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Die Katastralunterlagen sind in diesem Aufsatz anhand des Bestandes S 79 des Ungarischen Nationalarchivs studiert. Dieser Bestand enthält Katastralschrifte meisten aus der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts über das heutige Ungarn, die... more
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      Historical mapsCadastre
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    • Cadastre
Στην εργασία γίνεται μία εκτενής και συστηματική αναφορά στα νομικά και τεχνικά προβλήματα που παρουσιάζονται κατά τη σύνταξη του Εθνικού Κτηματολογίου, στα προβλήματα που προκύπτουν από τις ελλείψεις των τεχνικών προδιαγραφών και στην... more
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    • Cadastre
Στην παρούσα μελέτη αντιμετωπίζονται ζητήματα που άπτονται της ευθύνης του Προϊσταμένου Κτηματολογικού Γραφείου κατά την άσκηση των καθηκόντων του. Ειδικότερο αντικείμενο της μελέτης αποτελεί η έρευνα της τυχόν στοιχειοθέτησης ευθύνης... more
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      Land LawCadastreLand registrationΚτηματολόγιο
A 13th century list of land holdings of Vårfruberga nunnery in Sweden is analysed, along with the later estate aquisitions and permutations.
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      Medieval HistoryWills and EstatesCisterciansCadastre
La revisión en 2015 por las Naciones Unidas de los Objetivos del Milenio ha puesto en evidencia lo espinoso que resulta medir el alcance real de aquellas metas. Es por ello que las Naciones Unidas pretende la llamada “revolución de los... more
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      African StudiesMozambiqueCooperación Internacional Para El DesarrolloCadastre
Bitland Global is an organization that digitizes land titles. The larger goal is to have all the transactions recorded onto a distributed ledger using block-chain technology. The company is a non-profit organization that is working to... more
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      CadastreBitcoin3D cadastreLand Titles and Deeds
Although a few recent publications in France have revived interest in the history of local map-making in the modern period, the subject does not appear to have been a major concern of historians or geographers. The very critical reception... more
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      History of CartographyCadastreLand Surveying: Cadastral & GeodesyAccuracy
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    • Cadastre
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      UtilitiesLand AdministrationMultidisciplinaryCadastre
Field Sketches, Indication Sketches and Cadastral Maps. The detailed, land parcel survey of Hungary began in 1856. Three kinds of maps at a scale of 1:2880 were produced: field sketches, indication sketches and cadastral maps. Field... more
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      Historical mapsCadastre
Полный текст.
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      Russian HistoryCadastreXVI centuryписцовые книги
Dans la longue histoire cadastrale du Languedoc, qui renaît probablement à la fin du XIIe siècle et se révèle aux historiens au début du XIIIe, les années 1520-1560 marquent un tournant décisif quant à la manière d’élaborer ces compoix.... more
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      HistoryRural HistoryLand SurveyingCadastre
-Cet article donne un aperçu général sur les systèmes et les types de cadastres existants à travers le monde et plus particulièrement sur le cadastre marocain. -Il porte, également, sur les aspects du cadastre marocain qui nécessitent... more
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      Real EstateLawPublic AdministrationForeign Direct Investment
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      Architectural HistoryCadastreLand RegisterLandscape and Land-use-history
World-wide, much attention has been given to cadastral development. As a consequence of experi-ences made during the last decades, several authors have stated the need of research in the domain of cadastre and proposed methodologies to be... more
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    • Cadastre
Questo articolo presenta cinque diversi fondi e raccolte di catasti veneziani e documentazioni relative alla produzione catastale, che sono conservati nell’Archivio di Stato di Zara. Vengono descritte le circostanze in cui furono creati... more
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      Archival StudiesArchivesCroatian HistoryVenetian History
Présentation sur le cadre législatif de l’expropriation au Maroc
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      Real EstateProperty RightsReal estate valuationMorocco
С 2017 года в процессе Государственной кадастровой оценки произошли значительные изменения. Основанием для них стало принятия в прошлом июле Федерального закона № 237-ФЗ «О государственной када- стровой оценке». Этот закон стал... more
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      Real estate valuationCadastreZoning
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      CadastreEthiopiePolitiques Foncières
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      Modern HistoryState FormationState BuildingFiscal History
This contribution offers a new reading of the ancient landscape of the periphery of Lepcis Magna thanks mainly to the data from the survey campaigns carried out by the Archaeological Mission of Roma Tre University (2007– 13) together with... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyLatin EpigraphyRoman roadsRoman North Africa (Archaeology)
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      Real EstateLawDevelopment StudiesInformation Security
Проведено аналіз значної кількості публікацій по актуальній темі. Наведені формули для розрахунку точності, запропоновані різними авторами. Формули авторів цієї статті, на їх думку, мають перевагу: в основу оцінки площі покладені довжини... more
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Tanah memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan karena manusia berasal dari tanah dan akan kembali ke tanah pula. Syarat berdirinya suatu negara yang berdaulat adalah memiliki wilayah, yang lebih sering dibaca sebagai tanah. Tanah memiliki... more
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      Cadastral SystemsCadastreLand Surveying: Cadastral & Geodesy
The archival inventory provides a survey of the historical cadastre of the South Tyrol region, dating back to the mid-19th century. It also gives a short introduction into the history of this peculiar administrative system set up by the... more
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      Historical GeographyCadastreLand OwnershipTyrolean History
This project focuses on optimizing the structure of the conceptual database model of the Municipalidad Provincial del Callao (Peru). We propose a conceptual model oriented to the management of the data according to their nature within a... more
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      CadastreLand Surveying: Cadastral & GeodesyCadastral SurveyingCadaster
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    • Cadastre
Saat ini Sistem Informasi Pertanahan (SIP) berkembang pesat, baik di tingkat pemerintah persemakmuran, negara bagian dan local di Australia. Sebab, tantangan untuk dekade kedepan sangat komplek yaitu integrasi data sumber... more
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      Cadastral SystemsCadastre3D cadastreLand Cadastre, Land Management, Land Consolidation
Məqalədə elektron kadastr məlumat bazasının (EKMB) yaradılmasında yüksək ayırdetməli məsafədən zondlama verilənlərinin tətbiqi imkanları araşdırılmış, məkan verilənləri üzərində topoloji xətalar təsnif edilmiş və onlar arasında... more
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      Real EstateCadastral SystemsInterpolation (Geostatistics)Remote sensing and GIS
The necessity for Land and Urban Management is growing due to the Urban areas sustainable development evolution. The development of Land Information Systems focused on City Planning can nowadays fulfill these needs, paying special... more
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      Real EstateCadastreLand and Urban Information SystemGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Culmina a realização de um estágio com vista à obtenção do grau de mestre em Geografia Física, Ambiente e Ordenamento do Território, da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra. O seu conteúdo tem por base o trabalho realizado num... more
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      GeographyGeografiaCadastreCadastro Geométrico da Propriedade Rústica
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      GeographyMiddle East StudiesUnited NationsPalestine
Части текста:
Титульный лист (с. I-IV).
От составителя (с. V).
Именной указатель (с. 418-458).
Географический указатель (с. 459-507).
Список сокращений (с. 508).
Содержание (с. 509-511).
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      Russian HistoryCadastreXVI centuryписцовые книги
The project΄s main idea is the evaluation of Greek's National Cadastral data, with the creativity of a uniform Land Information System, which partially or totally will be used by the Municipalities and the Prefectures, with a view to... more
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      CadastreLocal Government and Regional AdministrationLand Information Systems
The study of historic rural landscape uses different descriptive tools: documents, prints, maps, artworks. This paper aims to retrace the sardinian rural landscape description through cartography, cadastre, photography and artworks... more
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      Rural HistoryLandscapeSardiniaCadastre
Adjudication is the official determination of rights in land. Adjudication is the first stage in the registration of title to land in area where the ownership of land is not officially known. It does not alter the existing rights or... more
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      Land managementAdjudicationCadastreBimSaviya
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      Maritime LawMaritimeCadastreHukum
Zona Nilai Tanah (ZNT) merupakan area yang menggambarkan nilai tanah yang relatif sama. Bersamaan dengan terbitnya undang undang No.28 Tahun 2009 aturan mengenai penarikan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan... more
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      Cadastral SystemsCadastreModelling Spatial Databases for Cadastral Production Using Geospatial Information TechnologiesCadastral Surveying
Части текста:
Титульный лист (с. 2-4).
Предисловие (с. 5-28).
Список сокращений (с. 376).
Именной указатель (с. 377-396).
Географический указатель (с. 397-429).
Содержание (с. 430, 431).
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      Russian HistoryCadastreXVI centuryXV Century
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This paper will discuss a smaller scale architectural element, the “casalino”, which was quite present in notarial documentation and in the statutes of medieval cities. For a time indicated as “dwelling” or buildable urban space, this... more
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      Urban HistoryArquitetura e UrbanismoCadastreCittà Medievale
Botues/Publisher: Geo-SEE Institute, Skopje, Macedonia www.geo-see.org Kryeredaktor/ Editor-in-chief: Dr. Bashkim IDRIZI, State University of Tetova, Skopje, Macedonia Zëvendës i Kryeredaktorit/ Associate editor: Dr. Afërdita... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceGeodesySpatial Analysis
Части текста:
Титульный лист (с. II-IV).
Предисловие (с. V-XVI).
Приложение четвертое (с. 240-246).
Именной указатель (с. 247-257).
Географический указатель (с. 258-299).
Список сокращений (с. 300).
Содержание (с. 301-303).
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      Russian HistoryCadastreXVI centuryписцовые книги