Recent papers in Archive
- O advento do documento digital
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
- Gestão e preservação
- Repositórios Digitais
- Auditoria de Repositórios
- Preservação Digital Sistêmica
- Cadeia de custódia digital arquivística
In 2013 verwierf het Studie- en Documentatiecentrum Oorlog en Hedendaagse Maatschappij (CegeSoma) het archief van mr. Frédéric Eickhoff. Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog verdedigde hij ongeveer 2500 verzetslieden die moesten verschijnen... more
This paper addresses the major challenges that large organizations face in protecting their valuable data. Some of these challenges include recovery objectives, data explosion, cost and the nature of data. The paper explores multiple... more
This phase control IC is intended to control thyristors, triacs, and transistors. The trigger pulses can be shifted within a phase angle between 0 ˚ and 180 ˚. Typical applications include converter circuits, AC controllers and... more
This small article argues the case for a closer cooperation between universities and archives. In order to systematically include archival education and training into undergraduate and graduate history training, archives might be seen as... more
In my thesis I focus on common resources of the concept of author in the context of philosophy and literary criticism, mostly in twentieth century. Moreover I look for specifics in particular fields and authors which are specific for... more
Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more
Rapid Urbanisation trends worldwide has resulted in 54% of the world population living in urban areas, in 2014 from 39%, in 1980. As per 2014 Revision of World Population Prospects, UN, 2014, India... more
I Patti Lateranensi // Le fonti per la storia dei negoziati // Mussolini e Pio XI all’origine della Conciliazione // Dal primo scambio di idee alle trattative confidenziali (agosto – ottobre 1926) // I primi schemi di Trattato e... more
Sarà dedicato alla presentazione dell’Archivio digitalizzato per i documenti riguardanti la Storia del Marchesato di Monferrato, l’Incontro che si terrà presso la Sala Consiliare del Comune, via Goffredo Mameli n. 10 Casale Monferrato -... more
Resumen: A partir de dos cortometrajes de 2014 de la cineasta paraguaya Paz Encina, Arribo y Familiar, este artículo se propone indagar sobre el tramado de afectos en la configuración fílmica de archivos. La cineasta pone en... more
Arşiv Dünyası: DAGM'ne araştırma yapmak üzere gelen bir şahıs, kimlik fotokopisini verip, iki adet form doldurarak hemen araştırma yapmaya başlayabiliyor. Araştırma izni çıktıktan sonra da -muhtemelen ertesi günü izin çıkıyor-belge... more
The article provides an overview of the archive of J. G. Ballard, acquired by the British Library in 2010. The successive drafts of Ballard’s novels, in manuscript and typescript, comprise the majority of the archive, with the exception... more
La archivística 1 ya como técnica, disciplina o ciencia, 2 está regulada por la ley 594 del 2000 en el territorio colombiano. Este quehacer tiene una serie de preceptos bases que fundamentan la profesión y sin los cuales sería imposible... more
O v e r v i e w o f I m p o r t a n t S A P T r a n s a c t i o n C o d e s ( = T C ; T -C o d e )
هدف از این مقاله چگونگی و نقش کاربرد فناوری اطلاعات در آرشیو است. روش / رویکرد پژوهش: در این مقاله با تکیه بر منابع کتابخانه ای و با روش توصیفی تحلیلی به بررسی کاربرد فناوری های جدید اطلاعاتی در آرشیو پرداخته است. یافته ها و نتایج: یافته... more
Artykuł stanowi analizę długofalowego projektu Karoliny Grzywnowicz zatytułowanego Każda pieśń zna swój dom (2018–), którego celem jest gromadzenie piosenek śpiewanych przez uchodźców podczas ich wędrówki. Jak staram się dowieść, zachodzi... more
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
The author is trying to show the idea of unhygienic literature
Every year, Europe’s museums, archives and libraries and Member State Governments expend considerable time, effort and resources to digitise their tremendously rich and diverse Collections, both to aid long-term preservation and to drive... more
Abdelmajid Arrif Fables d’archives. Effacement, oubli, infidélité Fables d’archives explore la fiction qui habite notre rapport au temps et la performance du récit pour en prolonger le lien avec notre passé. Une poétique de la précarité... more
This artistic research reflection deals with what I call the “participatory monument”, the intention of which is to bring members of the public into the artwork and to openly share related experiences with them, thus providing evidence of... more
Esta comunicação busca examinar a concepção do controle de vocabulário e a utilização do vocabulário controlado como dispositivos metodológicos aplicados ao contexto dos arquivos de arquitetura, a partir de um diálogo com a Ciência da... more
COMS 490 – History and Theory of Media (Special Topic: Queer Media Theory). Advanced undergraduate seminar on intersections between queer and media studies, with particular emphasis on debates on the archive and affect theory. (Department... more
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ROSÓN, María and VEGA, Jesusa (2009). “Goya, de la República al Franquismo. Reinterpretaciones y manipulaciones (1936-1950)”. In XIV Jornadas Internaciones de Historia del Arte: Arte en tiempos de guerra. Madrid, Consejo Superior de... more
Defining interstitials and the various roles they play; how they invade programmes; how they provide guidance on how to watch TV
The Neo-Babylonian empire under the so-called Chaldaean rulers 1 lasted nearly a century, from 626 to 539 BC. It ended when Cyrus the Great conquered Babylonia and made it part of the much larger Achaemenid Persian empire. Its center and... more
Contemporary culture is somewhat uncontemporary. One can even say that it is anachronistic and filled with nostalgia and unexplainable longing for what has been recently alive and new in it.
Wei Yu, 'Broken Spectre' (curatorial statement), in Borken Spectre, Taipei: Taipei Fine Arts Museum, 2017, pp.18-24.
Este artículo presenta un diálogo entre Respiración artificial (1980), de Ricardo Piglia, y algunas ideas de Mito y archivo (1990), desarrolladas por Roberto González Echevarría. La lectura conjunta apunta a poner bajo una nueva luz la... more
Historic research is predominantly dependent upon access to source materials. However there are wide disparities in the archives of textbook publishers. This guide aims to redress the situation by creating a list of the archive... more
"Se queremos que tudo fique como está é preciso que tudo mude." O leitmotif da obra de Tomasi de Lampedusa, imortalizada no grande ecrã pela objectiva de Visconti, sintetiza a sua ideia central, acerca do declínio das antigas elites, em... more