТИ К СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЮ: 5–13 | Цивилева В. Е. Письмо Севера Меноркского: предварительные замечания 14–35 | Письмо Севера Меноркского / Пер. с лат., коммент. В. М. Тю-ленева, В. Е. Цивилевой 36–46 | Тюленев В. М.... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical AnthropologyClassics
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      History of EducationEarly Medieval HistoryIntellectual and cultural historyRezeption der antiken lateinischen Autoren im Mittelalter
Through an examination of the fractured source material regarding Charlemagne's Imperial Coronation by Pope Leo III in 800, it is possible to discern that there was indeed a longer-term Imperial Strategy behind Charles' acceptance of the... more
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      Byzantine StudiesCarolingian StudiesHoly Roman EmpireMedieval numismatics
Charlemagne imposed many linguistic reforms in an effort to restore Latin to what he saw as its original state of purity, thus effectively forcing the separation of the language of the Church from the language of the people. Modern French... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsFrench languageFrench linguistics
This paper examines the Grand Lodge of All England held at York, otherwise referred to as the York Grand Lodge, which was an independent body of Freemasons that existed during the eighteenth century. The paper explores the origins of this... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySocial History
Εργασία στα πλαίσια του ανοιχτού πανεπιστήμιου στο μάθημα Επο 32,  Θεσμοί διαμορφωτές του Ευρωπαϊκού Πολιτισμού  2015-16.
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      CharlemagneAlcuin of York
Please contact me if you are interested in this book chapter.
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      HagiographyEarly Medieval HistoryCarolingian StudiesEducation, Ethics (Medieval Studies)
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      CharlemagneJihad, War, and Peace in IslamCarolingian HistoryAlcuin of York
There is no complete account of the transmission of Alcuin’s poems, which is apparently quite unpredictable if not random. The circulation of a number of short compositions, which accompany his treatises and his letters, and their... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesManuscript StudiesMedieval Latin PoetryAlcuin of York
Resumo sobre a vida de Alcuíno de York.
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      HistoryMedieval EuropeBiographiesAlcuin of York
Studies the origin of the idiomatic expression "in medio ecclesiae" in Ps 22 ("in medio ecclesiae laudabo te") and its application by frankish theologians to Cross-monuments in carolingian churches and the liturgy of their dedication. The... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureCarolingian StudiesMedieval ArtCarolingian Art
C’est un des plus anciens recueils connus de mathématiques récréatives attribue à Alcuin aussi comme ouvrage de la logique. La plus ancienne copie (manuscrit médiéval latin) connue remonte à la fin du IXème s.
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      Logical PuzzlesAlcuin of YorkPropositiones ad acuendos iuvenes
Some events of the cultural and spiritual life of the 9th century may be at first sight interpreted as not related: for example the origins of a unified liturgical repertoire and the interest in Latin lexicography. However, within the... more
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      Gregorian ChantMedieval LatinLatin linguisticsLatin Lexicography
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      Cultural StudiesMedieval HistoriographyHistoriographyPolitical Culture
Le clerc Cathwulf et Fulrad, abbé de Saint-Denis, apparaissent, en rapport étroit avec des conceptions de la royauté héritées de l'influence insulaire, comme les artisans des réformes des institutions entreprises par Pépin III et... more
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      CharlemagneCapitulariaHistory of Political InstitutionsAlcuin of York
This paper contains the Latin text, an Italian translation and a commentary of Alcuin's poem 23 Dümmler.
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    • Alcuin of York
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      European HistoryReception StudiesManuscript StudiesTexts and transmission
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesInsular Latin language and literatureLiterary PatronagePeregrinación
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMissiologyHistory of Christianity
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      PatristicsPatristic ExegesisAlcuin of York
3–5 Предисловие ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Человек и власть: 5–27 | Польская С.А. Монарх перед посвящением: предписания ordo Карла V 28–42 | Хохлова Ю.С. Теоретико-методологические подходы к историко- психологическому познанию человека двора раннего... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical AnthropologyClassics
The Latin quotation in the title of this article is taken from the Admonitio generalis, a key document of Charlemagne's reforms circulated in 789. In a well-known passage, to which the title refers, Charlemagne calls for the establishment... more
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      Latin LiteratureHistory of the BookMedieval Latin LiteratureManuscript Studies
Alkuins Dichtung in Alkuin von York und die geistige Grundlegung Europas, Verlag am Klosterhof, Sankt Gallen, 2010, pp. 107-28.
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      Alcuin of YorkCarolingian Latin literature
Alcuin's carm. 69 has been interpreted in some influential studies of the Codex Amiatinus as describing a pandect written per cola et commata. It incorporates in its final four lines both the couplet found above the Amiatinus... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscriptsTexts and transmissionEpigram (Classics)
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      Critical TheoryAncient HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
3–5 | Предисловие ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Личность в истории: 6–22 | Яблонская О.В. "Self-made man" средневекового Лондона 23–50 | Соловьев С.В. Знаки ума: как выглядели гуманисты раннего Возрождения 51–64 | Руяткина Т.М. Быть пророком в своем... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical AnthropologyClassics
the Alcuin section of an exhibition catalogue produced by the Yorkshire Museum for an exhibition on The Golden Age of York in 2001. Illustrated. The catalogue also included sections by Janet Nelson and Dominic Tweddle and Elizabeth Hartley.
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesCarolingian StudiesMedieval YorkAnglo-Saxon Northumbria
Time and again Eusebius of Caesarea and Alcuin of York chose to present in their writings their imperial masters, Constantine the Great and Charlemagne, as wise rulers, dressing them with Platonic and Solomonic robes. It is our assumption... more
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      Late AntiquityWisdom TraditionsPatristics and Late AntiquityCharlemagne
The origin of the "Gregorian chant" repertoire is linked to the linguistic interests of the Carolingian culture, and particularly to the issue of the new unified pronunciation of Latin and to the interest in a new unified Latin.
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      Liturgical StudiesGregorian ChantLiturgical HistoryMedieval Latin
ENGLISH: The paper deals with the third canzone of Dante's 'Convivio', 'Le dolci rime d'amor ch'io solea'. The first part of the contribution contains a comprehensive survey on the development and semantic diffraction of the concept of... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryDante StudiesItalian Studies
Seven unexplored sources of the Irish origine legend (Lebor gabála) are discussed: Prudentius of Troyes and the poem Waltharius; Alcuin as magister e partibus Scythiae in BL, Add. 47679; Ralph de Diceto and Henry of Huntingdon (cf.... more
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      Celtic StudiesScottish Gaelic StudiesEarly Medieval IrelandOld Irish Language and Literature
Iamblichan Theurgy in Dionysius the Areopagite and Eriugena's Divine and Human Nothingness.
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      IconoclasmIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Artes liberalesMedieval Art
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      TheologyExistential PsychologyTrauma StudiesTheodicy
"This paper raises two questions in particular: why, out of all the biblical books, did Ælfric restrict his choice of biblical commentary to one on Genesis? And secondly, why, of all the many commentaries on Genesis available to him, did... more
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      Medieval LiteraturePatristicsAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval Studies
Edizione critica a cura di Vera Fravventura. Attorno all’anno 800 Alcuino incaricò Fridugiso, suo allievo e futuro abate di Tours, di recapitare ad Arnone, arcivescovo di Salisburgo, un «libellus» con funzione di vademecum. Il codice,... more
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      PhilologyMedieval PhilosophyHistorical TheologyPhilosophical Theology
Apresento aqui nova tradução completa e anotada em português do texto Disputatio regalis et nobilissimi iuvenis Pippini cum Albino scholastico. Esse importante texto de caráter didático é composto quase que inteiramente a partir de outros... more
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      RhetoricTheologyRare Books and ManuscriptsCarolingian Studies
Abstract This article proposes the edition of two short texts (a doctrina de fide and a letter appended to it, called admonitio) and discusses their attribution to Alcuin of York and their datation in the first semester 802. Both texts... more
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      Biblical TheologyChurch HistoryCarolingian StudiesCharlemagne
3–4 | Предисловие. ОТ АНТИЧНОСТИ К СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЮ СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ ХРИСТИАНСКОГО МИРА Святые и мученики: 5–21 | Бабина А. А. Образ святого-епископа в «Житии св. Германа Осерского» 22–31 | Евхерий Лионский. Страдание агаунских мучеников /... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical AnthropologyClassics
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      UrbanismJosephusBoethiusClassical reception
'In Traiect mel compultimque buturque ministrat ' Alcuin's favourite food was porridge and he liked it best with butter and honey; these together symbolised wisdom and discernment. He was served porridge on a visit to Utrecht and even... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesCarolingian StudiesAllegoryAlcuin of York
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      EducationHistoriographyCourtsAudience and Reception Studies
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      Alcuin of YorkEchternachWillibrordWilhelm Levison
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureStoicismStoicism (Philosophy)
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
3–5 | Предисловие ЧЕЛОВЕК ПЕРЕХОДНОЙ ЭПОХИ: ОТ АНТИЧНОСТИ К СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЮ: Сидоний Аполлинарий и его окружение: 6–14 | Литовченко Е.В. Письма Сидония как образцы эпистолярного жанра в позднеримской литературе 15–16 | Сидоний... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistorical AnthropologyClassics
Öz: Cermen kavimleri içerisinde günümüz Avrupa'sının oluşumuna en büyük katkıyı yapanlar şüphe yok ki Franklardır. Şarlman ise sadece Frankların değil, Avrupa tarihinin en önemli krallarından biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu nedenle... more
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      European HistoryCharlemagneAnglo-SaxonsAvars