Single Mothers
Recent papers in Single Mothers
Sunday Times 13 July 2014 In Justine McCarthy's article about Joyce McSharry, who was separated from her mother in the Bethany Home in 1951, the solicitor David Phelan of Hayes & Sons disclaimed knowledge of an irregular 'Adoption... more
Planning for a Baby: Pregnancy with IBD: Motherhood with IBD: Our aim is to provide an understanding of the experience of women with... more
Within the last decade, births to unmarried women in the United States have risen dramatically, presenting challenges for young women to complete high school and attend college. This article presents a review of programs and services... more
The URBEX project aims at increasing our knowledge of the spatial dimensions ofurban social exclusion and integration by comparing eleven cities in six countries in Europe. The comparison is made on the basis of a common statistical... more
映画やテレビドラマなど、様々なメディアは、視聴者を楽しませるという目的は無論であるが、脚本家のメッセージや考えを視聴者に届けることももう一つの目的である。現在、分類すると日本で放送されているドラマはホームドラマ、刑事ドラマ、学園ドラマなど様々なジャンルがある。その一つは「社会派」というジャンルである。 「社会派」ドラマとは、現実の社会問題に重きをおく。株式会社ビデオリサーチの調査の結果によると、他のジャンルに比べると、社会派ドラマの数は少ない。さらに、1977 年から... more
Background: The issue of grandparents’ support provided to their families is undertaken in Polish literature very seldom. There are no studies concerning single mother families. The purpose of the article is to examine the extent to... more
Universal Credit is a new benefits delivery system designed to streamline UK benefits and tax credits and encourage work. This paper examines Universal Credit’s effect on lone parent and low-paid households. Lone mothers, identified as a... more
This article assesses the wide range of experiences with illegitimacy in eighteenth-century Antwerp. It exposes many instances of pauper agency, yet also cautions against simply assuming that all single mothers were similarly forceful in... more
Batu Belah, Batu Bertangkup is a popular Malay folktale that warns children of the dangers of disobeying their parents. In the story, the children's disobedience causes the suicide of their mother – an outcome which has arguably... more
This article explores the treatment of unmarried mothers by the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) at the Cape of Good Hope during the VOC period (1652-1795) in the belief that by concentrating on this exceptional group of people much is... more
The entrepreneurial experience of single mother entrepreneurs remains largely unexplored. This paper addresses the issue by investigating the challenges single mother entrepreneurs encountered in their entrepreneurial ambitions to ensure... more
In the last several decades, neoliberal discourse has dramatically reshaped welfare policy in the Western industrialised world through its emphasis on economic participation, self-reliance and personal accountability. Literature shows... more
The book answers fundamental questions about the processes of social negotiation of mentality shifts in communist Poland. Taking divorce, single motherhood, domestic violence and abortion as examples, it analyzes the level of acceptance... more
According to yoga tradition, the subtle body is a part of us that we can’t see or touch—it’s where our energy flows. It is also referred to as the energy body. There are seven key points in the subtle body that are thought to be vortexes... more
tekst zamieszczony w książce Homofobia, Mizoginia i Ciemnogród? Burzliwe dzieje kontrowerysjnych ustaw, Łódź, 2008
Die Beziehung zwischen Müttern und ihren Söhnen gilt weitgehend als problemlos. Allerdings hat die Forschung dieser Beziehung nur wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Einer der Gründe dafür könnte sein, dass dieses Verhältnis weniger... more
Family is the backbone of all children and children are supposed to grow in a family setting where both mother and father plays their respective roles in providing them a sense of security and stability but when it is done single handedly... more
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
Jedną z konsekwencji drugiej wojny światowej, będącej jednocześnie jednym z największych problemów społecznych powojennej Polski była niespotykana dotąd na tak wielką skalę ilość samotnych matek i nieślubnych dzieci. Zachwianie... more
This chapter examines former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s withdrawal of welfare benefits to 150,000 single mothers on the day of her historic ‘misogyny speech’, 9 October 2012. The contrast between the rhetoric of equality... more
Prvo regionalno empirijsko istraživanje samih roditelja na Zapadnom Balkanu ( Srbija, Crna Gora, Bosna i Hercegovina).
After the death of their husbands African women, who are living in patriarchal societies, experience cruel mourning and purification rituals, which they have to undergo and they are often stigmatized and accused of being witches. In this... more
Single – mieszkańcy dużych miast, doskonale wykształceni, dobrze sytuowani finansowo, pracoholicy skupieni wyłącznie na rozwoju własnej kariery zawodowej, przyjemnym spędzaniu czasu wolnego i wydający mnóstwo pieniędzy na konsumpcję dóbr... more
Please consult the book's 2nd edition, above Three prints of the 1st edition were sold between April 15, 2014 - July 31, 2015. The book went out of print and its adventures in publish-land are discussed here:... more
This study aim of this research is to see the differences of psychological well being between single mother who join the support group and doesn't join the support group. Single mother who join the support group usually have the same... more
Kim są single i singielki i ile osób żyje bez partnera w Polsce? Jaka jest dynamika życia w pojedynkę – kto i jak długo najczęściej pozostaje bez pary? Jaki jest stosunek osób niemających partnera do życia w pojedynkę – ilu jest singli... more
In the Netherlands, single mothers, run a high risk of becoming poor, even though this country has a well-developed welfare system. This study brings together many partial life histories of single mothers of different cultural backgrounds... more
RESUMEN Las madres solteras por elección están dando soluciones muy diversas a la cuestión de la ausencia del "padre" en sus proyectos familiares. Se trata de una diversidad que depende de múltiples factores (condición socioeconómica,... more
Mad mother, bad mothers and what a good mother would do: the ethics of ambivalence
Chapter 1: Introduction and Chapter 6: Maternity as Negotiating Mutual Transcendence in the Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir
Chapter 1: Introduction and Chapter 6: Maternity as Negotiating Mutual Transcendence in the Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir