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Lietuvos filosofijos ir kultūrologijos korfėjaus prof. A. Uždavinio mintys apie demonišką postmoderizmo esmę, kosmoso desakralizaciją ir perversijos išaukštinimą Tradicijos akimis // Profesor Algis Uždavinys on demonic nature of... more
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      Perennial PhilosophyPostmodernismAntimodernismSionism
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      Modern HistoryGerman HistoryConservatismConservatism (Political Science)
The ultramontane mobilization of the diocese of Rottenburg during the episcopacy of Bishop Keppler (1899-1925) Published in: Sebastian Holzbrecher/Torsten W. Müller (Hg.), Kirchliches Leben im Wandel der Zeiten. Perspektiven und Beiträge... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismChurch HistoryAntimodernism
Postmodernizmo ir šiuolaikybės kritika Tradicijos žvilgsniu.
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      TraditionalismAntimodernismConcepts of Modernism and Postmodernism
The article problematizes the contemporary and mostly affirmative understanding of affective processes of outrage and excess in affect theories by outlining a genealogy from the “Conservative Revolution” (Oswald Spengler, Ernst Junger) to... more
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      GenealogyConservative RevolutionPeter SloterdijkErnst Jünger
The relationship between literature and anti industrial criticism is very old. From the very begining of the Industrial Revolution, unrest suffered by many writers to the transformations motivated by the industry was constant: the English... more
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      Pier Paolo PasoliniLuddismLiteratura e TecnologiaAntimodernism
Miközben a modernséggel mint divergens társadalmi és kulturális jelenséggel is indokolják az I. világháború kitörését, illetve négyéves működtetését, addig független tényként kezel-jük, hogy a békéért kiálló római pápák (X. Piusz és XV.... more
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      Rhetorical AnalysisCatholic Church HistoryPope Pius XWar and Peace Studies
El pensador tradicionalista Julius Evola (1898-1974) ha sido, desde los años '70, objeto de una considerable cantidad de estudios. Filósofos como Umberto Eco, historiadores como Renzo de Felice y politólogos como Norberto Bobbio se... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRace and RacismFascismTraditionalism
Das Werk des schweizerischen Schriftstellers Meinrad Inglin (1893-1971) wurde bislang nur in den literaturgeschichtlichen Grenzen seines schweizerischen Heimatlandes untersucht. Diese Studien hingegen stellt sein Schaffen in den Kontext... more
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      EcocriticismAntimodernismKulturkritikSchweizer Literatur
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      Giovanni PapiniAntimodernismImaginario apocalípticoApocalipsis
This article argues that the case of religious authority within Orthodox Judaism is an important counterexample to the broader and understudied developments in American religion during the final decades of the twentieth century. Using an... more
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      American ReligionThe 1970s and 1980s (U.S. history)Orthodox JudaismAntimodernism
Vatican II a très vite fait l'objet d'une contestation proprement théologique. SI les auteurs ne sont pas des professionnels de la théologie, ils développent un discours dont la dimension contestatrice s'accentue avec le temps. Leur... more
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      TraditionalismCatholic Traditionalismpost-Vatican II Catholic ChurchTheology and History of Vatican II
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      Church HistoryModernismRoman CatholicismCatholicism
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      ReligionReligion and PoliticsCultural TheoryNationalism
After the end of the Second World War, Julius Evola returned to Italy to offer “orientamenti” to the “men who still stand amongst the ruins”. From his Roman apartment, this aristocrat acted as a pubblicista, spreading his traditionalist... more
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      Intellectual HistoryRace and RacismFascismNeo-Fascism
Sous la direction de Youness BOUSENNA et de Matthieu GIROUX Résister au règne de l'individualisme, à la domination de l'argent et à la disparition du spirituel, tels sont les grands thèmes d'une pensée antimoderne que les crises de notre... more
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      Thomas AquinasThomismHistory of the Roman CuriaConfessionalization
A Rejoinder to Harri Mäcklin, "A Heideggerian Critique of Immersive Art"
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtAbstract ArtModern Art
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      Church HistoryStoria della chiesaModernismoCatholic Church History
Around 1900, discourses on a so-called "new nobility" spread among intellectuals in the German Empire. These discourses aimed to create a new elite, replacing the "historical" nobility. How did the "old" nobility react to this challange?... more
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      Modern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryHistory of Ideas
The Canadian thinker Marshall McLuhan is now widely recognized as one of the great theorists and commentators on modernity in the post-1945 period. Yet he himself was not a modernist in any simple sense of the word. He consistently... more
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      Media StudiesHistory of EducationCanadian HistoryMedia History
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      Literature and SocietyModernismCultural DifferencesAntimodernism
Heiligsprechung von Albertus Magnus
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      Church HistoryAlbertus MagnusAntimodernism
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      Art and PoliticsLe CorbusierFernand LegerWorld's Fairs
Quelle différence y eut-il entre le classicisme de Charles Maurras et celui de T. S. Eliot ?
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureAesthetics
The Italian bishops' reports in observance of Pius X's directions included in the encyclical Pascendi that have been found until now are 47. The essay sights to analyze the answers of the Italian episcopacy to the Pope's order to monitor... more
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      Italian StudiesContemporary HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismModernism
Since 1913 Mgr. Umberto Benigni sought to obtain a canonical approval of the Sodalitium pianum, a formal commendation that was several times procrastinated because of the presence of «some controversial sides» in the statutes. Two days... more
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      ModernismModernismoPope Pius XAntimodernism
The display of a “family crest” to signal family identity is prevalent in the contemporary United States. However, during the Gilded Age of the late nineteenth century, many American commentators perceived the widespread use of heraldry... more
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      MarketingAmerican HistoryCultural HistoryAmerican Studies
The paper is published with a summary in English. U ovoj studiji predstavljena je teza o postojanju antimodernizma, kao regresivne tendencije unutar moderne hrvatske likovne umjetnosti. Likovni umjetnici antimodernisti izražavajući se... more
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      Modernism (Art History)19th and 20th century European ArtAntimodernism19th and 20th Century Painting
The analysis of intercultural aspects of Julius Langbehns 'Rembrandt as Educator' (Rembrandt als Erzieher) shows, how intracultural changes in the context of the modernization process are projected on an intercultural level in order to... more
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      German LiteratureRomanticismGerman Literature and CultureInterwar Period History
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      History and TheologyPope Pius XUniversität, österreichischeAntimodernism
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      ModernismAntimodernismSegreteria particolare di Pio XPio X
"Uległość" Michela Houellebecqa: diagnoza, symulacja, prowokacja.
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      The NovelMichel HouellebecqIslamic StudiesNovel
"In this symposium I will compare the historiographic methodologies that appeared in Italy at the beginning of the eighties with the opposite postmodernists theories sustained by critics like Benjamin Buchloch. The so-called “Return to... more
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesContemporary ArtPostmodernism
Camille Mauclair (1872-1945) est l’un des auteurs qui comptent non seulement parmi les plus prolifiques mais aussi parmi les plus lus de son temps. S’il a su puiser dans toutes les occasions offertes par la Troisième République des... more
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      Histoire de l'artAntimodernismCamille MauclairNationalisme
The documents published within this essay regard the relationship between Romolo Murri, the leader of the first Italian Christian democracy, and Antonio Agliardi, one of the few among the members of the Sacred College of Cardinals,... more
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      Christian DemocracyAntimodernismDemocrazia CristianaRomolo Murri
Resumen: La herencia baudelaireana-entendida no solamente como la lectura de la obra y la figura del autor de Les fleurs du mal, sino también como sus efectos sobre las nuevas gene-raciones literarias y sobre la vida cultural en sentido... more
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      RomanticismNationalismAllegoryCharles Baudelaire
Probabilmente scritto nella seconda metà del 1939, il testo qui pubblicato, ha per scopo quello di difendere la memoria integralista e la sopravvivenza del “Partito di Pio X”, in un momento di transizione segnato dall’avvento del nuovo... more
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L'étude des positions antimodernistes de Dom Besse permet de voir s'associer des enjeux théologiques et politiques. Dom Besse utilise en effet l'antimodernisme pour promouvoir l'Action française au sein du catholicisme.
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      History of Roman CatholicismPope Pius XAntimodernismAction Française
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      Cultural GeographyCanadian StudiesHeritage StudiesHeterotopia
Este artigo tem como objetivo visualizar a formacao de um grupo catolico brasileiro, o grupo que se forma em torno de Plinio Correa de Oliveira e sua suposta identidade “antimoderna”. Alem de buscar rapidamente circunscrever o conceito de... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismAntimodernismBrazilian CatholicismHorizonte
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      AntimodernismHistory of ChristianismModernism (Roman Catholicism)
The aim of the hole volume is to analyze the ‘practical implementation’ of the anti-modernist measures of Pius X’s encyclical Pascendi (September 8, 1907) in the Roman Catholic Church. For the first time, the reports on Modernism produced... more
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      ModernismReligious congregations and monastic ordersHistory of the Roman CuriaModernismo
U članku se analiziraju dela "Čujte Srbi!" Rudolfa Arčibalda Rajsa i "Crnogorski čovjek" Gerharda Gezemana kao primeri međuratnog reakcionarnog modernizma. U njihovom „uvezenom“ antimodernizmu, balkanske tradicije su preosmišljene kao... more
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      Intellectual HistoryModernityInterwar Period HistoryReactionary Thought
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      ModernismAntimodernismModernismeLutte antimoderniste
«La période inscrite entre les deux siècles, le XIXe et le XXe, a été décrite comme celle de crises diverses : du roman, de l’humanisme, des valeurs symbolistes, de la pensée française...» écrivent très justement Géraldi Leroy et Julie... more
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      French LiteratureModernism (Literature)French StudiesAvant-garde writing
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      Church HistoryModernismAntimodernismAgostino Gemelli
Vortrag anläßlich der Fachtagung Martin Heideggers „Schwarze Hefte“. Ideologieanfälligkeit der Intellektuellen . 9.‐11. Dezember 2015, Universität Freiburg:... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasPolitical TheoryMartin Heidegger