Recent papers in Chatino
This dissertation is a description of aspects of the phonetics, phonology and morphology of Teotepec Chatino (ISO 639-3 identifier: cya; here abbreviated as TEO), an indigenous language spoken by approximately 3800 people in the Sierra... more
Un estudio monográfico que analiza la situación de un grupo indígena en el proceso de construcción del Estado-nación en México .
In this dissertation I address the timing of and interrelatedness between initial Early Formative period (2000–1500 BCE) transitions in residential mobility, subsistence, and social organization in Mesoamerica. I approach these topics... more
El “pueblo de indios” fue la organización sociopolítica, religiosa y territorial en que se transformaron los asentamientos indígenas durante el régimen novohispano. Su traza se distribuyó con frecuencia a lo largo de un río y a un lado de... more
We describe our own experience of linguist-community collaboration over the last ten years in our Chatino Language Documentation Project, focused on the Chatino languages (Otomanguean; Oaxaca, Mexico). We relate episodes in the emergence... more
El libro es resultado de una investigación que muestra los efectos tempranos de la introducción del cultivo del café en una comunidad indígena
Tómas Cruz Lorenzo (1950-1989) fue un activista chatino que perteneció a esa generación de pensadores de la organización comunal surgidos de los pueblos originarios, entre los que se encuentran Floriberto Díaz y Jaime Martínez Luna. Sus... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
La igualdad de género sigue siendo un reto para el mundo, especialmente en aquellos contextos donde la división sexual del trabajo y de la vivencia de los espacios sociales colectivos es más evidente. Por esto, se precisan investigaciones... more
This paper classifies the previously unidentified language of Francisco Belmar's Investigaciones sobre el idioma chatino (1902) as Tataltepec Chatino.
Preliminary sketch of phonology and tone in San Marcos Zacatepec Eastern Chatino, and presentation of a scheme for handling cognate tone classes across Eastern Chatino varieties.
This paper draws on both elicited and conversational data to present the range of grammatical devices for marking agency and verb valence in Lachixío Zapotec, a West Zapotec language. In addition to syntactic valence related to the... more
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Sound Systems of Mexico and Central America. Universidad de Yale, 2015. La nasalidad, entendida como un rasgo fonológico distintivo, es un fenómeno lingüístico especialmente interesante en las lenguas... more
Coffee production, rural Mexico
This paper outlines the major factors contributing to deforestation in the Sierra Chatina of Oaxaca, Mexico and examines the role played by neo-liberal restructuring in these processes. The last 25 years of rural development in the Sierra... more
Ichan-Tecolotl 'La casa del Tecolote'. Organo informativo del CIESAS. Septiembre 2014
In the Chatino languages (Otomanguean; Oaxaca, Mexico), verbs show two independent patterns of conjugational classification in marking aspect and mood, one based on prefixation and the other based on tonal ablaut. I term this... more
Abstract: La nasalidad, entendida como un rasgo fonológico distintivo, es un fenómeno lingüístico especialmente interesante en las lenguas del tronco otomangue debido a su gran difusión y variedad de contrastes. En este trabajo, se... more
The Chatino languages feature floating and unlinked tones (henceforth UTs), and these phenomena are both complex and unequally distributed throughout the Chatino languages. Chatino UT phenomena are often non-local, with tones appearing... more
In this dissertation I address the timing of and interrelatedness between initial Early Formative period (2000–1500 BCE) transitions in residential mobility, subsistence, and social organization in Mesoamerica. I approach these topics... more
An eight-page summary of the tonal system of Tataltepec Chatino that served as the handout for a talk I gave at the University of Texas in April, 2016.