Auditor independence
Recent papers in Auditor independence
In this paper we empirically examine the relationship of (1) risk assessments and (2) the extent of computerization of accounting systems to the incidence and magnitude of misstatements. The six largest public accounting firms in Norway... more
The objective of our paper is to contribute to the accounting education literature by demonstrating that there are significant differences among final year undergraduate accounting students in the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and... more
When an auditor receives signi cant fee income from one client it has often been suggested that reappointment concerns may dilute auditors incentives to maintain independence from management. A possible response to this issue could be to... more
The continuing and deepening economic reforms in China have brought many changes both socially and economically to the society. The primary function of auditing in China has begun to shift away from the traditional tax compliance... more
This study aims to determine the impact of the 2007 global financial crisis on the integration of the Islamic stock markets. Seven Islamic stock markets are selected based on the countries' level of development and geographical factors.... more
The desirability of mandated auditor rotation represents an ongoing debate in the accounting profession. Proponents assert that audit quality (through auditor independence) is threatened by extended auditorclient relationships. Opponents... more
Hervormingen met betrekking tot de auditsector hebben altijd veel stof doen opwaaien. Na een jarenlang proces is het nu zover: de EU verplicht kantoorrotatie. In dit artikel vergelijken we de Europese en de Amerikaanse regelgeving inzake... more
We examine the association between the provision of non-audit services and earnings quality. Because of concerns regarding the effect of non-audit services on financial reporting credibility, the Securities and Exchange Commission... more
The purpose of this research is to test and investigate The Effects of Work Experience, Independence, and Professional Scepticism on the Audit Quality in 12 public accountant firms. This study uses associative causal research. The... more
We review accounting and finance research on corporate governance (CG). In the course of our review, we focus on a particularly vexing issue, namely endogeneity in the relationships between CG and other matters of concern to accounting... more
An economic model by DeAngelo shows that the existence of client-specific quasi-rents impairs auditor independence. The provision of non-audit advisory services (NAS) increases quasi-rents, and thus it is a threat to independence.... more
Bağımsızlık ve objektiflik tüm denetim alanlarında denetçiler için en önemli kavramlardır. Çünkü ekonomik krizler ve şirketlerde yaşanan suiistimaller sebebiyle finansal tablolara ve dolayısıyla bu tabloları kontrol eden ve denetleyen... more
Purpose -To determine the effect of audit firm rotation and/or audit partner rotation on individuals' confidence in the quality of audited financial statements. Design/methodology/approach -Two separate behavioral studies were conducted... more
Profesi Auditor Internal sangat dibutuhkan oleh organisasi dimanapun, baik perusahaan swasta, BUMN/BUMD, perusahaan multinasional, perusahaan asing, pemerintahan, lembaga pendidikan dan Organisasi Nir Laba. Dalam melakukan rekrutmen... more
The aim of this research is to assess the relationship between the presumed AI influencing factors and AI from the standpoint of auditors in Bahrain. Researchers have continuously identified and assessed several factors that are expected... more
The reality and perception of auditor independence is fundamental to public confidence in financial reporting. A new Independence Standards Board was set up in the U.S. in 1997 and the European Union (EU) is currently seeking to establish... more
We review accounting and finance research on corporate governance (CG). In the course of our review, we focus on a particularly vexing issue, namely endogeneity in the relationships between CG and other matters of concern to accounting... more
This paper presents an historical and rhetorical analysis of auditor independence concepts. This analysis is relevant as the newly formed Independence Standards Board in the U.S. is beginning work on a conceptual framework of audit... more
This paper reports on an exploratory study of auditor's independence in Barbados. Independence is a function of the mental attitude of auditors, and it affects their decision-making in resolving ethical dilemmas. The interviewees'... more
The financial statements preparation is the responsibility of the management, while auditor responsibility is to lend credibility of the financial statements. This study investigated the audit independence and credibility of financial... more
In this paper I argue that in order for an auditor to be independent both in fact and in appearance, the auditor must also be financially independent from the auditing firm that employs him. I have proposed to borrow some ideas from... more
Descripción detallada y actualizada a abril de 2017 de la Norma NTC ISO 1724:2013, detallando cada cláusula
Our study explores loan officers' perceptions of auditors' independence and audit quality under three experimental audit firm rotation scenarios. We use a case experiment with a between-subjects design to determine whether rotation of the... more
Maintaining auditor independence and objectivity has benefits, while violating auditor independence and objectivity carries some costs. In this research, I described these benefits and costs. I then highlighted several main threats to... more
We review accounting and finance research on corporate governance (CG). In the course of our review, we focus on a particularly vexing issue, namely endogeneity in the relationships between CG and other matters of concern to accounting... more
Definisi Audit Internal Audit internal adalah aktivitas asurans dan konsultansi yang independen dan objektif, yang dirancang untuk memberi nilai tambah dan meningkatkan operasi organisasi. Tujuan audit internal menurut IIA adalah... more
Abstrak Kecurangan atas laporan keuangan membuat kepercayaan masyarakat berkurang terhadap akuntan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahannya,penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan mengenai kualitas audit menurut... more
Pelaporan audit keuangan meliputi audit atas laporan keuangan dan atas hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan keuangan. Standar audit meliputi tiga pembahasan yaitu: standar umum, standar pekerjaan lapangan audit kinerja dan standar pelaporan... more
Earnings management is of great concern to corporate stakeholders. While numerous studies have investigated the effects of various corporate governance and audit quality variables on earnings management, empirical evidence is rather... more
This dissertation investigates auditor independence by examining the effects of various factors on independence, both in fact and as perceived by several distinct groups.
Based on the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAM), the company became a member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange is required to have audit committees. Audit committee in charge and responsible for (1) encourage the formation of an... more
This study investigates the effect a regime of mandatory audit firm rotation would have on audit quality in an Australian setting. Using two measures of audit quality, being the propensity to issue a going-concern report and the level of... more
Independence is the primary justification of the existence, and thus the hallmark of the auditing profession. It is recognized as the primary attribute to be maintained by auditors in all circumstances. This study attempts to explore the... more
Bu yazımda hile yapanların bunu yaptıklarını ya da yapma ihtimalinin olduğunu gösteren “kırmızı bayraklar-red flags” olarak adlandırılan hile ipuçlarına yer vermek istiyorum.
Analisis laporan audit tipe 10K pada perusahaan CITIGROUP.
Objective – The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of growth, leverage, fixed asset turnover, profitability, firm size, firm age, industry, audit quality, and auditor independence toward earnings management.... more
Findings of this ROSC are based on the Detailed Country Assessment (DCA), which is presented as a separate annex. By the end of June 2013, 81 reports have been completed in 59 countries.
We review accounting and finance research on corporate governance (CG). In the course of our review, we focus on a particularly vexing issue, namely endogeneity in the relationships between CG and other matters of concern to accounting... more
We report on a questionnaire survey of audit firms and listed companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain to investigate the perceptions on the issue of auditors' independence with regard to rendering non-audit services (NAS). Our survey results... more
The present study investigates the determinants of internal audit outsourcing using survey data on 99 companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, where 54.5 per cent fully rely on in-house facilities and 45.5 per cent outsource... more
The "Institutions of Accountability" (IOA) are considered as important instruments for ensuring horizontal accountability and of these, the role played by the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) is particularly important. These SAIs are set... more
There has been much public, professional, regulatory and scholarly concern about auditor independence in recent times. Th is is because of the high incidence of corporate collapses and the role of the auditor as a watchdog. Although... more