Biopower and Biopolitics
Recent papers in Biopower and Biopolitics
Como seria pensar a educação não a partir da relação entre ciência e técnica e/ou teoria e prática, mas visando o par experiência e sentido? Tendo em vista que a análise de textos filosóficos, literários e a reflexão sobre sua própria... more
An immemorial apparatus construes the human and its relationships with the other lifeforms upon metaphors of verticalisation and straightness, with the consequent rejection and submission of what is not “straight” and of all that it... more
This introduction to the edited volume The Biopolitical Animals presents the scope and the stakes of the book. It offers first a brief genealogy of the link and relations between politics and animality, starting with Aristotle’s founding... more
The two issues around which this collection revolves are that it is impossible to address biopolitics without taking the animal question into account, and that the animal question inherently concerns the politics of life beyond species... more
The aim of this article is to present, discuss and critically reflect the emerging in media studies notion of biomedia, which refutes the alleged dichotomy between technology and the body. In the broadest sense, biomedia can be construed... more
Durante a pandemia da COVID-19, o Brasil foi alvo de grande preocupação internacional devido às políticas adotadas pelo governo de extrema direita do presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Seu desrespeito pelas Medidas Não Farmacológicas (NPI) no... more
Cet article traite de l’émergence dans les études des images et du cinéma d’une nouvelle perspective d’analyse et d’historiographie des « images du travail ». Souvent considérée comme une thématique référentielle des images, la catégorie... more
Drawing from Foucauldian discourse analysis, this study examines explicit news coverage about Ukrainian refugees' desirability compared to Syrian based on biological aesthetics and cultural proximity. Whilst this may raise questions about... more
Toda guerra, se supone, tiene un fin. Pero, ¿puede haber un fin de la guerra en general como finalización de todas las guerras? Para arribar al fin definitivo de la guerra, ¿es necesario hacerle la guerra a la guerra? Todas estas... more
En el presente articulo me interesa discutir algunas de las tesis presentadas en el libro de Elias J. Palti titulado Una arqueologia de lo politico . Para ello, luego de efectuar una breve presentacion de los aportes del autor a la... more
The aim of this article is to explore the different demands and priorities of the intersex community as displayed in various Internet sites. It focuses on common and divergent viewpoints and strategies associated with the social, medical... more
Resumen: En este artículo se exploran las aporías entre política y conflicto presentes en el pensamiento de Étienne Balibar. El texto explica, primero, cómo el conflicto es consustancial a la política y cómo, al mismo tiempo, un... more
All the contents of this work, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Todo o conteúdo deste trabalho, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative... more
This chapter attempts to tackle the politics and commoditization of life by resorting to a posthuman/nonhuman ontology and multispecies ecology. The paper has three sections – the first deals with the imminent politics of life and the... more
The paper analyzes proto-totalitarian elements on the examples of linguistic purism in Croatia and France. The author observes the complex phenomenon of linguistic purity, both on the example of state-led language policies of language... more
Este trabajo explora las experiencias subjetivas y colectivas en torno a la revuelta social chilena desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica, abordando el impacto del trauma, la violencia y la resistencia. Se analiza cómo la memoria colectiva... more
The Suicidal State theorizes a biopolitics of suicide by mapping the entwinement between the Progressive-Era discourse of “race suicide” and period representations of literary suicide. Against the backdrop of the turn-of-the-century... more
Fiori sopra l'inferno Titolo: Fiori sopra l'inferno. Autore: Ilaria Tuti, nata a Gemona del Friuli nei pressi di Udine nel 1976 è considerata una delle migliori autrici di thriller in Italia. Anno di pubblicazione: 2018, da Longanesi... more
The following are chapter abstracts (quoted from pgs. 8-13 of the manuscript) for my 2019 Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature book as entitled above. About This Book This book offers resources for re-imagining the biblical vision of water... more
Ο μπαμπάς μου κάποτε είχε γυρίσει όλη την Κρήτη. Από τη μία άκρη ως την άλλη. Ξεκίνησε οδικώς από την Κοζάνη με ένα zastava. Σταμάτησε στα Γιάννενα, επισκέφτηκε το αρχαίο θέατρο της Δωδώνης. Μετά ταξίδεψε ως το Αίγιο, ύστερα στα... more
In this article I explore the meanings acquired by the notion of 'genetic inheritance' for families in Rio de Janeiro affected by a rare hereditary disorder, Machado-Joseph disease. My analysis examines three points: 1) how experience of... more
Bu çalışmada Michel Foucault tarafından geliştirilen arkeoloji, soybilim ve etik yöntemleri erken cumhuriyet dönemi Türkiye'sinde iktidar mekanizmasının ve kurulu özneliğin analizini yapmak için kullanılmıştır. Çalışma, hem ontolojik... more
Here I will explore the contradictions raised by small plastic things forgotten, to paraphrase historical archaeologist James Deetz (1977), which were born from scientific innovation, entrepreneurial incentive, and concern for public... more
This article critically examines Foucault's engagement with neoliberalism. While Foucault declares that his analysis of this tradition is primarily descriptive, I argue that he continually questions whether neoliberalism is less... more
Michel Foucault (1926-1984) was a French philosopher and historian of ideas whose work on the relations between sexuality, power, knowledge and subjectivity served as a crucial basis for the emergence and articulation of queer studies.... more
Según algunas concepciones filosóficas en la posmodernidad asistimos a una nueva ontología. Esta ontología puede considerarse relacional, la cual formula como proposición central que "el ser es relación" (Simondon, 2007). Lo que significa... more
El artículo presenta un análisis filosófico fundamentado en la propuesta teórica elaborada por Michel Foucault, en torno al umbral de modernidad biológica, con la finalidad de captar la singular transformación de la vida producida por el... more
Carlos Manrique y Laura Quintana (CM y LQ): en el debate contemporáneo sobre “biopolítica”, en particular en el contexto italiano y siguiendo, entre otros, el impulso de Roberto Esposito, ha cobrado una cierta fuerza la idea de que una... more
This book analyses assisted death in the philosophical context of biopolitics, searching for the form of resistance which would not produce 'bare life' and would not exclude marginalized social groups. A great deal of the criticism of... more
La vida es el fundamento de los bienes, no un bien. El análisis de la sociedad moderna hace inevitable cuestionar: ¿Qué es la vida cuando se ha convertido en una mercancía? Es a través de ese concepto, vida, que se pueden advertir los... more
Se presenta un análisis del gobierno y la gestión universitaria desde una perspectiva biopolítica, con el objetivo de comprender las transformaciones y desafíos actuales que enfrentan las universidades como instituciones sociales. La... more
Las practicas artisticas enmarcadas en las artes visuales, son un excelente cuadro para la transmision en terreno del modelo social de la discapacidad. En el presentae articulo vamos a reflexionar sobre la capacidad de esas practicas para... more
Este artículo analiza, a partir de una postura foucaltiana y antiespecista, las articulaciones históricas entre la animalización de la criminalidad y la criminalización de los animales. Para esto se seguirá el siguiente recorrido: en... more
This article explores the idea of choosing not to follow health guidelines and how it conflicts with societal norms. In modern societies, being healthy is seen as essential, and individuals are often expected to follow medical advice to... more