Celestino Galiani
Recent papers in Celestino Galiani
Celestino Galiani (1681-1753) was born in San Giovanni Rotondo, a small town in the Gargano, and from there began a long wandering through Italy, between his first religious training in the province of Foggia and subsequent trips to... more
The notorious publication, Mustafà Bassà di Rodi schiavo in Malta, was composed in the months following the bloody massacre of the slaves in July 1749, and has been shrouded in mystery and immersed in controversy ever since it saw the... more
Si tratta del primo studio critico sulla figura di Berardo Galiani. Il saggio ne ricostruisce la biografia e ne analizza criticamente l'opera teorico-architettonica. Inoltre vengono trascritti e commentati alcuni pareri ed altri... more