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For the past few years, on Sundays during the Easter period, groups of Catholics fill city squares (parks, shopping centres and the like) and celebrate the liturgy giving a testimony to Christian life. Very often these places are... more
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      ChristianityMartin HeideggerPerformanceCatholic Theology
De acordo com a expressão do escritor francês Guy Debord, o ser humano hodierno vive na sociedade do espetáculo, um simulacro de falso eterno presente – artificial e visceral – onde a existência dissoluta se agiganta em face da original e... more
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      PhilosophyKnowledge EngineeringKerygma
Kerygma, ontmythologisering, existentialen en 'hineininterpretieren'
Bultmann' hermeneutiek en Martin Heidegger
Bultmann' hermeneutiek en Mary Daly
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      Martin HeideggerHeideggerMary DalyFilosofie
This paper seeks to demonstrate that the apostolic kerygma and the Apostles’ Creed are structurally and thematically identical (or nearly so), thereby allowing both “sola Scriptura-ists” and “Scripture and Tradition-ists” to find common... more
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      LiturgyEcumenical TheologyKerygma
Marcos, el primero de los Evangelios
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      ProtestantismHistorical JesusJesus ChristRudolf Bultmann
"W misjach ewangelizacyjnych tematem wiodącym jest historia zbawienia – miłość Boga do człowieka, grzech, który od tej miłości oddziela, zbawienie każdego grzesznika przez Jezusa i nowa szansa na doświadczenie Bożej miłości. Nie chodzi... more
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      ChristianityJesus ChristKerygmaNew Evangelization
Al ubicar el comienzo de la predicación de los Apóstoles el día de Pentecostés, el libro de los Hechos recoge el significado de esta celebración como fiesta de la Alianza. Pero también le asigna un valor de cumplimiento al vincularla con... more
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Inquiry into the content of the preaching and teaching of the early Church was commonplace in the first part of the twentieth century. Such research was carried out under a number of different headings – kerygma, catechesis, etc. – and... more
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      New TestamentKerygmaCatechesisForm Criticism
Diferentes trabajos del ámbito académico han tratado la función de todos los sacerdocios mencionados en la Biblia. Este trabajo buscó relacionar y encadenar la función de servicio de los diferentes sacerdocios en la Biblia en relación con... more
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      Christian MissionKerygmaApocalipsisThe Book of Revelation
Fresh purchase on well-worn problems in Romans 1:3-4 can be gained by paying careful attention to neglected details in reception history. It is argued that the pre-Pauline material in Romans 1:3-4—despite considerable scholarly opinion... more
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      New TestamentPauline LiteratureChristologyRomans
Scrive san Giovanni Damasceno: «Se un pagano viene e ti dice: Mostrami la tua fede!, tu portalo in chiesa e mostragli la decorazione di cui è ornata, e spiegagli la serie dei quadri sacri». L'interesse per il patrimonio artistico... more
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      Art HistorySacred SpacesKerygmaEvangelisation
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      Early ChurchEvangelismKerygmaRule of Faith
Rudolf Bultmann is one of the most widely known but least read theologians of the twentieth century. He is famous as the one who "demythologized" the New Testament, but very few understand what he meant by this or how his hermeneutical... more
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      MythologyHermeneuticsEschatology and ApocalypticismHumanism
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of Religion
The Synoptic Gospels present the account of the earthly Jesus’ life and ministry before Easter in the light of their post-Easter view of Christ. From that perspective certain internal tensions that are apparent in the Gospels’ portrayals... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentNarrative TheologySynoptic Gospels
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      New TestamentOld TestamentHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonSeptuagint
Muerte y Resurrección en la Biblia
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Recent studies are challenging the hypothesis that NT writers mis-interpreted earlier Biblical writings, taking them out of context, and using interpretational techniques which are today considered “eisegesis”. However, biblical research... more
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An increasing number of theologians assert that the Western world has moved from a Christendom era to a post-Christendom era. In relation to this, this article discusses the charge of sectarianism. The article argues that the task that... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyMission StudiesEcclesiologySectarianism
Artykuł zawiera prezentację o. Raniero Cantalamessy. Krótki życiorys, obejmujący najważniejsze wydarzenia z życia, dorobek naukowy oraz autocharakterystykę powołania i misji tego "sługi Słowa" dokonanej za pomocą prostych obrazów i... more
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      KerygmaRaniero CantalamessakerygmatKapucyni
Nietzsche ends the section 30 of The Antichrist with the following statement, which reinforces the thesis that the evangel of Jesus is the result of a morbid hyperexcitability and a will to pleasure proper of weakness: “– The fear of... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of Psychiatry
This article deals with the use of literary fiction in Adventist schools and takes into consideration statements by Ellen G. White that seem to condemn this practice. Its main objective is to assess - in the light of the literary... more
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      ChristologyChristian OriginsChristian PhilosophySchillebeeckx
Resumo Esta pesquisa é um breve estudo exegético a cerca da identidade do Arcanjo Miguel. O texto base analisado é Judas 9, que retrata a luta entre Satanás e Miguel a respeito corpo de Moisés. A pesquisa é de natureza bíblico-teológica,... more
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Los Evangelios Apócrifos
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      PreachingTeologiaKerygmaRaniero Cantalamessa
Este trabajo provee una síntesis y una evaluación del ensayo programático de C. H. Dodd sobre el kerygma del Nuevo Testamento y de las interacciones y respuestas principales que ha recibido durante los últimos ochenta y cinco años. Aunque... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament TheologyNew Testament StudiesKerygma
O artigo em questão tem por objetivo discutir e analisar a importância da arquitetura gótica como símbolo de uma revolução religiosa, buscando compreender sua representação na história do ocidente medieval com maiores proporções e... more
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El contenido de la predicación apostólica
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      ChristologyEschatologySoren KierkegaardChristology of New Testament
Evangelios Gnósticos
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O presente artigo objetiva analisar o uso de citações, alusões e ecos do Antigo Testamento na epístola de Paulo aos Romanos. Utilizam-se os critérios apontados por Richard Hays e G. K. Beale em suas obras. O estudo faz uma introdução... more
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Relaciones de origen entre los Evangelios
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityApocalypticism
O ateísmo tem crescido nas últimas décadas pela militância de filósofos e estudiosos da ciência que apregoam um novo ateísmo. O objetivo deste estudo é refletir sobre a nova fase do ateísmo na sociedade atual e seus principais... more
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Esse artigo analisará a influência do cristianismo igualitário sobre os movimentos de emancipação feminina que compuseram a Primeira Onda do Feminismo dos séculos XIX e XX. Ao analisarem-se alguns movimentos cristãos igualitários é... more
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El Evangelio de Lucas
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El Evangelio de Mateo
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W marcu 2017 roku ukazały się nowe Wskazania Konferencji Episkopatu Polski dotyczące przygotowania do przyjęcia sakramentu bierzmowania. W niniejszym artykule ukazane zostały geneza tego dokumentu, jego elementy konstytutywne oraz... more
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      KerygmaPedagogikaSakramentyMetodyka katechezy
Los discípulos retoman la misión de Jesús
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    • Kerygma
An essay review of Beyond Bultmann: Reckoning a New Testament Theology. Edited by Bruce W. Longenecker and Mikeal C. Parsons. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2014. 382 pp. ISBN 978-1-4813-0041-4.
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      Second Temple JudaismNew Testament and Christian OriginsHistorical JesusNew Testament Theology
O exegeză a fragmentului I Corinteni 9:19-23, din perspectiva conceptului de modernitate lichidă (Bauman, Ward, Vulbeau, Morris). Ce este de schimbat ? Ce poate fi schimbat ? Ce trebuie schimbat ? Cât de departe putem merge, fără a pierde... more
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      ReligionReception of the BibleMissional EcclesiologyBiblical Hermeneutics
This title seems to state the obvious. However, the aim of this paper is to show that the stress on Jesus’ plain humanity was not the first view among Jesus’ disciples, but a more elaborated one, connected with the emergence of the... more
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      Historical JesusPauline TheologyActs of the ApostlesKerygma
El Evangelio de Juan
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Oggi si necessita di una riflessione intorno all’essenza del valore, alla validità dell’etica e dei suoi fondamenti universali in società sempre più complesse, multiculturali, individualistiche. In questo contesto di ricerca si propone... more
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      HermeneuticsPaul RicoeurAugustineProblem of Evil
Las primeras comunidades de creyentes
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