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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologySettlement Patterns
In questo breve testo si tenta di raccogliere le fonti più importanti concernenti la religione germanica. È opportuno tenere presente che la locuzione ‘religione germanica’ racchiude un’ampia varietà di contenuti, in quanto i popoli... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryAncient ReligionStrabo
Appians Keltiké, das vierte Buch seiner vierundzwanzig Bücher umfassenden Römischen Geschichte, behandelt die kriegerischen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Römern und Kelten, beginnend mit dem von Brennus geführten Angriff auf Rom bis hin... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyRoman History
¿Es totalmente objetiva la imagen que el cine ofrece de la Antigüedad a tenor de la documentación disponible? Como norma general, la imagen aportada por el cine ha quedado ajustada a influencias sociopolíticas e ideológicas acordes con... more
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      HistoriographyImage AnalysisCinema StudiesDidactic Resources
https://www.amazon.es/guerra-las-Galias-Julio-C%C3%A9sar/dp/841883966X/ Antología anotada y comentada del libro V de la Guerra de las Galias de Julio César realizada como Trabajo de Fin de Máster en el Máster de... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryClassical philologyJulius Caesar
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      Roman HistoryCaesar (Classics)Hellenistic and Roman Asia MinorAugustus
The death of Caesar’s legates, Sabinus and Cotta, with their fifteen cohorts in 54 BC is the most significant defeat of Roman armies in Gaul. In his Commentarii, Caesar presents this setback as the result of one man’s fault : his legate... more
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      Roman HistoryCaesar (Classics)Roman ArmyLate Roman Republic
Breve introducción a la obra literaria de Julio Gayo César con especial atención a sus Comentarios.
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      Literatura LatinaHistoria Julio CesarHistoriografía LatinaCaius Iulius Caesar
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMilitary Science
La actividad colonial de César y Augusto conforma uno de los hitos fundamentales de la historia de Roma. Su trascendencia histórica se aprecia en el elevado número de fundaciones realizadas tanto en Italia como en suelo provincial. Las... more
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      Roman HistoryAugustusRoman Army StudiesEpigrafía romana
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      Roman HistoryTheodor MommsenCaius Iulius Caesar
La idea central de este estudio es que, frente a la imagen idealizada que nos ofrece Plutarco sobre Bruto, o la descripción clásica de G. Boissier en Cicerón y sus amigos, una lectura atenta de la correspondencia entre Bruto y Cicerón... more
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryRoman RepublicCicero
I review some aspects of the presence of Julius Caesar and the young Octavian (the future Augustus) in Hispania, in the summer of 45 BC., following the text of Nicolaus of Damascus, Bíos Καίσαρος, 23-27. We make a proposal of the... more
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      Bellum HispanienseJulio CésarCARTHAGO NOVAOctavianus Augustus
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary History
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    • Caius Iulius Caesar
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural History
The crisis of the Roman Republic in Africa: the actions of Caesar in 46 a. C
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicRoman ArmyMaghreb studies
Julio César es una de las figuras más famosas, aclamadas y admiradas de la Antigua Roma, y con razón. No sólo fue un destacado militar, sino también político y gozó de altos cargos durante la República Romana tardía, llegando a ser... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryBiographyRoman Republic
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryAugustusRoman Baetica
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      Military HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyRoman History
The key thesis of this essay is, that in the documentary excursus of the 14 th book, Josephus took the official titles of Caesar from the text of his sources. The titles of Caesar were perfectly understandable to the contemporaries of the... more
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      Roman LawGreek EpigraphyRoman RepublicLatin Epigraphy
Gaio Giulio Cesare nel 46 a.C. ha celebrato quattro trionfi per le vittoriose campagne in Gallia, in Egitto, nel Ponto e in Africa. È dell’anno successivo il quinto e ultimo: per aver sconfitto – in Spagna – Gneo Pompeo figlio di Pompeo... more
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      Roman HistoryPolitical SciencePoliticsStoria Romana
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryAugustusRoman colonisation
EN- Although his name means "absolute ruler", Julius Caesar was never the Roman Emperor. He was called the founder of the Roman Empire. First of all, we know that Julius Caesar was a consul of the democratic Roman Republic, and after he... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman Empire
Introduction (historiography) to the colloquium of Nantes of 2010 about Roman governors
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      Hellenistic HistoryRoman ReligionRoman RepublicRoman provincial administration
W 59 r. Cezar sprowadził do Como w Galii Przedalpejskiej, kolonii latyńskiej od 89 r., pięć tysięcy osadników. Akcję tę podjął jako namiestnik trzech prowincji, które uzyskał na mocy lex Vatinia i wszystkie działania podejmował właśnie na... more
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      Cisalpine GaulCaius Iulius CaesarCn. Pompeius Strabo
Introduction of the colloquium of Nancy (4-5 june 2009) about administration of provinces of the roman Republic.
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      Public AdministrationRoman HistoryHistoriographyGreek Epigraphy
Study of travel speed of Caesar and his soldiers between 60 and 45 B.C.
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      Travel LiteratureRoman ArmyCivil Wars (Roman Republic)Late Roman Republic
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      Roman imperial cultEphesusEphesosOctavianus Augustus
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryCivil Wars (Roman Republic)Augustus
The revised and corrected  text is published in: Acta Antiqua LV. (1-4.) 2015, 119-124.
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      Ancient HistoryLatin LiteratureRoman HistoryCultural History Of Ghosts
Resumo: Este texto discute a apropriação de alguns textos da Antiguidade Clássica escritos por Plutarco em obras de autores posteriores, Dante Alighieri e W. Shakespeare, com o propósito de criticara traição aos chefes, pais e protetores.... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryItalian LiteraturePlutarch
RESUMEN En este trabajo se añade a la interpretación de Iulos de Valerio Flaco, como Iulios, término con el que el poeta aludiría a Julio César, otra lectura diferente, desconocida en la actualidad, que podemos leer en Quevedo. PALABRAS... more
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      Valerius FlaccusQuevedoValerius Flaccus ArgonauticaCaius Iulius Caesar
This paper explores some aspects of the rich tradition of Caius Julius Caesar in modern historical novel.
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      The Historical NovelClassical Reception StudiesCaius Iulius Caesar
Prendendo lo spunto dagli attacchi subiti negli ultimi anni dalla Chiesa cattolica a livello internazionale ed in particolare dall’ONU, Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico e Katargēsis Messianica vuole risalire alle cause profonde e di lunga... more
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      MarxismRepublicanismPost-MarxismGiorgio Agamben