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During an ongoing reform of parish staff led by the Church authorities ofthe Russian Orthodox Church, new positions in parishes are establishing, that of religious educator (catechist), social worker and youth worker. The principal object... more
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      Youth WorkLay Catholic TheologyEcclesiologySecond Vatican Council
Boek over de inwijding van nieuwkomers in het christelijk geloof en de christelijke gemeente. Hele manuscript nu hier beschikbaar.
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMissional EcclesiologyDiscipleshipMissional Church Theology
Toujours d’actualité dans notre monde occidental déchristianisé, la pastorale des recommençants peine à exister dans la vie des communautés chrétiennes, plutôt indifférentes à ces baptisés éloignés de l’Église. Il s’agit là d’un vrai... more
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      ReligionPractical theologyCatecheticsCatechumenate
Chaque année en France, de nombreux adultes demandent le baptême. Ils souhaitent faire partie de la famille de Dieu. Ce qu’ils expriment de leur quête révèle des attentes contemporaines envers l’Eglise catholique. Grâce à un dialogue,... more
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      ReligionPractical theologyCatecheticsCatechumenate
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      PhilologyReligionPatristicsMedieval Latin Literature
In this work, Benjamin Edsall breaks new ground in New Testament reception history by bringing together early Pauline interpretation and the study of early Christian institutions. He traces the close association between Paul and the... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentHermeneuticsBiblical Studies
Although widely recognized as an unorganized catechetical document, Cyprian’s Ad Quirinum Book Three has not been systematically analyzed for what it might reveal about the third century North African catechumenate. By mapping discernible... more
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      EconomicsPatristicsEarly ChurchNonviolence
Une approche historique de la renaissance du catéchuménat et son développement en France depuis les années 40 met en évidence un modèle catéchuménal de type pastoral, développé par les praticiens du catéchuménat. La problématique... more
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      TheologyPractical theologyPastoral TheologyCatechetics
«Elles, ils vivent en Occident, se tournent vers le Christ par milliers chaque année et demandent le baptême. Ils viennent d’un monde non croyant ou d’une famille qui embrasse une autre religion. Ils frappent à la porte de l’Église. Ils y... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyPastoral TheologyCatechumenateOecuménisme
In Patristic times, the sacramental order concerning Christian initiation (Baptism, Christening and Eucharist) was characterized by two periods of formation: one pre-baptismal, also called catechumenate, and another one post-baptismal,... more
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"L’auteur expose tout d’abord brièvement l’évolution historique contemporaine des relations entre l’Église et l’État en Hongrie, déterminante pour la foi des adultes. Elle rapporte ensuite les conceptions théologiques et les cheminements... more
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      TheologyAdult EducationPractical theologyAndragogy
La diversité des parcours et des modes de croire sont autant de nouveaux défis pour l’Eglise. Les nouveaux modes d’appartenance et de construction personnelle changent inévitablement la donne quant au rapport à la communauté chrétienne.... more
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      ReligionTheologyPractical theologyCatholicism
Alors que la pastorale des recommençants est souvent perçue comme une nouveauté, l’expérience faite à Lyon autour d’Henri Bourgeois permet d’en situer la genèse dans les années soixante-dix. L’évolution de la pratique et de la réflexion... more
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      TheologyAdult EducationPractical theologyAndragogy
This article reports on a survey of catechetical methods used in English-language parishes in the ROCOR Diocese in Australia and their impact on disaffiliation. The survey identified higher disaffiliation rates correlating with whether... more
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      Religious EducationRussian Orthodox ChurchReligious ConversionRussian Orthodoxy
Chaque année, de plus en plus d’adultes demandent à recevoir le baptême dans l’Eglise catholique. Pour s’y préparer, ceux-ci suivent une formation, appelée accompagnement, d’un ou deux ans. Nous nous sommes interrogé sur leurs motifs... more
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      TheologyPractical theologyReligious ConversionPastoral Theology
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      AugustineAugustine of HippoEarly Christianity, Late AntiquityCatechumenate
A conference presentation delivered at the 2008 Archbishop Iakovos Graduate Student Conference in Patristic Studies, Boston, Massachusetts
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      AugustineBaptismCiceroAugustine of Hippo
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityHistory of MissionsAugustine
This article is focused on a short sermon of St. Augustine, which F. Dolbeau discovered in Stadtbibliothek in Meinz in 1990. It is not a regular sermon, but a kind of so called post tractatum: a short ex- hortation, which bishop addresses... more
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In the use of the united Church from the late forth century was developed the catechumenate, meaning a long and profound preparation for Christian Initiation, usually received in the Easter Vigil. However, candidates would receive... more
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      John ChrysostomMystagogyCatechumenateCatechesis
The article shows the origins and the development of the Christian catechumenate and the rites of Christian initiation in North Africa in the second and the third century. These institutions are shown on the basis of the extant writings... more
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      PatristicsBaptismRoman North AfricapATROLOGY
Liturghia catehumenilor, la început un serviciu divin cu o existență proprie, care se săvârșea independent de Sfânta Euharistie, a devenit foarte de timpuriu o rânduială liturgică inseparabilă de Liturghia euharistică, aceasta fiind... more
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      HistoryEcclesiologyCatechumenateDivine Liturgy
Based on my academic work, I presented a talk in March 2020 on how catechesis happened prior to the legalisation of Christianity.  This was recorded and put online, at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFYl4FNeAyo
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly ChurchBaptismCatechetics
Journée d'étude: La Bible dans les catéchèses des IVe et Ve siècles (Strasbourg, 9-10 novembre 2017)

A paraître dans Cahiers de Biblia Patristica (Brepols)
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      PatristicsHistory of EducationReligious ConversionAugustine
Argues that Victor Turner's concepts of liminality and communitas can be a helpful lens through which to view and approach the preparation of adults for Baptism in the Roman Rite.
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      LiminalityBaptismVictor TurnerCommunitas
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityAugustineLate Antiquity
Die päpstlichen Dokumente 'Evangelii gaudium' (2013) und das neue 'Direktorium für die Katechese' (2020) betonen die grundlegende Notwendigkeit einer christlichen Verkündigung und unterscheiden methodisch zwischen kerygmatischer... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyPastoral TheologyCatecheticsKerygma
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      CuriosityCatechumenateSt. AugustineThe Eucharist
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      Ancient HistoryPatristicsHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPatristicsEarly Church
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      Early ChristianityYoung AdulthoodPostmodern expressions of ChristianityCatechumenate
This article makes the case that churches are uniquely positioned to accompany returning veterans through a process of re-training themselves for civilian life. The first part of the article explains how basic training and combat instill... more
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      RitualHabitusPost traumatic stress disorderMoral Injury