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      Ancient ReligionHistorical SourcesMiddle AgesChristianisation
This volume is based upon a conference convened at the University of Kent in April 2015 to celebrate the conclusion of a major programme of archaeological excavation targeting the Anglo-Saxon royal centre and monastery of Lyminge, Kent.... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyAnglo-Saxon archaeologyEarly and Medieval Christianity
Christianity is one of the major and also the latest religions in Bangladesh. This monotheistic religion is based on the lifestyle, moral ideals, speech, and humanistic attitude of Jesus Christ. Their main religious belief is that Jesus... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory
This article provides a summary of the research carried out in recent years at the archaeological site of Santa Comba (Covas, Ferrol, NW Iberian Peninsula). Located on three small islands that originally made up a peninsula, the main... more
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      LiDARIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)RomanisationIron Age
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      ReligionEarly ChristianityMedieval ArchaeologyReligion and ritual in prehistory
The view on basic problems of the contemporary research of christianization in early Middle Ages presented here reveals the complexity and also ambiguity of this process. For its comprehension is important to listen to all the... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryChristianisationChristianisation of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle AgesHistory of Christian Missions
Illustrer le thème des laïcs aujourd'hui, plus de cinquante ans après la conclusion du Concile Vatican II, après la constitution Lumen Gentium, le décret Apostolicam Actuositatem, l'exhortation Evangelii Nuntiandi de Paul VI,... more
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      TheologyContextual TheologiesTeologieTHEOLOGIE
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      History of Political ThoughtAmerican ProtestantismKoreaChristianisation
"Such a bitch is Freyja": Women, Christianity and patriarchy in Old Icelandic Literature. This article examines Old Icelandic literature from the perspective of feminist gender theories. It looks at the female images presented in... more
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      Feminist TheoryMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
Kristijanizacija istočnih dijelova Branimirove države. Die Christianisation der östlichen Teile von Branimirs Kroatien. U 30. glavi De administrando Imperio bizantskog cara Konstantina VII. Porfirogeneta u sastavu ranosrednjovjekovne... more
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      ChristianisationPokrštavanjeCroatia in the time of duke Branimir (879-892)counties: Livno
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      Early ChristianityBurial Practices (Archaeology)ChristianisationChristianisation of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
La place Esquirol constitue le coeur de la ville antique de Tolosa : ici se situent le nord du forum et son grand temple (fig. 1), probablement le Capitolium mentionné dans les sources anciennes. Ultérieurement, le temple du forum fut... more
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      ToulouseMartyrologyArqueología romana / Roman archeologyChristianisation
Conclusions. On the example of Płock (as well as Gniezno, Kuyavian or Pomeranian) one can clearly see the "utilitarian" character of the Benedictine Christianization in early medieval Poland. Their involvement, forced by circumstances... more
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      Monastic StudiesMedieval Church HistoryHistory of MissionsMonasticism
L'ensemble des communautés traditionnelles sont ancrées dans des forces divines dont elles tirent leurs lois. Ces lois tribales dépendent des temps des origines, fondées sur l'ordre divin donné par les ancêtres. L'ordre divin des ancêtres... more
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      ReligionMythologyPacific Island StudiesMissionary History
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      Medieval StudiesEarly ChristianityReligious ConversionMedieval Archaeology
in: Studia Patristica LXXIV, Including papers presented at the Fifth British Patristics Conference, London, 3-5 September 2014, Eds. M. Vinzent & A. Brent (Leuven: Peeters, 2016), 223-237. (the uploaded Version here is a draft)
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      IdentityChristianisationJeromeAristocratic Conversion
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      Early Middle Ages (History)ChristianisationChristianisation of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle AgesFrühmittelalter
Polemic about the importance of the Benedictine abbey on Łysa Góra in the times of Władysław Jagiełło, including an indication of the participation of the Łagas Abbot in the king's baptism and the Christianization of Lithuania
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      MonasticismLithuanian HistoryBenedictine HistoryMedieval Monasticism
Recent archaeological studies conducted at different scales, from the level of site through to landscapes and regions, have focused critical attention on the connections and interactions existing between secular and religious realms of... more
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      GeographyAnglo-Saxon StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Monasticism
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      ChristianisationKarantanienEarly SlavsChristianisierung
This project aims to incorporate urban settlement data within a framework of landscape archaeology approaches to map the effects of Christianisation on town development in Anglo-Saxon England from the 7th-11th centuries A.D. With the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesUrbanism (Archaeology)Settlement PatternsUrbanism
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      Self and IdentityEarly ChristianityLate AntiquitySecularization
Giulio Lucci Brève rétrospective sur le passage de la culture païenne à la culture chrétienne à travers les catacombes de Rome.
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      Late AntiquityCatacombs of RomeHerculesChristianisation
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      City in Late AntiquityLate Roman and early Byzantine fortificationsChristianisationChristianisation of Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages
According to the conventional construction of the religious history of the Roman Empire, the dense variety of Greek and Roman religions had ceased to exist sometime around the fourth to fifth centuries CE, during the so-called... more
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityChristian OriginsGreek and Roman historiography
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      Archaeology of Medieval MonasteriesChristianisationChristianisation and Nationbuilding
Bu bildiri, 5-6 Mart 2020 tarihlerinde İstanbul Üniversitesi Güneydoğu Avrupa Araştırma Merkezi tarafından düzenlenecek olan Güneydoğu Avrupa'da Kültürel Etkileşimler adlı sempozyumda sunulacaktır.
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      Medieval BalkansChristianisationBulgarsRoma Bizans Tarihi
Based on an analysis of the Christianisation of the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity, this rather experimental article discusses if and how a future Islamisation of Europe could be possible. Some arguments may merit consideration in the... more
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      IslamismIslamisationChristianisationJihadism and Radical Islamism
Moje rozważania na temat antropologicznych implikacji chrystianizacji społeczeństwa Afryki muszę zacząć od kilku zastrzeżeń. Związane są one przede wszystkim ze świadomością moich ograniczeń z jednej strony i z rozległością i... more
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      African StudiesCatholic TheologyReligious SyncretismSecond Vatican Council
After the death of his brother, Carloman I, Charlemagne became the sole ruler of all Franks. This put him in a position from which he could strengthen and expand the Frankish state and transform it into the official protector of... more
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      Medieval HistoryCharlemagneChristianisationSaxons
How the attempt to translate Sacred Scripture into Indian languages demonstrates the differences between ancient Hebrew/Jewish thinking and Indian culture.
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      Indian studiesChristianisationSacred ScriptureNew Evangelization
The Polabian Slavs were the last refuge of paganism in the Slavic region. They survived until 1168, because then Rugen, the last pagan bastion of the Slavs after the destruction of Radgosc, was conquered by Waldemar I, king of Denmark.... more
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      ChristianisationPolabian Slavs
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      HagiographyCatholic Missionary HistoryChristian MissionsCultural Diversity
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      HagiographyEarly ChristianitySyriac ChristianityChristianisation
The paper presents an overview on the process of christianization in northern Gaul between the late 3rd up to the 8th century AD from both the archaeological and the historical evidence. Special attention is given to the area comprised... more
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      History of ChristianityEarly ChristianityMedieval Church HistoryArchaeology of Religion
Tra il IV e il V secolo d.C., ed in particolare a partire dal principato di Teodosio, il controverso e difficile rapporto tra il Cristianesimo, ormai dilagante, e le altre religioni è riflesso in tutto il territorio dell’impero romano sia... more
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      ArchaeologyLate AntiquityMithraismChristianisation
Recent archaeological studies conducted at different scales, from the level of site through to landscapes and regions, have focused critical attention on the connections and interactions existing between secular and religious realms of... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Early Medieval Monasticism
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      Late AntiquityChurch HistoryEarly Middle Ages (History)Medieval Provence
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEthiopian StudiesAfrican HistoryByzantine Studies
Tra il IV e il V secolo d.C., ed in particolare a partire dal principato di Teodosio, il controverso e difficile rapporto tra il Cristianesimo, ormai dilagante, e le altre religioni è riflesso in tutto il territorio dell’impero romano sia... more
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      ArchaeologyLate AntiquityMithraismChristianisation
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyRoman ReligionLate AntiquityPaganism
Recent archaeological studies conducted at different scales, from the level of site through to landscapes and regions, have focused critical attention on the connections and interactions existing between secular and religious realms of... more
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      GeographyAnglo-Saxon StudiesEarly Medieval ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Monasticism
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      ToulouseMartyrologyArqueología romana / Roman archeologyChristianisation
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Der Arcus Constantini gilt bis heute als eines der herausragendsten Monumente spätantiker Herrschaftsrepräsentation. An prominenter Stelle – die via triumphalis überspannend, gelegen zwischen dem Amphitheater, dem Palatin... more
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      HistoryImperial ideology and representationChristianisationTriumphal Arch
This project aims to incorporate urban settlement data within a framework of funerary and landscape archaeology approaches to map some of the effects of Christianisation on town development in Anglo-Saxon England from the 7th-11th... more
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      Ancient HistoryPolitical ScienceSettlement PatternsMedieval Church History
In the context of Imperial Art as Christian Art, a question of special interest is how Christian emperors handled the imperial legacy of their pagan predecessors. That the tradition of the saecula aurea was important at least for the... more
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityLate Roman ArchaeologyRoman Sculpture
Le triangle polynésien, à un moment de son histoire, s'est trouvé confronté à des idéologies d'origine occidentale, ré-interprétées dans la culture traditionnelle en situation d'acculturation : les peuples conquis ont dû intégrer de... more
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      Comparative ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of MissionsAcculturation
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      Late Antique ReligionChristianisation
This paper explores the links between religious ideology, identity, burial practice and diet during the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity, with an emphasis on the 7th century. Due to the introduction of Christian religious... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisBioarchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Early Christianity