Recent papers in Claudian
Reseñado por Ines de Ornellas e Castro, en Evphrosyne, N° 45, 2017, pp. 649-651 (Portugal). Reseñado por Jean-Louis Charlet, en Athenaeum, N° 103/1, 2015, pp. 286-288 (Italia). Reseñado por Luis Alberto Cuenca Prado, Emérita, N° 82/1,... more
This dissertation argues that martial virtues and images of the soldier’s life represented an essential aspect of early Byzantine masculine ideology. It contends that in many of the visual and literary sources from the fourth to the... more
General introduction to the epic genre in late antiquity. Translation with stylistic and philological commentary of Claudianus’ 'De bello Gothico', vv. 469-557.
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
... In addition, I am thankful for my friends during this journey. My friends back in New MexicoChris and Alicia Chavez, Zack Herrera, and Rachael Miltenbergerhave patiently ... like to be present at Cannae. Another author, Adrian... more
This article treats genre, love, and violence in Claudian’s 'De Raptu Proserpinae'. With particular reference to the precedents of Ovid's 'Metamorphoses' and Statius’ 'Achilleid', the first part establishes the poem’s varied generic... more
«Beginning from Apollo» is the sixth volume of «Caeculus» and contains the Proceedings of the sixth Fransum Colloquium, held on 8 March 2003. The theme of this colloquium was Apollonius Rhodius, the third c. BC poet who wrote the epic... more
One of the worst military disasters in the Roman history was the Battle of Cannae (216 BCE) which occurred in the Second Punic War. The battle left such an impact with its trauma that any military defeat in the following centuries was... more
Las anotaciones marginales que un comentarista anónimo escribió en un ejemplar de las Obras completas de Claudiano impresas en 1482 podrían dar pie a una revisión del texto del autor latino. The marginal notes that an... more
The life of Claudius Claudian (c. 370-c. 404 AD), the great Latin poet active during the reign of Honorius, is unknown, especially the years before his great debut in 395 AD. Communis opinio holds that he was a pagan Egyptian Greek born... more
Nella raccolta di componimenti attribuiti a Claudiano (IV-V sec. d.C.) e noti ai moderni con il titolo non genuino di carmina minora, tre brevi poemetti in esametri presentano ar-gomenti di dossografia anche minuta: nei carm. min. 9... more
L'esame intertestuale della colta poesia ennodiana di due dei tre carmi cosiddetti odeporici (1,1 e 1,5 Hartel) consente di valorizzare alcuni spunti di imitazione da parte del poeta in direzione del carm. min. 23 di Claudiano (De Nilo).
The article is a critical edition of two epithalamniums by Jan Karol Dachnowski, a Baroque minorum gentium poet, so far unpublished as a whole. "Epos nuptiale" was included in "Talamodia", published in 1620, whereas "Hymen weselny"... more
Pour une part significative, les répétitions d’expressions entre les différentes œuvres de Claudien, poète latin tardo-antique, résultent d’une démarche de réécriture et constituent un fait d’auto-référence pertinent pour... more
... In addition, I am thankful for my friends during this journey. My friends back in New MexicoChris and Alicia Chavez, Zack Herrera, and Rachael Miltenbergerhave patiently ... like to be present at Cannae. Another author, Adrian... more
The aim of this paper is to explore the erotic subject-matter in Claudian’s nuptial poetry (his Epithalamium on Honorius and Maria, and four fescennine poems). Claudian takes numerous motifs from previous amatory poetry, notably from... more
Cum Claudianus, in primo plogo poematis De raptu Proserpinae, dicit, translatis uerbis, se camen audaciu quam priora pomata incepturum esse, non grande poema se scripturum esse significat, uero sacrum carmen praenuntiat. Vt Vergilius, qui... more
"This article aims to analyse and interpret the poetry of Claudius Claudianus, in which Bellona and Mars, two deities associated with the war, can be found. The first one, Bellona, is often accompanied by the emperor Theodosius and his... more