Attitudes Towards Pets
Recent papers in Attitudes Towards Pets
This work exhibits a very peculiar situation of research: the interface between the fields of knowledge of the veterinarian and of the psychologist to allow the comprehension of the insertion of the dog - with its evolutive history and... more
Knjiga starog mačka o mačkama svakodnevnim (Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, 1939.) zbirka je pjesama Thomasa Stearnsa Eliota, velikana engleskoga pjesništva prve polovice dvadesetoga stoljeća. Izvorno namijenjene djeci, Eliotove... more
U radu ću dati pregled, ali i komentare na etičku temu koja je u posljednjih tridesetak godina dobila na izrazitoj važnosti, držeći se okvira zapadnjačke kulture sa željenom tendencijom prema svojevrsnoj (normativnoj) univerzalizaciji... more
Pets are seen as family members who provide emotional support, companionship, and protection. They satisfy interpersonal needs of inclusion, control, affection, and respect. They provide rewards, which often outweigh the costs of having... more
Its all about pets care, grooming, behavior, health, care and training.
В статье рассматривается роман для подростков Владимира Киселева, написанный на исходе "оттепели" в 1966-ом году. Если критики конца 1960-х годов и авторы экранизации романа (фильм "Переходный возраст", реж. Р. Викторов, 1968 г.)... more
This book chapter, included in Clinician's Guide to Treating Companion Animal Issues, provides evidence for the role of pets in childless and childfree homes. In addition to describing who is most likely to parent pets, the chapter... more
В традиционном обществе домашние животные вписывались в мир людей в соответствии со своими природными функциями. Собака охраняла дом, кошка ловила мышей, лошадь перевозила грузы да землю пахала, корова давала молоко и мясо. Отношение к... more
Гайдучик, В.Н. Погребение ничком как мера по обезвреживанию вредоносных покойников / В.Н. Гайдучик // Таинственная Беларусь IV: материалы конференции (г. Минск, 3 февраля 2018 г.). – Минск: Регистр, 2018. – С. 143–170.
An examination of Catholic Christianity and pets
There are many people nowadays who treat their dogs like Children, dressing them up in dainty accoutrements, giving them human names and offering the same care as humans. But this childlike treatment of pets is far from new. When, 16,000... more
Prikaz knjige -Tom Regan, Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. – Lanham, Boulder, New York, Toronto, Oxford, 2004.
O artigo realiza algumas comparações acerca das relações do humano e do não humano, tomando como casos etnográficos estudos sobre donos de pets em contextos urbanos, primatólogos e suas relações com os primatas, em contraste com alguns... more
* This paper offers a possible explanation of the political ban on distributing and reading Alice in Wonderland, which in China’s Hunan province came into force in 1931. The relations between people (especially rulers and other... more
Pesquisa realizada entre um grupo de interessados em gatos indicou que os animais são humanizados, dotados de características humanas, sobretudo na forma de relações de parentesco. Ao invés de um objeto, cuja posse e manejo depende... more
A presente pesquisa enfoca as relações estabelecidas entre humanos e felinos domésticos (não-humanos), delineadas a partir da observação (netnografia) de uma comunidade do Orkut (rede de relacionamentos pessoais) destinada a formação de... more
Apresenta-se como um grupo de protetores de gatos de rua classifica certas condutas dos animais a partir de categorias emocionais. Os gatos são capazes, desse ponto de vista, de se emocionar. Essas emoções são expressas, sobretudo, a... more
Igor Purlantov says that the number of households that have pets is shrinking. At the end of 2013, American households had 7.6 million fewer cats and 2 million fewer dogs than in 2006 according to the American Veterinary Medical... more
Речь пойдет не о колхозно-совхозных скотомогильниках – этих варварских свалках гнилой плоти, а именно о специально оборудованных погребениях «домашних питомцев» – кошек, собак, птичек, хомяков, декоративных мышек и аквариумных рыбок. Или... more
Домашние животные обитают бок о бок с человеком уже много тысячелетий. И ещё совсем недавно (по историческим меркам) люди вели себя по отношению и к диким, и к домашним животным как суровые властители их жизней и судеб. Они оценивали... more
U tekstu se pokušava ispitati trenutno stanje kulturne antropologije, konkretnije dijela koji tematski problematizira animalističku građu. Uz komparativno-analitički prikaz određenih naslova (do sad objavljenih na području Hrvatske, ali i... more