Collaborative Ethnography
Recent papers in Collaborative Ethnography
Collaborative methodological approaches, increasingly popular within anthropology, emphasize the need to build meaningful engagements with participants that include them more deeply as partners in the process of research, from inception... more
This is the appendix to the book that I have written with my collaborator Liria Hernández. Our book, Writing Friendship: a Reciprocal Ethnography, is written in a very accessible style, with no references or academic quotations. In this... more
Reseña del libro de Andrea Olivera "Devenir charrúa en el Uruguay: una etnografía junto con colectivos urbanos". Montevideo: Lucida editores y Fondation pour l’Université de Laussane, 2016.
Praca magisterska na temat życia i dzieła Henryka Sawko, twórcy Kamiennego Parku w Rydzewie. Materiał audiowizualny z badań zamieszczony na stronie:
This is a public history project that emerged out of the Section 106 mitigation process under the Federal Historic Preservation Act. Like much of public housing after the storm, the Lafitte was shut down and demolished. The Neighborhood... more
Questa tesi si inserisce nel dibattito interdisciplinare sull'individuazione e la promozione di modelli di governance di rete capaci di migliorare la sostenibilità sociale, ambientale ed economica dei sistemi socio-ecologici.... more
A partir de mi experiencia de investigación con pueblos originarios que participan en un doble proceso de reemergencia y de resurgimiento indígena, en la Patagonia austral y en Uruguay, reflexionaré sobre un campo al que suelo referir... more
This article from the summer of 2013 issue of African Arts discusses the politics of representation around photographing Mardi Gras Indians, and how the House of Dance and Feathers, a small, community-based museum in the Lower Ninth Ward... more
This article introduces the concept of carceral care as those public-facing "do-better" penal practices, policies, and material actions used to ward off future investigation of underlying institutional violences of carceral spaces. As a... more
What happens when a commitment to collaborative ethnographic filmmaking runs up against a community’s ambivalence towards its own history? This paper provides an ethnohistorical account of the making of the film Please Don’t Beat Me,... more
Il panel si propone di discutere esperienze e/o progetti di etnografia collaborativa nell’indagine delle forme di relazionalità familiare nel mondo contemporaneo. Oggi più che mai l’antropologo è chiamato a giustificare in termini di... more
This paper describes a collaborative ethnography about political and pedagogical practices of the Movement of Peasant Women in Santa Catarina (Brazil). In particular, it investigates the educational potential of the agroecological... more
View at: password: cotton 2020 Video and transcript. This is a collaborative community project done with Wauja women of Central Brazil, who are teaching a master class on... more
This autoethnographic duet is an artful inquiry about the tragedy of a beginning music teacher. A painful story about a music teacher and sexual allegations from an adolescent female, our composition blends music and story to transform... more
Este ensayo es fruto de una experiencia de investigación etnográfica de carácter colaborativo y experimental, junto a técnicos de un Centro Juvenil ubicado en las proximidades de Casavalle, Montevideo. A partir de ejercicios de mapeo... more
A host of ambient music pieces produced in Iran appeared on social media around 2010. Against all odds, these works started to gradually form a small ‘scene’ in the Iranian capital until around 2013. This scene has since been represented... more
This paper explores practices and imaginations of space among young people in postwar Beirut. Relying on an innovative collaborative-mapping methodology, it shifts the focus from the traditional analysis of the city at war, centred on... more
Groping the World: An Ethnographic Study of Blindness and (Dis)ability The aim of the book is to provide a multi-dimensional and polyphonic description of experiences of congenitally blind people, including the most important cultural... more
This paper presents challenges and life strategies of highly educated single mothers in Lithuania. My ethnography traces the impact on strategies of remaining in a country where exit strategies – alcoholism, suicide, emigration – prevail... more
Resumen Presentamos los resultados de una experiencia de trabajo basada en la etnografía colaborativa en ambientes urbanos contemporáneos, llevada a cabo en la zona del segundo ensanche histórico de Montevideo. Nos focalizamos en lo que... more
As the Covid-19 pandemic gripped the world, many became physically isolated and disconnected. During this time TikTok became the most downloaded app of the year, quickly becoming a global sensation. This article offers an initial... more
Directly affecting the drinking water of over 300,000 people in nine counties of West Virginia, the January 9, 2014 chemical spill in the Elk River at Charleston was labeled by The New York Times as " one of the most serious incidents of... more