Central Asian Societies
Recent papers in Central Asian Societies
Title in Italian: "La letteratura tagica fra riforme e rivoluzioni (1870-1954). Con uno studio preliminare delle Ëddoštho [Memorie] di Sadriddin Ajnī e appendici bibliografiche" The thesis focuses on the period of reforms and... more
See society and culture through both provincial and worldwide perspectives as History of World Societies, Volume 1 widens your understanding of world history by making the past wake up. Audit: I purchased the book new and the spread is... more
The border relationships between the five countries of Central Asia represent something of a paradox for foreign policy analysts and practitioners. On the one hand these borders are responsible for crippling conflicts between the five... more
В статье проанализированы основные проблемы киргизстанской историографии советского и постсоветского периодов по теме восстания 1916 года. В круг использованных источников входят новые архивные документы, научные и публицистические... more
[From the introduction]. The Reb gong Vale is a densely populated high-altitude agricultural oasis that runs north-to-south for approximately twenty kilometers through the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, surrounded by barren pastoral... more
An environmental history of Taozhou, a Qing-period subprefecture in southern Gansu Province that dealt with a mixed community of Chinese, Muslims, and Tibetans on the edge of the Tibetan plateau.
Дом и семья – два понятия, которые составляют основу любого общества. Поэтому строительство дома так часто сравнивают со строительством государства, а наличие полноценной семьи – с гармонией и благополучием в обществе. То, как эти два... more
Applying quasigenetic markers – non-biological traits which are nevertheless inherited in generations – is one of the research fields within human population genetics. For the West European, East European, and Caucasus populations ,... more
The former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan in the heart of Central Asia is home to the city of Osh, which is commonly discussed as an epicenter of radical Islamism and political instability, yet also fully globalized. Stefan Kirmse explores... more
Economic growth and private sector development have been sluggish in China’s western regions, where ethnic minorities make up a sizeable part of the population. In the northwest Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, the state maintains a... more
The dichotomy between China’s claim to respect, protect and promote Tibetan culture in the education system and its actual practice of alienating Tibetans from their linguistic and cultural heritage and identity through a vigorous... more
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
Учебник является первым в отечественной и зарубежной практике изучения истории современного Узбекистана. В нём, на основе изучения опыта академических и учебных изданий ряда ведущих зарубежных университетов и с привлечением широкого... more
The Chinese provinces are a crazy patchwork quilt of languages and dialects, where the histories of migrations and cultural enclaves, the tides of influence from empire and commerce, the sperm trails that follow rivers and railway lines... more
Caspian Energy Politics analyses the role of oil and gas in the development of the three main petroleum exporters in the Caspian region – Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan – and how energy resources influence interactions with... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
This is my HD thesis in Polish. Short version of this book in English was published under the title "Social Bonds in the Political Culture in Kyrgyzstan". This pdf file includes: table of contents and summary in English and Russian,... more
Ефремов Е.А. (Алматы, Казахстан, Казахстан, Казахский национальный университет имени Аль-Фараби) Этнокультурная идентичность корейцев Казахстана (по результатам социологического опроса) Доклад на X Международной корееведческой... more
В статье дается краткая характеристика вклада академика Г. А. Пугаченковой в становление и развитие гуманитарных наук в Узбекистане и соседних советских республиках. Демонстрируя своеобразный универсализм, еще возможный в ее время для... more
The volume “New Voices from Central Asia: Political, Economic, and Societal Challenges and Opportunities” gives the floor to a young generation of experts and scholars from Central Asia and Azerbaijan. They were fellows at GW's Central... more
With an appendix by Rian Thum and David Brophy. The story of the Sufi saint Khwaja Muhammad Sharif is one of the best-loved hagiographies from East Turkistan (present-day Xinjiang, China), where the saint’s shrine remains a place of... more